Swabbie and Marine

By Art Gibson

Published on Apr 8, 2021


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Swabbie and Marine C-5

"We're back," Jake shouted as we opened the dorm door. No response. We decided Bob must have taken Judy back to her dorm. I was tired from the drive. I was more tired from being around excited, naked teen boys. Tired from their hormonal energy which made me horny and wanting to get off with Jakey. We had made love twice at his home, once with an uninvited three boy rooting section.

Thinking of them watching took me back in memory to a time two of us were on a weekend pass from the Marine base. I hoped to seduce this young, newly minted Marine. He was just eighteen and new to my unit. We had been drinking. Somehow, we met two young sailors. One thing led to another and we took them to our hotel room. They realized the young guy was a virgin. We decided to get him horny and work it so that he fucked me. Then they would fuck him. We got the kid turned on by letting him watch the swabbies make out. I asked the young Marine if he wanted to do the same. We made out so heavily that he ripped his skivvies off, breathing hard. One of the swabbies lubed me then guided the kid's seven inches to my hole. He was too far gone in lust to protest. I have never been fucked by a more enthusiastic partner. He was all over me, hugging, kissing, biting, and moaning. After he came inside me, the swabbies turned him on his back. They prepared him for his second deflowering. He only gave a slight protest as one penetrated his ass while the other took his mouth. Both sailors came, showered, dressed, and thanked me while leaving my buddy sprawled naked in their juices. Marines take care of each other so I showered him with care. He kept trying to kiss me as I showered him. He kept saying, "I want you to fuck me." So, I took him to the bed, and I did. He was a cock slut and never the same after that weekend. I finally got him to tone things down so he would not get kicked out for being gay. We had awesome sex, whenever we could. Six months later he was transferred. We wrote now and then. He was discharged and invited me to come to his home in Florida to live with him. He told me I was his best partner and he would never forget me or the times we fucked. I wrote him saying I was enrolled at Western.

"We should get studying so we will be ready for tomorrow's classes," I said to Jake, returning to the present. I looked at my boyfriend and lover. Unlike my Marine lover, Jake had a soft, caring side reflected in his approach to our love making. I had fallen head over heels for Jakey.

"Sounds good. What did you think of my brothers' being naked and watching us the other night?"

I thought about what to say when Bob entered. He looked as if he were glad we made it back safely. He rubbed both of our necks then went to sit on his bed. "How'd it go guys?"

Jake responded, "Weird but okay. How about you and Judy?"

"We had a great time. We talked a lot and got some issues settled. She stayed here until I took her back to the dorm. We decided we were better as friends. We studied. She and I did share my bed. We showered together and stayed nude while we watched TV. Neither of us had seen anyone of the opposite sex nude other than in pictures. We were our firsts, seeing someone of the opposite sex nude that is. We had fun but nothing happened sexually. She never saw a penis hard or soft. I let her explore me all she wanted."

"And you didn't make love?"

"Nope, Scott. I did let her jack me off. She had never seen a man cum. I watched her finger herself and saw her cum. Man, she is wild when she cums. She is as wild as you two."

"No fucking?" Jake looked disbelieving.

"Judy said if we fucked, we might mess up our friendship."

I looked at Bob. "So, what will you do for sex, other than your hand?"

Bob looked at his feet. He did not answer for some time, nervously fidgeting. Then, with a soft voice said, "I was hoping I could do things with you." Then quickly added, "If you are okay with that. If not, I am okay if you reject me."

I looked at Jake. He shrugged. "Bob, we were going to study. Give us an hour to do that. While we are studying, we will consider where we go with this idea,"

I wrote my paper for my history class. With Jake's desk pushed next to mine, I could see him doing algebra. What Bob did while we studied, I could not see.

After an hour passed, I bumped Jake's arm. "Ready to talk?"

"Yep. How do you feel about making room in our love for a third?" He asked letting me make the decision, set the rules.

"Anyone other than Bob and it would be no."

Then I told him I was cool with it if he was. I turned to Bob.

"We need to set guidelines. How far does this go? If we enter into this, we will be exclusive. One thing is that we are never to fool around just two of us. All three must participate or no one does. Nobody jacks off alone. More guidelines, we discuss them between us. No two out of three votes. We are unanimous regarding our love experiences."

Jake added, "This is a big step guys. I like the idea. Let's agree to explore this relationship for thirty days before making it permanent. Also, the beds need to be pushed together and we buy a queen mattress, I'm not sleeping in a crack, well not a mattress crack."

Bob licked his lips. "When do we start?"

I pulled my shirt off. "You two get your shirts off. Then we move the beds together."

Once the beds were together, we snuggled hugging and kissing. Bob was the middle of a boy sandwich. Jake and I licked and sucked Bob. We moved to his nipples sucking until they became two hard nubs. Next, we attacked his arm pits. Our lips sucked and pulled on his pit hair. Bob's moans intensified. We backed off.

"Don't stop. Please, don't stop. It's feeling so good."

I hushed Bob with kisses. Then I pulled away looking at him. Jake and I rubbed his stomach.

"You had unwanted sex with Stew. You just finished counseling. You and Judy have become friends. We need to be careful. This is gay sex we are considering. Is this what you really want?"

"I trust you and Jake. You would never force me. Please, make love to me. I want both of you if you want me." Bob's voice had a begging edge to it. I nodded at Jake. "Ready?" He nodded and we pulled off our clothes laying naked next to Bob.

Jake undid Bob's jeans and both of us slid them over his feet. I took off his socks and began to rub his right foot. Jake started on the left. Bob's moans told us he enjoyed our treatment. His feet were my focus. I took his little toe into my mouth and sucked on it while caressing his foot. Bob became more animated. We switched to rubbing and licking his calves.

Bob was coming undone. The only words out up his mouth were, "Please. Please." Jake and I were in no hurry. We wanted Bob's first time with us to be remembered. Tonight, was us showing Bob gay sex was really gay love. His thighs were the next part of his body we made love to. Bob's naked body was ours to pleasure. His six inch thin cock was oozing precum, which we licked. Some of it mixed with our saliva finding its way to his hole with our index fingers penetrating him deeply.

I watched Bob's face for any sign of discomfort. Seeing none, I nodded, and our fingers rubbed deeper. Jake and I began to lick Bob's cock. His noises were almost feverish. Our mouths licked and sucked and at times we kissed each other. Bob was too far gone to last. With a last hump he released his white cum in our mouths and on our faces. After his cock began to relax, Jake and I slid to his mouth inserting our tongues, letting him suck on them tasting his juices mixed with our saliva.

"My turn." I want you guys, please."

Jake turned Bob on his side. I slid myself in his mouth. He took half my seven inches at first. Then he buried his mouth to my base. As Bob slurped, Jakey put a finger in me. My cum blasted hot and heavy into Bob's mouth. He swallowed it all and like a hungry baby bird turned and took all six and a half inches of Jake. I repaid what Jake had done to me and buried my index finger in him raking his prostate. Jake blew quickly.

We showered, washing each other, and later drying one another. No talking needed. We went to the bed naked. I turned out the light and joined my lovers, or were we now boyfriends? Snuggled together under the covers, I believed I just might have found a home.

Two naked bodies wrapped around me Monday morning. I never wanted to separate but class called. I moved. My lovers woke. We kissed snuggling and moaning. I called a halt to our efforts.

"Time for class, guys." I disentangled with my hard cock leading the way to the toilet. Bob followed me, hand on my shoulder. We pissed standing side-by-side. Jake joined us. I grabbed his penis directing his stream. Bob backed away starting the shower. Then began our ritual of rising, pissing, showering together, and having a short naked make-out session before dressing and starting our day. My lovers did not have a first hour class so they would stay behind and study.

I exited into the hall to see Stew leaving his room with a twink that looked like he belonged in high school clinging to Stew like Stew was a lifeline. Stew saw me and said, "I fucked this guy last night. He let me tie him and fuck him as often as I pleased. I came inside him three times."

The twink moaned, holding Stew as he looked at me with lust burning in his eyes. "It was my first time, ever. I loved him inside me and filling me. I came so hard. Stew loves me. I love him so much." I shook my head.

"Jealous, jarhead? You could have had a piece of this twink's virgin ass if you still roomed with me. I did not have to get him drunk to deflower him. He was all over my cock. Then he let me have my way. Come over tonight and you can have a piece."

In that moment, what Stew and I had planned when we first met, I realized we were wrong.

"Come on, jarhead. What do you say. Want this guy?"

"No thanks, swab jockey. I have two better guys waiting for me."

The twink gave an exaggerated frown as I walked away to my class.

Stew's shit with the virgin freshmen bothered me. I used to have no issue taking some dude's virginity. I still remembered that newbie Marine I'd deflowered with those two swabbies. That was hot and he turned into a real cock slut. Maybe because I was older I was growing a conscience.

Bob and Jake would meet me for breakfast before they headed for their classes. While I waited, I thought about my lovers. Both had been virgins before coming to Western. Jake had willingly let me be his first. When he was aroused, his passion was erotic but soft in a caring way. Bob had shown his passion but he did not present as erotic as Jake. On the other hand, Bob had a wild side Jake did not show. I loved the differences between the boys.

Last night was awesome. I knew I felt love for both of my boys. Jakey had put a thirty day trial period on our threesome. That could be an out. As I reflected on our relationship, my buddies came to the table.

"Guess what," Bob asked in an excited voice?


"My dad is letting me use his cabin this weekend. We can get out of here and have fun. It's on a lake and very secluded."

"We can have fun and study at the same time," my "Mr. Practical," boyfriend said.

Bob swatted his arm. "Joy killer. Just so you know I am bringing the lube."

"What about condoms," I asked.

Bob looked sheepish "Jake and I never had sex before each other. We were virgins. When I got screwed in Stew's room, he wore a condom. You told us you had a test just before you came to Western so you are clean."

"Pick up some enema kits when you get the lube."

We ate and they left for class. I was preparing to leave when Stew pulled out a chair and sat.

"Hey, jarhead. You doing those two?"

"Not that it is any concern of yours."

"You like them?"

"Yeah. They are nice kids. We have quite a bit in common. I mean we are all in the teacher preparation program, elementary level. I may be older but we get along well. They have become my friends."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead. No guarantee I'll answer."

Stew looked at me before speaking. "I screwed up. That kid, Ethan, you saw me with this morning. I really messed up. On ship I tried to fill every ass and mouth I could. I took as well as I gave. I got used to being a slut. Then I screwed Ethan, he is the kid you saw me with. I thought he would be just a fuck. I was his first. I planned to use him, cum in him, then dump his ass. If I turned him to liking cock, all the better."

Stew ran his fingers through his hair and continued. "Can I have a sip of your coffee?" He just grabbed it and gulped, forget sipping.

"Ethan and I talked after you saw us. He, gawd, this is so hard. He loves me. I was his first. No girls, no boys, no kissing, nothing. He had red eyes when he told me he loves me. He cried when he left me to go to class. Shit, Scott. What the fuck am I going to do. This year was to be the year for sex without commitments."

"How do you feel about him, Stew?"

"Shit, shit, shit. I think I might have feelings for him too. He is only eighteen and so naïve. He is so young. I want to take care of him, to teach him about the world. He is a true twink and so beautiful and sexy. And his cock, eight inches and thick. I never could imagine such a small body could hide so big a cock. Do you know he only weighs one hundred and thirty? Scott, you got to help me as one vet to another."

"You know swab jockey," Stew studied the table as I talked. "We should have continued our relationship, like we started, and left these youngsters alone."

"Probably. Too late now."

"Stew. we vets need to stick together. I'm telling you now, if you ever mess with Jake or Bob, I'll find an anchor, tie it around your feet, and drop you in the deepest part of that lake out there."

Stew smiled. "I hear you. You do know that lake is a pond and is probably only three feet deep jarhead." Stew stood and walked away laughing.

Next: Chapter 6

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