Sweet Dreams

Published on Mar 23, 2012



Alvin looked peaceful on the couch. His big slightly hairy chest was above the covers.

Marvin stared at him for few minutes. He was surprised the gold bar still jutted through his former roommate's left nipple. He thought Suzy would make him take it out when they got married. But perhaps he threatened to stop screwing her with his thick cock.

He smiled and went into the kitchen to make breakfast.

"I heard you were back" Al had knocked on the door at midnight. The hugged as old college roommates do and sat talking as beer bottles became empty on the coffee table.

Al stripped down and lay on the couch as Marvin got a pillow and blanket. "You can sleep with me" he said.

"Fag, you never let up do you?" Al smiled and peeled his underwear off as he sat back down.

Marvin had liked the guy the first day they met. Parents helped them load in boxes and unpack. After the goodbyes were said, they stripped and continued settling in.

Marvin stared at the new roommate's body, thick thighs, round manly buttocks and chest with chest hair that aged the guy beyond their late teen years.

"So you're gay huh?" It was Alvin who brought the subject up.

"What? I uh" Marvin stammered.

"It's cool buddy." Alvin said inhaling and passing the joint back.

"How did you, I mean why did?" Marvin felt his face bright red.

"The way you looked at me all day" Alvin said standing and pulling his Calvins down his legs. "Might as well get this over with" he held his cock out and waved it. "Now you see it, get over it"

Marvin, though stoned, liked what he saw. He hoped his new roommate would shove the cock in his face immediately.

"This is for the women on campus, so you can look all you want but....." he said.

Marvin remembered that day as he cracked the eggs for the omelet's he would make for them. He laughed.

"What's so funny?" Alvin was standing behind him

"Oh just remembering" Marvin said "orange juice is in the frig"

"So how was it?"

They talked about Marvin's tour in the desert, his second. He was a lawyer in the Army.

"It's a bit scary but I'm in tents and the embassy mostly, the other guys are out there."

"All those scared, young horny men, you must be in heaven" Alvin smacked his butt.

"You have a nice ass" He said one night when they were packing for spring break.

"It's yours for being such a good roommate" Marvin pulled his shorts down.

"Marla is waiting fag boy" Alvin slapped the bare ass. "And she has one too".

"Yea but she won't let you use it. I on the other hand will be here when you get back and you can work out your frustrations all you want" Marv wiggled his butt as he laughed. But he wasn't kidding.

"I'm sure it'll get used on that boat" Marvin countered "a ship full of fags, wow, you're going to be in heaven."

The cruise was fun. Marvin got fucked more then once. He thought of Alvin.

"So how's Suzy" Marv remembered the cruise but the sight of a shirtless Alvin in front of him brought him back to reality.

"Good, real good"

"She didn't mind you comin over?"

"Naw she's cool about you and me" Alvin moved close, so close, Marvin wanted to kiss him, lick his chest and kneel to take his thick cock into his mouth.

"Strange dream" He said reaching into the refrigerator next to where Marvin stood.


"Well, I got sucked off" Alvin said "wet dream I guess, it's your fault you know."

"Me?" Marvin tried to look confused.

"Man you talk about sex all the time in college. When we video conference, when we talk on the phone and when we get to see each other...hell sex sex sex" Alvin rubbed his crotch. "You're still trying to make me queer aren't you?"

"No old buddy" Marvin moved close enough that their chests nearly touched. His fingers settled on the gold bar he had bought for his roommate.

"If you get pierced I'll buy you something to stick through it, I dare you" he had said as they walked around the tattoo and piercing store at the beach many years ago.

"I'd rather get a tattoo" Alvin said.

"Yea but if you do that it'll be there forever. This way you can take it out and let it grow over. Besides you're not man enough" Marvin paid the fee and peeled his shirt off.

Alvinsaw him wince as the needle shoved through his nipple. The gold bar slid in place.

"Ok roomie, I'm next" and Alvin imitated Marvin, soon wearing the same gold bar in his newly pierced nipple.

"Still wear it I see" Marvin said tugging on the metal.

"Always" Alvin said "You too" he tugged on Marvin's.

"So what do you think about my dream?" He said sitting at the counter to devour the plate of omelet and bacon Marvin had prepared.

"You always have that dream" Marvin said

"Always will".

They sat side by side, friends for life, roommates, adult friends..their bare legs touching.

It was three am that day long ago. Marvin lay on his bed, passed out from a night of college drinking. He was naked.

Alvinarrived after sucking an anonymous classmate in the basement of the old Library. It's where others like he went at night. He learned about that place on the Internet. The first month on campus, he wandered there and discovered an outlet.

The beer had helped him; it always did make him brave enough. He was still a bit drunk when he returned to the room he shared with Alvin.

He looked at the guy on the bed. His clothes were neatly folded. The covers too were rolled up. Alvin had purposely stripped naked and laid there.

Marvin looked for telltale signs his roommate had masturbated like the many other times. But there was no discarded Kleenex no obvious dried sperm on his body.

He knelt and touched the cock. It was nice, massive and the tip wet. He tongued it. If Alvin awoke, he'd be angry. Marvin remembered his roommate and friend telling him the cock was for the women on campus.

Perhaps it was the sex he had just had which encouraged him or the beer or the sight of his hairy chested hunky friend laying there naked.

Marvin took the cock in his mouth and nursed on it remembering the first time he saw it and the many weeks since then. It hardened as Marvin ran his tongue along its underside. He glanced upwards but Alvin appeared still asleep.

He sucked until the taste of cum coated his tongue and dribbled down his throat. His own cock spewed onto the floor in response.

Marvin wiped it up and went to bed fearing the next morning.

"Had any dreams last night?" he asked Alvin seeing his roomie dressing.

"Yea, one very good one, I hope I can have it again" Alvin said not looking towards Marvin's bed as he grabbed his books. "Gotta class, later dude"

"So I'm glad you came over" Marvin said nudging his lifelong friend's leg as he finished the breakfast.

"Yea me too, wish you were around more often" Alvin said "I love Suzy you know"

"I know" Marvin said wishing the words were different.

"But man sometimes.....just need a friend like you" He said "here let me wash, you dry"

They stood side by side at the sink remembering college friends, Alvin's wedding and the years since. Marvin too remembered the wedding where he was best man and helped his friend have a nice dream the night before.

"So come over for dinner" Alvin said "Suzy wants you to" he added.

They hugged. Their gold bars pressed against each others' still bare chests. Marvin wanted to kiss him. It would be ok, they were like brothers. But instead he settled for the hand that squeezed his ass.

"It's still yours when you want it" he said.

"I know buddy I know" Alvin said as he pulled his te shirt on and waved goodbye.

"See you tomorrow" Marvin promised hoping Alvin would visit again before he had to return to the base. "Sweet dreams" he added.

They both knew what those words meant.

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