By jayjay

Published on Jan 16, 1997



Organization: MindSpring Enterprises, Inc.

The last thing I'd remembered was lurching from The Rivet, the gay bar I'd gone to as a last resort looking for someone, anyone, I suppose, to be with, not wanting to face another night alone. I recall climbing, with someone's help, into the back of a van, giving my address, and passing out. The next thing I knew, I was being slapped none too easily and shaken . It was raining and I was soaked. In fact, I was sitting in a puddle.

I heard a voice say, " Get your ass up! Your gonna wind up with a knife between your ribs laying on the sidewalk in THIS neighborhood. C'mon now!" A strong arm lifted me up. I slipped and the arm dragged me up again, this time rougher. " I'm tired of fucking with you! Stand up!" It was a black man's voice. I finally managed to stand. I began shivering violently. I slipped and fell, hitting my head on the fender of the car parked at the curb. I reached up to my head. I could feel that I was bleeding. I looked at my hand. Blood! I started crying. "Shut up! Shut up, and come with me. Goddam! You ain't got a cent in your pocket, chump. You been rolled. Pure and simple. And I'm not packing you into no cab at my expense. C'mon, walk straight!"

With considerable help from my good samaratin, I managed to climb a set of stairs and stumble into a small apartment. I was deposited with scant ceremony onto a sofa where the heavy blanket of a drunken sleep fell over me at once.

Sunlight cut like a knife into my pupils as consciousness was snapped cruelly into place by a slamming door. Bits and pieces of the previous night's ordeal swam slowly into focus. I looked around through squinted eyes. I was in what seemed to be a neat studio apartment. I could see into a small kitchen. There were only two other doors, one of which was equipped with three deadbolt locks. The other, slightly ajar, was clearly a closet. There was a small bed along the wall by the window. As I eased my head slowly back onto the sofa, I heard a sound, as of someone stirring, and, looking up (painfully!) again, I saw that there was someone in the bed - obviously, the man who had helped me the night before. He moved again, rolling onto his back and stretching a pair of long, sinewy black arms over his head. I dropped my head back down feeling self-conscious and a bit embarrassed. I've never been all too comfortable spending the night with people I KNOW, and here I was waking up in a perfect stranger's apartment. Feigning sleep, I lay there and waited. After hearing some yawning and rustling of bedclothes, I heard the sound of bare footsteps. I pretended to slowly wake, shifting a bit, my eyes still shut. I heard the click of a gas burner igniting, and the sound of a kettle being dragged onto a burner. In a moment, the man returned to the room.

"Hey." he said in a low voice. "Dude...hey." I felt a hand nudge my shoulder. I opened my eyes and looked up. A tall, lanky black man in teeshirt and sweatpants was looking down at me.

"How's the head, man.? Do you remember anything? You were fucked up, and more ways then one. Whoever dumped you out here stripped your wallet. Did you have one with you?" I nodded, feeling shy and foolish. He was a handsome man, in his late twenties, I guessed. He had the look, the lithe physicality of a man who pleasured in the strength and capability of his body. The veins on his arms were prominent.

"Thanks. Thank you so much for..." My words trailed off. I offered my hand and he took it in his which was large and sensitive, (i.e, he did not apply a crushing handshake.) He looked at my head a smiled.

"Now THAT you did all by yourself. Do you remember?" Unfortunately, I did.

" I guess I was kind of a mess."I said.

" Well, nothing wrong with having a good time. You just paid the price for it. I can put something on it. It needs it."

"I don't want to keep you." I said. I looked up at a wall clock. It was ten o'clock.

"I ain't going anywhere. Don't sweat it. I'm new to Oakland. From Texas. Austin. I'm drawing unemployment from there still."I heard the kettle begin a low whistle. "I'm gonna make a pot of coffee. I think your a candidate for a cup. What do you think?" He smiled back at me over his shoulder as he walked languidly to the kitchen. He had a nice smile.

After a cup of coffee and four tylenol, I began to feel at least okay. Drinking the coffee, we had done our introductions. My friends name was Ray. As he was in the kitchen looking for bandages, I shuddered to imagine what might have become of me without his kindness. Ray lived in a tough neighborhood, and white people could have an especially hard time walking, or in my case lying, there late at night. Ray pulled up a chair next to me with a bandage, some tape, an antibiotic ointment and something in a plastic bag.

" I got some special medicine here, if your interested." It was marijuana. " I scored this Humboldt weed the day after I got here. I'm here to tell you it's as good as they say. ", he laughed. "Want some? It will work wonders on your hangover. I'm assuming you have one?"

" a doozy. A joint sounds wonderful. Thanks!" What a great guy, I thought. First we got stoned. It was a fat joint, and we were pretty crisped after smoking it. Ray bent to the task of my wound which, as it turns out, was more a nasty abrasion than a cut. It would take a while to heal. As he worked, tearing tape and positioning the bandage, I found myself looking at his beautiful arms, the muscles moving minutely under the matrix of veins. I also couldn't help noting the vague contours of a substantial penis under his sweats. I tried thinking of something else, but it had been an intense need for some contact with a man that had GOTTENme into the fix I was in. Lots of things had happened the night before, but abating that need wasn't one of them.

Ray sat back and eyeballed his handiwork. " That should do for now. Change it every day. Have you got this stuff at home?", he asked indicating the first aid items." I can give you some. Let me throw some in a bag for you."

I did have supplies at home, but I wanted to accept Ray's offer. It seemed a shame to refuse something so kindly extended. What a sweet guy, I thought.

"Tell me how all this came about. I mean if it's not too personal." Ray said, lighting a fresh joint and leaning back in his chair. I proceeded to tell him of my barhopping and winding up at The Rivet.

"The Rivet? What kind of place is that? Just for construction workers?" Ray toked long on the joint, and expelled a massive cloud of smoke up to the ceiling. I hesitated. I could tell him anything. He obviously had never heard of the place. But, somehow, I couldn't bring myself to lie to him.

"It's a gay bar." I said, then looked away.

"Oh." Ray said. "Were you looking for some company?"

"Yes." I said, still unable to look up at him.

" Well, you go where you gotta go to get what you want to get, right?"

I looked up smiling. "Right." Ray was smiling too. " Only the getting part didn't get done." I passed the joint back to Ray, and leaned my head back on the arm of the sofa, feeling the emptiness anew, and a pain even greater than before given that the pot had made me horny. I put my hand up to my face to disguise the emotion that was welling up in me; a deep, cold loneliness. Suddenly, tears began to flow. I got up and started putting on my shoes, thanking Ray in a broken voice.

"Hey", Ray said, Putting an arm on my shoulder, and seeming genuinely surprised, and perhaps a bit hurt. " What are you rushing off for? You don't have to leave, do you? I mean, are you on some kind of schedule?" I looked up at him, brushing tears from my face. "I'm sorry." I said.

"For what? Being human? Relax, okay?" Ray looked at me with care and concern in his eyes. I leaned back on the sofa, and felt a smile creep onto my face.

"There you go." Ray said. " Don't go feeling embarrassed. I know what it's like to feel lonely. I haven't been too lucky myself, but then, I've only been here a few weeks."

" You haven't.....well...you know..."

" Boy, do I ever know. No, I've met a few ladies on the block here, but I think it's wise to keep a low profile for starters. I don't want to be stepping on some jealous dude's toes."

An undeniable logic had me thinking about, and frankly yearning for, a chance to repay this generous, good man by relieving the sexual need he no doubt was feeling. From what he'd said, I assumed he wouldn't mind having some attention paid to his penis. I wasn't at all sure he wanted it from me, though.

Ray gave a sigh and got up from his chair. I couldn't help noticing more of a bulge in the front of his sweats than there was before.

"Ray." I said, then found myself blurting out, " I...I...what I ... I'm not trying to involve you wiyh me or seduce you. No kidding. What I'm saying is, if you like, I know I'd enjoy, I'd really be HAPPY to relieve you. Just me relieving you. That's all." I stopped and gave this time to sink in. " I'm really grateful to you, and I like you, I respect you. It would just be based on that. And I can see that talking about sex has aroused you some." I looked out the window for a moment. Ray seemed absorbed in thought. " And, Ray, well. I don't mean to embarrass you but I'm very fond of sucking cock, and I feel I'm just naturally good at it. I'm sure you'd enjoy it." I let it go at that. Ray let out another deep sigh and turned to me.

" This is an offer I can't seem to refuse, Kenny." he said, and I could see that his cock had shifted further in the soft pants.

"That's great, Ray. Should I just stay here?" I said, figuring giving him every option to control the situation was only right. I was there for his pleasure.

"That's cool, where you are. " He walked over to me where I was sitting on the edge of the couch. I reached out and lightly touched the curved contour of his cock through the fabric. Then I leaned my face against it. Mmmmmmm. I could feel it make a slow wriggle against my cheek, and its warmth felt so good radiating through the cloth. I stayed there for a minute, my face resting on his groin, my arms around his hips, hands joined behind him. I felt so warm and cared for. Ray reached down and touched my head gently.

Will you be warm enough?" I asked, even though it was a summery day and quite mild. It gave me a chance to brake the tension and to look up at him. He smiled.

"Just fine." He said, and I could hear in his voice that he was giving himself over to his lust.

I ran my hands up under his teeshirt onto his warm flat belly. I could feel the swift beat of his heart. When I moved my hands down, I caught the elastic waistband and, being careful to give his erection plenty of room to escape unsnagged, lowered the sweatpants to his knees. I know that long thick "horsecocks" on black men is something of a stereotype, but, to my delight, Ray's ample genitalia fulfilled it. It was an absolutely beautiful cock. The thick shaft was covered in sleek, cocoa skin, and a full, prominent knob-like head shining a taut pinkish brown, swelled pleasurably at the end. The shaft, especially the top, was intricately veined.

I was dumbstruck. My eyes roved hungrily over this king among cocks. I was brought out of my revery by the sight of Ray's hand picking up his penis by the shaft and bringing the lovely swelled head against my cheek. I looked up while Ray let his cock "get acquainted" with its latest, and very thankful, servant.

Ray traced the whole outline of my face - my nose, my lips, even my closed eyes - with the wondrously warm, exquisitely tumescent cockhead. When he brushed it playfully at the entrance to my nostrils, I was intoxicated with the hot funk it exuded. I loved it so much I - shyly- asked him please to let me smell it up close again.

When I eventually made a timid entreaty with my tongue, touching it lightlyagainst the tip, Ray groaned his pleasure. I decided he was in no mood for a lot of foreplay. I took the head gently all the way into my mouth and closed my eyes, savoring its expansion and contraction as waves of pleasure pulsed repeatedly through it. With each increase in its size, with each of its rythmic swellings, I could feel my lips stretch, then resume their smaller circumference. I wished I could see myself in a mirror. I imagined my pink whiteboy lips looked rather sexy with the thick black penis between them! While I continued to entertain the head with my tongue and lips, I reached between Ray's smooth legs and took his scrotum gently in my hand. The effect was immediate. The cock suddenly got hotter and stiffer, and began to jerk spasmodically. I sensed that Ray had good control, so I continued fondling him there. I let the head slip out, and it bobbed before me, shining with my saliva. I started licking the shaft which had til then gone unattended to. It seemed grateful to have attention now! Ray moaned deeply as I lapped from base to tip with long strokes Mmmmmmm!!! Cock this good didn't come around often! On one excursion down the shaft, I stopped long enough to give each of Ray's testicles a little peck. Just a soft kiss of respect. If there was one thing that was developing for me, it was respect for Ray. I was really honored to have his cock in my mouth.

While fingering his balls, I took a chance and reached between his legs further and stroked his ass. This seemed to please him too. I reached both hands between his legs taking a buttock in each of my hands. I gently stroked and kneaded Ray's ass as I filled my mouth on the other side. I reached between his cheeks and brushed my fingertips against his anus. It was quite warm from the excitement. Withdrawing that hand, I brought it around front and stroked him. When my hand stroked up to where my mouth was hungrily nursing on his head, I would let the fingertips slowly graze across the front of my nose. I breathed in the earthy asshole smell each time I did this. It was getting me so hot smelling it! When I let him slip out, I just sat there on the edge of the couch, not knowing how to broach the subject of my latest desire. Would he think it wrong or disgusting? He didn't seem hung up by anything so far.

"I'd like to make love to you , um... well, behind, from behind you , Ray. Is that allright?" I almost whispered.

"Sounds good to me." was all Ray said.

I slipped off the couch and fell to my knees behind Ray. He had a cute little butt. I took a liking to it at once. I would become good friends with him here, too, I declared to myself happily! It excited me to be making love to a black man's ass. I couldn't wait to get my nose and lips between his crevice. But first, I spent a few minutes showering the cheeks with swift, loud kisses. As I did, I was reaching back through his legs the other way this time. stroking the hot rigid penis. After the playful kisses, I ventured to run my nose up and down the crevice. Mmmmmmmmm!!! That great anus smell wafted up to my nostrils. Kissing as Iwent, I worked in closer to the anus. I could see it dimly, the beautiful brown sphincter winking in unison with the cocks celebratory jerkings. I kissed it. A soft tentative kiss. Then another. All the while I was smelling its wonderful aroma. I rubbed the end of my nose against its warm, slightly sticky pucker. I was in heaven! I licked around the edges, where the dark corona extends a bit onto the asscheeks. Then I let my tonguetip rest right on the hole. Barely touching it, I could feel it winking with pleasure. My hands registered an increased excitement in the penis. Stroking the full length of his cock through his legs, I let my tongue finally "have its head", and it plunged joyfully into the black man's sweet-smelling anus. I cleaned every possible crevice of his delicious sphincter. (The redolence of his anal funk lingered on my lips and fingertips for hours afterwards, much to my delight.) While deep in the ecstacy of performing this delicious chore, Ray summoned me to come up front again. I knew only one thing could get him to want me to stop what I was doing! I scampered around on my knees to behold this beautiful black man's erection in all its majesty. The head was swelled to its maximum. I looked up at him and smiled. Dutifully, gratefully, I wrapped my lips around the cockhead once again. I took the first shuddering delivery of Ray's semen in my mouth, joyfully swallowing his hot juice. But then I withdrew it and,holding it before me with both hands, accepted the remaining copious loads of cum right on my face. Mmmmm.... he must NOT have come in some time! There was semen all over my face, hanging from my nose and eyelashes. I squeezed the quivering, exhausted cock, licking each precious globule away and into my mouth. Then I got down to the task of scooping the cum off my face and eating it all while it was still warm.

"can I drop by another time, Ray?" I said, looking up as I licked my fingers.

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