Sweet Boy

By Jamie R.

Published on Dec 21, 2004


Before you get to read the story, I would like to say a few words. This story is fictional and is a fantasy. I try to cover many things in my stories, but one thing that I have not covered in this story is safe sex. At this point in the story, it would be hard to incorporate. However, I want everyone to remember that this is fiction, and if it were real life then the characters not only should, but also would be wearing condoms.

Standard warnings apply.

The story is copyrighted to me James Ramsey 2003-2004.

Btw, if anyone with good grammar and spelling skills would like to volunteer to do some proofreading and editing for me I would really appreciate it. I tend to miss mistakes because I do all my own editing.

Sweet Boy

Chapter IV

"Remember guys that authors like feedback. The amount of feedback I get determines how willing I am to write. Even if you only send me or other writers a one sentence e-mail saying 'good story, keep writing' that would be considered good feedback. It would also ensure that stories you like continue. So write to Me and to other Authors whose stories you like!"

City life was definitely starting to grow on me. Mom was finally loosening up about letting me stay by myself. It was nice getting to sleep in again. I still went over to Monica's a lot. It was kind of weird being around Joey and Tyrone now. Tyrone seemed a bit more distant towards me now that Joey knew I was gay. I don't think Tyrone wanted Joey to know about some of the things he did with me.

A day or so after Tyrone caught Joey plowing my ass I was sitting over at Monica's with Tyrone. Joey was still asleep and Tyrone had his arm around me while we watched TV. When we heard Joey's bedroom door opening Tyrone removed his arm and scooted over some. Joey came into the room and sat down on my other side. He was in his boxers. I looked at Joey and smiled before I looked back at the TV.

"Morning," I said to Joey.

"Morning," Joey said.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Not a damn thing yet," Joey replied.

"Yeah, I know. It is a boring morning," I said.

"Want to get out and do something?" Joey asked.

"Sure, where do you want to go?" I asked in reply.

"Don't know, we could go hang out at Miguel's," Joey replied.

"Ok, don't you need to get dressed?" I asked.

"Yeah, I will be back in a bit and then we can bounce," Joey replied.

"Alright," I said. Joey left and went back into his room. I looked over at Tyrone. "Why did you move when Joey came in?" I asked Tyrone.

"Shit, you know things are different when he's around, boo," Tyrone replied.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, I have a rep as a ladies man and me being all sweet towards another guy doesn't fit that rep. We have to keep what we do on the down low you hear? I mean I'm not the only guy that would likely let you suck his dick or fuck your ass, but most guys would freak if they knew I kissed you. I can't let things like that slip out even with my brother. People just wouldn't understand. I don't want people thinking I am a fag. No offence," Tyrone replied.

"Yeah, I get it," I said in annoyance. I mean I knew what he was saying was true, but I didn't have to like it. "So when other people are around, even guys that are fucking me like Joey, I am just your bitch huh? I get treated like a living breathing hole you plug? What am I to you Tyrone?" I asked. Honestly, I thought that Tyrone and I were kind of dating.

"You're my bitch," Tyrone replied gruffly.

"I see," I said icily.

"Shit Tommy, listen, you should know that you are more than that, but I got a rep to protect even with my brother. You're my sweet boy," Tyrone said while giving my shoulder a squeeze. "Yeah, and what does that mean?" I asked.

"It means you're a faggot, but it also means you're my `sweet boy'. You're my faggot," Tyrone said. He didn't say it insultingly, but I took it that way. I mean I couldn't stand being called a faggot.

"I hate that word," I said.

"You know what I mean. I like you Tommy. People just wouldn't understand if they knew I liked you like that. Do you get what I am saying?" Tyrone asked.

"I think so. Do you like me like you like girls?" I asked him.

"Tommy, you're my sweet boy. I might let you suck or get fucked by other guys, but you are mine. Hell, if you repeat this to anyone I will kill you. You're my boyfriend, my sweet boy, my bitch. You get me?" Tyrone asked softly.

"Really?" I asked in surprise.

"Yeah, just don't go repeating it. No one can know you hear? People can't know I like kissing a boy," Tyrone replied and kissed me passionately, but quickly.

"Yeah, I get it," I told him. It seemed kind of silly to hide from someone like Joey since he was fucking me as often if not more often than Tyrone, but I could understand where Tyrone was coming from. I mean no one really wants people to think they might be gay at our ages. I mean even those guys that came out at our ages often say that they are bi, because they are too afraid of people labeling them gay. It really seemed that people were more willing to say they were bi than to say they were gay, as if being bi was somehow less of a bad thing.

Of course Joey and Tyrone already knew I was gay. It's hard to convince people you like girls when you take it up the ass. I mean if I just sucked their dicks I might have gotten away with saying I liked both, but it seemed the moment I gave up my ass I was instantly classified as gay in their eyes.

"Yo, Tommy, you ready?" Joey asked as he came out of his room dressed in a T-shirt and baggy blue jean shorts.

"Yeah," I replied as I stood up. I looked at Tyrone as we walked to the door. I smiled and Tyrone smiled back.

"Watch out for my bitch," Tyrone said to Joey. I knew he was making sure I knew I was his.

"Yeah, I'll watch out for him. He's my boy," Joey said back.

Joey and I walked out of Monica's apartment. We walked down stairs and out towards the community center. We walked to another set of apartment buildings. These apartments weren't as nice as the ones we lived in.

"So who is Miguel again?" I asked as we walked inside of the new apartments.

"He's my buddy. You met him a few days ago. He is one of the Latino boys that we played ball with. Well who I played ball with. You watched us play more than you played yourself," Joey replied.

"Ok, I guess I will recognize him when I see him," I said as we stopped in front of an apartment door.

Joey knocked on the door and we stood waiting until a tired haggard woman opened the door. "Joey, Miguel is in his room. You know where it is," She said before turning around to deal with a mischievous looking little boy. Me and Joey walked in and shut the door behind us. I followed Joey further into the apartment to one of the doors in the hall way. Joey knocked before opening the door.

"Who the hell is it?" I heard as I followed Joey inside.

"Yo, it's me Joey," Joey said.

"Shut the fucking door, asshole," Miguel said.

The room me and Joey entered was messy, but rather sparsely furnished. There was a twin bed, a crate as a night stand, and a chest of draws with a TV and VCR.

Miguel turned out to be a somewhat stocky Latino with rich brown skin. His hair was cut short on the sides and shaggy on top. It was slightly curly, or perhaps wavy. His eyes were a smoky brown. The look he gave us was slightly annoyed, but casual and somewhat distant. He just seemed cool and relaxed. He was wearing a yellow T-Shirt and cargo shorts. His shirt seemed somewhat tight compared to what most people wore. From what I could see of him he was very muscular. His arms and legs looked strong and powerful. Miguel was very a very attractive boy.

"What are you so pissy about?" Joey asked Miguel.

"I just got a new movie and you shitheads interrupted me while I was checking it out," Miguel replied. I wondered why that would annoy him.

"No shit? Is it a good one?" Joey asked with interest in his voice. Joey moved to sit beside of Miguel and I nervously sat on his other side. We were all three sitting on the foot of Miguel's full sized bed and facing the TV.

"Yeah, you want to see it? Who is this boy? Is he cool?" Miguel asked.

"Yeah, he's cool. Tommy Miguel, Miguel Tommy. You want to watch a porno?" Joey asked me. I looked at them in surprise.

"Where did you get a porno?" I asked Miguel.

"My dad gets them for me every now and again. Mom would shit a brick if she knew," Miguel replied.

"Cool," I said.

"Yeah, let's see if this one is any good," Joey said.

"Alright," Miguel said as he used his remote to turn on the TV and VCR.

I watched as several graphic commercials played through before the actual movie came on. The sound was turned down low, but we could all three still hear the movie clearly. The movie's plot was somewhat silly, but the actors were hot and I enjoyed seeing all the guys with big cocks. I noticed that Joey and Miguel both had to adjust themselves. I got excited, hard, and horny as I watched them get hard ons.

"Man, this movie is hot," Joey said into the silence.

"Yeah, no shit, I fucking hard as a rock," Miguel said.

"Me to," Joey said.

"You hard Tommy?" Miguel asked me.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Shit boys, I need to do something about this," Joey said. He looked at me. I knew what he was thinking, but I didn't know how Miguel would react if I came out and offered to help them out.

"Me to. Man I could use a good blow job like that dude is getting," Miguel said as he squeezed his hard cock through his shorts.

"Yeah, I know where you could get one," Joey said with a smirk. I looked at him nervously, but he ignored me.

"Oh yeah?" Miguel asked. He only glanced at Joey for a second before turning back to the screen.

"Yeah," Joey replied.

"So who is she? Will she come over or what?" Miguel asked with genuine interest.

"Well, we are buds right? Can you keep a secret?" Joey asked in response.

"Yeah, you know we are cool like that. So who is this girl?" Miguel asked.

"You tell him Tommy," Joey told me.

"Let me ask you something first. Would you ever let a guy suck your dick if no one would find out?" I asked Miguel.

"I don't know. Maybe if I was horny enough why? Do you know a faggot?" Miguel asked in response.

"Yeah I know a gay guy. Would you let him suck your dick?" I asked.

"I don't know would you Joey?" Miguel asked.

"Yeah, I would if you would," Joey replied.

"Ok, so who is this guy?" Miguel asked.

"Promise to keep it a secret?" I asked in response.

"Yeah, I promise," Miguel replied. I liked listening to his slight Spanish accent.

"So you'll let the guy I know suck your dick if Joey does it and no one will find out?" I asked.

"Yeah, probably. I am fucking horny," Miguel replied.

"Alright, don't freak, but I'm the guy we are talking about," I said slowly. I was afraid that once he knew it was me he would back out or freak.

"No shit, you suck dick?" Miguel asked in surprise, which surprised me.

"Yeah," I said softly.

"So you would like suck mine and Joey's dicks?" Miguel asked.

"If you want, yeah," I replied.

"Cool, so who goes first?" Miguel asked as he groped his crotch.

"It's your house and your movie," Joey replied.

"How do I know that you aren't just fucking with me?" Miguel asked.

"Well, I could grab both of your dicks at the same time to prove that I am willing to do it," I replied.

"Ok, do it," Miguel ordered. Both boys removed their hands from their crotches. Joey smirked and Miguel looked nervous, but excited.

I moved over and knelled in the floor. I reached out slowly with both hands and took hold of both boys' crotches. I squeezed their dicks and kneaded them through their shorts. Miguel moaned very softly. Joey just smirked.

"Believe me now?" I asked softly.

"Yeah, shit, suck my dick Tommy," Miguel replied.

I moved to knell between Miguel's legs and reached for the button of his shorts. I undid the button and unzipped his shorts. I rubbed his cock through his soft cotton boxers. Miguel gripped his boxers and shorts, then lifted up his ass, and pushed his shorts down to his thighs. I looked up at Miguel's fat eight inch uncut Latin dick.

My mouth watered as I reached for his heavy cock. It had a slight upward curve and a fat purple head. I jerked him off slowly before leaning over and licking the head. Miguel laid down with his arm over his eyes as I took his cock into my mouth. He pulled his shirt up and exposed his stomach. He had trail of black hair leading from his belly button to his full black bush.

I sucked on the head of his dick for a while and I used my hand to play with his balls as I slid my mouth down his shaft slowly.

"Shit, he's a professional isn't he?" Miguel asked Joey.

"Yeah, he can really suck dick," Joey replied.

I used my mouth and hand to jack him off as I sucked and licked his dick.

"You have him go down on you before?" Miguel asked.

"Yeah, and other things," Joey replied cryptically

"What other things?" Miguel asked. His voice was husky with lust.

"Shit, Tommy is a real bitch. He sucks dick and even takes it up the ass," Joey replied.

"No shit? You take it up the ass?" Miguel asked.

I mumbled a yes around his cock while trying to nod my head. I was really enjoying sucking Miguel's fat cock. It was thicker than Joey's or Tyrone's, which was saying something. It was hard and muscular seeming and tasted slightly salty and musky, but clean.

"Yeah, he really gets into it," Joey told Miguel.

"Fuck, he gives great head. Better than any chick I've ever had suck me," Miguel said.

"I know. He's good at what he does. Why don't you try out his ass while I get me some head?" Joey asked.

"Will he let me? I mean I am kinda big. I wouldn't want to hurt the poor guy," Miguel replied.

I pulled off his dick long enough to reply for Joey. "I can take it, I have had longer ones," I said.

"Really? Have you had one this fat?" Miguel asked as he gripped his shaft and looked at me.

"No, but I can take it," I replied.

"Hell yeah, come on then," Joey said as he scooted up on the bed to lie down. Joey pushed his shorts and boxers down to his knees. He then leaned against the pillows and head board of Miguel's bed. I stood up and unbuttoned my shorts. I pushed them all the way down to my knees and crawled between Joey's legs. I looked up at his hard six and a half inch uncut cock as it stood straight up from his crotch. I then looked back at Miguel.

Miguel stood up and reached into one of his draws. He pulled out a bottle of lotion and squirted some into his hand. He slicked up his cock good before getting between my legs. I spread my ass cheeks apart.

"Guide me in," Miguel said as he rubbed his cock up and down my crack. I reached for his slick shaft. It was standing up nearly perpendicular to Miguel's rock hard abs. I had to pull the super hard shaft down and line it up with my asshole. My hand slipped and Miguel's cock slapped against his tomach. I reached for it again and guided it to me asshole. Miguel gripped my hips and pressed forward hard. I winched as his cockhead popped into my ass. He didn't wait, but shoved the entire eight inches into me in one go. I gasped out loud and he paused. "You ok man?" Miguel asked. I could feel his cock twitching in my ass.

"Yeah, just go easy. Let me get use to it," I replied.

"Shit, you're tight. Feels so fucking hot. Like sinking into fire," Miguel said as he slowly eased a few inches out of my ass.

"Suck my dick, bitch," Joey told me.

"Yeah, suck his dick while I plow this ass, "Miguel said.

I reached for Joey's cock and took his purplish black cockhead into my mouth. I bobbed up and down. I was trying to concentrate on sucking Joey's cock instead of the burning sensation in my ass. Miguel was definitely thicker than Joey or Tyrone.

Miguel began to fuck me slowly. The pain eased up slowly as I concentrated on licking Joey's cock head. My heart was racing and my lungs were heaving. I was so turned on that I felt I could cum from the slightest touch. Miguel was building up speed and force. The bed began to squeak slightly. Joey gripped my head and began fucking my mouth. It felt incredible to be getting fucked in both ends. I loved how Joey's cock fit my mouth so well and how full Miguel's cock made me feel.

Miguel leaned over me and wrapped his arms around my chest as he shifted into full gear fucking. His hard stomach muscles rubbed against my back. His balls bounced against my me and my ass was practically bouncing from his forceful impacts. His intense body heat engulfed me and I could feel sweat forming between us. The room seemed to get hotter. My world narrowed to my ass, mouth, and body. The two boys plowed into me forcibly and I loved every second of it.

I could feel Miguel's hot breath on my neck and I shivered. Miguel's thrusts were strong and forceful. His grip on me gave me a feel for his strength. The heat was becoming nearly unbearable. Sweat was dripping off all three of us. Miguel and Joey were moaning. I was moving my hips to meet each of Miguel's forward thrusts. Slapping and slurping sounds filled the room. I moaned continuously around Joey's cock.

"Oh shit, here it cums^Å" Joey groaned. His whole body shuddered and his cock got super hard before exploding into my mouth. His rich salty cum filled my mouth and I swallowed convulsively. He shoved his cock deeply back into my throat and held my head as he emptied his balls into my waiting mouth. he lay there panting as he recovered. I sucked his cock clean. Miguel was still plowing my ass with a mindless passion that rocked me to my core. Joey pulled up his shorts and wiped his brow. He moved off the bed.

As soon as Joey was out of the way Miguel forced me flat onto my belly. I lay my cheek against the warm sheets were Joey's ass just was. His smell was in the sheets and I breathed deeply as Miguel tensed and began fuck me like he was doing push ups. His cock was flying in and out of my ass and hitting the special spot inside of me. I could feel my cock leaking all over Miguel's sheets.

I began to wonder how anyone could keep from hearing the panting and grunting that was coming from me and Miguel. Miguel's strength was incredible and his thrust became so forceful that I was literally shoved into the bed. The friction on my cock was driving me wild. Miguel's thrusts became more frantic. I couldn't hold back any longer and began cumming all over Miguel's sheets. My ass clenched painfully around Miguel's cock, but he didn't let up. As I emptied my juice onto Miguel's sheets Miguel thrust into me harder than ever before and his body locked with his cock buried deeply in my ass. He shuddered and practically convulsed as he shot his nut into my ass. I moaned as the searing hot cum flooded my bowels. I lay there exhausted with Miguel's heavy muscular body on top of me as we caught our breath.

"Shit," Miguel said over and over again. "I can't believe you let me fuck you," Miguel said. "God, you have a fucking hot ass," Miguel said as he pulled slowly out of me. His cock must have still been sensitive from the way he shuddered as he left my body. He rolled over onto his back on the bed and lay quietly with his eyes closed for several minutes. I simply lay there recovering before I rolled over and sat up. I could feel Miguel's heavy load leaking out of my ass.

"Where's the bath room?" I asked the two silent boys.

"It's the third door on the right," Joey said when Miguel didn't respond.

I pulled up my shorts and slipped carefully out the door. I followed Joey's instructions and I walked with my ass clenched tight. I was very glad no one was in the hall to see me with my face flushed and wet. I entered the bath room and locked the door. I sat on the toilet and let my bowels expel the huge load Miguel had left there. After I had emptied and cleaned myself off with toilet paper I returned to Miguel's room.

Joey and Miguel were sitting up talking softly. I sat down tiredly, but slightly nervous. "Everything ok?" I asked the two boys who had stopped talking when I came in.

"Yeah everything is fine. Miguel's just a little freaked. He's all afraid that he is gay because he liked fucking you," Joey replied.

"You aren't gay. You are only gay if you suck dick, take it up the ass, or kiss a guy. You didn't do any of those," I told Miguel softly.

"Are you sure?" Miguel asked with his face a mask of confusion.

"Positive," I replied.

It took an hour or more to calm Miguel down, but after we got him calmed Miguel decided that he might fuck me again sometime or let me suck his dick. He was still a little freaked out, but he admitted that I was one hell of a fuck and that he wanted to do it again sometime. I told him that was cool and that I would love to do it again sometime. Shortly there after me and Joey left. Joey returned to hang out with Miguel some more and I returned to Monica's.

I told Tyrone all about what happened at Miguel's. He got hard listening to me. He kissed me and we made out for a long time before he had me give him a leisurely blow job as he watched TV. I knew from the way that he acted that he didn't mind me sleeping with other guys, but he made it clear I wasn't to kiss anyone but him. After Tyrone got off he jacked me off as he French kissed me. I came hard all over my belly. I spent the rest of the afternoon in Tyrone's arms.

Next: Chapter 5

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