Swabbie and Marine

By Art Gibson

Published on Apr 8, 2021


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"You dog you. You and Judy, huh?"

Bob smiled and nodded blushing red. I told him Jake and I planned to go to Jake's house next weekend. I asked Bob if a dozen condoms would be enough and what size I should get him?"

I knew Bob had healed when he grinned, then with a bashful look said that he would give me enough money to get two dozen extra-large. Jake split a gut laughing. Bob joined in and the three of us hugged.

Swabbie and Marine C-4

Bob had mostly recovered from his sexual seduction. Being friends with Jake and becoming friends with me made it easier for him to accept that anal was another way to have sex. The way it happened to him, did not make him gay. We took him to the free clinic on campus to be tested. He was clean. Jake attended counseling sessions with Bob and helped answer questions. Being friends in high school made it easier for them to talk to each other. They became closer friends than when they were in high school. Bob and Jake included me in their talks. The three of us became close. Our talks often touched on the most personal of topics. Nothing was off limits. We would lay in a dreamlike state, resting on each other, rubbing our hands over one another enjoying the closeness we gathered by sharing and exploring our feelings.

Bob had resumed dating Judy. The three of us agreed now was not the time to reveal what had happened. Since we would be gone, he and Judy planned to take their relationship to the next level. He seemed nervous when he told us this. I doubted they would go through the two dozen condoms he had asked me to buy.

"Ready?" Jake called to me.

While I was checking to see if I had forgotten anything. I saw Bob look at me. He had confided in me that he was scared. I told him that being scared was normal. He had big plans for the weekend with her in our room. He told me that he still thought about that night across the hall saying he feared he might have troubles performing.

The last thing I did before Jake and I left was to hug Bob in a brotherly way and whisper, "Be safe buddy. Treat Judy with respect. Everything will be okay. Call or text if you need me."

I tried to pull away, but Bob held me tightly and kissed my cheek while he ground against me. I felt his hardness but chalked it up to his excitement for Judy. "Thanks, Scott. I love you, too much."

He then wrapped his arms around Jake, kissing him. If I had not watched their closeness develop as friends, I would be jealous. They kissed in a passionate way with tongue and Bob ground against Jake. I knew Jake had to feel Bob's arousal. We were the closest of friends with a bond that united us and certain behaviors we accepted. What started out as me wanting to use Jake as a sex object, had led me to a deep love for both these men. My love for Jake was different from my love for Bob, different yet intense.

"One last time. Got everything?" Jake could not stop worrying. I leaned over the console and kissed my worry wart boyfriend. "I mean it, Scott."

"I love you, Jakey. Yes, I have it all. Do you have everything?"

He swatted my chest then slipped his tongue in me. "One for the road."

Jake was silent for the first part of the drive. Unusual for him.

"You okay, Jakey?"

"What's up with Bob. He seemed awful lovey as we left."

"He will be okay. Probably nervous seeing this is his first time with a girl."

"I think there is something more. I felt like he wished we were staying."

"I got the same impression. He seemed more loving than is normal for guy friends."

"We need to talk with him after we get back."

Jake held my hand the rest of the four hour drive. Just him doing that had me so hard. I knew I was leaking. My suspicion was confirmed when Jakey said, "Oh, my. Someone is turned on. How are you going to meet my family with a cum stain on your pants?"

"I'll blame it on you. Might need to exit with a bottle of water and spill some so they can watch."

"Nope. I told you that my parents will out liberal the most liberal of liberals. My mom will be thrilled I can do that to by boyfriend."

"I will be so embarrassed. Your entire family will see the spot."

"My brothers will laugh, don't worry. My dad will be as pleased as my mom."

Jakey had told me about the weirdness of his family. First his grandparents on his dad's side dressed like they were from the Hippie era of the 1960's. His parents were very free spirits and raised their sons the same way. Casual nudity was permitted and encouraged in the house. After Jakey left for college, his parents convinced his brothers to not only live nude in the house but to sleep that way, even when sharing a bed.

Once at the house, we grabbed our backpacks and holding hands opened the door. His parents met us with hugs and kisses.

"Look at this handsome lad you snagged for a boyfriend," his dad said. Jake's mom leaned in and whispered,

"Is he wild in bed, Jake?" Both of us turned fire engine red. "Tell me Scott. How good of a lover is my son?" I felt she was looking at the spot on my jeans.

Before I could protest a thunder of bare feet descended the stairs. Three naked teens thundered at me and Jake. They swept into us hugging and kissing while laughing and generally being wild.

Jake looked at his parents and asked, "What did you do to these three while I was gone? I've only been gone two months."

"They are exploring, son. Your mom and I read some books about releasing your inner child and freeing yourself from the constraints of society. We had your brothers read the book. While they have a ways to go, they are progressing."

Jake looked at me as if we had stepped into an alternate universe. Andy, the fourteen year old, to whom Jake had been closest, said to him, "Jake. We cannot wait to show you and your boyfriend what we learned from the internet. It's so cool."

His mom clapped her hands. "Aren't they smart, Jake? They can learn everything from the internet."

"Mom, some things are better left unlearned, especially at their age. What will grandma and grandpa say?

"Jake, Jake, his dad calmed him. Your grandparents agree that boyish exploration has benefits."

Jake put his nose into my neck and groaned that we must be in the wrong home. I tried to recall what I knew of alternate universes. His dad directed all of us to the living room where he explained that teen boys often experimented with other boys sexually. They wanted their sons to experiment with each other and where they were safe. Who better to learn and experiment with than their brothers in the safety of their home.

Jakes mom took up where his dad left off. "Dad and I are going to your grandparents' for the night. The five of you are free to learn from each other, You college boys can teach these high school boys what they need to know."

"You do realize they are all underage," I said trying to bring order to this circus. "I am twenty-three and Jake is eighteen. We are adults. They are illegal for us to do anything sexual with them."

"We know Scott. We hope you can give them pointers from a man's perspective. Well father, time to go."

With that his parents hugged and kissed us and left.

As soon as the parents were out the door, Brian said, "You two are overdressed. Get your clothes off."

"Guys, your brother and I have a special relationship. You guys are awesome looking, but we will not have sex with you.

"Can you at least watch and make sure we are doing things correctly?" Tyler looked at us as if he were asking Santa for a present.

"How about your brother and I get unpacked and rest? I assume we are using your parent's bed."

The boys nodded. Jake and I went upstairs and entered the bedroom. We laid our clothes on the chairs. "This is so weird. Do you believe it?"

I agreed it was weird. Holding each other, we kissed and fell into bed. We awoke. Jakey was as hard as I. We began to make out.

"Make love to me Scott." I began to lick his hole totally focused on providing him pleasure. He was aroused and moaning. I licked deeper.

"Now, Scott. Put that Marine cock in me." I did, riding him hard. We were kissing and wrapped together. We forgot his brothers as moans and expressions of love escaped us. "Fill me, Marine. Put your seed in me."

I licked Jackey's face and sucked his bottom lip. His hips were rising and falling. He had his heels digging into my butt cheeks pulling me close. We were wrapped as one when his cock exploded causing me to stiffen and yell, "Here it comes, Jakey. I unloaded deep inside my lover and he coated our stomachs. As we came down from our orgasms we kissed and whispered of our love.

"Scott. We have an audience."

I turned to see his brothers sitting on the floor watching. From the shine on their stomach's, I knew they had cum. I looked at the boys as I exited Jakey. I was pissed. Naked and still dripping, I went and stood over Jake's brothers. I wanted to unload my anger, then thought better of it. These guys needed to learn restraint and privacy.

"Did you guys see all of that?" They nodded. "Guys, what you saw was a special moment of love between me and your brother. We are deeply, deeply in love with one another. We do not place our love making on exhibition. I am embarrassed that you saw this intimate moment between us.

"Are you mad," asked Brian? "Will you hate us?

I pulled Jakey next to me with our sweat and the juices of sex still on us. I hugged Jakey and kissed him.

"I love your brother so much. I could never hate or be mad at his brothers. Guys, lovemaking is private. If you are okay with each other, good. Enjoy each other."

Jakey had some humor in his voice as he talked. "You were asking for pointers. Did what you see meet your needs?"

The boys nodded though they looked chastened. Jake continued, "Scott and I are showering. We will stay naked until bedtime. No fooling around, though. We will eat, watch TV, and Andy and I challenge all comers to a game.

The evening passed and soon everyone was yawning. The boys told us good night and thanked us. We kissed and hugged.

After Jakey and I entered the bedroom, he turned to me. "Do you think my brothers will make love tonight?"

"Count on it. The same as we will make love. You did not get to enter me, and I need your cock and your seed. We need to remember to be quiet. Unless they make a ton of noise, then we just need to keep our noise below the level of theirs."

Three boys joined us for breakfast. "How was your night," I asked? Their faces said everything, and I caught Brian sporting a semi. After breakfast, we dressed and drove to the mall. The boys looked at teen boys speculating on whether or not a particular boy was gay. They also guessed at the size of their cocks based on the bulge in their jeans. Jake and I tried our best to ignore them.

When we got home, there was a message on the machine letting us know their parents would stay another night at their grandparents and for us to have fun.

Jake and I told the brothers we were going to rest. The boys shared grins. Tyler made a jerking motion with his fist.

"No sneaking in our room. You saw all you needed to see yesterday," Jake said.

Andy said he needed to watch to be sure he had everything straight. Jake looked at Andy's boner jutting into the air and commented he seemed to have everything straight enough.

Jake and I did nap. After, as we entered the living room, we came upon the brothers having a sex orgy. Tyler lay on the couch his feet in the air with Brian penetrating his 12 year old ass. Andy had his cock pumping into his little brother's mouth while he sucked Tyler's impressive, for a twelve year old, cock. As we entered the living room, the boys reached their peak and I swear they climaxed simultaneously. We stood watching the three disengage. Tyler was the first to see us.

"Guys. We have an audience."

Brian turned. "Learn anything?" He grinned. "We watched you, you watched us. It's all good," The boys trooped by us giving us fist bumps as they went to clean up.

Jake and I looked at each other. We agreed we had been tele transported to an alternate universe.

That evening we spent time listening to the boys telling about their lives. Brian and Andy were on the high school football team. They loved the game. They loved showering with their teammates even more. Tyler played soccer for the middle school. He liked the showers too and said he took his time when he could. Jake told them all about college except about that time in Stew's room.

The next day. Jake's parents arrived in time to spend an hour with us, then it was time to leave. We hugged. The boys were still not dressed. Andy's six inch boner poked me as we hugged, and I felt him give me a side wiggle before he kissed me. He tried for tongue, but I kept my lips firmly tightened. I pulled away, ruffling his hair, and told him to behave. He smiled and told me behaving was no fun.

Next: Chapter 5

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