Swabbie and Marine

By Art Gibson

Published on Apr 11, 2021


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Swabbie and Marine C-8

Sunday morning, Jake, my practical guy, took one last walk through the cabin before joining the rest in the car. He had a red thong in his hand.

"And this belongs to whom?" Ethan turned red and grabbed it sticking it in his pocket.

Back at Western, we unpacked and turned to studying, helping each other when one of us had a question. The week passed with classes and exercising, the gym kind, and love making at night. Friday, we prepared for Jake's brother's arrival that evening. Jake left to wait at the front entrance for them to arrive. Ethan kept him company.

Jake, his brothers, and Ethan entered the game room side of our suite. Of course, they had forgotten to text us they were on their way up so we were naked as usual playing games on the X-Box with Bob laughing at our errors. Brian and Andy entered as Jake held the door open for them. I think two kids were never so shocked at the sight of three naked college boys just hanging out. Ethan bumped them they stopped so suddenly/

"Oh, shit. I forgot to text you we were on the way."

"Guys," Jake said to his brothers. "We usually hang out naked unless studying. I was supposed to text the guys we were on our way. Sorry. You know about Scott and me. I did not tell you about our friends."

Both brothers gave a kind of foot shuffle. Andy stared at Ethan. Brian let his eyes roam.

"I might as well introduce you," said Jake.

Introductions completed; I showed the brothers where to stow their backpacks in the sleeping room. They took time to process the bed arrangement.

"You guys sleeping together," asked Brian?

"We do," Jake answered standing behind Brian and Andy with a hand on each brother's shoulder. "Have a seat." He indicated the recliners at the foot of the beds. Jake sat on the bed looking at the two. "Here's the deal. We are boyfriends. We love each other. We have sex."

"Wow. Way to rip off the bandage," fourteen year old Andy said. He looked at Brian who I saw seemed interested in learning more. "Where do we sleep?"

Jake answered. "These chairs recline, and you can use them unless sleeping in here will be awkward, then you can sleep in the game room." Brian and Andy gave each other a look.

Brian said to Jake, "I guess we can sleep in here. What's your rule about clothes?"

"We are naked unless studying."

Brian asked, "Even when you sleep?" Jake nodded.

"Can Andy and I be naked?"

"You can be. We do not require that. It's up to you."

"What if one of us gets, you know..." Brian's voice trailed off.

"Hard? We all get hard and even fool around whenever we want. You guys are free to be naked and get hard around us."

Andy looked at Brian, "Should we? Scott and Jake know about what we do."

"Let's do it."

Naked, both boys walked into the game room. "You two have grown since I last saw you," I said.

"Why do you guys shave," asked Andy?"

"Make us look longer," Jake smiled.

"Can you do me," Brian asked?

"Me too," Andy chimed in.

Jake looked at both boys. "You want to lose your hair?"

They nodded. "Help me Scott." Jake walked to the bathroom.

Jake instructed Andy to stand against the sink while Brian sat on the toilet. Jake produced clippers and started buzzing Andy. I knew from experience what the clipper's buzzing did to me. Andy being young and with less control began to moan as his hand gripped his cock. He appeared to want to keep it out of the way. Instead, I saw his fist tighten and loosen and soon he was leaking. Jake, concentrating on the clipper action, did not see his fourteen year old brother's arousal. With the second pass of the clippers, Andy lost it cumming globs hitting his brother's face and lips.

"What the," Jake let out and pulled the clippers away. Andy cried he was sorry. Brian's eyes stayed glued to the cum oozing from Andy. Jake looked at his brother who now looked scared. Then Jake licked his lips, smiled, and asked me to hand him a wet washcloth that he used to wipe his face and the tip of Andy's cock.

Andy protested,"Too sensitive."

Jake gave him a hug saying, "Ready to continue? The shaving not the cumming unless you can go again? That was a lot from a fourteen year old and you taste good, nice and sweet. Your choice.

Red faced Andy said, "Keep shaving. I'm done cumming, I think."

I inspected Andy. His front was smooth as was his sack. "Nice job, Jake. Andy is going to like this."

"Turn around and bend over Andy. No hair. You are too young. Ethan get in here."

Ethan came in. "Stand next to Andy. Real close. Put your arm over his shoulder. Look at that. Ethan is eighteen and Andy is fourteen. Damn guys I want a picture of the two of you."

I grabbed my phone and took a picture. "How about one of you kissing?" Ethan pulled Andy close and began to make out with him. Andy loved it. He was losing control and grinding on Ethan. Brian was enjoying the heck out of watching them. Andy seemed to be climbing on Ethan. Brian stared at his fourteen year old brother losing control.

"Oh gawd," Andy yelled and came again. Ethan came against Andy's belly.

"I said kiss. Not make out and have sex." I smiled at the two still wrapped around each other to let them see I was okay with their show.

"I thought we could not have sex with these underage guys," Ethan said.

"Oh well. What's done is done," Andy said with the biggest smirk like only a fourteen year old can give.

"Come on, Andy," Ethan said still holding Andy, "You and I are sticky. Let's shower while Jake shaves Brian, unless we lick each other clean."

"Showering sounds good, this time."

"Do I get to play like that afterwards," Brian asked?

"If you are good," I said.

Brian's seven inches was painfully hard as the vibrating clippers shaved his pubes. Like Andy, Brian blasted his cum. This time I was ready and caught his white essence in my hand. His was thick and white. I stared at my sixteen year old brother's baby makers. I stuck the tip of my tongue in the glob. It tasted sweet as only a young teen's sperm can taste. I moved to kissing Brian, feeding his cum to him. He sucked my mouth eagerly.

Brian and Andy walked into the game room hairless as the rest of us. Andy saw Ethan patting the space next to him on the couch. He went over and snuggled into Ethan's side. Stew stood and took a picture after telling the boys to kiss. Both kissed with their six inch, cut erections hard and on display for all to see. I looked at Andy's cock bouncing just a little. He looked younger than fourteen now that he was shaved. Stew sat on the arm next to Andy.

"Andy," Stew said. "I took Ethan's virginity Now, we are lovers. You and Ethan look so much alike. Andy, if Ethan says okay and Jake agrees, could I be with you?" Ethan nodded. "Only if I can join you. I want to help Andy with have a good time." Stew turned to Jake "Jake can Ethan and I make love to Andy? We both want to enter him."

Brian looked at Jake. "Tell them okay, bro. We watch. Then you, Scott, and Bob take me. Andy has to watch us too.

Before responding, Jake looked around. "They are underage. We okay with that?"

Brian looked at his brother. "Who are we going to tell? We want this. Jake looked at Andy. "You sure?" He nodded. "Okay. Piss break then in the bedroom."

Stew and Ethan lay Andy on the bed. His slim body stretched for all to see. His young teen cock standing hard straight up from his belly. Stew brought ribbons from the closet. "Put your arms over your head. I will tie you to the bed. Jake get over here. Kiss Andy while I tie him."

Jake leaned over his brother. He stroked his face looking into his eyes. Then with a growl he put his lips on Andy's and entered his mouth with his tongue.

Pulling off, Jake turned to Brian. "Kiss your brother." Brian did as Jake did only he put both hands on Andy's cheeks. They moaned and Andy said, "I love you both."

Ethan took lube and began to finger Andy's hole. Stew pulled off allowing Ethan free access to Andy. Stew raised Andy's legs. "Are you ready, buddy?" Andy nodded and moaned. Ethan put the tip of his cock at Andy's hole. Stew kissed Andy, rubbing his cheeks, and telling him to relax. Ethan pushed and I saw his tip breach Andy. Ethan rested to let Andy absorb what was happening. Then Ethan slid three of his six inches into Andy. I released Andy's arms so he could hug Ethan. Ethan slid in so he was buried all the way in Andy. These two boys entwined kissing each other looking so youthful in their young lust.

Ethan began to move, slowly, while looking at this boy he was loving. He kissed Andy deeply as Andy moaned. Ethan began to thrust faster. We could hear Andy and see his passion. Andy gave one last long cry of, "Oh fuck." Then he tightened his hold on Ethan and ropes of Andy's cum splattered between them. Ethan stiffened, shouted, and released deep into Andy.

As Ethan pulled out, his cock dripping, Stew ran his hands over Andy's chest and climbed on top entering and taking the place Ethan's cock had been. Andy looked delirious as his hole was once again invaded. Ethan moved to kiss and stroke Andy's hair as Stew pumped nonstop. Andy had not recovered from this first organism and his cock was stiffening. His eyes were glazed and his mouth formed an O. Stew began thrusting while saying, "Take it, Andy. Beg me to fuck you."

"Harder. Faster. So good. Fuck me. Please fuck me, Stew." The chant of "Fuck Me" continued like a mantra.

Andy had lost rational thought as, consumed in his lust, he could not control his speech.

Stew gave one last deep thrust, wrapped Andy tightly in his arms, and moaned, "Take my seed. Take my baby makers." Then Stew shot into Andy, both of them writhing and biting and panting. Ethan licked both of them as they shuddered through their climaxes.

The boys finally relaxed. Andy was helped to sit. The three kissed softly. Stew said, "We are going to shower. Then you four can start. Wait for us. Brian looked at Jake. "When they return I want to make love to my older brother. No matter where we go in the future, I will remember my first time with Jake. Andy and I were each other's real firsts. I want a first with Jake."

Jakes thoughts:

Everyone helped Brian become a horny, slutty sixteen year old teen. Brian was lubed and begging when we were done arousing him. He was on his back panting, crying for me, his arms open like a baby does when wanting to be picked up. He cried out when I penetrated his tight hole. His chest and face were a light red meaning he was erotically charged. Like Andy he had lost the ability to produce rational speech. His heels were pulling my waist close to him driving me deeper inside. He truly gave his gift to me. His arms clasped me and his tongue became lost control in my mouth. I had been in lust when Scott took me the first time. Brian was way beyond what I had done or felt. My eyes connected with Brian's and I breathed, "I love you, Brian" as I flooded his hole with cum and felt his seed burst between us.

I just seeded my young brother and I loved it. I did not have time to deeply reflect when Scott guided me off and took my place. He quickly added to my sperm swimming in Brian then Bob took his place. Bob was gentler, taking time to let Brian recover and regenerate before Brian went wild again. I did not think sixteen year olds had that sexual desire for cock in their ass. Brian had it in spades.

After he recovered, he looked at Andy. "Come here, Andy. Lay with me." Then looking at me he said, "I love you, Jake." Then my younger brothers, wrapped together, passed out. I covered them, after kissing them both.

Back to Stuart:

In the study room the five of us sat with glazed looks. Jake said that if his brothers were any indication of the passion regenerative ability teens had inside themselves, we needed to get some local high school boys to come in on a regular basis. I hoped he was kidding.

I tried to wake Andy and Brian for dinner. They were wrapped together in a deep sleep. I let them be and the five of us dressed and went to eat. We each saved a portion of our food then added four extra hamburgers for them.

I woke the next morning having slept in the recliner. Bob slept with Stew and Ethan. Jake had the second recliner.

Looking at the brothers, I saw they were not only not asleep, but they were also making out with each other, the covers were off them and their slim young bodies sliding and rubbing on each other. They both were on their way to a heavy sexual experience. They did not even realize I was watching.

Andy maneuvered Brian onto his back. He spread his brother's legs as Brian begged for Andy to enter him. Andy was fingering Brian's hole using lube left on the nightstand. Both boys were lost in each other, their teen bodies on display and them not aware they were observed. Andy entered his brother, both teens deep in lust. They were doing more than fucking, they were loving each other with a passionate love only brothers could feel. Their lovemaking made me feel like a voyeur. So help me, I could not stop looking at the hard, erotically charged pair in front of me. I was hard and stroking myself. I wanted to cum when they did. I could tell from their movements they were close. So was I. I was intruding in this private moment and I did not care.

"I love you Brian. Are you ready for me to breed you? You want my seed? I love you. I wish we could make a baby together."

Brian strangled his cry, "Give me your seed, Andy. Let's make a baby together." Then the brothers came in a massive eruption followed by me.

I could not tear my eyes away from this scene. The boys continued their afterglow. Both were crying softly speaking sweet love whispers to each other. Finally, Andy kissed Brian and plain as day, I heard him say, "I want to be with you forever. I want to marry you."

And Brian kissed his fourteen year old brother and said, "I accept." Their declaration was so sweet, tears flowed down my cheeks.

Next: Chapter 9

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