Sweet Boy

By Jamie R.

Published on Dec 9, 2004


Before you get to read the story, I would like to say a few words. This story is fictional and is a fantasy. I try to cover many things in my stories, but one thing that I have not covered in this story is safe sex. At this point in the story, it would be hard to incorporate. However, I want everyone to remember that this is fiction, and if it were real life then the characters not only should, but also would be wearing condoms.

Standard warnings apply.

The story is copyrighted to me James Ramsey 2003-2004.

Btw, if anyone with good grammar and spelling skills would like to volunteer to do some proofreading and editing for me I would really appreciate it. I tend to miss mistakes because I do all my own editing.

Sweet Boy

Chapter III

"Remember guys that authors like feedback. The amount of feedback I get determines how willing I am to write. Even if you only send me or other writers a one sentence e-mail saying 'good story, keep writing' that would be considered good feedback. It would also ensure that stories you like continue. So write to Me and to other Authors whose stories you like!"

"Yo Tommy, when are you gonna to let get on your computer?" Joey asked me as me, him, and Tyrone sat around Monica's living room.

"We could go over now if you want. Mom left me the keys to the apartment. We have to keep the door locked of course, but we can go get online," I told him.

"Sure, let's bounce," Joey said.

"Ok. We'll be over at the house if Mom calls," I told Tyrone.

Me and Joey stood up and headed to the door. Joey looked cute today. He was wearing a thin white tank top and some long basketball shorts.

He smirked at me and nodded. "Have fun faggots," Tyrone said.

"Goodbye to you to bitch," Joey responded.

"Fuck you," Tyrone replied.

"Ya know you want to," Joey said loudly as we stepped out the door.

I turned to Joey as we walked over to my apartment. "So what do you want to get online for?" I asked him.

"I don't know. Just to have something to do. Might, look at some porn or something if you don't have one of those fucking blocks on your machine," Joey replied casually.

"Yeah, you could do that. Mom doesn't touch the computer. I doubt she could turn it on let alone put a block on it," I told him.

"Cool," Joey said.

I was looking forward to seeing Joey get all hot and bothered over some porn. I didn't know a guy his age that didn't jump at the chance to look at tits and ass. Of course, none of this showed on my face. Like I said before I am shy and that makes me very good at hiding my thoughts.

It was a short walk. I only lived on the next floor. I unlocked the front door at walked into the living room. The kitchen was to my right and the living room to my left. Directly in front of me was the hallway with the bathroom at the end. I locked the door behind Joey and walked down the hallway. I opened the first door on my left and walked into my bedroom.

My bedroom was fairly large for an apartment and was about twelve foot by twelve foot. To the right of my door was a chest of draws with my TV and VCR on top of it. In front and to the right of the door, in the corner, was my double bed. Beside the bed was the computer desk my father had bought me last year. Along the left wall, starting from my door, I had a foot chest, a dresser with a mirror on it, and a bookshelf.

"Cool room," Joey told me as we walked in.

"Thanks, just give me a second to turn on the computer and hook up the net," I told him.

"No problem," Joey replied.

I sat down in my computer chair and Joey sat on the edge of my bed. I took glances at him every now and again as the computer booted up. I double clicked my internet connection and signed on. As it was connecting I loaded up my web browser. I stood up and motioned for Joey to take the seat. I sat on the bed so that I could see the screen and talk with Joey.

"So have you been online much?" I asked him as did a mental check to make sure I had hid or deleted anything incriminating from my computer.

"Yeah, the community center down the way has computers, but they have those damn block," Joey replied.

"Cool, so you know your way around a computer?" I asked.

"Yeah, one of my buddies as the net and I have gotten online when I spent the night over at his house. He gave me some links to free porn the last time I saw him," Joey replied.

"Anything good?" I asked him trying not to sound bored. I half expected him to get on some straight porn, get horny, and go home.

"Yeah, look at this shit," he replied.

I glanced at the screen. There was a hardcore picture of a man getting head from a woman. I ignored the woman of course and focused on the man's large dick. Joey continued flipping slow through several galleries. "Yeah, those are hot," I told him.

"Hell yeah, they are," Joey said. I noticed him casually adjusting his dick in his shorts. He couldn't really hide his hard on in those loose shorts and it made an impressive tent. Joey didn't seem bothered by the fact that I could clearly see his hard on.

"I can see they are having an effect on you," I told him and snickered.

"Yeah, what can I say? Porn turns me on. It ain't like you haven't got a hard on," Joey said.

"True," I told him.

"Man I need to jerk off after looking at this shit," Joey said after a while. I wasn't paying attention to the screen when Joey suddenly exclaimed, "What is this shit?"

I looked up at the screen quickly. The mouse seemed to move in slow motion. I say him go into my favorites and then click on a link that said good pics. I stared horrified as one of the gay porn sites I go to popped up. Joey blinked and then looked at me. He had that same smirk that Tyrone had when he caught me staring at his crotch.

"Hiding something from me there little buddy?" Joey asked.

"Naw, I don't know where that came from," I replied nervously.

"The fuck you don't. You're a fucking faggot aren't you?" Joey asked.

"No way man, I am definitely not gay," I replied.

"Yeah right, then what is this shit?" He asked as he clicked on yet another of my gay porn sites.

I stared at the floor without meeting Joey's eyes. He didn't seem mad, but I knew he was likely going to have a fit any minute now. My shoulders slumped in defeat. I kept wondering why Joey and Tyrone had to be so damn observant. I couldn't help glancing at Joey's crotch. He still had his tent.

"So you're gay?" Joey asked casually.

"Yeah," I practically whispered.

"So you like to suck dick?" Joey asked.

"Yeah," I replied.

"So what will you give me not to rat you out to everyone?" Joey asked.

"You wouldn't really tell people would you?" I asked in reply. I was really nervous now. I didn't want mom to find out or the other kids in the neighborhood. I was really starting to like it here and was even starting to get to know some of the other kids my age in the area thanks to Joey.

"Not if you do me a favor," Joey replied.

"Anything, if it isn't illegal or going to hurt anyone," I told him.

"Alright, then suck my dick," Joey said with a smirk.

"You're joking right?" I asked in surprise.

"Hell no, I ain't joking. I have a fucking hard on from hell and need to bust a nut dude. Here's the deal: you suck my dick and I won't tell on you for being a faggot. Hell, if you are any good I might get you do to again sometime," Joey replied.

"Ok," I said half in resignation and in anticipation.

"Hell yeah," Joey said as he pulled his wife beater up off his head, but left his arms in the sleeves. The wife beater formed a band across the back of his shoulders that looped around his armpits. This exposed Joey's tight torso.

Joey had great definition for his age. He played a lot of basket ball over at the community center and it show. He had tight pair of pecs and nicely defined abs. He turned the desk chair around and spread his legs. He then tucked his shorts and boxers underneath his balls.

I looked up at his hard, thick, and uncut six and a half inch long dick. My cock shot back up and I got on my knees between Joey's legs. I looked at Joey for permission before I reached for his cock. I jerked him off for a second, getting the feel of his fat dick, before I leaned over and took the head into my mouth. Joey sighed and leaned back in the chair.

I kept my hand around his cock as I sucked up and down on his cockhead. I used my tongue to play with his foreskin before sliding more of his dick into my mouth. Joey just watched me. I really couldn't believe that I was actually getting to suck Joey and Tyrone's cocks. I wondered if their other brother would be as forward if he caught me in a mess up like Joey and Tyrone had.

Joey's dick looked huge in comparison to his rather slender frame and was really thick for his age. He was leaking a lot of pre-cum and I knew it wouldn't take him long to cum. I used my mouth and hand to suck him off. He seemed to want to fuck my mouth. His hips kept twitching. It didn't surprise me when I felt his hands on the back of my head and his hips bucking. He fucked my mouth rather gently compared to some guys I had sucked off.

"Yeah, eat that dick, bitch," Joey said as he fucked my mouth. I tried to keep my tongue moving as his cock slid in and out. Joey seemed close so I pulled up off his dick. "What the fuck?" Joey asked, but I didn't respond. I licked down his shaft to his large nuts and began sucking on them. "Aw shit," Joey hissed as I tongued his balls.

I waited a few minutes and just enjoyed sucking on his ball orbs while I let Joey cool off a tad. I really wanted to enjoy sucking his dick and didn't want him to cum too fast. I licked up his balls and began tonguing his shaft. Joey seemed to like this so I did it several times in a roll before returning to his cock. I took his bloated helmet in my mouth and began bobbing up and down rapidly. Joey's hands were running through my longish hair and his hips were twitching madly.

"Oh fuck, you better pull off; I'm about to nut man. Pull up^Å" Joey moaned out as his cock began to jerk. His helmet expanded in my mouth and seemed to catch as he began squirting his rather large load. I was surprised at the volume and I was sure Joey was surprised that I was letting him nut in my mouth. "Aw shit," Joey said as he shuddered and the last few dribbles of his cum landed on my tongue. I sucked him clean before I wiped my mouth and sat back down on the bed.

"How was that?" I asked curiously.

"Fucking A, that was fucking great man. Thanks," Joey said with his chest heaving. I noticed that his cock was still hard.

"I'm glad you liked it," I told him.

"Hell yeah, you might have you a new job here," he said.

"Cool," I said.

"So tell me, do you take it up the ass to?" Joey asked. I blinked and then looked at his cock before returning my gaze to his face.

"Um, sometimes why?" I replied.

"Well dude, I can get off two or three times in a roll before I am done," Joey told me.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, so are you going to let me fuck you?" Joey asked me.

"Sure if you like. Um, let me get some lube," I replied. I went over to my dresser and got my little jar of Vaseline out. "How do you want to do this?" I asked.

"Lay on the bed on your stomach, dude," he replied.

"Ok, "I said as I pulled my shirt off. I turned away from Joey as I kicked my shoes off and unzipped my shorts. I bent over, pushing my shorts and underwear off. My ass was pointing right at Joey's face.

I moved over to the bed and laid down on my stomach with my hard cock pressed into the soft feather comforter. Thinking quickly I got my pillows from the head of the bed and put them underneath my crotch. The caused my ass to stick up into the air.

Joey meanwhile was kicking his own shoes and shorts off. His cock was standing up at an angle, pointing at the ceiling. He got on the bed behind me and shimmied on his knees until his hips were against my legs. He reached over as I handed him the Vaseline. He opened the lid and scooped some out. He coated his cock good before leaning over me. He gripped my ass cheeks and spread them apart. I could feel his cock lying in the valley of my butt. Joey proceeded to tease me with his cock. He rubbed it up and down my crack, incidentally helping to lube me up, before he lined his cock up with my hole. I felt him grip my hips tightly in both hands. My ass resisted as he pressed forward hard. His cock popped into my ass easier than it would have a week ago, but he didn't notice. He drove his cock into the hilt and held it there for a second. Then Joey started moving his hips slowly. It seemed like Joey planned to take his time. I felt his balls lightly grazing my own as he hunched at my ass.

I lay there and tried to relax, but I couldn't help hunching back at him. I would drive my ass back to meet his forward thrust and then relax. We built up a steady rhythm and pretty soon Joey was pounding at my ass like there was no tomorrow. I could tell Joey wasn't a virgin. He knew how to move his hips and he showed too much control.

Joey reached under each of my armpits to get a better grip on me and wrapped his hands around my shoulders. He was really plowing into my ass now. His dick felt slightly fatter than his brother's somehow, but I think that was because Joey kept switching angle. He would move his hips all over the place so his cock never seemed to enter me at the same angle twice and it felt terrific.

I held my ass up in position and moved all, but my thinnest pillow from underneath me. I reached for my dick and began jerking off in time to Joey's fucking. I was rather surprised when Joey replaced my hand with his hand. He jerked me off good and I was getting really close.

"Feel good Tommy? Like me fucking this white ass? You^Å like^Å this^Å shit^Å?" He asked as he fucked me.

"Yeah, feel^Ågreat," I replied breathlessly.

"Yeah, I am going to bust a nut in your fucking ass, dude. Oh yeah," Joey said as he rammed his cock in an out of me hard.

His cock, hand, and voice were just too much for me. I started cumming on my pillow. My ass clamped down painfully as I shot hard. Joey began to grunt and I knew he was getting off on how my ass was clenching down on him.

Joey rammed into me hard. His hand slipped from my cock and he slammed me into the soaked pillow. He was humping at me hard and fast now. His hips were making circles at first, but soon he was driving into me like a piston. I felt his body tense and then he rammed into me all the way. His body shuddered as he began shooting his second load into my body. With each spurt he shuddered and rammed into me. As his orgasm subsided he remained laying on top of me. I loved how his tight abs felt against my back.

"What is this fucking shit?" I heard. My head and Joey's both jerked around. I looked up at Tyrone startled. I could see a set of keys in his hands.

"Oh my god," Joey said as he jumped up and began frantically pulling up his shorts. I lay there for a moment before rolling over. I looked up at Tyrone and smiled. He smirked at me and mouthed `play along'. I winked at him and began acting all scared. "Oh man, Tyrone, look it ain't what it looks like. He came on to me while we were looking at porn. Oh god, don't tell mom. Oh shit," Joey mumbled, as he stared at his feet.

"I should call mom right now and tell her that her son was over here raping Judy's boy. Who the fuck do you think you are fucking him?" Tyrone said in an angry sounding voice.

"Shit, it was an accident. Don't call mom," Joey begged.

"You messed up big time boy. I never gave you permission to fuck my bitch," Tyrone told Joey. It took Joey a second to process that sentence. "What the fuck do you mean your bitch?" Joey asked angrily. I don't think he really understood what Tyrone was saying.

"Shit boy, I fucked him just the other day. He's mine," Tyrone said while letting his smirk come back.

"You fucking ass!" Joey yelled.

"Hey, no reason to get all pissed I'll share," Tyrone said. We all three burst out laughing. Joey slumped down in the computer chair.

"I can't believe you had me going, man. Why didn't you tell me Tommy was a fag?" Joey asked as we all caught our breath.

"Hell, I didn't think you would want to know," Tyrone replied.

"Shit, you know how horny I am," Joey said.

"Yeah, I fucking catch him jerking off all the time," Tyrone told me.

"You scared the fucking shit out of me," Joey said.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist," Tyrone said.

"Wait one damn minute. When did you fuck Tommy?" Joey asked.

"The other day while you were gone," Tyrone replied.

"Shit, how the fuck did you know he was gay?" Joey asked.

"Fuck, that was easy he was always staring at my cock," Tyrone said with his classic smirk.

"You could have told me before I came over here alone with him. You ever think that I might not want to hang out at a faggot's house?" Joey asked.

"Hell, you were just fucking him. It doesn't look like you minded too much," Tyrone replied.

Joey smiled. I looked from one to the other and just put my hands behind my head and relaxed. There were some definite advantages to moving to the city.

Next: Chapter 4

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