Sweat Turns Me On

By Paul Lantoro

Published on May 23, 2013



Hey guys, another hot story. I hope you like this one. Comments welcome at my email above, hope to hear from you.

(A note for any non-American readers, Baltimore is a city on the middle east coast of the USA)

=-=-=-=-= Sweat Turns Me On =-=-=-=-=

Late May, and warm days are now here in Baltimore. The real heat waves will be coming soon. I keep remembering the fucking hot times I had last summer with Jesse.

It started in June, right after my junior year. Well, it actually started that spring; I saw Jesse a few times here and there working out at the campus gym. Noticed him for sure. Six foot two, close cropped blondish hair, handsome face, scruffy little gold-brown goatee on his chin... and a fucking AMAZING body. He was that perfect combo of tall and lean and mega-built, all over. Even his legs were all developed and strong. Head to toe he was just awesome to look at. I didn't know his name, then. He was one of a half dozen hot guys I'd see sometimes during my workouts. Probably the hottest. I couldn't quite tell if he was a college student or a couple years older. He was intently focused: get in, train hard for almost a whole hour, then get out. He'd bolt out of the gym and onto his bicycle, post-workout. But one time I saw him near-naked, stripping and changing, in the locker room. He had beautiful, flawless skin all over, that healthy peachy tan sort of color. He was mostly smooth, just a light dusting of golden brown fur trickling down the center of his belly, along the ridges of his abs.

At that time I didn't know if this guy was straight or gay, or anything else about him. He was totally focused on working out, earbuds in his ears, when he was in there. Me too, mostly. I'm 6'1 (almost as tall as Jesse), dark wavy hair and dark brown eyes, Italian, handsome looking. Been working out since I was 15 and now, six years later, it's like a part of who I am.

Another part of who I am – 100% homo. Always been into guys. I kept it hidden in high school but had some action and a semi-boyfriend even back then. And I've been open about it here on campus, it's pretty much no big deal, this is a major university, liberal attitudes compared to most of America. But it is still taking me a while to find good friends; it's like they all want sex sex sex, and I can get into that too, but after a while you get bored if it's just whatever-sex. Not a thing you're 100% into, with a guy you are 100% into. Part of it is, and this is gonna sound cocky, but I'm kind of the total package: outgoing and social, handsome face, muscular body... and a big thick 8.5 inches of dick. So, at a party or something, there is always somebody trying to get with me and plenty more guys checking me out at the same time. Yeah, hard life, I know. I am not complaining, just explaining that when I met Jesse, I was getting bored of just sex. He changed that, for sure.

I think also part of it is, we are still young, like ages 18-22 here. Some of the guys here have all kinds of fucked up issues about being gay or queer or bi or whatever, and fucked up issues about sex - or they are just awkward and bad at it. This is double true if they are just coming out, or are (you know the type) mostly straight but curious. It ends up with me regretting it, mid-hookup, like, "Okay. This dude can't kiss good the way I like it, he barely knows how to suck a dick, and a fuck is probably out of the question. I'm bored already. Do I just leave now or do I keep going thru with it." So when I saw Jesse with some girl-friends of his in the library, it happened at the same time that I was encountering situations like the above, and I got to thinking: The kind of guy I wanna be with, is definitely homo. A guy who is definitely into having sex with guys, and is good at it. Because, even though I am masculine, I am striking out sexually with these lame straight/confused dudes. I don't mind doing most of the work in bed, being a high performing top. That's what I am, most of the time, I can be versatile but I was born and built to fuck, and fuck good and hard. But. I want my match: a guy who fucking LOVES what I am doing to him and knows how to take it as good as I can give it.

Jesse met me on that, all the way. Amazing, fucking amazing, the sex we had. But back to how it happened.

So there he was one night, right before finals, early May. With two female friends in the lounge/study section of the library, comfy chairs where you can talk in low conversation or desks where you can study. I was surprised to see hot blond guy from the gym has friends and is here with the rest of us. Until then I'd only seen him working out and then disappearing after. So yeah, I did something I almost never have to do: I stalked.

After a few minutes I scored a chair near and right behind them, and put earbuds up to my ears with no music. Half-studied for my biology final, and half-listened in. Over the next hour, here's what I learned. First, gay. Definitely. He has the sweetest Southern accent and is actually kind of gay-acting. But so fucking cute. The purring drawl of his voice and beautiful face and his long tall frame with muscles filled out all over him, the combo kind of worked for me even though he is not totally masculine. Girlfriends were talking him into meeting some gay guy they knew. He said something like this: "Oh no not again, not after the last one you tried to hitch me up with, ohh mahh Gawd – Gavin, remember him? Cray-cray all the way-way, whatever were you honeys thinkin'?" They burst into laughter and a nearby student shushed them with irritation. But I liked how, when he laughed, his face broadened into this broad big smile. I had never seen him make any facial expression at all, in the gym. When he smiled it was great to see.

So, stalking worked well. I got facts. Name: Jesse. Hometown: Charlotte, North Carolina. Age: Probably around 23, two years older than me, because he's a first-year grad student at the business school. One of the two female friends is his classmate. He has an off campus apartment and his parents send him an ample stream of money. He thinks he is going to land a huge salary after his MBA degree. He is sticking around Baltimore for the summer, in order to work closely with a professor on an "incubator" business idea the two of them have. He studies at the business school library and was only hanging out here with all us undergrads today because the other of the two girls is an undergrad senior. They know each other from a b-school class that the undergrad girl was allowed to audit. He doesn't have a boyfriend anymore, he did have one in college though. The boyfriend was named Keith and they tried to stay together afterward, during Jesse's grad school, but the back and forth between Baltimore and Atlanta wore them down.

Meanwhile he didn't even know I was there behind him, learning all this.

After that, I decided to try to pursue him somehow before the end of year. I tried to remember when I usually saw him at the gym, and went then. I tried to get noticed more – I wore a tank T and thinner sweats, instead of the baggy stuff I usually wore. My plan worked, he was there a few days later, working out. He glanced at me a couple of times and we made eye contact once. Not much but a step up from him being 100% in his own solo zone, all the times before. I realized he had probably thought I was straight, and now he has no clue that I know a lot of stuff about him but he knows zero about me. I decided to go up to him and say hi or something, but suddenly he was gone again.

As luck would have it, I received an unhappy phone call the next morning. My summer internship back home in New York, the one that was going to finally start getting me thinking about post-college and getting some actual experience, making some career connections, was suddenly cancelled. The company (a new media company formed in 2010) was being acquired and relocated, there was too much chaos. They apologized several times but still I was furious, this had been arranged since March, and I'd made all these plans to hang in the city. After spending the day in a simmering rage of disappointment, that night I Skyped with my mom and she got me calmed down, helped me have more perspective. She runs a crazy real estate office, she's seen it all. As we talked thru my options, I decided to stay on campus for the summer. I'd take two extra courses so that I could relax more during my senior year and also work part time locally – I knew a situation here in Baltimore that would work out, something I turned down (due to NYC internship) but they were still looking to fill two spots.

OK, this is a lot of background detail, I know, you want the good stuff. The upshot: I stayed on campus that long hot summer. And as soon as I made that decision, I realized, Jesse is staying too. And I swear, my dick started to twitch and get semi-hard just from realizing this. Yeah... I wanted him. And I usually find a way to go after what I want.

So by the end of May, campus had totally cleared out, it was near deserted. The next week, I remember it was June 1, finally I saw Jesse in the gym again, after a couple weeks of not seeing him. We were two of only five people in the whole big place. I noticed in the mirrors that he was checking me out a few times, and, gotta say, I looked fucking good. I had been working out since like forever, and now my Italian skin had a rich caramel colored suntan on top of all the muscle. And Jesse, well, he looked better than ever too.

What the hell, I'm an extrovert, not afraid of people. After another glance from him in the mirror, while I was curling some dumbbells, I just went right up to him, all tall and blond and buff, and I just said "Hey... been meaning to say hi. I'm Mike." He smiled and said in that Southern twang, "Pleased to meet you, Mike. Ah'm Jesse." It was funny, he sounded and acted more masculine than when I'd been spying on him dishing with his girlfriends in the library. I liked that he had a few different sides to him.

We talked for a while, small talk, confirming we were both around for the summer. And then I just went for it, even though he was the older one, the grad student, I took the lead with a flirtatious grin. "Jesse, I gotta tell you – it's been nice watching you work out the past few months. I get psyched when you're here. You are fucking HOT - 'scuse my language." He smiled and said politely in that sweet drawl, "The feelin' is reciprocated."

So yeah, we hooked up the very next night. I was totally stoked for it. But here's the kicker: on my way to his place, I started to get like borderline food poisoning, from whatever I had for dinner in the cafeteria. I guess the food isn't so fresh when almost all of the students are gone. So I get to Jesse's apartment, it's nice, he looks great, and we immediately start making out, and he's a great kisser. But I'm having really bad stomach issues at the same time. I finally told him what was going on, and he got all nice and kind, all Southern Hospitality, he offered me Pepto Bismol and other stuff. Well, he tried to help me but the pain got worse, and I ended up puking violently in his toilet. After I cleaned up and rinsed out my mouth a few times with stolen swigs from his mouthwash, we lay together on his living room sofa. I just rested my head in his lap and waited for the abdominal pain to subside, while he ruffled his fingers through my curly hair and told me I'd be OK. Hot hookup, right?

I looked up into his eyes and said "Jesse: can I make a request?" I said, "I want a Do-Over. Like, I come over again soon, just like this, except no food poisoning." He wrapped a warm strong arm around my face and his fingers stroked my hair again and he said "Awww, Mike. I can tell you're a real hot date. I knew that from checking you out in the gym, I could jus' tell. So yeah, we'll go for it again."

I eventually slinked outta there feeling like a total fucking idiot, frustrated as hell, but at least no longer puking, and hopeful we could do a Take Two. Back at home, resting in bed and swigging more of the Pepto that he gave me, I texted him again. "Thx for taking care of me. I want that do-over sometime soon ;)" He texted back "Me too" . When I saw that, even though I was still in rough shape, my dick started to twitch and rise and get semi-hard again. And I knew where I wanted to put it: balls-deep inside Jesse. Soon. Hopeful.

At least with food poisoning, it hits you fast but it leaves you almost as equally fast. I was fine 24 hours later, like it had never happened. Jesse dropped another text to ask how I was feeling, and I shot back "great" then added "do over, how about thurs eve?" That was three nights from now. He said "sure thing Mike". Again my dick started to stir to life, rising in my shorts.

I worked out the next day but Jesse wasn't there. It was a hot day, 88 degrees in the shade, and the next two days were forecast to be even hotter, in the 90s. And here I'll tell you what I was about to tell Jesse: I have a thing for sweat, I love hot wet sweaty sex. I guess we can call it a fetish, right? Anyway, yeah. I fucking LOVE sweat. The heat, the feel and taste of drenched salty wetness all over him and all over me, it just drives me insane with lust. It's something that I don't tell most guys – but if sex gets hot and sweat-drenched, I fucking love it 10x more. If they don't, no problem.

So, with the heatwave on us, I started sexting Jesse. We quickly sorted it out that he's a bottom and I am nearly always a top. Yeah! And I told him what I wanted:

Mike: can I offer u a deal

Jesse: intrigued - explain

M: I have a sex fantasy about you – want to make it real

will do anything you want in return

well, anything within reason

J: details

M: we are in a heatwave and I like sweat

J: that's it?

M: sounds simple but the thought of you and me all sweaty

thats how I want it

its a thing I am into

J: ok! I can get into that

M: can you really get into it, all that you can

I mean like, buckets of sweat

fresh sweat though. not stinky

J: I don't want to pass out, but ok

I can go to the max with your request :)

it sounds hot LOL, hot literally

anything else I need to know?

M: just drink a lot of gatorade beforehand

and have some more ready

and turn off the a/c

fans are ok, it will be fucking hot

J: say fucking again :)

M: Fucking.

J: that is my request. fucking. BRING IT

M: you got it!

i'm getting hard right now

shame your almost never in the locker room, you aint seen what i got

its a big one and i know how to use it

J: I am hard too, right now

I've noticed you are packing something in there

watched you bench press and I wasn't looking at the weights

M: pervert! LOL

do me another favor besides sweat

Dont cum til our get together

I want a huge load out of you

J: You'll get one ;)

It went on like this for a while. It turns out he also likes being "dominated – but not degraded – if you know the difference". I texted back that I'm only 21 but I know a lot – I'm from NYC. And that I think we are gonna click. I was getting crazy turned on, thinking about Thursday night. My cock was upright and rock hard and huge, and I wanted to just beat off ferociously right then and there. This was going to be a challenge, saving it up for the next few days.

It got hotter and hotter, Thursday was 95 degrees. I actually went to the mall for part of the afternoon, partly to pick up a few things and partly to not get too tired from the day's heat. I wanted to be energetic and ready for Jesse. He gave me a Do-Over, I was gonna give him the best fuck I could. So I sat there in the food court sipping a yogurt shake and having a perpetual semi-hardon in my shorts, thinking about the night ahead. Every time I imagined Jesse and me having sex all hot and wet with sweat, I started to get obscenely hard again, and had to move my brain to other thoughts.

Finally evening came. I took the bus to Jesse's apartment, got there at 8:15. The evening heat was thick, stifling. I had said I wanted sweat but it was already happening, just from me traveling to his place. He buzzed me in and I took the elevator back up to the 5th floor where I'd been the week before. Except now I was totally horned up and in heat and ready to plow him so fucking hard.

Jesse opened the door, he was wearing a tight gray T-shirt and bike shorts. Hotter looking than ever, and right there standing tall and gorgeous in front of me. The apartment was a lot warmer than the air conditioned hallway, but not as brutally hot as outdoors. I stepped in toward Jesse, looking all strong and sweet. My eyes connected with the spark of anticipation and lust in his. "You look good to go this time" he said with a grin. "Damn right" I said, and I pulled us together for a slow, soft, wet, eager kiss. Yeah! Jesse knows how to kiss the way I like it. I want a lot more. Even that first kiss had a hint of fresh sweat on it, we were both already hot. Jesse said "You wanted some sweat, boy, you're gittin' it" and we laughed. Sweat was beading up along his forehead and coming through his gray cotton T- shirt, coloring it dark and wet along his broad chest and his underarms. "Where's the Gatorade?" I asked – I needed some, after my travel out there in the sweltering heat. He fetched me a bottle and I drank most of it down in only a dozen huge thirsty gulps. The living room was low-lit, the only light coming from a small lamp over on a corner table. Jesse looked fucking hot in the interplay of shadow and light. We had some breeze of air, a box fan in one window, but the incoming air was that evening heat from outside. Perfect.

Then we got right down to it. I think it took us like half a minute to tear each other's clothes off. Fuck seduction. We stood there buck naked, hot, ready, the whirring fan and the low angled dim light and the taste of grape Gatorade on my tongue. And Jesse right there before me, naked and gorgeous from foot to head, looking so fucking fuckable. Fantasy made real. His body looked great – his dick was meaty and nice looking, and uncut, and it stood straight out in front of him. Mine, bigger and mega-thick and cut, surged upward at its classic 45 degree angle. He stared at it and said softly, "Mike. Ohh Jeezus - just look at that thang." I said "I want you to taste it" and there he was, down on his knees, his warm wet mouth swirling all over the fat head of my dick and his long strong arms wrapped around my thighs. His hands grabbed and kneaded my ass as he sucked that dick of mine better than anybody else ever had. I stood and breathed in the warm humid air of summer. Jesse's mouth slobbered deliciously up and down my shaft, up and down and up and down. I moaned, it felt so fucking great what he was doing to me. I guided his head up and down, running my hand thru his blond hair, feeling that warm wet mouth of his all over my throbbing dick, and finally after just a couple minutes I felt my balls quickening and I had to stop him and say "Whoa – I could come so fast – want to save it up." Jesse rose from his knees, panting like a dog, grinning like a fool. He kissed me again, and this time we made out even more passionately. Our breaths surged into each other's throats, our tongues were sliding and exploring and probing all over each other, our lips stayed locked in a wet hungry sensual swirl that did not want to let up, just wanted more and more. We grabbed onto each other, our bodies pressing against each other, hot and naked and strong. My chest pressed against his, our hard cocks pressed against each other. Our mouths claiming everything they could as we made out. I raised one of Jesse's strong long arms and buried my face in the musky furry sweat of his underarm. Holy fuck, he tasted so good in there. I licked and sucked that sweaty pit like it was my only source of nourishment. So fucking hot. I could feel my heart really starting to pound.

Finally we stood face to face and Jesse said "Ok, we are sweating now." I was panting from all that time I spent face-deep in his armpit. I stroked and licked the little blond goatee on his jaw and said "That's just a warmup - are you ready?"

I remembered he said something about liking to be dominated.

A moment later I'd talked Jesse into letting me play the part of kick-ass personal trainer. I trained him naked, in the heat, and I trained him intense. There he was, this fucking beautiful blond stud, doing pushups naked in slow motion on his yoga mat – "slow... I want you to do 'em slow and make 'em burn, Jesse" – on his own living room floor in the heat. I crouched down before his head as it rose and fell, and placed my hand beneath his face, with fingers upstretched. "All the way up, perfect plank, hold it... HOLD it... now come down, SLOW, and hold the bottom position by sucking on my fingers. Suck the fingers, Jesse. Slow and wet, that's it. Suck 'em for 10 full seconds." His hot wet mouth sucked on my fingers obediently. "Now raising back up, maintain that plank, perfect plank all the way up, SLOW.. now fucking hold it up there, count to 10.. now slow, hold that plank, come on back down Jesse, SLOW.. down to my fingers, yeah that's it... suck on 'em, mmm nice, 10 long seconds..."

After about 20 cycles of this slow-pushup finger-sucking torture in the heat, Jesse's back was covered in real sweat, and he gasped "gotta stop soon". I said "I know, just let me take you to your max – train to the point of failure, right? SLOW... that's it, suck the fingers... yeah, your arms are shaking, you can do it, now SLOWWW, lifting back up, stay aligned..." Drops of clean fresh sweat were falling from his forehead and the tip of his nose onto the floor and onto my hand, as he sucked my fingers and lifted and lowered his body. Finally Jesse collapsed, heaving, onto the yoga mat and hardwood floor. Hot, submissive, and drenched in sweat, fucking beautiful shimmering sweat.

I was so turned on, my big hard dick dropped a long thick droplet of pre-cum down onto his floor. I rose to standing, approached Jesse from behind, and lay down on top of him. I was sweaty too. I hugged him tight around the shoulders and chest, my cock slid perfectly between the full round mounds of his ass. My hands grabbed hold underneath his full round sweaty pectoral muscles, my fingers tugged on his hard nipples, and I sucked the fresh wet saltiness off his neck and murmured dirty talk into his ear. Gonna fuck you good, Jesse. Gonna fill you up. That's right Jesse. Aww (hard tug) are these nipples sensitive? Yeah? (tugging harder) Fucking hot. (Thrusting my dick again between his big smooth sweaty glutes) Open up that hole for me. Open it up good, I want it, I want that fucking hole. You feel this big thing humping your ass? Wanna get inside you, all the way inside you. Jesse, mmm fuck, your skin tastes so fuckin' good. I could just fuck you all night long and lick every drop of sweat off you. Fuckin' delicious. Damn Jesse. Fuck fuck fuck. Feel that, feel my dick almost sliding right inside there when I say that? FUCK. I wanna give it to you Jesse.

He went crazy with me doing this on him. I discovered quick that Jesse's nipples are hypersensitive: as soon as I started tugging on them, he began to buck wildly up against my dick and up against my body on top of his. I tugged and pinched those nips of his even harder, and just kept growling all that wanna-fuck-you, gonna-fuck you dirty talk into his ear and sliding my fat dick into the warm wet cleft of his ass. He was breathing hard, his chest taking full inhales and exhales as I held him down and held him tight, wet, my own sweat now starting to pour down onto his.

Jesse begged, "Gatorade" and I got up off him and gave him a break. Now it was his turn to drink an entire bottle of Gatorade in one long single series of gulps. He did. We fell back sitting on the floor and just looked at each other, our bodies and faces drenched wet in the dim light and heat, our dicks hard and glistening.

I leaned in and we started kissing again. My tongue moved all over his, wet and hungry. I traveled my lips from his lips, across his jawline and up to his ear and said, real low, "And now, I wanna french-kiss your ass." He grinned. "Mike, you are sooo dirty." I moved down his chest, chewing for a moment on one of his perky nipples, making him yell "UHHH!" real loud, then just licking his chest, sucking in the wonderful sweat-salty taste of him. I guided Jesse to the sofa and into position, kneeling on the sofa cushion, face toward the wall, sticking that gorgeous round gym-sculpted ass out for me. Damn, what an ass. So strong and smooth and perfect, with a touch of dark blond fur around the center. I folded the yoga mat over a few times and got down on my knees, and just dove right in face first. Fuck, that nice round hot sweaty ass of his tasted so good. I nuzzled way on in there, my tongue getting as deep in there as I could extend it. Jesse moaned and moaned, he fucking loved it. I sat back for a minute and looked at his hole as I spread it open with my fingers. What a fucking beautiful hole. I leaned in again, licked it, tasted him, felt a wave of desire come over me. I just went to town on that ass, spent a while just licking and slurping and slobbering on that juicy fuck-hole. My dick was rock hard and throbbing, pulsing up and down on its own. Almost ready to fuck.

But I couldn't resist a little more dominance. I slapped one of his beefy and sweaty ass cheeks to see if he liked it. The wet sweaty sheen all over his skin made the slap hit even harder, made it sting. "Uh!" he cried out in surprise. "Want more of that?" He didn't say no, so I smacked that hot wet muscle ass even harder, SMACK! SMACK! WHACK! WHACK! Jesse went wild, howling. I shifted to tenderness for a moment, softly kissing that beautiful round butt where I'd slapped it. Sliding my tongue back into his hungry wet hole, softly growling "mmm" as I tasted that awesome animal taste of him again. Then I went back to spank time. I upped the intensity. WHAP! SMACK-SMACK-SMACK!!! WHUP!!!! WHAP, WHAPWHAP!!!! "Ow! Oh! Oh god Mike! OWW! Oh, fuck!" Then suddenly I'd turn all sweet and tender again, caressing and kissing that hot rosy red ass, while Jesse just whimpered helplessly like a giant six-foot- two puppy. Back and forth, mean and tender, tender and mean, until that butt of his was a deep crimson red and he was gasping in shock, his sweaty back heaving with each deep breath he took. I climbed onto him from behind and slid my hard dick up along his butt. Fuck, the sensation of heat coming off of his ass! The places where I spanked it the hardest, they felt like a furnace, like 200 degrees. I wrapped my arms around Jesse, the two of us absolutely drenched wet, and I whispered into his ear, "Fuck time."

Jesse suggested we move to his bedroom. We opened the door and our naked bodies found the air was even hotter in there; the fan was in the living room. Jesse trotted to the kitchen, his thick cock flopping, to get us more Gatorade. Back in the bedroom, he whipped the coverings off the bed and we dove onto each other on the sheet-covered mattress. We kind of wrestled around on the bed, getting even hotter, still totally wet. It was dim light in the bedroom, only a streetlight shone in from an angle. Jesse's body looked so fucking beautiful in the angled light, the half-darkness, and he felt so hot and alive and amazing. He was feeling the same, we could not stop wrestling and humping and grabbing and grinding all over each other. Our dicks were big and hard, and his butt still so burning- hot where I'd spanked it. Jesse leaned in and sucked sweat off my shoulder, savored the taste and said "mmmm, yeah" as I held his hot wet body down against the mattress and twisted one of his nipples. I loved that he was getting into it the way I was.

I slid Jesse into missionary position, his long strong legs up in the air and wrapped around me, and his gorgeous face staring up into mine, the sweltering heat all over us. He looked so fucking eager for it. He paused and said "I hate to bring it up, but - you're HIV negative, right?" I said Yes, guaranteed, I just got tested just two months ago. (My claim felt 99% sure when I said it, and I tested negative again shortly afterward, at Jesse's request.) He said "I'm usually safe, you know, condoms, but- " I cut him off with a passionate wet kiss and said "I know. I want it so bad right now too. I promise I'm negative. And I promise that my promise can be trusted." Jesse responded by grabbing my head and pulling me down for even more passionate kissing. His hands roamed through the wet sweaty curls of my hair, and I lifted his ass and nudged the tip of my cock against that hot juicy hole of his. I could feel that we could almost do it as-is, without any lube, we were so hot and wet and totally ready. But this dick of mine is long and big. Lube is always a good idea.

Jesse reached over to the side, opening a drawer and fishing out a large bottle of lube. I slathered it all over my hard and dripping cock, and all over his hole. I poured more on my fingers and slid three of them up his hole. My fingers fucked him good and wet with all that lube for a minute. Damn, he was ready. I moved us back into fuck position. And in one sure and solid motion, whoop! I penetrated Jesse. My long thick dick just went right on in there, almost all the way in. Felt fantastic. He gasped "Auhh!" in surprise. I stayed deep in him. "Feel good?" "Yeah, just, just go easy for a minute." I did. Fuck, his hole felt so warm and perfect. He let me thrust gently, very gently, and all that wet lube helped. I felt Jesse's hole relaxing, opening, submitting to my big dick inside him. Felt so fucking good. Jesse's long muscular body all wrapped around me, me impaling that tender hole of his. Warm... soft... open... MINE. I pushed my long fat dick in there just a little deeper and he took it with ease this time, and his face broke into a big wide smile. "OK" he said, "we're good" – and then, SMACK! Jesse's hand slapped my ass! I felt the sudden sting and the rise of heat, only a touch of what I'd done to him. I looked down into Jesse's face, my eyes locked deep down into his, and I growled "Oh? You want me to bring it?" And I slid my dick out of him, slow, almost all the way out – and then: SLAM!! I drove it into him, hard and deep, to the max. Jesse bucked and cried out. I held my dick buried in him to the hilt, wriggled it deep in there, and kissed him. Beads of sweat fell from my forehead down onto his face. Then I slowly pulled out again, and then: SLAM!! I threw my dick deep into him again, one long strong punishing stroke. He started to moan and cry in a way he hadn't before – I could tell it wasn't pain; it was that the sensations were just so fucking intense for him. It amazed me, this beautiful man who was all expressionless and self-composed in the gym, now I'm on top of him, we're drenched in sweat and lust, I'm fucking him deep and hard, and his whole body is going into intense spasms of ecstasy.

I picked up the pace. Fucked him in a steady 1, 2, 1, 2 rhythm, in and out. Then even faster. Faster. FASTER. Jesse kept moaning and whimpering and panting and murmuring cuss words in that sexy Southern drawl. "Uhhh! UH! Aww fuuuck, Jeezus- Oh, oh fuck!!!" I was slamming him fast and hard now, my whole body arching with each thrust, PULL out, WHAM! back in, faster, faster, fucking him like a mean-ass fucking machine. Finally I gasped "gonna cum!" and tried to slow it down but I fucking lost control, went for it, man, I just exploded into him with everything I had. With each fuck-thrust, I felt a thick jet of semen shooting out of me up into Jesse's hole. Four, five, six, seven jets of my cum up in there. He felt each one, crying out in pleasure as I fucked my huge load in him. My whole body was bucking and gasping as I slammed him deep, delivering every last drop I had stored up. Slowing down at last, I felt my dick inside him slathered in my own thick warm fresh cum. Fucking awesome. Jesse and I slowed down, breathing together, our hot sweaty bodies sliding all over each other. I laughed "I was gonna try all kinds of positions with you, but, fuck! That first one felt so good." He laughed with me. "Well, you know where I live, baby." "I sure do."

I was wiped out from the heat and the sweat and the all-out fuck assault I'd just delivered to Jesse. But it's a point of pride for me: I am generous in bed. Jesse deserved a good orgasm, like I'd promised days ago when we were texting. My dick still inside him was half hard and I kept it there, and began to stroke Jesse's cock back to full erection. He responded quick. I pulled my cock out of him and began to focus more completely on getting him off. Laying on top/beside him, I stroked his dick with one hand, teased one of his hard little nipples with my other hand, and began kissing him again. "Tell me when you're close." I ran my mouth all over his sweaty face and neck as I masturbated that nice fat juicy cock of his. Jesse moaned in delight. I said "oh yeah, gimme that load" and pulled harder on his engorged nipple. He started to buck his hips upward in rhythm with my hand, and I moved my mouth down to his dick, stroking the base with my hand and swirling my warm wet tongue all over the shiny head of his dick. Jesse threw his head back and moaned some more, his hips bucking up as I stroked- sucked him. I moved my mouth down to his wet sweaty balls, they were big and swollen, getting ready to release. The musky scent of his ball-sack was so good. I returned to his dick and sucked it deep and wet, gave Jesse the best fucking head I knew how to give. Pretty soon he cried out, "uh! Uhh! I'm close" and seconds later, holy shit, the cum that came out of him. It nearly drowned me! Jesse's whole body thrashed as he shot his load into my mouth, on and on. I tried to swallow it all but it kept on coming and I spilled a bit onto his skin. I swirled the taste of it around in my mouth and then gulped it down as Jesse lay back, panting. I just looked at him for a moment in the dim light, Jesse, so fucking beautiful, totally blissed-out, his chest heaving, his body drenched in all that sweat.

I'll leave the story there. Jesse and I had a lot more hot times over that summer. We became something in-between a love couple and fuck buddies. We lasted well into the fall semester, and then over the winter I fell deep in love with another student and had to choose, and (long story) I chose the fellow undergrad. Had one last dynamite sex session with Jesse in April, just to finally say goodbye the way we wanted to. Technically this was cheating on my boyfriend, but Jesse was worth it and I had to do it.

Jesse, I love you. I really do. Thanks for the memories, the lust, the sweat, all the ways you said Yes and were so fucking beautiful and got so fucking into it. Remember me, even after you go out and make all that huge money you're probably gonna make. Thank you for the best sex ever.

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