Sweet and Sour

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Mar 7, 2010




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


I picked up the phone and dialed the Chinese restaurant downstairs. "Mrs. Chang, hi, it's Toby upstairs in Apartment "B." I introduced myself.

"Toby, hi!" Mrs. Chang said. "What you need, something wrong with your apartment?"

"No, no, it's just that I want to place an order to be delivered. That's okay with you?"

"Sure, sure, we deliver." she said cheerfully. I'd eaten in her restaurant a dozen times, like three times a week, since I'd moved in. This was first time I wanted them to bring it upstairs to me, though. Their restaurant was on the first floor of the building and they owned the entire thing.

"Give me a pint of sweet-and-sour pork and a pint of rice and toss in a couple of egg rolls." I said.

She repeated back my order, and said, "Your cost is eleven dollar and seventy-five cents, for you, we make it an even ten, okay?"


"It be about fifteen-twenty minutes." she concluded.

"Thank you. Good-bye." I hung up. Fifteen minutes to pick up the place and get myself ready.

I should explain. I'd done more than eat in the restaurant downstairs. I'd been getting to know their son, Jeffrey Chang. Getting to know him really, really well, in fact. Jeffrey was a bit younger than me, maybe twenty-three, he was a student in college part-time and working in the restaurant for his family the rest of his time. He'd needed six years to finish college, but that was nearly over with for him. He had chatted with me during slack times in the restaurant. And sometimes he made the deliveries for the restaurant. His skin was beautifully clean, a lightly tan color on a face that had two slender arcs of eyebrows, two deep black eyes, his nostrils wider than mine but the nose was smaller than my own, the lips thin and kissable, the cheeks large and square with the skin drawn taut over it. I hadn't seen much more than that face, but it was packaged awfully sweetly in clean white shirts and black pants with the small black bow tie that was his restaurant uniform, a small white apron tied beneath that.

I was counting on him being the one bringing up my order for me. And if I had read his beads right all this time, the smiles and the hands on my own while we talked, Jeffrey was going to be delivering more than pork and rice with this order!

Sure enough, when I answered the door wearing a shirt unbuttoned far too much to be covering most of my chest and my too-tight black leather pants, what I got was a big grin on Jeffrey's face. "Come on in." I said. "I've been waiting for you."

"I have what wanted here." Jeffrey sallied.

"You certainly do." I said.

The order was dropped on the table next to the door where I'd also left the ten-spot, and the next contact I got from Jeffrey was his body pressing against mine, his hands on my rump and his crotch grinding against mine and his lips grinding against my own as well. I drove my tongue into him like I was violating a virgin with a baseball bat, and he sucked on my tongue like I hoped he'd be sucking on something else pretty soon.

"My bedroom's ready." I gasped when I got my tongue back; he didn't want to let go of it.

"Here's fine." Jeffrey panted to me. "Mom's not going to believe I got lost on this trip."

"Yeah." I grunted. "Okay, then, quick and dirty it is."

"Yeah." Jeffrey agreed and his lips began to work down my bare chest. I wanted the tool in his pants, that I lost as he bent over to kiss my nipples, his hands replaced them as he moved further, God, such a thrill of sensations ran from his tongue as he played it over my ribs, my stomach, then they rode onto the black leather of my pants and he chewed at my crotch.

His fingers fought my zipper open and he brought my cock (carefully positioned for ease in extraction, with leather pants, you'd better think about such things when you put them on!) out and scarfed it down with an adroitness that left me seriously in doubt about my taking any virginity from any part of his body. Not that I had any haloes on that myself, but a fellow can dream, can't he?

Still, no reason to fault his experience, he was playing my dong with the skill of a concert flutist! For quick-and-dirty, this was going to be too damned quick!

I fought it back best I could, shit, I didn't want to squirt too damned fast, but Jeffrey didn't give me the choice. You can't beat back the ocean with a fork, and my brain was a fork to Jeffrey's oceanic-power mouth, I threaded my fingers through his sleek black hair and I groaned and I blasted a huge wad right into his throat. Jeffrey had every chance to pull off, but he held on and gulped me down like I was a milk cow and he was the hungry calf feeding at my udder. I dumped a cupful of hot man juice into him, it felt like, and he kept it all, every dreg. I sat down on the arm of the couch behind me and Jeffrey smiled at me, panting heavily as he scooped up the ten-dollar bill. "Glad to have been of service, sir." he said as he tucked the money into his pants pocket (lucky money! I knew now what I wanted to come back as when I died!), and Jeffrey went back downstairs to his restaurant and his life.

Me, I was going to want to order in again pretty soon!

I tried the following night, but when I called, Mrs. Chang said without my asking that Jeffrey was off work, studying for a test. I told her that, upon second thought, I'd eat in the restaurant. I did, learning that they took orders for delivery up until ten-thirty at night, the restaurant closing at eleven.

So the following night, I called down at ten-forty. Apologizing, explaining I'd had to work late, but asking if they'd deliver a late night meal for me. For me, one of her renters, Mrs. Chang agreed.

There was a knock at my door right at eleven o'clock like I'd hoped. I opened the door and said, "Have I been waiting for you."

"Got your order right here." Jeffrey held my sweet-and-sour chicken and order of chow mein.

"Yeah, and with the restaurant closed, we can take as long as we want." I said. "Come on, this time I'm getting you onto the bed."

There was a hesitation, and then Jeffrey said, "All right by me."

I watched him undress as I did the same (I was wearing sweats this time around, easy to take off), and he stripped and grinned at me with a strength I hadn't seen two night before. No matter, I got onto the bed and said, "I'm ready for you."

"You'd better be." Jeffrey clambered on the bed and got on top of me and kissed me. Kissed me hard. Gone was the gentle, kindly lover of the last time, ardent but accommodating, Jeffrey was taking charge. His kissing of my lips never faltered as he grabbed hold of my legs and began pulling them upwards.

"Uh, Jeffrey, what are you...?" I gasped.

"Shut up." Jeffrey growled at me. "I'm plugging this sweet little hole of yours. I've been staring at it every time you come into the restaurant. And sometimes, if I see you coming home, I'll come out and watch you walk up the stairs." The restaurant's back door was next to the stairway that led to the upper floor and the three apartments they had there.

"Yeah, but...but...."

Jeffrey growled again, a sound that said shut up and take it, punk! So I demurred. I guess I hadn't read Jeffrey as well as I thought I had.

When Jeffrey plugged my butt, I knew I had read him wrong. He wasn't at all gentle, he shoved it in, me grunting all the way. Once he was inside me, he started immediately to fucking me, ramming it hard and fast. My ass felt the way meat must feel when you tenderize it with one of those steel mallets with all the squarish-knobs on it. I clung to him partly in pain and partly in passion (He was good at the old fudge-packing, all right!), and as his grunts raised in pitch and volume, I was right there with him. As he climaxed, spraying hot jizz right up inside me, I squirted my load right onto his stomach, where it dripped down onto my own body as he kept right on hunching into me.

Done, he sagged down onto me, crushing me while he caught his breath and when he was damned well good and ready, he raised up, wiped his face free of sweat and then had the infernal gall to wipe it right onto my own chest, grinned and said, "That's a hell of a tip you give a guy."

"Glad you liked it." I said, rather doubtfully, I think you understand.

"Good to have you living here." he said. "When Mom moved you in, I was kind of wondering, but this was all right."

"I'm glad to be here, too."

He got dressed and threw a wink and a "pistol shot" at me (the index finger pointing at me and the thumb upraised, the entire hand wriggling it like a pistol going off), and he left.

I went back outside to get my food. I was going to have to think about this.

What made Jeffrey act so aggressive this time? He'd been so damned sweet the first time. Maybe I was wrong to expect him to play my little cocksucker every time, but everything up to that point had leaned that way.

Well...live and learn.

The next night, I had brought home a burger and fries for my dinner. It was a Friday night, but my ass was still sore from the butt-pounding I'd gotten from Jeffrey, so I decided to spend the weekend vegging out on the couch and let my raw ass repair itself before I threw it back into the sexual fray. Nothing wrong with watching a little television, maybe whack off before going to sleep...hell, I had a couple of nice memories to work with. A sweet pair of lips on my cock, and a virile rod ramming my ass the other time.

A knock at my door around eleven o'clock. "Who's there?"

"Jeffrey!" came the call.

Oh jeez. I almost didn't answer the door, I didn't want to have to fend off that pole-driver. But I did get up and open the door anyhow.

"Can I come in?"

"Sure. I was about to go to bed."

"Great!" Jeffrey said. "Mind if I join you? I'm off work now, and Mom thinks I've gone out to see a movie."

"Well...sure, come on in." I could always just say no.

Jeffrey plastered himself to me like he had that first time. Only this time, he was even more gentle than he'd been that first time. Taking his time. God, this was just what I needed after the butt-pounding I'd gotten from him the night before.

He was soft and smooth and caressed my body as he undressed me. Let me do the same for him, we played our hands over each other again and again until we were naked and ready.

I got on the bed and to my relief, Jeffrey moved into a position that was only fit for two guys to blow each other. I got his dong in my mouth and I sucked it serenely. I guess Jeffrey was a guy who liked to mix things up in bed. That's not such a bad thing, is it? You have to adjust your life to those moods, but some experience would give me pointers about when he wanted to serve me, and when he'd want to be served instead.

As my passion increased, I rolled Jeffrey over to where I was on top of him, his heels resting on my pillows and looking so damned good there. Jeffrey's lips were firmly locked on mine, and my climax was gathering itself in my balls, not ready to blast out yet, just sort of bubbling and fermenting itself until I wanted to release it. No hurry tonight, I could suck Jeffrey for an hour or more and then, only then, send a load into him heavy enough to repay him for that rough treatment of the night before.

The bed shifted on me, kind of rough, and I was puzzled. Was this an earthquake? If so, where was the rumbling sound that it made, you know, like a huge truck is going by you on the highway.

"Yeah, that's a sweet ass you got." Jeffrey said.

Only...Jeffrey's lips were still around my cock. And he hadn't said it!

"What the fuck!" I said as quick as I dropped Jeffrey's dick from my own lips. By then, I was feeling a hard rod poking at my sphincter, rather familiar-feeling, in fact.

I looked around to see Jeffrey behind me, about to fuck my ass again for the second night in a row...only, who was this underneath me?

I peered down between my legs and there was Jeffrey still sucking on me. Looked up at Jeffrey, down at Jeffrey.


"Mm-muh?" came the sound at my cock.

"You're Jeffrey, then...who are you?"

The second Jeffrey grinned at me. "I'm Jeffrey's brother, Jerald."


Jeffrey let go of my cock. "My twin brother. He works in the kitchen most of the times."

"But I deliver now and then. I thought Jeffrey spent quite a while delivering to you on Monday night." Jerald said. "I can see he had the same idea I did, a little special tip from the customer, eh?"

"I was occupied."

"Twins?" My brain was dazed from the sex and the experience, so forgive me for belaboring the obvious when I did say something."

"I thought you knew." Jerald said. "It's why I came back for more tonight."

And before I could figure out what to do, Jerald's cock found my asshole and dug into it.

Jeffrey resumed sucking me.

I had four choices here.

One: Toss Jeffrey out and let Jerald fuck me. With that hard cock inside me, that sounded better than I thought it would.

Two: Toss Jerald out and get back to that slow orgasm I'd been working on before my twosome had become a threesome.

Three: Toss both of them out and study celibacy as an alternate lifestyle. Only I wasn't ready for that, by any means!

Four: Not say a word and get back to sucking cock while I got my butt plugged. Jerald wasn't being as rough as he was the night before, he wasn't in as big a hurry as he had been the night before.

I decided to suck while I thought about it. I thought quite a while. Of course, by then, my choice had been made for me.

Jeffrey was the gentle, sweet, thoughtful lover, sweet as sugar. Jerald was the rougher, take-charge guy you like to have in your life, tart and tangy.

Why choose, when I could have both at once? I was always ordering sweet-and-sour when I ordered from their restaurant anyhow!


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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