Swabbie and Marine

By Art Gibson

Published on Apr 9, 2021


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Swabbie and Marine C-6

That night my buddies and I got naked after we studied. We sucked each other in a three way until we were leaking and close to full on orgasm. We stopped, calming our lust. We drew for high card to see who got fucked first. Two cocks would fuck the loser. Jake lost. Bob and I prepared him. We tied his hands over his head and tied his feet spread and pulled back to the headboard. His hole, hell, his entire body was exposed for our delight.

We started teased him, edging him. We licked all over his body especially his nipples until he was delirious. He begged and pleaded for us to do something to let him release. We loved on him more until his hips were humping the air and his cock was producing a steady flow which we enjoyed licking. Bob and I tongued each other for Jakey to see. That turned him into a begging boy, almost crying.

Finally, it was time to give our lover release. I entered Jakey first. I slid in moving slowly until he panted for me to get with it and blow my nut in him. As we made love, Bob was kissing both of us until I came deep in our lover, kissing him as if this kiss were our last. I pulled out and Bob entered him with no pause. Bob was still new at topping and his wild streak became evident as he rabbited Jakey. Within three strokes he stiffened and I knew he was cumming deep inside. After we had used Jakey's hole, Bob and I attacked Jakey's cock in a frenzy. Jakey's lust drove him to cum almost immediately. Bob and I shared his seed. Then we moved to Jakey's mouth and fed him his release. We untied our buddy collapsing on each other with satisfied sighs and kisses. I wanted this love forever.

After we showered, I told my lovers I needed to talk to them.

I directed my friends who now were my lovers to bring our desk chairs close so we formed a circle, a close one. Our knees touched. I looked at two naked eighteen year old teens who before Western might have known about gay activities, maybe fooled around with friends, and now they had committed to being gay lovers in a three way relationship. They were still innocent, and their hearts were fragile. I was twenty-three, had served in the Marines. I had gay lovers and for all my experience was as heart fragile as Jake and Bob when it came to these two. I had a responsibility to guide us all. I wanted the three of us to develop a bond that tied us forever.

I stared at these beautiful boys, my lovers. Jake almost skinny with his surfer haircut and freckled nose with a mouth that demanded to be claimed. Bob who had the build of a 140 pound wrestler and hair that mirrored Jakes' and his lips were pink and full and I wanted to attack them even though we had just had an intense love session.

Not now, I told myself and quit wanting to give both of them the make out session of their lives. You are on a different mission and quit perving on both their cocks as they sat with their legs spread.

I brought myself under control but not before giving each a kiss inserting my tongue between their lips followed by a caress between their legs. Jake, my practical buddy, opened the session "What's the matter? Are we in trouble? You are worrying me, Scott." Bob nodded in agreement looking worried also. I hoped they did not think my quick kiss and caress was the prelude to our breaking up.

I needed to calm their fears. "Everything's all good, buddies. We are three and we are forever. In the short time we have been together I have developed deep feelings for you both. I love you both more than life itself. I need to tell you about Stew and a guy named Ethan. Stew asked me for help with Ethan's and his relationship. I need your advice. We make all decisions of this nature as a unit and per our agreement, the decision must be unanimous."

I could see the intensity of their focus as they listened.

"Stew asked for help. He is sorry for how he has behaved sexually with us. Some of that has to do with his swabbie background. Some has to do with his conscience at what has happened between him and Ethan. Stew was the first person ever to do anything sexual with Ethan. Ethan claims to love Stew and Stew thinks he may have feelings for Ethan. He asked for help. I want to include you as we decide how to help Stew and Ethan. And, no, I do not want us to do anything sexual with them. We are exclusive but we can help them."

Jake looked between Bob and me. He had such a caring soul with a practical side. "Let's ask them to dinner tomorrow. Scott you do the asking. Do you agree, Bob?"

"I'm okay with asking them to dinner. Nothing else for now."

Bob cared about others. He was more of a pragmatist, like let's wait and see.

We agreed that would be the plan. Our knees were touching, and their cocks hung so beautifully that I grew hard. The boys smirked when they saw my arousal. Then my two teasing lovers began to make out in front of me, noisily. Jake kissed Bob exploring his mouth with his tongue. Bob did the same. They were so deep in each other that the drool from their lips made me want to lick it. I leaned over to join them. Bob placed his hand on my chest.

"Nope, Sit back and watch. And no touching yourself."

Bob aggressively took over and soon Jakey was moaning. His cock strained to find something to rub on. Bob would not let Jakey's cock contact his skin. When both boys were at what seemed the height of their passion, Bob reached a hand to me and pulled me to join them.

"The bed, now," Bon directed.

All of us were begging, moaning, sucking, and caressing. Who came first, I never knew. Three spent and happy lovers smeared cum on each other as we continued rolling together, still in the throes of passion. In our love nest, we covered ourselves falling asleep with legs and arms entwined, our cum smelling sweetly.

We awoke startled to have slept the entire night. We stumbled to the toilet and held each other's cocks directing our streams. This was our morning habit before the three of us showered together. This morning Bob needed his weekly shave so I lathered his face and took care of that need, kissing him when I finished. Both of us were chubbed. We dressed, grabbed our backpacks, preparing to go to breakfast but not before one last make out session. Some people might consider this weird behavior for young college guys. Not us. A deeper connection had never existed between three boys, of that we were certain.

Stew and Ethan were sitting at a table. After we filled our trays, we asked if we could join them. Ethan seemed disappointed when Stew agreed. He looked as if he did not want to share Stew with us. We made small talk before I asked if they were free for dinner this evening. Stew looked at Ethan. I saw a silent signal pass and Stew said that would be okay. We agreed to meet at six in the dining hall.

Our classes went well and back at our room we all stripped to our boxers and studied. Making out and making love had to wait until everyone finished their work. Let me tell you, the three of us needed self-control even after the events of yesterday. Eighteen year olds seem always in heat. We finished studying and went to meet Stew and Ethan. Ethan had a lost look and Stew looked fragile. The silence became an uncertain nervous tension.

Stew spoke first looking at Jake and Bob. "I have an apology to make to you, mostly to Bob because he had the most done to him. I was wrong. You came to Western innocent and I took your innocence. For that I am truly sorry." Then he turned to Ethan. I did the same to you and I am sorry."

Quiet reigned until Jake who held Bob's hand spoke.

"You gratified your sexual desires. You used us. Bob and I forgive you because you gave us a relationship we never would have had. You gave us Scott. Your apology is accepted if you promise two things."

"Whatever I can do," Stew said looking contrite.

"First, never use a person for your gratification without their willing permission. Second, look at Ethan, really look at him. Do you think he has feelings for you?"

Stew raised his head to look at Ethan's face. In his eyes Stew saw a raw need, a need so deep that Stew had never seen such a look. He slid his hand into Ethan's.

"Will you be my boyfriend? Will you let me love you? I never expected to have these feelings. I thought I was on my own and needed nobody. I need you, Ethan. Please, please, help show me how to love."

"I am yours, Stew. We are on this journey together. Let's travel side by side."

Jake smiled. Still holding Bob's hand, he took mine in his other. "You just fulfilled the second requirement to express love for each other. Now there is a third. That one has to be done in our room."

"We alerted our suite mates and they agreed that if you two declared your love they would move across the hall to 610. We five will share the suite. We will share everything except our bodies. For now, we can be sexual in front of each other. Do you two agree?"

Their smiles. Their thanks. They were proof that they agreed. We cleaned our table and headed to take care of moving.

We stood surveying what had been Jake's, Bob's, and my room. Later we dubbed it the Playroom. We moved their beds in and joined them covering them with a top queen mattress commandeered from basement storage. The five of us would sleep in here. The other room became our study slash game room. Five desks, chairs, a couch, and two recliners crowded the space. Ethan had a forty-eight inch TV and X-box system his parents had sent with him to Western. His roommate was not happy to see it go. I met the roommate and I think he did not care Ethan left, just the electronics. Jake and Bob scrounged floor lamps and oversized pillows from housing surplus. Our study-game room had a cozy feel. The bedroom had pillows enough for various bodily positions. It also had two recliners for viewing of activities or for kinky positions.

"All I can say is Wow. Guys this is a cozy setup."

"Ethan, you contributed the electronics. Bob and Jake scrounged extra furniture."

"Well, it was Stew and you, Scott, that determined the arrangement."

"I want to propose a plan," Stew said. "When we are studying, we wear boxers or briefs to indicate we are not available to do stuff. When playing games, relaxing, or in bed we wear nothing at all. Total nudity. We all know each other and have seen everything. Okay?"

I think Ethan looked nervous, more nervous than Bob and Jake. All three agreed.

"One thing," Bob spoke. "My dad said I could use the cottage on the lake this weekend. No one else will be there and the weather is supposed to be warm. Can all of you get away after Friday's classes? You won't need to pack too many clothes since we won't need to wear much, if anything."

Everyone agreed they could go. This weekend would be fun.

The days before the weekend I learned more about our new roommates. I liked what I saw. Stew and Ethan had a relationship as loving as myself and my two lovers.

Ethan was the youngest looking. He was eighteen, but he looked like a high school teen. His cock was cut. It did not fit his boyish looks. He was maybe the biggest of us all at eight inches and thick with a prominent head. When Stew sucked Ethan, the boy was wild. Emotionally, Ethan was fragile, like Jake. He cried and needed reassuring from any of us who were around. He climbed in the lap of whoever was available and clung to him, even if both were nude.

Bob was like Ethan in many ways except he looked eighteen. His cock was cut and about six inches. Hard, he reached seven inches. His cum blasted out with force. Emotionally, Bob projected a take charge image. Inside, I learned Bob needed reassurance.

Jake had a slim build. His cock was like Bob's only a little thicker, like a cucumber. He was wildest when aroused. Otherwise, he was reserved. He had cute freckles even on his cock. He was fragile and I loved to give him comfort holding and caressing him. In spite of his emotions, he was the most practical. He watched over us. He was our caregiver. Go figure.

Stew and I were similar emotionally having both served in the military. Stew was more aggressive than me, though lately he was mellowing. I think Ethan had a lot to do with this. Stew was not cut; I was. Hard he was just over eight inches. I was seven plus. He was thick. I was slim. Both of us were shaved and the boys would be after this weekend, even if they did not know that yet.

Hurry up Jake. You are the last one. The rest of us are waiting," Bob yelled.

"Someone had to be sure both doors were locked," Jake mumbled as he climbed into the car.

The three of us were squished in the back. I sat between my guys. The trunk was filled with our backpacks and three cases of beer. A good thing we only had a five hour drive to Bob's dad's cottage. Stew drove and Ethan road shotgun.

Next: Chapter 7

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