Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Oct 16, 2023


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I really appreciate hearing from readers. But please write only to discuss the story. I'm not into playing online Dom/sub games or protocols and I'm not looking for a virtual Master.

robbie subkodak25@gmail.com

Chapter 10. Brandon presents himself. Supper. More submission.

Just before they step up into the kitchen, Justin once again warns Brandon, "Eyes down, boy, or I'll use that new belt we bought on you." "yes, Sir" Brandon mumbles before shyly walking into the kitchen staring at the floor.

"Present yourself to my friends," Justin orders, and Brandon snaps into position, his face blushing bright red as he heard Lou say, "ah, nicely stripped with bare armpits. Good job, Justin. Congratulations on getting the boy to be put on display. Glad to see it's learning what it is."

Brandon is a little confused by this, then, all of a sudden realizes what just happened: HE has become an IT, at least in Lou's eyes. He stands there, humiliated beyond belief as both Andy and Lou closely examine him, front and back, and comment on how adorable he is and how spankable his pretty ass looks, and they are pleased to see that it's already somewhat pink.

"Yes, I took him over my knee shortly before bringing him up here for you to see. Just sub spanking, not punishment. Punishment will happen after supper," he says.

"Tell the damn boy to stop clenching its buttocks," says Lou. "Brandon, relax your ass, boy, or it will get a much more severe spanking right here in the kitchen while the others look on," Justin says in a calm voice that he knows gets to Brandon. He runs his fingers over Brandon's ass. "Relax here and here and here,"and Brandon moans as Justin touches him with a featherlike touch. "there. That's better. Good boy," he says. "I assume you'll strip the rest of that hair off its cute cock," says Lou, who always comes across as the most severe of the three, and also the most prone to humiliating an inferior person. Andy asks, "Any hair in his crack or on his hole? Let me see?"

"Brandon," grovel!" orders Justin. At first Brandon is confused, but then he realizes what he's been told to do and he gets down on the floor and into position. "Awkward movement," says Lou, "I expect you will whip the boy into shape soon enough." "This is only the second time he's ever been in this position," explains Justin, trying to defend him. "He only got here 45 minutes ago. Can't do everything all at once. And Lou, there are better ways to subjugate a boy than with a whip, you know."

"Have him spread his cheeks. I want to see his hole," says Andy. Justin tells Brandon, "reach back with your hands and spread your cheeks apart so my friends can get a good look at your asshole and see that there isn't any hair there. And raise your ass higher, boy." Brandon struggles to do what he's been told, and is dying from the embarrassment, but he manages to obey and he almost begins to cry as the men stand behind him to see a part of him that no one has ever seen before. He thinks to himself, "step by step, my virginity is being stripped from me in ways I never imagined possible."

"Wow," says Andy, "almost like a new born babe with a nice pink rosebud. Such a sweet sub you have picked up for yourself, my good man."

Justin says to Brandon, "You can stand again, boy. You did well. I am pleased." Brandon struggles to get up on his feet and Justin takes him by the arm to help him. "Thank you, Sir," He says.

"Ah, the poor tyke has lost its hardon," teases Lou. "What will it take to get it back up again?" he asks.

At that moment, the doorbell rings.

"The pizza has arrived," declares Andy. He looks to Justin and Justin nods his head. "Brandon, please answer the door and get the pizza for us. And open the door wide so the delivery boy can get a good look at you. Go ahead, boy, you can do it. It's prepaid so you don't need any money, but perhaps seeing your naked body will give the delivery boy a nice thrill." Brandon takes a very deep breath. "Go on, you fucking brat!" growls Lou. "I'm hungry."

Brandon looks to Justin and Justin nods and smiles. "You can do it boy. Do it to please me."

Brandon goes to the door, and taking another deep breath, opens the door wide. Damn! The delivery boy is Larry from last night. This makes it even more embarrassing for Brandon.

"Well, it's nice to see how you ended up, faggot. Hope they teach you some manners at the end of a whip," he says to Brandon as he hands him the pizza.

Brandon brings the two pizzas to the table. "What the fuck was that all about? Tell me, Brandon," says Justin.

"Sir, the delivery guy was Larry. He's the one who almost spanked me last night until I got away from him." "Small world, isn't it? Too bad, actually, because I assume he's already seen you naked," comments Justin.

"No, Sir. They made me keep my underpants on. They didn't want to see a faggot's junk, they said."

"Oh yes, I remember you telling me that. So he got to see your junk anyway. And now I understand his crack about manners," says Justin as he opens the pizza boxes and the guys sit at the table. Next to Justin is a small chair like one found in elementary schools. Justin gestures for Brandon to sit on it.

He says to the other guys, "I explained to Brandon how we arrange the seating so a sub or slave can understand that it is inferior to us Superior Men." They all grab some pizza and put in on their plates. Justin takes one slice and holds it out to Brandon. "Take a bite off the end, he says." Brandon gets a good mouthful. "Are you going to feed the little boy, too?" asks Lou. "I always take care of my subs, you know that, dude," answers Justin. He gets a water bottle from the fridge and hands it to Brandon as well. "Here, boy. Drink from this for now, then set it on the floor. Make sure you don't spill any or you'll be washing the floor on your knees tonight." Justin is trying to act mean for Lou's sake, but Brandon can't help but chuckle. Justin is so damn adorable trying to be mean. The guys scarf down their pizza and keep asking Brandon questions.

Andy starts. "So how did you end up at U?"

"My mother wanted me to choose somewhere away from home so I had to live in the dorms. She felt that could be more of an education than attending classes, and I'm beginning to think she is right. She wanted Ivy league for me, but I wanted large and relatively inexpensive and with a good English department. So here I am. Sir."

He turns to Justin. "Permission to ask a question, Sir?" "Go ahead." "Do I have to say Sir all the time?"

"Only when it feels appropriate. Trust your instinct." "Okay, Sir. Thank You."

Lou was next. "Why inexpensive? Is money an issue? Will you have to sell your ass in front of Kyber Hall like the rest of the campus sluts?"

Brandon dares to giggle. "No, Sir. Money is okay. I picked up some good academic scholarships because one the Deans read a couple of short stories I published in a gay magazine, and my Papa (grandfather) paid for the rest. I worked all summer in my Nana's coffee house and saved up a lot because I don't like to spend money. So I'm okay for funds, I think."

Andy: "What was your social life like? Gay friends? Cruising? On line stuff?"

"No gay friends other than my new roommate Michael. I spent most of my nights reading and a lot of time hanging around with my best friend Gary."

"the friend who was grooming him to become a sub," said Justin. "Curious. Claims he's straight. Got the boy to blow him a few times a week. They slept together a lot. Gary would let him jerk off after he swallow Gary's load, and then coaxed him into eating his own cum."

"Curious," says Lou. "So you've been sucking cock since when?"

"10th grade, Sir. Used to hang around a park bathroom and met some older guys there. A lot of bj's in the bushes. One older guy took me home with him one night then made me blow him and his three roommates all in one night. My jaw was sore for days afterwards."

"and no one ever beat your ass?" asks Lou.

"No Sir, not yet." He looks at Justin, who feeds him more pizza so the other guys can talk.

Andy tells Lou how Brandon had the bad luck to end up rooming with a guy pledging the Kappa Phi frat but they rescued him and found him a gay roommate this morning.

"Kappa Phi. They should fucking shut that place down. For a bunch of homophobes, they sure have a taste for raping young fag boys." growls Lou. Brandon is learning that Lou growls a lot.

"Raping them? Really? Oh my!" exclaims Brandon automatically.

"Don't talk with food in your mouth, boy," says Justin. "Swallow. Now what did you want to say?"

"Just that Clyde told me to get my ass greased up and be waiting for him at 5 pm tonight."

Lou remarks, "Good thing they got you out of there, sweetcheeks. I'd hate to think of that pretty pink hole all distended and bruised. Better it's virgin territory for now. At least until Justin can't handle not fucking you for too long."

"I'm taking my time, Lou. Good wine takes time, isn't that what the commercial used to say?"

"Well don't take too long, This boy needs a hard cock up his ass even more than the one I'm going over to screw a little later," says Lou. He turns to Brandon. "So kid, you really think you're a sub, huh?"

"Yes, Sir. all the elements seem to be getting put into place. After all I'm sitting here naked in front of you three men sitting on a little boy's chair and eating pizza that Justin puts in my mouth. Pretty subby situation, I think."

"We'll see how sub you are when you're bound to Justin's whipping post, kid, and you deserve a good whipping for being so snotty," Lou growls at him.

"I'm sorry, Sir. I don't really know the rules around here."

"The rule everywhere for subs is to speak politely and as little as possible and always with your fucking head bowed to the ground," Lou answers.

"Enough, Lou! Dammit!" Justin gets angry and runs his hand through Brandon's hair hoping to calm him down. Lou storms out of the room.

"I have to apologize for my housemate," Andy says to Brandon, "he has trouble dealing with any but the most hardened and seasoned slaves. He was deliberately trying to frighten you. Don't pay any attention to what he said."

"Thank you, Andy, for saying that. I'm okay," Brandon answers, and to Justin "Sir, do You really have a whipping post?"

"When you're ready, baby. We've got a lot of ground to travel before that will be an issue, if ever," explains Justin. "And don't forget to ask permission to ask a question or you might actually get whipped after all."

"Sorry, Sir." Justin hands Brandon a pie crust to eat. "I don't eat the crusts. You can eat them for me, boy."

"Yes, Sir, thank You," Brandon answers and begins to chew on the crust until he finishes it.

"why don't you two go down. I'll take care of cleaning up here," offers Andy.

"Thanks, dude," says Justin. "did you have enough to eat, Brandon?"

"Yes, Sir."

"then take your bottle of water and go downstairs and get into the position I told you about."

"Yes, Sir." Brandon gets up and goes back downstairs.

"that fucking maniac!" Justin says to Andy. "There was no reason for that behavior. The kid seems to be okay but if he isn't, I swear, I'll . . . "

"Calm down, buddy. I'll have a good talk with him next time we see him. Maybe HE needs some time at your whipping post."

"You can say that again." Justin gets up and goes downstairs and sees brandon groveling in front of the couch."

"that's a good boy," he says, as he goes into the bedroom and strips down to his boxer briefs, the same kind he had brandon buy, and then comes back into the living room and sits on the couch. "I've got some dessert for you, boy. Come up here and eat my pits like a good sub. Sniff them good, too."

Brandon kneels up and gasps at what he sees. Justin is well-built and that bright red pit hair has Brandon getting hard all over again.

"Come on, boy, right up here. Kneel on the couch and bury your face in my pit and have a good sniff."

Brandon obeys and inhales deeply and then just loses himself in Justin's red hair and starts to suck the entire pit and hair and the light smell.

"good boy. I'm glad you're so eager for my smells, boy. When you're done with that one, move over to the other one. Eat me out, boy. Suck on all that nice ginger hair. It's all for you, every time you're with me." Brandon mumbles something but Justin can't make out what he was trying to say.

"Silence, boy. Just work those pits like a good sub pig." And he starts slapping Brandon's ass again as Brandon is servicing him.

After a while, Justin says, "Okay, boy, slide down my body and kneel between my legs. Suck my cock through my underpants. Show me how hungry you are for your Master's cock."

Brandon is surprised when Justin says "Master" but it feels good inside. It feels real, but this is too soon, isn't it?" He just keeps running his face along the outline of Justin's cock and sucking, getting his underpants all wet.

"I like it when you're eager like that, boy. Go ahead. Help me get these pants off me so you can do a good job making me feel good."

Brandon obeys and then just stares at Justin's pubes and his hard cock, which he had only seen before through a glory hole. Seven inches of beautiful man flesh, hard as a rock.

"Put the tip of my cock into your mouth and toy with the rim with your tongue. Get it really wet, boy, like you've been practicing with your fingers. Show me what you've learned."

Brandon goes for it, and Justin groans loudly his approval.

"that's it, boy, work that tip. Fall in love with it. Show me how much you love it. Show me how you want to worship me with your mouth and tongue like a good sub, boy." Justin keeps groaning and is delighted. This is so much better than what the boy was capable of last Sunday. "That's right, Brandon, now take more of me into your mouth and jerk me off with your lips and your tongue. No teeth. . . . there, that's good, keep moving like that . . . . suck me good, boy, that's what you're here for . . .. . suck me down lower but don't go so far that you have to gag. Not this time, boy. . . . that's it, up and down and work me all over with that hot tongue. Notice how my cock is driving the smell of my pits down your throat? that's the surprise I told you about. when you suck my cock you get to eat my armpit smell like the little pig I want you to be . . . . go for it, boy. Now take your two hands and start jerking me from the bottom, but keep the end of my dick in your mouth. Hands and tongue and mouth, boy. Service your Master. . . . . . "

Brandon is in heaven and hopes he gets to spend an awful lot of time with this cock in his mouth. It's the best he's ever seen and he does everything to show Justin how much he admires it and how grateful he is for the way Justin has been treating him and training him.

"Just like that, boy . . . . you're gonna be drinking my load in just a couple . . . SHIT HERE IT COMES, BOY!"

And Justin unloads into Brandon'r mouth, so much that a little slips out of Brandon's lips but he takes his hand and pushes it back into his mouth. Justin shot a big load and he gets so much satisfaction out of hearing Brandon actually gulp as he swallows all his cum.

"Good, good boy. Now clean me off nicely with your tongue and suck all the moisture off my cock, boy, like a good cocksucker."

Brandon is so happy he has pleased Justin, and that Justin is pleased with his improved technique.

"go down now and lick my balls, boy. lick all the red hair on my balls. roll them with your tongue and put them in your mouth and suck them gently, boy. Those balls are for you, for you to service like a good sub.

Justin just puts his hands behind his head and sits back with his legs spread with this adorable freshman giving him more pleasure than he has had in a very long time. All his patience is really paying off.

"Okay, boy. Stop now and just rest your face in my pubes the way you've wanted to all week. Settle there, baby." And as Brandon moves onto Justin's pubes, Justin strokes his hair, his nice jet black hair.

He lets Brandon rest in this position and starts talking gently to him.

"There are so many things I want to introduce you to, and so many things I want to do to you and teach you, things like what you just did to prove to me how much you want to be mine. You really want this, don't you, boy?"

"Yes, Master."

"You don't have to use that word yet. I'm sorry I used it so soon."

"want it, Master, if it's okay?"

Justin chuckles. "sure it is, but only between us for now, okay?"

"Yes, Master, whatever You say."

"so let me tell you what's going to happen. We're going back into the bathroom in a couple minutes and I'm going to finish shaving off all of your hair. I want you baby smooth all the time. that's the way subs should be, and when the guys in your dorm see you bare in the showers, they'll know something's up an you can tell them that you have a friend who wanted to see you bare so you let him. that's all. Nothing about a Dom or a Master in the dorm. Not always safe. Okay?"

"Yes, Master, understand. Can't wait for guys to see me bare, bare for You, Master."

"Okay let's go get you all nice and shaved." Justin stands and helps Brandon up off the floor. He takes him by one of the rings in his collar and gently pulls him into the bathroom.

"Okay. For this, I want you to sit on the open bowl with your legs spread as far apart as you can."

Brandon sits down and does it. Justin runs warm water in the sink and fills a cup with it and then comes and spills the cup over the boy's crotch and does it three times.

"I want to be Yours, Justin, want it so much. You can do anything You want to me."

"Brandon, never say that to anyone. it isn't safe. anything can often mean things the you really wouldn't want to happen. anything is a word used by wannabe subs and slaves who don't have any real experience."

Justin keeps talking to Brandon while he shaves him. It isn't a hard job, since Brandon has such little hair. "You know, boy, if I didn't know better, looking at your pubic hair I'd think you were about 13 or 14."

"yes, Sir, I was very slow to grow anything at all. The guys in high school used to laugh at me because I really didn't start growing anything until the end of junior year. it was embarrassing in the showers. Everyone was showing off their crop of pubes and I was still bare like a middle school kid. Gary especially used to tease the daylights out of me when we got naked together to jerk each other off."

"When did you start to suck his cock?"

"Just last year, Sir. After I told him I was certain I was gay. Then he asked me if I would do it even though he wouldn't do it back. I told him it was okay with me. But he was cool. He would always lay with me and watch me jerk off after I got him to cum. And then one day he made me eat it."

"Yes, you told me that. There. All done." Justin takes more water to rinse the shaving cream out of the sub's crotch and then stands him up and starts rubbing him all over.

"Nice. Nice and smooth. The way you should always be."

"May I ask a question, Sir?"

"Yes. Go ahead." "Sir, am I supposed to keep myself shaved down there too, like my armpits?"

"no, boy. I'll take care of your pubic area. You just keep those pits shaved at least once a week, even if it looks like nothing's growing back." He grabs Brandon's cock and balls. "I'll take care of this part. I like shaving the hair off a sub. I like stripping it naked that way. Like having that much control over it."

"You have control over all of me, Master."

Justin smiles at him. If only that were true, he thinks to himself.

"It's time for your punishment for not answering me the other day. You stay right there on the bowl. I'll be right back."

"Yes, Master. I'll stay."

He comes back carrying some pieces of metal in his hand.

"boy, do you know what a chastity device is?"

Brandon's eyes grow wide. "Yes, Master, I've seen pictures of guys wearing them."

"Good. For your punishment, I'm going to lock your dick up and it will stay locked up until at least the end of this weekend, maybe even longer. Good thing, too, because I don't want your hard cock dripping all over my house the way it does."

Brandon looks down at his hard cock. "I'm sorry, Master. I should have been wiping it off with my finger and then sucking my finger the way You made me do before."

"Not a problem. But now we've got to get rid of that hardon, the last one you'll be having for a while. Hold on again. I'll be back in a minute. And don't touch that cock, you horny little pig!"

Brandon hears Justin going upstairs. What will it be like, being locked up, he wonders. And what about guys at school seeing him like that? And will it hurt or keep him awake at night? He begins working himself into a panic, and then he hears Justin coming back and he tells himself to calm down and just trust his ?Master?.

"This will do the trick. Consider it part of the punishment," Justin says as he takes the baggie of ice cubes he got from upstairs and wraps it around Brandon's cock.

"I fucking own that cock, boy. You can't do what you want with it any more. I decide when you can get hard. I decide when you can jerk off. I decide when you can cum. Get used to the fact that your cock is my toy, not yours. Keep telling yourself that."

Brandon squirms, but in no time his cock has softened and started to shrink like when he gets out of cold water in the lake. Justin quickly dries it off, and in just less than a minute, he's got the boy's dick enclosed in the cage and the cage locked. He holds the key up before Brandon's eyes. "I hold the key, Brandon. There is no way you can free yourself, and if you want to be a good boy, you'll begin to realize that you don't want to free yourself because that cock doesn't belong to you any longer. Now stand up and walk around a bit. Get used to the way it feels."

Brandon does so, embarrassed but also turned on just by the idea that Justin has taken away his ability to get hard. He is really less than an entire man now. Shit! This is so goddam hot!

Justin watches him carefully as he adjusts to the feeling of being locked up, ready to unlock the cage at a moment's notice if it turns out to be too much for the neophyte sub.

"It looks good on you, boy. You were meant to be like this. You won't be so distracted now but can concentrate on whatever I want you to concentrate on. And let it be a lesson to you that you must always answer my questions without delay."

"May I ask a question, Master?"

"Yes, and now it is really appropriate to call me Master. Anyone who holds the key to your groin is your Master. I hope it will be me for quite a while to come."

"My question, Master, is how do I pee?"

"simple. Just sit down and let it flow. It will pour out of the cage by itself. Just think of it, though: now you can't pee standing up like real men. Now you are less than a real man."

"was just thinking that, Master, when you went up to get the ice."

"Good. You're thinking correctly, boy. This cage shows that your cock belongs to someone else, someone far superior to you who has the power to keep you locked up. Anyway, after you pee, it is always a good idea to pour a cup of warm water over the cage to keep it clean and then to make sure you don't drip all over the place. I'll keep a towel here on the top of the toilet for you to dry yourself. Now tell me, boy, what are you feeling and thinking?"

"I'm feeling like You really want me to be Yours, Master. Feeling like now I know my place better. Feeling that the only cock in this place that matters is Yours, Master. I'm thinking about how I surrendered to the idea so easily, how I actually wanted something besides my collar to remind me that I am less than You, that You own me, Master. I'm thinking that this is the hottest thing I've ever experienced but I can't get hard over it."

"Good boy. And now I have a little reward for you. I want you to go into the bedroom and grovel on top of the bed and just stay there and get used to the fact that you are under my control and my rule and that all of you belongs to me. Now go!"

Brandon does what Justin ordered him to do, and as soon as he is in position on the bed, he starts to cry.

Justin comes in and sits alongside him and strokes his hair and his back. "That's right, boy. this is a good time for you to cry. You've just taken a big step and now you've got a lot to let go." Brandon begins to sob. Justin takes him into his arms and lets the boy sow into his chest. "I've got you, Brandon. You are safe here with me. You belong to me now and no one else can get at you. You are my locked boy and my cum is in your tummy and you have surrendered in a way that most men could never do. Willingly, you have given yourself to me and placed yourself under my control. Let those sobs cleanse the inside of you. Let it all out, boy. Your Master understands. Your Master is very pleased with you, boy."

Brandon keeps sobbing and Justin decides to make a change in his plans. Enough for now. He needs to let the boy know that he, Justin, the Master, cares for his sub and is always available to take care of him at each and every step he takes. He lies out on the bed and holds Brandon to himself and lets the boy settle more deeply into the space where he belongs. Nothing else matters. If this is all they do tonight, this is enough.

And so they lie there. Brandon has surrendered to a lot, but let us not forget that Justin, too, has surrendered his usual ideas about what to do to a sub. Right now, his main concern is to take care of this precious young man who is becoming not only his possession but also his great responsibility.

And so they lie there. Brandon actually falls asleep, and Justin isn't the least bit surprised. He continues to hold his sub in his arms and realizes that this here, this time together, this way he is taking care of this inexperienced boy, is more satisfying and enjoying than the most powerful ways he has ever treated a slave who at this point would quickly be bound for a good thrashing.

None of that for now. For now, what is called for is understanding and caring. And so that is what Justin willingly does.

Next: Chapter 11

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