Swabbie and Marine

By Art Gibson

Published on Apr 11, 2021


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Swabbie and Marine C-9

Everyone was up and about, getting ready for breakfast. I kept noticing the kindness and love that passed between Andy and Brian. They did not know I had heard their marriage proposal to each other. I kept my feelings under control. I held jake's hand as all of us headed for breakfast.

Could I declare my love ands ask Jake to marry me? I had started out with the intent to screw my way through as many Freshmen as I could at Western. Then Jake demanded I take his virginity. Now I felt a love for him that I did not understand. I only knew he had pierced this jarhead's defenses.

The day passed with us taking the brothers to areas on campus that might interest them. They were lost in each other. They needed to be advised of problems that could develop once they were back in the world. I managed to cut them away from the group and stop at an ice-cream shop where I bought us all sundaes. At the table, I gave them my talk.

"Guys. I heard what you pledged this morning. Your bonding is so loving, so beautiful. I wish I had what you have."

Both brothers turned red. "Thanks, Scott."

"Do not let anyone destroy what you have. When you are back home, in school, be careful how open you are. The world has a way of destroying what it does not understand. Be careful because I want to dance with Jake at your wedding."

Andy was the comedian of the two always seeing the happy side of things. "We know what you are saying. Once we leave Western, we have to be careful. Thanks for caring Uncle Scott. "We hope you will still be able to dance at our wedding."

"Uncle?" I choked on my ice cream.

"Yeah, you are marrying my brother. That kinda makes you an Uncle."

I glowered at the little shit. "Two things kid. One I will be your brother-in-law and two I have not asked Jake to marry me, yet."

"You will ask him," Brian smirked. "It's all in the details. Now tell us how I can have Andy's baby."

"You must have had sex education at some point in your perverted lives. You do know two boys cannot make a baby between them."

Andy, the little shit said, "Really? Why not? All that is needed is for a boy to put his sperm into another person."

"That other person needs to be a female, doofus." I said. Then I caught the smiles they gave each other.

"Man, you were too easy," Brian laughed and his brother high fived him.

As we left the ice-cream shop, the boys promised to be careful.

Back at the dorm when we arrived, Jake was alone watching something on Netflix. Jake told us that Bob was doing laundry and that he should be back soon.

"Guys, I said. "What do you think of ambushing Bob when he returns, tying him, and edging him?"

"What's edging," Andy asked still holding Brian.

"That's when you play with a guy, get him close to cumming, then stop playing with him for a while. Then resume doing that over and over."

Brian offered the opinion that that sounded cruel. I said it could be but it could give great pleasure and produce the most intense orgasm for the edged person.

"Let's do it," said Jake.

We prepared the rope ties and were able to capture Bob as he walked in the door. We stripped him and tied him to the bed which we had positioned in the middle of the room for walk around access. Bob thought we were just playing and that we would soon let him go. He found out we had other plans for him.

Jake started by kissing Bob while Andy kissed his inner thighs and Brian rubbed Bob's cock tip ever so lightly. My job was to rub Bob's cute feet. Bob was hard in seconds. When I saw him start to buck his hips and precum appear, I told everyone to pull back.

"Guys, why did you stop?" Bob was flushed but nowhere near horny enough to be begging.

"Want to teach Brian and Andy about edging."

"Why do I have to be the audio-visual presentation?"

I told Andy to start stroking Bob or sucking him. Andy decided to stroke. The closer Bob came to his release, the more he moaned. I told Andy to pull off. After a rest period, Brian started on Bob and Bob returned to moaning. We continued this off and on activity until Bob had tears running down his cheeks and he stopped begging for us to release him and let out a steady streak of nonsense, mostly moans and strings of fuck, now please.

I was sucking Bob's mouth enjoying his babbling. Andy and Brian had given up pleasuring Bob and they were loving each other on the other bed with Brian balls deep in Andy. Both did not care Jake and I could watch. Bob was too far gone to pay attention to those two.

When I pulled my mouth off Bob's cock this time, I could tell he would not last much longer. Too much flowing from his slit and too much hip movement. Jake looked at me and I nodded, Go ahead. Using only his fingers lightly on Bob's tip while I licked Bob's nipples we saw Bob give a major shudder, scream, and blast his first cum shot over the bed's edge. After that first shot, Jake took Bob into his mouth and sucked while he jacked himself. Bob seemed to cum forever. Jake finally pulled off having swallowed all Bob offered. I continued to kiss Bob and stroke his hair bringing him down from his high.

I heard Brian yell and saw him pressing hard and deep into Andy. These two were now so deep in love and sexual pleasure that they were lovers in every sense. Brian looked at us, still buried in Andy.

"I think I gave him a baby."

"I know you did," Andy said in a satisfied tone. "What do you want to name him?"

"How do you know it will be him," Jake asked, smirking.

"The book I read said a strong cum into your partner ninety percent of the time produces a boy. Guys, I have never cum that strong. I'm producing a boy."

Andy regarded Brian. "What if I cum strong in you next time? We can have twin boys."

From out of his fog, Bob told them they must have been absent when the impregnation part of human sexuality was covered or they were delusional.

Jake looked at his brothers then told them to get dressed as he wanted to take them to either the psychological clinic or the safe-sex clinic.

We lounged around in a sated mood until Ethan and Stew returned. They complained of the strong smell of sex and told us to air out the room. We opened the windows while they undressed each other. "Looks like we have catching up to do," Stew said. "Let's give them a show Ethan. The two lovers began with light making out until in the end Ethan sat in the chair, his six inch cock buried in Stew's ass and Stew's eight inches bobbed in front of him. Both boys came together with a shout and long ropes shooting from Stew.

Andy looked at Brian. "Do you think Stew will have a baby in about nine months?"

Jake's two weird brothers fist bumped and laughed. I told Jake that if his brothers were serious, he needed to get them serious help, seriously.

Sunday arrived. Brian and Andy did not want to leave. We all gave them one last blow-job before letting them get ready for their dad's arrival. We waited at the dorm entrance. I knew his dad was open after the weekend I had spent at Jake's house. I did not know his thoughts on orgies with underage teens. His brothers reminded Jake that Tyler, the youngest brother at twelve would here next weekend. They also told Jake that Tyler had study issues and was a victim of bullying because he was slight and looked effeminate. More, Since the weekend we were at Jake's, Tyler now dyed his hair and wore nail polish and eyeliner so he kind of made himself a target. but that he did not care.

To me he sounded like an independent "go to hell" free spirit.

"He has a break the following week, right?"

"He does, Scott. He is out of school at noon Thursday. Then he is off until the following Sunday."

Jake's dad drove up. Tyler sat in the passenger seat smiling at his brothers. He got out, hugged them, and was introduced to my roomies. His makeup style looked good on him. I shook hands with his dad telling them Brian and Andy behaved and had a great time. Then, I pulled him aside so Tyler would not hear. Tyler was too busy messing with his brothers and my friends to pay attention, anyway.

I told Jake's dad that if he could bring Tyler here Thursday, I would set up tutoring at Western's study skills lab. Plus, I would enroll Tyler in a week's self defense class. Jake's dad was pleased. He said that the week after the break, Tyler's class was going on the eighth grade campout and Tyler was determined not to go and be bullied for a week. If it were okay, Jake's dad said Tyler could stay two weeks and he would bring Tyler here after his classes Wednesday. I knew the guys would be okay with this plan. We called Tyler to us and his dad told him our plan. Tyler looked like we had hung the moon just for him. He hugged his dad, then me, and bounced around the grass by the entrance. Just before the family left, I saw Tyler whispering to Jake. Then, last hugs, no kisses and they were gone.

Back in our room I told the guys about the plan. We set about working on arranging the details. Jake would take care of signing Tyler up as a guest at the self-defense classes. I would take care of getting study lab approval.

Jake had one last bit of information for us about Tyler. "Just before he left, Tyler let me know he fooled around with his best friend. They jacked each other off. He loved being with him. He also told me he had a new look different from the one we had just seen."

After Andy and Brian left, the five of us had grabbed a pizza at Peter's just off campus. I had to admit I felt worn out. I still had the Marine mentality; physically at twenty-three I felt whipped. Stew looked beat like me unlike Jake, Bob, and Ethan who were eighteen and in their sexual prime.

"Too much sex, swabbie?"

"Well jarhead, if you put it that way, never too much."

"I call bullshit on that swab jockey."

Our young lovers smirked at each other and were naked in an instant. Ethan crawled to Stew, his boyfriend, licking his lips. Getting between Stew's legs, he pulled Stew's pants off and put his mouth on Stew's cock. Stew looked at me. "See what I have to put up with?"

Stew and I were side to side, our arms touching. I tried to look at Stew longer but Jake and Bob had attacked me. They undressed me and began assaulting my body which reacted and soon they had me aroused. Both were alternating between my mouth and cock. I could feel Stew's body against mine moving and that aroused me even more. Stew's moans mixed with mine as I looked into his eyes.

"We are going to make this so good for all of us. Let us position you." I think that was Bob talking. Jake and Ethan directed our movements. I focused on their hard six inch teen cocks bobbing close as they directed Stew and me to raise our legs. Following their directions, my right leg and Stew's left leg were positioned next to each other and Bob tied them with a belt then secured the belt to the back leg of the couch. Our other legs were tied back but spread so our holes were open to full view. Then they secured our arms over our heads and to the couch legs.

"Kiss each other," Bob told us. Stew and I pecked. "Make out with tongue," he added.

Stew and I slurped at each other's mouths, moaning around each other's tongues. I took a look at our younger lovers. The little shits were sitting on the floor watching us and making out with each other.

"I thought swabbies and jarheads fought. The only fighting those two are doing is with their tongues. Let's see if we can get them hotter." I knew that was Jake talking. Someone was licking my hole and oh shit, I swapped more spit with Stew. I broke the kiss to see Jake licking me, Ethan licking Stew, and Bob' hands stroking both of us.

"Get your mouth back here, jarhead," Stew demanded in a lust-filled voice. I resumed my attack and just when I did and just when I thought I would explode from need, the guys stopped and sat back on the floor.

"Look at them," said Jake. "They are turned on to the max. They are humping even though they are tied."

"I thought the old guys were beat," Ethan added.

They can't be too tired the way they are devouring each other. Look at the precum they are producing." Bob said.

"Guys, please. Do something." Stew broke our kiss to plead.

"You have proved your point. We are not tired. Just do us," I whined. But they sat there watching us become more and more turned on being exposed and kissing. Every so often one of them would lick our holes or stroke our cocks, just enough to keep us going. They continued to make out with each now standing close to our exposed bottoms. Being this close to Stew, experiencing his lust like he was experiencing mine, with someone starting to lube my hole created a desire deep inside that I had only felt a few times before.

Ethan said that he would enter Stew and Jake said he would do me. Bob was to straddle the teen boys, reach over and around and jack us. Ethan and Jake were to get close enough so Bob could ride their thighs.

I had never heard of a fivesome. We were doing one. Every part of my body and brain was firing. I knew Stew was right there with me. We were trying to shove our tongues down each other's throats. I took a quick glance seeing Jake and Ethan swapping spit. Bob stroking us was licking the two lovers fucking us. My body moved in time with Stew's.

Ethan cried, "I'm so fucking close." "Me too cried Jake."

I don't know who came first, but we all released within seconds of each other with moans and meaningless utterings.

We were untied. The five of us were on the floor in a puppy pile hugging and kissing and declaring our love for each other. Bob had the idea to bring all the blankets and pillows to this room and the five of us slept in a pile, worn out.

Morning arrived. One by one we woke and with hugs and kisses showered and prepared for the day. Ethan and Stew were so wrapped in each other, I worried they would be late for class. Watching them with each other was getting me hard. Finally, they broke and dressed.

Next: Chapter 10

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