Sweet Roommate

By Davy Jones

Published on Mar 9, 2002



Part 3: More Lunchtime Excitement

He seemed pretty cheerful during lunch - so much so that a one of our friends who sat with us actually commented on it.

"You look cheerful, Bob. What'd you do? Drop out of school?" A big grin accompanied this, of course. This was Walt, always a kidder. Walt was a bit shorter and stockier than I was, soft-spoken and easy-going, but 100% muscle. He'd wrestled competitively in high school.

Bob grinned right back, "No, it was hard to begin with, but I think I've found my place now." And he rubbed the inside of my calf with his foot.

"Yeah, I know what you mean," another friend, Matt, chimed in. "At first I was afraid I was never going to get it - I even wondered if they made a mistake letting me in." Matt was a big, happy guy. Blond, kind of hairy. Loud, prone to inappropriate laughter, but fundamentally good-hearted.

"Oh I think I'll be getting it from here on," Bob piped back, "and I think getting in in the first place was the hardest part." He practically leered at me.

I blushed, then hoped no one noticed, which made me blush more. Then I felt his bare foot rubbing my lower thigh. Now I was getting hard - something else to try to hide. What was the matter with him?

"I dunno, I don't think I did anything special to get in," Walt continued, "in High School is just came naturally to me. This has been completely different. I actually have to work now."

"Well, maybe unnatural is better." Everyone laughed at this, except me, and I forced myself to smile so it didn't look too weird. "Actually, I think I have to work harder than I ever thought I would," another pause, while he stared right at me grinning like a lunatic. "And it really sucks."

His foot found its way all the way up to my crotch. I'd pulled my chair close to the table, hoping no one would see, and I wrapped one hand around his foot, holding it up against my erection. It felt pretty good, actually. I stroked his ankle a little. I very much wished we were alone, though.

"Speaking of things that suck," I injected, "did you see those integration problems Professor Thomas gave us?" I'd been unnaturally quiet, so I wanted to say SOMETHING before my silence attracted too much attention. I was NOT known as shy or quiet.

"Yeah, it's going to be hard as can be." Bob's smile indicated he meant something else, and this time the others picked up on it.

"I know there's a joke here," Walt offered, "but I'm not getting it."

"I just say 'em; you have to figure them out."

Matt knitted his brow a moment, then shrugged. "No joke; those things are still a real chore for me. Unlike some of us," he looked meaningfully at me, "we didn't have any of this in my high school."

"Just work at it," Bob offered, wiggling his foot against my erection, "it may be long and hard, but it'll come in the end."

"What?!" Matt barked his somewhat weird-sounding laugh - for such a big guy, his voice could get pretty high when he got excited. "This was a DICK JOKE?" He shook his head and laughed some more.

"More like a masturbation joke," Walt suggested with a smile. "Obviously he's getting more out of Calculus than the rest of us are."

"Don't look at me," I put in. "I was trying to make a joke about the method of partial fractions, but I think I've reached the limits of integration."

This earned a loud boo - even from two guys who happened to be sitting near us that none of us knew very well at all - after which, the other guys started picking up their trays. Bob withdrew his foot and did the same. As he stood, I realized that between the looseness of his pants and the limited size of his dick, no one was likely to notice if he was erect or not. I, on the other hand, had problems on both counts.

In a moment of inspiration, I mumbled something about being full, pulled my shirttail out, and then stood up, hoping it covered enough that I wasn't giving everyone a free show. I'd almost rather they knew I was gay than think calculus jokes made me hard! Anyway, no one saw anything, or at least no one said anything.

So we put our stuff away and headed back up to the room - with an hour to kill before Chem Lab. I smiled, remembering a few times I'd fooled around in my high school Chem Lab. Once in the room, I closed and locked the door, and Bob was all over me, hugging, kissing, wanting to be held.

"I don't suppose you want to tell me what the heck you were trying to do down there?" I tried to sound stern, but he was so overtly interested that I couldn't help responding to him.

"Wasn't it sexy?"

"Scary is more like it."

"Part of you liked it." He gripped my crotch, then fell to his knees and started to unzip me.

With a smile in my voice, "you seem to have a one-track mind today." I stroked his hair, and let him have what he wanted. He still had to suck me for a long time, but we'd both had enough recuperation time, and by the time I shot in his mouth, he'd had enough cock to satisfy him for the time being, and he plopped himself in his bed. I pulled up my jeans and joined him there. He happily spooned up to me, both of us facing the wall.

"So living dangerously turns you on?" I started trying to undo his belt.

"Kinda. I liked pretending I was telling those guys how I belong to you." He helped me a bit with his belt and button, then I unzipped him.

"Mmmm. I like that thought too." No way I was even getting hard AGAIN, of course. I was down for the count until dinner at least. But I did enjoy feeling him close to me.

He just sighed as my hand got under his shirt and I started feeling him up again. After a bit of that, I tugged on his jeans, and he lifted up and let me slide jeans and shorts down to about his thighs. I found his little dick and started stroking it.

"Are you going to make a mess on my bed?"

"Oops. Hang on." Still fully dressed, I climbed out of his bed, walked to his laundry hamper, grabbed a pair of his used Fruit-of-the-loom white underpants, then climbed back behind him, placed the briefs under his dick, and resumed stroking,

We lay there together in silence for a while, then his breathing quickened and he shot onto his shorts. Given how long he'd been keyed up, I was surprised it took as long as it did, but I was equally surprised how much there was for the opposite reason. Also how far he shot; despite my efforts to be tidy, he still got cum on the sheets.

And as I tried to get him cleaned up, he pushed my hands away, said, "please stop touching me," and started trying to pull up his pants.

"Sorry, I know it's sensitive, I'll be more careful."

"That's not what I mean." His voice shook. Not AGAIN!

"Look, just let me hold you and let's talk." I tried to wrap my arms around him.

"Leave me alone." He succeeded in pulling up his jeans and started buttoning them.

"What kind of friend would I be then?"

"One who listens."

"See? That's exactly the wrong kind."

"What!?" He snorted a short, quick laugh and stopped struggling.

"Come on." I again wrapped my arms around him, and this time he settled back against me. I held him close. "That's more like it."

We lay there quietly for a while, and I waited for his breathing to calm down.

"Bob, do you think we should visit the psychologist in the Health Center?"


"I'll go with you. I mean, it would be scary for me too, but you wouldn't have to go alone."

"I don't see how that would do any good."

"No? Well, what do you want?"

"I know I don't want to be a faggot."

I wanted to say, "Well, part of the time you seem to want to be the faggiest faggot there ever was, and there's a couple of loads of my cum in your stomach that say you're a pretty good cocksucker for a guy who doesn't want to be a fag." But I didn't say any of that.

"Don't want to be one, or don't want people to know? What scares me is that you almost told our friends a few minutes ago."

He didn't say anything to that; he just lay there. I could still hear him breathing through his mouth.

More softly, "is it because you've always had the girl's role so far? We can switch next time, if you want to. It's just that, when you do feel like making love, that seems to be what you really want." Lying there, side by side, my arm around him, one of his hands reached up and touched mine, and I took it. He squeezed my hand gently and let me hold it.

"Why do you do this to me?"

"Because I love you," I whispered softly.

"Do you know what that means? I'm not even sure I know what that means." We shifted position slightly, and my other arm went under his head. His other hand stole into mine, so I was holding both of his hands now.

"Well, it means I want to make you happy. Are you feeling better now?"

"Some. I can't deny I like the physical contact."

"Mmmm. Me too. Even when I don't feel like sex, just holding you is so nice."

"You want me to be a girl?"

"No, if I liked girls, I think I'd be straight. I like you exactly the way you are. Even when you want to push me away, I still love you. It just hurts, that's all."

"I don't ever want to hurt you!" Again the transformation. "I want to make you happy too." He disengaged, rolled over, and kissed me, chastely, on the lips.

"I think I'm in love with Dr. Jekell and Mr. Hyde."

"Really, I thought it was just me." He grinned at again.

So I tickled him. He was very ticklish, and we struggled there for a bit, but light and thin as he was, I had him pinned under me soon enough. He looked up into my face and said, "I love you too, Davy. I think I just need more time to get used to it."

I answered this with a passionate kiss. Then we rolled into a different position, me on my back, his head on my shoulder, my arms around him.

He whispered in my ear. "I want to be yours. I want I want to belong to you. Completely"

This startled me. "Um, is that what the marathon blow job was about?"

"Yeah. I guess."

I thought about that for a bit. We just lay there together. A gentle breeze blew through the open second-floor window, which felt nice in the Southern California autumn warmth. I stroked his cheek gently with the backs of my fingers.

"Think you can learn to be happy being my boyfriend?"

"Times like this I want that more than anything in the world."

"Me too."

This earned a happy sound from him and he snuggled up against me.

"This feels so good I can't understand why people think it's wrong."

"Yeah, I know. This is better than I've ever felt it, though."

"It's weird to think you've done this with other guys."

"Actually, I haven't exactly."

"I thought you said you'd had lots of sex before."

"Oh I've had plenty of sex with other guys before - but we never cuddled together like this or anything. We generally got dressed and pretended nothing had happened. Nothing was ever magic like this, anyway."

I hugged him closer, and we lay there for a while enjoying the magic. Enjoying a lover who wanted me to love him - for now, at least. Enjoying the little time we had together before our next classes.

--To be continued.

Next: Chapter 4

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