Sweet Roommate

By Davy Jones

Published on Apr 26, 2002



Part 6: Conclusion

Even if they're really intimate, it's pretty hard for two people to sleep together in a single bed. We kept waking each other up when one of us would roll over or change position - which was often. Around two AM Bob asked if I was awake.


"I don't think this is working so well."

"I know, but I'm afraid if I let you go back to your bed, you'll wake up unhappy again." I guided him into position on my shoulder and hugged him close.

"I know," he snuggled up to me, "this seemed like a really good idea to me too, but I think we're going to both be unhappy in the morning if we don't sleep tonight."

"Maybe it's something we'd get used to if we did it every night." I sounded doubtful even to myself.

"We could push the two beds together, but then everyone would know about us."

"I don't think that'll help anyway because we don't have the right sheets. Of course, we could ask your mom to buy them for us." We both chuckled at that.

"Can I sleep in my own bed if I promise to climb back in with you the moment I start feeling unhappy?" He sounded plaintive.

"Can I join you if I feel lonely?"

"I really meant what I said, Davy. I want to be yours whenever you want me.

I'll even try to keep sleeping with you, if you tell me that's what you really, really want me to do." He sounded a little dubious about that last, though.

I chuckled. "Okay, climb back in your bed. Whichever one of us wakes up first can just join the other one in the morning, okay?"

"Great!" He hopped up and raced over to his own bed. It DID feel good to stretch out and have enough space. Then, after a moment's hesitation, he raced back over, gave me a kiss, said, "I love you," and dashed back to his own bed.

"I love you too," I called softly across the room.

Morning came soon enough, and I looked over to see if he was up yet, but Bob seemed very peaceful in his sleep. Not sure what to expect from him this morning, I wondered how peaceful he'd be when he woke up. Feeling expectant as a kid on Christmas morning, I climbed out of bed stark naked, picked up the jar of Vaseline from where I had left it on the floor, and padded softly across the floor to his bed. He still looked asleep, and he seemed so beautiful that just looking at him would have aroused me if I didn't already have a morning hard-on. I pulled up the sheet and climbed into bed with him. No PJ's this time, anyway; he was still as naked as I was.


"It's just me."

He rolled to face the wall - NOT a good sign - but he let me spoon up against him. When I put an arm over his waist, he took my hand in his and squeezed it. (That was more like it.) We lay there peacefully for a while.

"Is that your erection I feel up against me?"

"Yeah. Don't you have one too?"

"Uh huh." He rolled over to face me, a lazy smile on his face, "But I'm going to let you do all the work."

I kissed him, pulled him to me, and rolled us over with him on his back under me. I felt his dick pressing up against my groin, and the excitement of thinking I could do what I wanted filled me. I dry humped his crotch, hugged him tight, tongued his mouth thoroughly, and he responded enthusiastically to everything I did.

I got between his legs, spread him wide, and started to lube him up. I took my time, and while I loosened him up, I looked into his eyes and smiled at him.

"We're getting better at this, I think."

He smiled back, "It didn't hurt at all last night, you know." He sighed happily and stretched his arms over his head. "It really felt good the whole time."

"Let's see if we can do it like that every time." I finished fingering him, lubed myself up, and as he held his legs apart for me, I took what he offered me, entering him smoothly and easily. He grunted slightly when I hit bottom. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" He sounded almost exhilarated. "I'm where I'm supposed to be - under you, in your arms." He hesitated for a second. "This is where I really want to be; this is what I really want." I smiled at him and stroked his cheek, just enjoying the feeling of his tightness. "I want you inside me, and it's so wonderful to feel you in me."

"It feels so good being inside you, Bob," I hesitated for a second, then "I like knowing I can take you whenever I want you." Well, KNOWING was a stretch, but it was exciting just to say it.

"I want to belong to you, Davy - completely. I'll do anything you want. Anything at all."

"I love you, Bob." I kissed him on the mouth. "I really do, and I'll take good care of you."

I put my tongue in his mouth, stifling his response, and took my pleasure with him, pumping in and out of him, ultimately filling him with my seed. Then, still buried deep inside him, I slowly attended to his pleasure with my hand, as usual. In the morning light, I became acutely conscious of our two sweaty bodies pressed together, and watched him writhing as I slowly brought him to climax, spraying himself with his own juice. He lay there breathing hard, eyes closed.

Afraid to know, but needing to know, I asked "I still love you, Bob. Do you still belong to me?"

He opened his eyes, and he had tears in them again. "Please hold me."

I pulled out of him, then took him in my arms, both of us sitting, facing each other. He laid his head on my shoulder and I felt him shiver once or twice, but he didn't try to move away. After a long time, I asked, "Are you okay?"

I felt him shudder, and I knew he'd been crying again, but he just said, "Yeah."

"And are you still mine?"

Very softly, "Yes, I'm yours if you still want me."

I pulled back and looked in his eyes, "Bob, I want you so much it scares me."

He sniffled a bit, then laughed, "I know, it scares me too." We both chucked a bit. Then, more seriously, "What scared me the most is that I want to give myself to you so completely." Then he snuggled closer, "but I love you and I trust you, and I know this is everything I want." He sighed deeply. "And it's getting easier."

I kissed him on the head. "In that case, I want us to take a shower now." I grinned at him. "Together."

"What if people see us?"

We were up so early, there was really very little risk, but I just said, "Then we'd better not get caught."

He looked nervous for a moment, then relaxed. "I'll do whatever you tell me to do."

"Okay, you go first, start the shower, and pull the curtain. I'll come a few minutes after. That way, no one will likely figure it out."

He relaxed visibly. "Okay." He gathered up his shower materials and headed over in a towel.

When I joined him and pulled the curtain, he had started both shower heads. I took him into my arms under the hot, running water, and kissed him for a long time. Then we took our time soaping each other up, running the soap all over each other. He seemed to especially enjoy getting on his knees to soap up my cock, balls, legs, and feet, and I filed that away for future use.

"Don't forget to soap up my asshole." I turned around.

He faithfully rubbed in a good supply of soap, then, as I turned under the water, he carefully scrubbed it clean with a washcloth.

"Now lick it."


I'd fantasized about this before, but never had a chance to do it. "I want to feel your tongue on my asshole. You got it good and clean, right?"

Slowly, he pressed his face into my crack. Tentatively, I felt his tongue slide down it. It felt very nice, and I told him so. "Keep doing it."

I let him rim me for a while - although I didn't know it was called that - and I couldn't say if I enjoyed the feeling of his tongue more, or if it was just the fact that I could make him do it.

"Okay, you can stand up now." He stood. "That was very, very nice. Thank you very much. No one ever did that for me before." Then, after just a second's hesitation, I kissed him on the mouth. I imagined I could taste my asshole in his mouth, but it just got me excited again.

We finished up our shower, trekked back to our room (individually, as before) and dressed for class.

"You still okay?"

"Yeah, I actually enjoyed that once I got over the surprise." He beamed at me.

"You know, we're still way early for class."

"Yeah, I wondered why we were getting ready so early."

I grinned. "Okay, let's get naked again."

We stripped, and I motioned him to his knees. He complied and took me joyfully, as usual. In his mouth, my semi-erection came to full attention, and I gently stroked his hair as he worshiped my cock. Again, I found myself thinking how wonderful that this beautiful boy was finally mine completely, that he'd be content to suck my cock as much and as often as I wanted him to - well, as long as he didn't change his mind again.

It took him a while, but he did manage to bring me off again, greedily milking me down with his fingers and lips for the last drops. Then he pulled off, still with my load in his mouth, swirled it around like he was tasting a fine wine or something, and then swallowed ostentatiously.

I grinned and sat back on the bed. "You have no idea how nice it is watching you do that and knowing how much you enjoy it. I almost think you'd be happy if we didn't do anything else - just you sucking me off several times a day without expecting me to do anything back."

Still kneeling, he got very serious. "Would you let me jerk myself off?"

I chuckled, "Get up here, you!" I patted the bed next to me, and he climbed swiftly into my embrace. I kissed him for a bit. "I love you too much to take advantage of you like that."


"However, it's true that I don't want you to jerk yourself off anymore."

He started. "What?"

I took his soft penis in my hand and started stroking it gently. "I only want you to cum when I make you cum." He got hard soon enough, and I used a bit of the lube to make stroking him easier. "You ever use lube to jerk off?"

"No, but I don't jerk off anymore." He giggled.

I smiled. "I think you'll like it better this way anyway." Even with the Vaseline, though, it took me a while to make him cum. Only sheer determination enabled me to bring him off that way, and when he finally shot, my arm was so tired, I sighed with relief. He didn't shoot enough to bother cleaning up, so I just smeared it around on his stomach and held him close. "I really, really want this to work, Bob," I whispered softly.

He settled back against me. "I want that too." It was wonderful to hear him say that. "I'm not sure I can cum as often as you can, though. Twice a day's a lot for me."

"I think we can work around that. So are you really happy now?"

"Yeah, just hold me. I really like being held. I think I need that more than I need sex"


He giggled, "but maybe not as much as YOU need sex!" I felt him give me a squeeze.

I smiled, "think you can take care of me?"

He pulled back and looked at me. "You want it again ALREADY?"

I laughed out loud. "No, I think I won't want anything like that until lunchtime."

"Okay," he settled back on my shoulder, "I'll be ready.". I stopped talking and just held him close. He smiled, closed his eyes, and snuggled against me. I kissed him softly on the top of his head. He practically purred.

In the warm afterglow, I held the beautiful, sweet boy whom I loved so much and who I now believed had really and truly given himself to me. He stirred against me and sighed contentedly. We didn't say "I love you," though. We no longer needed to.

--The End--.

[If you liked this story, please have a look at some of my other work on Nifty. Under gay/college, look for "Walt's Music." Under gay/encounters, look for "Boy on the Plane," and under gay/highschool, check out "Chem-Lab." If you'd like an e-mail notice when I write a new installment or a new story, drop me a line at swimmer_wa@hotmail.com and I'll add you to my list. That's ALL I use my list for, so don't worry about me spamming you.

Anyway, thanks for reading all the way to the end. I hope you enjoyed it.


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