Swabbie and Marine

By Art Gibson

Published on Apr 10, 2021


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Swabbie and Marine C-7

I sat in the middle between Jakey and Bob. Twenty minutes after we left, both of them were rubbing my crotch. When they felt me harden, they opened my jeans, reached in and began stroking. They knew me well and could judge how close I was getting. They soon had my jeans, boxers, and socks off and I sat naked from the waist down exposed if anyone could see inside the car. Being naked in public turned me on. My buddies began edging me until I was moaning with precum leaking. The car was in the country, so I offered no objection as they pulled my shirt over my head. I sat naked for any one to see me moaning, and thrusting. They were edging me good. I would get close to release; they would stop. When I reached for my cock, they batted my hands away saying it belonged to them until we reached the cabin.

Ethan had been watching and had his pants off and stroking himself. He turned in his seat giving me a view of his hard cock which aroused me more. Then he unzipped Stew and began sucking him as Stew drove. I almost lost it. "If you cum before we let you, you will be in deep shit, buddy." Jakey breathed into my ear sticking his tongue in and licked the inside. He and Bob lowered their jeans. released their hard cocks. I so wanted to suck them but they had me in their grip. Between Ethan's antics in the front and my boyfriends' edging and threats I became a babbling mess.

"Look how wet he is. He is leaking so much." Saying that Bob leaned over and sucked me clean. Then he and Jakey, right in front of my face French kissed, moaned, and exchanged my fluids. Ethan, leaning between the front seats, shouted and came so hard his first shot hit my balls. Stew looked amused as he drove once in a while glancing back at my predicament. "One hour and we will be at the cabin, Scott. Hang in there." Stew was such a riot. He was enjoying this.

We arrived, finally. "You cannot cum until we are all inside," Jakey commanded. I was so weak that he and Bob guided me in laying me on the coffee table on which Stew had placed a blanket. In seconds Ethan and Stew tied my arm and legs loosely. "Please," I begged.

"You will cum shortly. We want to see you lose it."

"Jakey, you promised. Please. Let me cum. I am so close. I am about to lose my mind."

The guys gathered around. I lay naked and on display for my friends to see every bit of my arousal. My friends looking at my naked body made me hornier. I could feel my cock bobbing as I begged them. I might cum with no one touching me I was that aroused and close. Finally, they each leaned over and sucked me twice. Then all except Jakey knelt, rubbing and licking me. Jakey took his thumb and index finger and started to jack me. His other hand sent its middle finger into my butt hole. I did not care that I was on display begging and writhing for these boys to see every thrust of my naked body. I was exposed and begging like a slut in heat.

Jakey could tell from my movements and moans I was seconds from release. He knew me too well. Using his full fist, he stroked me just as I liked. I stiffened, shouted, and blasted the most intense release I could ever recall. When I finished, still quivering with tears in my eyes, Jakey licked me clean and sucked me until I cried, "Too sensitive." Jakey backed off the sucking of my cock and kissed my lips as only a lover can. As he kissed me, he stroked my hair and looked into my eyes. In his I saw love. The other four jacked off covering me in their cum. Then they all licked me clean. Then the five of us kissed, mouths swapping cum.

"So good. So good. Thanks."

"Oh, you were the first. We wanted to see a Marine lose control and you went way out of control. The plan is for each of us to be tied, displayed, edged, and loved on." I looked at my friends. "Whose idea?" Everybody looked at Stew who gave a "Who Me?" expression.

We brought in our gear and the beer. We were sharing the king bed in the master bedroom. We knew we were two separate couples but had agreed the only act off limits between couples was anal. All else was okay including deep kissing. My friends left their clothes in the bedroom.

Ethan helped me grill. "You doing okay?" Ethan took a sip of his beer.

"Can I tell you something?" I nodded looking at his hard cock jutting from his bush. "I like this, being naked and playing around. You know I had no sexual experience until Stew. He was not rough when he took me that first time. He was gentle. He cared about my feelings. I never thought I wanted a guy that way. Then Stew loved me in a way no one, not anyone, had ever loved me. When he entered me, I felt warm and comforted. When he kissed me and wrapped himself around me, my heart melted. Whatever happens this weekend, no one will mean more to me than Stew. Everything else we do will be to get off and that's okay. With Stew, it is all about love." I clinked our bottles and nodded.

After dinner we swam then showered. I told the guys two things would happen before we went to sleep. First, all those who still had pubic hair and pit hair would be shaved. Second, we would draw cards. The boy with high card got edged in full view of the others. We would see if he lost control as I had.

Bob volunteered to be shaved first. I hated to see his red hair go away. We lay Bob on the lounger. We sat drinking and making teasing comments. Jake started the clippers. Bob became hard as soon as he felt the vibrations. Small tuffs of hair fell away. I soaped him and began the shaving process around his cock, on his balls and in his pits. Then he turned over exposing his butt cheeks. Jake and Ethan spread them, and I shaved his crack after Stew put cream in there. When that was finished, I had Bob stand and shaved any hair I found on his torso until Bob was hairless as a sixth grader except for his head. At Stew's suggestion I shaved his arms and calves. When I finished, Bob was so smooth I licked the inside of his thighs and ran my hand over his body.

Jake was next. He asked if his calf hair needed to go. Bob told him absolutely. Though I was shaved, Bob and Jake finished me and then did the same to Stew. Ethan was last. He had the least hair but when we finished him and stepped back, he truly looked like a twelve year old boy. I wanted to ravish him but knowing he and Stew were lovers, I let myself be content with kissing his asshole.

We cleaned the shaving areas and swam. Dark was descending and mosquitos began to bite. We went in and gathered around the kitchen for our high card drawing. The person with high card would be edged four hours like I had been as he lay tied on the table. We agreed the person tied could ask to be released. The edging would continue for the full four hours with no let up.

Ethan drew high card. We told him to piss and drink, beer or water. Stew led his young lover to the table, kissed him, then lowered him onto the table where he was tied. Ethan looked so child-like I felt we should ID him. His eyes searched us innocently. I wanted to ravish that slim, smooth body. I knew he would be ours to edge and lust over for four hours. We let Stew start. He started by holding Ethan's shoulders and caressing his lips carefully with his tongue. I felt like a creeper intruding on a holy moment.

Carefully all of us began to kiss, caress, and lick Ethan. His cock grew and Stew ran his nails around the head ever so slowly. I joined him. After thirty minutes Ethan was becoming a mess.

"Guys. I have never done this, been on display. I am getting hot." Stew looked his lover in the eye.

"You will get hotter, but I will protect you. Then he kissed Ethan who responded with a moan and tongue. Our hands roamed freely over his smooth skin. I played between his toes with my tongue. Jakey tongued Ethan's piss slit. Bob licked Ethan's pit and Stew kept up the assault on Ethan's mouth. Ethan began moan more and began to twist against his bonds.

Finally, he had just over an hour to go. His cock bounced between air and his belly. His body thrashed. His mouth let out a continuous string of moans and pleadings. I had never seen someone as young looking like Ethan so out of control. As I looked at my friends and lovers, I saw every one of them was leaking almost as much as Ethan. We decided that Stew as his lover would bring our friend to final climax. Bob and Jake began the final assault on Ethan's nipples. I put my finger in Ethan's hole searching for his prostate. Stew began the final stroking. Ethan arched his hips and, with a final plea, shot as far as his face. Stew began sucking the rest of Ethan's juice as we came in white globs all over our buddy. Stew came last in Ethan's mouth as Ethan hungrily sucked Stew's cum. We licked Ethan's smooth body clean, untied him, and with Stew's help stood him in the shower.

After, we took him to the bed. Stew cradled him. Bob, Jakey, and I snuggled. With the five of us touching under the covers, we went to sleep. Just before I drifted into oblivion, I considered where we were going as friends and lovers.

After breakfast five naked guys ran to the lake our boners leading the way. Running back there were five shriveled sausages displayed. Bob, Stew, and Jake had yet to have the pleasure of being on display and edged. As we spread the cards for high card, Jake's incoming call chime sounded.

"Hi, Andy. Yeah, next weekend is family weekend. Oh, good. Just you and Brian? What about Tyler? Yeah, that would be okay. Great. I'll let the guys know. Love you bro. Jake ended the call and turned to us. "My brothers, Andy and Brian, will come for the family weekend next weekend. My youngest brother, Tyler, will come the following weekend. You guys okay with them coming?"

Stew asked if Jake's brothers would be okay with our living arrangements. Jake said they would be okay with it. "They are open-minded. I texted them and I let them know I have two boyfriends."

"Well let's get to high card," Stew said.

Stew was the next to enjoy four hours of edging fun. Though I was oldest being twenty-three and Stew being twenty-two, he looked older. Now tied and having been rubbed to hardness, his eight inch uncut cock throbbed under our gaze. The rest of us were cut and the eighteen year old boys were having fun rubbing Stew's foreskin back and forth and man was he loving it. His boyfriend kept kissing him as if his mouth were a popsicle for him to suck. Four hours and Stew had become a moaning writhing mass of flesh. When he finally released, Ethan was at his side bending over to eat his boyfriend's sperm.

After lunch, with only Bob and Jake left, I brought out the blue pills.

"Some of us might need a helper to cum twice more," I said holding out the medicine container. I guess everyone knew about this pill as no one raised a question. We all swallowed then went swimming. In the water we wrestled and played, more playing than anything. Lots of kissing also. I heard the pills did not affect the brain to make it lustful but watching these guys behave, I began to wonder. When we left the water, everyone was chubbed and Jake was fully hard. That was a good thing too as he was the next high card.

Looking at the boy I loved who gave me his virginity I was more aroused than ever. I Frenched Jake as much as I could until Bob, the other member of our boy threesome, pushed me away crying, "My turn jarhead. Quit being so selfish."

We oiled Jake and fingered his hole, sucked, and massaged him. Bob looked at me and indicated that we should mark Jake. I nodded agreement and he took one side of his neck and I the other. Jake lost his mind as we did that and almost came with an hour left. Finally, with the four hours up, Ethan and Stew stroked Jake while Bob and I reattached ourselves to his neck. Jake actually screamed as he came. He was a weak mess as we lifted him. His neck looked deep red and would soon sport massive hickies that he would have a hard time hiding.

Bob was the last to experience our special activity. Like the rest of us he lost sensibility. He pleaded more than we did and at two hours I could not believe how turned on he was. His cock was so covered with precum Stew asked if he had cum. At the three hour mark, Jake got into the torture by bringing a plastic turkey baster, lubing it, and pushing it into Bob's hole. Bob lifted off the table as much as he could. He became the most out of control of any of us. This caused us to redouble our efforts to see if we could get Bob to cum before four hours. Jake removed the baster and replaced it with his fingers eventually inserting all five and twisting them. Bob was crying and pleading and at the four hour mark Bob let loose without being touched other than Jake's fist at his entrance.

"I never had such an experience," Bob said. I thought I would explode many times especially when you started to put your fist in me. That I want to try again."

Next: Chapter 8

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