Swap Fuck

By mr married

Published on Apr 8, 2011


Swap Fuck (M/m anal cbt sm consensual)

After years of fantasizing, I decided to celebrate my 50th birthday by actually following thru on all the fantasies I had had for the last 40 years - I was going to get myself butt fucked.

30 years of marriage had done nothing to diminish these strange desires, and my curiosity finally overwhelmed my fear of following thru.

I've spent untold hours cruising Craigslist ads, but never worked up the nerve to follow thru and now, at my age, it's a little tough to play the bottom to some big virile stud. Most, if not all the ads were for young studs, young bottoms, young cocksuckers, young this, young that. I figured the best way to get this done was cut to the chase and see if I could find someone else in the same boat as me. I can fuck with the best of them - my wife has no complaints. But no one wants to top an old guy. If I could find another old bottom, we could swap. I placed this ad:

Frustrated MWM, 50, looking for like-minded bottoms to trade off with. You fuck me, I'll fuck you.

The ad didn't get much attention, and after a day or two I only had about one response that seemed to fit the bill, and a whole lot of spam. I exchanged emails with the guy and found he was local, he liked topping. Sounded better then I expected, so I was all in.

After exchanging a few emails, he opened up a little and said while he was mostly a top, he didn't exactly like plain vanilla sex. He was more into foreplay, lots of foreplay, and liked some cbt and anal play but was sure we could work something out and we'd both leave happy.

I set up a date with him and took the morning off work. He had a place, so that was a big hurdle out of the way.

I drove by the address he gave me to check out the house - it looked pretty good. A non-descript older house in an old neighborhood. Well kept yards, lots of privacy.

This time I felt like I could follow thru, and not wimp out like every other time I tried to do this.

I showed up at his house on the appointed day and knocked. He answered right away. He was about my size, maybe 5' 10, 170 or so. I'm six foot, but have always been skinny although with age, I've got some belly now, but all the fat is on my abdomen and I can still suck it in when I have too to look decent for a pic. He was a bigger guy, a little shorter, probably my same weight but distributed better. He had some muscle and a bit of a belly, too. In not too bad shape - better than me. He asked me right in.

We showed me into the kitchen and offered me a seat at the kitchen table.

'So I'm not sure what you expect' he said. 'I'd like to just play for a little while, see what happens, and I'll be sure to fuck you since that what you seem to want most.'

'That sounds good' I said.

I don't know if I want to get fucked, too, so I might just get off on the play instead, if that's ok with you.'

Then he stood up, said let's get to it. I followed him back into a bedroom. It was devoid of any personality - just a bed and a couple chairs. He asked me to strip and get comfortable - lie down.

As I stripped, I realized I was pretty damn nervous. He calmed me down, said we'd take it slow. He'd like me just to lie down on my back at first, and he'll play some.

I got on the bed, naked and self conscious. He half laid down, half sat up next to me. Still with his clothes on.

'Aren't you going to strip?' I asked.

'I will later. If you don't mind, I'd like to just play with you a little while you play with yourself' he said. 'Just spit on your hand and jack off a little.'

'Don't you have any lube?'

'Just start with spit - lube is too messy, and it tastes bad. I'd like to watch you jack off before I fuck you. I like to take it a little slow, and you've looking like you'll pop right away.'

He was right about that - my dick was pretty rarin' to go. I spit on my hand, and slowly started to stroke myself. He turned on his side facing me, reached out, and started softly pulling on my balls. He rolled them around in his fingers, he swatted them lightly a few times. I was really enjoying that.

'Is that too hard? Can we step it up a little? he asked.

'Sure. I can take a lot more than that...'

I started to reach my free hand over to his dick, but he brushed it off. 'Don't worry about me...'

'Great' he said and then started to get a little more intense. Swatting them with his open hand. Squeezing them until I squirmed. Then swatting them again. He didn't seem to want to rush me, and was happy for me to slowly stroke, my dick as hard as it's been in a long time. He'd swat the, then pull, twist, then squeeze.

I started to get into it, clinching my butt and thrusting up into my hand. Occasionally I'd have to add a little spit, but my dick got slimey enough. He started swatting harder - and it felt good. Whack, and my balls felt like they had been hit. 'Too hard?"

'No, that's ok.'

Whack. Squeeze. Pull. Then he whacked harder. My legs involenterely closed, trying to protect myself, and he started to rub my balls gently until the throbbing subsided, and I'd jack off a little harder. Then he would pull one leg open towards him, against his erect dick still hidden in his shorts, and then push my other leg open away from him,, exposing my balls for another hit. Then Whack, harder still. My legs would close again, I'd leave off jacking off a little, and he'd go back to gently rubbing and pulling until the pain subsided, and I'd resume pulling on my dick, getting closer.

Then pull, push my legs apart. Slowly working my legs open to expose my balls as the pain turned to pleasure. Kind of rub his dick a little with my leg. Then WHACK. My legs closed, trying to absorb the rush of the pain.

He kept at it, everytime he pulled my legs apart the leg closest to him he'd pull into his crotch and I could feel his dick getting hard.

Then WHACK, he'd hit my balls again, the pain would take my mind off jacking off, and I'd slow down as the pain passed, eased by his gently rolling my balls around in his hand, massaging the pain away.

A nudge here, a nudge there, and my legs would be spread again. I found myself spreading my legs, stretching them out, anticipating the next whack. I was getting more and more turned on...jacking off furiously while be comforted me, trying to come before he got to the next whack. Then he's whack them again, louder each time, harder each time.

After a while, he was really going at them. I'd start to roll over away from him trying to protect them, clinching my legs together to protect them and ease the pain. He'd reach over from behind, lightly rub them, pull on them a little - they were tender by now and even his gentle massaging was making my balls hurt, but in a good way.

And then he'd nudge my legs apart again, flatten me out on my back again, I'd steel myself for what was coming, then he'd pull his hand back, and let loose again.

I had rolled over away from him about four times when he reached around again and squeezed my balls really hard, and that did it, I could feel myself starting to cum. He wrenched me back flat and popped his mouth over the tip of my dick as I was trying to jack off, and I came in his mouth - frustratingly so, since I couldn't really jack off the tip of my dick where it's most sensitive, and his mouth was pretty passively holding on to the tip, sucking the cum out.

I groaned...so close...but I was left feeling a little wanting. Not the hardcore jack off I had been building to, and certainly not the proper butt fuck I came over for.

As my breathing returned to normal, he kept up the ball play, but laid off whacking them, just roughly rubbing them, massaging them, pulling them. He looked me in the eyes, a little cum on the corner of his mouth.

'Was that ok?' he asked.

'Yea' I said. 'That was pretty intense...my balls are still throbbing...'

'Great' he said. 'I didn't want you limping out of here just yet.'

He got up and went off to the kitchen and returned with a couple more beers.

'Here, have this. It'll help with the pain.'

I laid there, scooted up a little, and sipped on the beer. He continued to play with my balls. He started to lightly slap them again, and I felt it a lot more as I wasn't horny like before, where maybe you don't notice the pain so much.

He spread my legs apart again, pulling the near leg into his crotch again. He was still hard. He whacked my balls again, not hard enough to make me pull my legs together, and then massaged them, then pulled on them.

It sure felt good, and I sipped my beer and loved the attention he was giving me.

Whack! He gave them a better slap, no hard enough to make me jump, but hard enough to make me jump, to make my balls start throbbing again.

My dick started to stir - not too bad for an old guy like me.

As we finished our beers, he was really getting into the slapping again, harder and harder, and I was trying to cross my legs again, so he'd have to gently spread them each time to massage, pull, and prepare for the net slap.

The beer went to my head a little, and the pain started turning into pleasure, and my dick was getting pretty hard but I don't know that some of that hardness might have been a piss hardon, as I started to feel like peeing. That is, until he'd slap my balls again.

'If I come again, I don't know that I'll be able to get it up to fuck you' I said.

'Don't worry about me, I'm saving it for your butt anyway.'

'I don't know that I'll have any left for my butt fucking, either' I siad.

'Oh, don't worry about that. I like guys to be all cummed out when I fuck them, it lasts longer that way.'

I didn't know what to think about that...I was still a little nervous, and now a little tipsy from the beer on an empty stomach...but I didn't think too much about what the point was of getting myself buttfucked if I couldn't cum. But, since I was thinking with my dick now, I just flattened back out on the bed and let him go at my balls and was too wrapped up in the pleasure to really think that thru.

I'm pretty sure he started whacking them harder. I was rolling away and crossing my leg everytime he whacked them now, and he'd have to gently massage them longer before my body would work thru the pain enough to let him nudge me flat for the next whack. But I kept right on jacking off, anticipating his whack, loving the pain and the throbbing. It seemed to make my dick harder and harder, and my urge to cum stronger and stronger.

He'd rub them gently, trying to spread my legs, rolling them in his fingers, working my legs open. THe throbbing never stopped - it was constant now - but after the pain passed, and his ministrations started feeling so soothing, I'd let him open my legs again for the next blow. I'd even strain my legs, trying to open them as far as I could, making a bigger target for the next blow.

Then WHACK, and I'd be on my side, doubled over, groaning, waiting for the pain to pass.

After about 20 minutes of this I couldn't take any more - my dick was sore from jacking off, from straining to cum, from the need to cum.

He whacked them one last time, and as I was coming out of it, letting him roll me back over, I could feel my dick starting to pump, I could feel my body raising up, starting to cum. He swooped down and took the end of my dick in his mouth again, just as I started to shoot.

I tried to push him off with my jacking-off hand, trying to get at that dick head to rub, but he was having none of it. He hovered over me, firmly planted on my dick, but not providing the friction I needed. Very satisfying, but still very frustrating.

After I came, and as I lay there, he started very gently handling my balls, lightly sucking on my deflating slimey dick.

After a while, he laid back, but continued to play with my balls, gentle now, and occasionally rubbing my dick - but there ws no action left there. His hand began to occasionally wander down between my legs to rub my butt. As he began that, I brought my knees up to give him better access. He spit on his fingers a few times, and got my hole slick.

Ahhhh...that felt good. He'd sweep his finger tips between my cheeks and frig my hole, bringing it to life.

He still worked, gently, on my balls and my dick, but increasingly, his hand was warming up my butt. My dick was still limp, but it sure felt good anyway.

He started in on my hole, prying a finger in a little way, and then circling my hole, then moving to my balls again. As he worked it, it felt like it ws loosening up, and he used enough spit that it felt good.

He paused for a second and pulled off his pants, and took off his shirt. He had a lot more hair than I did, but then, I don't have much at all. His dick was pretty good sized and hard, and surrounded my a good thatch of dark hair.

He started to snuggle under my raised leg, bringing his dick close to my butt, rubbing it around and steering it with his fingers to my hole.

After working my hole for a few more minutes, he was able to inch his dick in. I had cleaned out before I came over so, and it still felt wet inside, and with my jacking off, my butt was pretty sweaty and wet.

He paused for a second and scooted up to bring his dick to my head.

'Give me a little mouth action, and get my dick good and wet...'

I put his dick in my mouth and tried to work up and down on it. I've never given a guy head before, so I was a little awkward, but I got the job done. His dick was dripping wet, especially at the head.

He slid back down and positioned himself under my leg again, his dickl at my entrance. It slid right back in a little, helped with all the spit I slobbered over it.

'Sorry I'm not very good a head - I haven't really ever done it much'

'No problem' he said. 'I'm not looking for a blow job. Let's get you a good fucking - that's what you came for.'

'Don't you have a little lube to use?' I asked

'Oh, I don't think we'll need any. I'll go slow. You'll have my dick good and slick in no time.'

I didn't know what to think about that, but he seemed to know what he was doing. His dick was working it's way in all right. It seemed a little tough going, but his dick was hard as a rock and he seemed to be getting it in ok.

He moved it in a little, and then would pull it out some, then go back in. It seemed to get easier each time, and get slicker each time he did it. I don't know if some water was still left in there from my enema, or what, but it felt pretty good.

I felt like taking a dump after a while, his motion in and out would loosen up my butt ring. He's ease it out, and then I'd get that urge to poop, and he'd slide it right back in. It seemed as if there was some pressure building, but when I relaxed and let him slide in and out it felt so good.

After a while he had worked himself in all the way, and then would just move around back and forth deep inside. It'd just feel great, like taking a satisfying dump does, And then he'd pull almost all the way out and I'd feel like I was dumping, and then he'd glide all the way back in and I'd feel some cramping, like he was forcing everything back in deeper.

I was really getting off on the feeling, like I was losing control, and then I'd just sit back and relax and let him do his business, wallowing in the feeling of fullness and emptiness. Total bliss.

I looked up at him and saw him watching my expressions closely, shoving it in a bit harder, and a bit deeper when I started groaning.

'I think I might have to take a break here for a sec' I said.

'No, don't worry about it. You'll be fine. Just go with it.'

I settled back and let him pound me over and over again.

I started to turn away from him, giving him better access to my butt and he took the cue and moved behind me and started pounding harder and deeper, getting better access with my leg out of the way.

I spit on my hand and started playing with my dick, but it was still no go - I was fucked out, laying here spent, while he slowly pounded me to oblivion with his dick, relentlessly opening my hole, reaching down deep inside me, then drawing out until just the tip of his dick was plugging my hole. As he moved in, I'd just let go and let him snake, opening wide to let him get in deep. Then, as he pulled out, I couldn't help clinching my muscles, feeling every ridge on his dick as I tried to squeeze it tight. Once I started doing that, he really started to get into it, picking up his speed pounding in, then slowly pulling it out against my grip trying to hold it in.

Goddamn it felt good. I wished I could jack off, but still, just pulling on my dick felt good, especially with all the conflicting sensations I felt in my butt. It was like taking the worlds longest, biggest dump. Goddam it felt good.

He started to edge over my, turning my onto my stomach, but as he did, he pulled my legs up, folding them up, so my butt was totally open, sticking out for him to use. As he did so, his dick slipped out, and it felt to me like I let loose a little of some built up enema water that I hadn't drained out before coming over. I started to apologize, totally embarressed.

'Don't worry about it...that's biology' he said, as he got me in position, and slipped his dick back in. I felt his dick go in even farther, hitting something new deep inside.

As he worked in and out, I felt that something open up and wrap around the tip of his dick, everytime it got that far in. Then the cramps really started, and I felt like I was about to let loose. He was opening some kind of dam up there, and working thru it, driving his dick deeper and deeper.

My butt was starting to feel a little raw, but his pounding just got harder and deeper, and I just didn't want it to stop - it felt too good as he repeatedly broke thru, driving the pressure deeper up my butt.

As he drove deep, I could feel my dick, still soft, getting ready to shoot yet again, and he could feel it too, as each time my balls contracted, so did my butt, grabbing him firmer, now both on the way in as well as the way out.

I felt myself starting to shoot, and felt him react, pounding faster now, harder, deeper, driven on by the vise grip of my contracting balls and butt on his dick. Little miserable dribbles of cum started pumping out of my dick, lubricating my hand, as I pulled harder on my dick, driven by his relentless pounding on my clinched butt, screaming from the heat of the friction of his unlubed dick. He started groaning, yelling, pulling on my shoooulders, driving me even harder down on his dick as he came, and the pain of the friction in my butt suddenly easing as his cum provided some much needed lube.

After four or five good thrusts in his cum, he slowed to a stop, his dick still buried deep.

In the afterglow, I really felt the scrapped, abraided walls of my butt starting to hurt. He moved his dick in and out real slow, spreading his cum with his dick, soothing my butt somewhat, but still, there was no doubt, I had been fucked but good.

He finally pulled out and rolled over off me, but I couldn't move from my folded, cramped position, my butt sticking up in the air, sore and fucked for the first time.

The feeling I had to crap had gone, replaced with a satisfyied feeling of fucktitude. I just laid there for a good five minutes, wallowing in it.

Eventually I rolled over onto my side, then onto my back. He was gone, but he walked back in with a couple glasses of water and handed me one.

I sat up and took it, rapidly drinking it down.

'Did you get yourself fucked like you wnated?' he asked.

I laughed, 'yea, that was exactly what I needed.'

'I feel like that fuck will hold me over for another 50 years...'

He laughed. 'I don't think it will be that long. We should experiment some more in a week or two, after you've recovered. I won't be so hard on your butt next time, and you still owe me a good butt fucking, too. I wasn't sure before, but after seeing how much you enjoyed that, I bet you'll be great at being the fucker instead of the fuckee. Only next time, skip the enema - I'll take care of cleaning you out when you get here.'

He was right. I was recovered in a couple weeks, and all revved up to try some more. The dam had finally broken - I had set my gay side loose.

I'd love to hear from anyone, and if you are in the area, I'd like to try making my fantasies a little more real...


Next: Chapter 2

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