Swabbie and Marine

By Art Gibson

Published on Apr 7, 2021


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Instead of the meek skinny twink Jakey was an animal wild with desire. He moved so determinedly and kissed without stopping until his lips backed off and he glared at me, his eyes lust filled.

"Damn it. I love you, you fuckin Marine."

He stiffened, his sperm spurting between us. I was a second behind him. After we came, we must have spent a good hour lost in our love, holding each other.

Swabbie and Marine C-3

"Shit, we just moved in and got settled, Jake's now former roommate complained. I was moving into room 611 with Jake. His high school friend and former roommate, Bob, was moving into 610 with Stew. Bob liked girls. I wondered how long Stew would let that be Bob's preference.

Jake helped me arrange my clothes and books. Making sure the door was locked, he reached for me. "Get over here, jarhead." He grabbed my shirt pulling me to him, kissing me as if he had never kissed and had discovered the joy of kissing a guy.

"Let's talk Jake." I led him to his desk chair. "Sit." I acted like I was talking to a dog. Jake whined like a puppy. "Stay. We need to talk." He pouted. "I want to do things that are more fun than talking."

I sat on his bed. He looked like he wanted to join me. I held up my hand. "Jake. Yesterday you had had no gay experiences. Stew and I got you drunk. We were going to take your virginity. Instead, I learned how nice you are, and I could not do that to you. You drank too much. I could not allow Stew or myself to use you that way."

"I'm sober now. Use me. You are a great guy, Scott. I love you."

"Aw Jake, thanks. Let's go eat and talk some more. You are asking to take a nonreversible action. I need to be sure you are cool with it. We got lots of time."

Jake started to rub his penis through pants.

I looked sternly at Jake. "Nope. I won't do it no matter how much you beg, plead, or rub yourself. We are heading to the chow hall. Now get your butt off that chair and get moving."

"Spoil sport," he said in a pouty voice but he had a smile on his face.

In the cafeteria, we selected our food. We sat and had just started eating when Stew and Bob arrived asking if they could join us. They went off to the serving line. Jake's face reddened, probably remembering that Stew had seen what Jake did last night. I grabbed his hand under the table while mouthing, "It's okay."

Stew and Bob returned sitting in the remaining two chairs. Bob looked excitedly at Jake. "Stew wants to have a party tonight in the room. Our suitemates are joining us. You two want to come?" Then he looked at Stew, "It's okay to invite them, isn't it?"

Stew nodded. I knew we would be welcome. The more the merrier for the plan Stew was developing. "Sure. I'm getting a couple of cases of beer and some vodka. That's more than enough if you two want to come."

"Maybe next time. Jake and I are tired after last night."

Bob continued, "I asked Stew if girls were invited. He said that no girls allowed on our floor. Rules. Just guys. Maybe if you get bored you will come by later."

"Yeah, maybe," I said to Bob. Looking into Stew's eyes I saw he already had the plans for the party detailed. I just wondered how he would get three straight boys to perform gay activities.

Jake and I spent the day exploring the campus. We could not hold hands but the back of his hand brushed mine as we walked. The weather was still warm, and we enjoyed the sun. Back at the room we looked at our texts and talked about our classes. Jake kept trying to distract me. He would rub my neck or lick my cheek.

"Okay. Okay. If I kiss you, will you stop mauling me until after dinner? You are a demanding twink, Jake."

He half pouted then turned my head. Leaning in he kissed me with a kiss unlike any I had never experienced. Jake might be new to gay kissing or any other kissing, but he kissed passionately, I almost gave in and took him to bed.

"Easy, tiger. We have the entire night. We can do whatever you are comfortable doing after dinner."

On our way to dinner, we saw Stew and Bob, plus the suitemates, sneaking the night's refreshments into their room. Bob gave me a tight smile and a wink. Three eighteen year olds were in for quite a party. I just hoped it did not blow up for Stew. I thought he was rushing his seduction attempt, but he seemed to have a plan.

"Okay, let's shower," I told Jake. "Together." I stripped off my clothes letting Jake look at my naked body. "Quit staring and get naked." Jake did. Then he stepped close and hugged me.

Pulling back, he gave me an intense stare. "Scott, I trust you. Last night I asked you to take care of me. You did. I think I knew what Stew wanted to do. You knew I was not okay doing that with Stew. You understood. Before, I had only seen boys naked in a locker room. I had never done sexual stuff with another guy. Tonight, I want you to be my first. I really love you and I hope you come to love me too.

I did love Jake. I had had friends and fuck buddies in the past. Jake was different. I had known him only two days, but I could see something in him that pulled at me. I studied his beautiful body and sweet face. Putting my hands on his cheeks, I pulled him in kissing him lightly.

"Jake, I fell for you that moment last night when you told me how you cared for your family and you asked me to care for you. Jake, I love you." Pulling his lips to mine, I feasted.

We forgot the shower and ground together on the bed. Jake became a babbling mass and though I tried to slow him, he demanded I suck him. Damn, he was bossy when he was aroused. So, I proceeded to give him the first and best blowjob of many I would give him. I was an expert at edging guys when blowing them. I knew when Jakey began to get close by his movements and his noises. I backed off. He cursed me and thrashed but I kept edging him. Whenever he tried to put his hands on his cock to finish himself, I batted them away threatening to tie them behind his back. Jake's precum mixed with my saliva. His heels pounded the bed. He had cute feet that I would worship later. I rubbed around his hole using the mixture of saliva and precum to ease my entrance. I planned to let Jake release when I contacted that special spot I knew would blow not only his mind but drain his balls.

That is what happened. The minute I rubbed his prostate Jake flooded my mouth with the sweetest sperm I had ever tasted. I held my sweet lover letting recover from his high. His hands gently pulled my head to his and we kissed letting him taste himself in my mouth. As he recovered I became dismayed. Jakey was crying.

"Jakey, buddy. What's the matter?"

He kept crying alternating between saying. "I love you so much," and "Thank you." He kept on kissing me and wrapping his six foot slender body around mine. I joined him in declaring my love for him.

We remained like this until Jake calmed. He pulled off my face. "My turn. Get on your back." I did and Jakey lay with his mouth at my tip. He licked what I knew was his first cock ever. He was tasting my precum groaning and sucking the tip.

"I won't last long, Jakey." He took my uncut seven inches as if he were an expert. I was so horned up that three sucks and I grabbed his head burying his mouth to my base and I blasted into him. He took it all whimpering with desire.

He licked up my torso until his lips reached mine. He nuzzled my cheek.

"I don't want to shower. We can shower in the morning. I want our cum to be on us all night. I want to sleep with you tonight and forever. I will tell my family about us. I will tell my brothers about our love. They will love you too. I do not want to ever get dressed when we are in this room. I want to sleep naked with you all the time."

He snuggled my neck licking it. I held his beautiful young body so soft and yet so hard. I lost myself in my lover as we fell into a deep, comfortable sleep.

Jake stretched and kissed me as he awoke. I nuzzled his neck returning his kiss. I felt him. "I guess I wore you out. No morning wood."

"I rarely have morning wood I trained myself to never be hard in the morning. Our house is small, and my brothers and I had to share two beds in our bedroom. When I was fourteen I would wake hard. Brian my brother and I slept close, sometimes against each other. I did not want to do get aroused with him. Not just because he was my brother, but because I knew those activities were wrong. I trained my mind not to let me get hard."

"Did that work?"

"Not too often. Most of the time I woke with a boner. I turned away from Brian."

"What about him?"

"He was always hard. Hi boner poked my back."

"What did you do?"

"I relieved myself when they were not around. I did it a lot before bed, so I was less likely to get hard in the morning."

"Tell me about your brothers."

I stroked his hair laying my lips close to his ear while he described the three boys who were the love of his life. Brian was sixteen with a mind that could do math like a whiz. He was the most handsome, according to Jake. Andy was fourteen and Jake's favorite. The two were always playing video games pairing up to challenge the other two. Tyler, twelve, had problems with studying. Also, his slight size made him a target of the bullies. His brothers did all they could to protect him but with Tyler at the middle school and his older brothers at the high school his life was difficult. Andy tried at night to comfort Tyler as they slept. Tyler often woke sobbing. Then the brothers hugged him. Jake laughed that sometimes everyone tried to sleep with Tyler to calm him.

Listening to Jake describe his brothers and their love touched me.

"I want them to know you Scott. I want them to know that you and I are boyfriends. I want to set up a Skype call this afternoon so they can meet you."

"How will your parents and brothers react?"

"They told us whoever we love, they will love. When they gave us The Talk, you know that Talk, there are different kinds of love. They even told us about gay love and they would be okay if we were gay. My brothers will listen to me since I am the oldest, therefore the wisest."

I was chuckling at that when there was a hard knock at our door. I threw on a pair of pants leaving Jakey naked under the covers. Opening the door, I found Bob in tears. He stumbled and fell into my arms. I guided him to the unused bed,. He wore only boxers. I smelled sex rolling off his body. Jakey threw off the covers and knelt next to his friend He could see the hurt by the way his high school friend sobbed. Placed his arm under Bob's neck he turning his head.

"Can you tell us what happened?"

Bob slowed his sobs and looked at Jake. He told the story between deep intakes of breath. There was drinking. Stew put on porn and all the guys enjoyed it and soon Stew convinced everyone to get naked. They were all hard. Stew convinced the suitemates to fondle each other. Soon the two were doing things Bob never had done. The more he watched, the more he became aroused. Stew asked Bob if he was okay doing stuff with him.

Bob told us he told Stew, "Maybe."

Stew asked Bob to kiss him. Up to then he had only made out with his girlfriend. Bob said Stew used his tongue and Bob did the same to Stew. Then Stew rubbed Bob's cock which was hard and put Bob's hand on Stew's cock.

Bob, cried, "I lost control."

Stew put his mouth on Bob's cock. As Stew did that, he put his finger between Bob's ass cheeks fingering his hole. Bob said he no longer had control. He wanted more. He begged for more. Stew put two then three fingers in him. Bob said that he felt so wild. Stew told Bob to lay on his back.

"Oh, gawd. I did. I felt my legs raised. I felt a pressure at my hole. I knew what was happening. I wanted to stop it but I did not want it to stop. I knew what I was doing was wrong. It felt so good. I remember Stew moaning and saying I had a great pussy. I felt myself release and then he, he throbbed in me. After, I felt so dirty. I passed out. When I woke, I had to get out of there. I put my boxers on and came here. I am ruined. I want to die."

I joined Jake cradling Bob. "Hold him. I'm going across the hall."

"You got him drunk, you asshole." Were the first words I directed at Stew as I stormed into room 610.

"He was not so drunk that he could not give consent," Stew retorted.

"Ever hear of peer pressure and wanting to fit in? He is over in Jake's and my room, feeling ruined. I hope we can undo what you three have done."

I needed to control myself before I did something that I could not undo. "Get dressed and bring his stuff over. Leave it at the door. He is not ready to look at any of you. I hope Jake and I can undo some of what you did to him."

I pulled Stew aside as Bob's clothes and books were brought across the hall. "You need to rethink your methods swab jockey. These virgin twinks may give in until they realize what was done to them. Lasting psychological damage could be done. If you want to deflower a virgin ass, try not using alcohol. Try the normal way. Get to know them and date them."

"Screw you, jarhead."

Jake and I made room for Bob's stuff. We held him and stroked him and told him we loved and would protect him. Bob shivered.

Between sobs he said, "I have a girlfriend. I am not gay. What did I do?"

We let Bob vent. He finally dozed off in Jake's arms. We lowered Bob to the bed and covered him. "Go get him something to eat, Jake. I'll stay with him."

Jake returned. "One of us needs to stay with him. He may try to do something to himself when he comes to full realization of what happened."

Jake nodded. "I cleaned him really good inside. He was messy. I think I got most of it. There is probably some still in him. A shower will help, later."

"We could give him an enema, that would clean him. It might be too much for him at this time. He will pass it naturally. I have some experience with these kind of situations. I will talk to him. You need to be here when I do."

Bob woke. Jake and I continued to calm him. I emphasized that while he gave his consent, he had diminished capacity to do so. First he had drunk alcohol. Then he had been aroused by the sex acts taking place in front of him. Finally, we told him that he was rooming with us for the semester. Bob knew we were boyfriends. He expressed concern about our ability to do things with each other with him around. He could not describe what those things were in more detail. We told him we would make the time while he was at class or out with his girl.

"She won't have anything to do with me when she learns what I did."

"You do not need to tell her right now. If your relationship becomes something more, then you and her can go to counseling. You will heal. We are here to help you."

"What about the guys across the hall? I cannot face them."

I told Bob that tomorrow I would go over to tell them if they gave him any trouble or smirked at him, I would take Bob to the Dean and report what happened.

And that is what happened. A month passed and Bob returned to laughing having fun with us and his girl. Jake and I made time for Bob whenever he seemed down. If Bob's girl thought our living arrangement strange, she did not comment. This far into the semester three in a room was not uncommon. One night she stayed so late and we were all so tired, she slept with Bob. Not like in slept, slept. They just shared Bob's bed. The next morning three guys were gentlemen as in not looking when Judy used the bathroom and showered. After she left, Bob asked when Jake and I were going away for a weekend. Jake looked at Bob as if he wondered why Bob asked that. I knew and grinned at Bob.

"You dog you. You and Judy, huh?"

Bob smiled and nodded, blushing red. I told him Jake and I planned to go to Jake's house next weekend. I asked Bob if a dozen condoms would be enough and what size I should get him?"

I knew Bob had healed when he grinned, then with a bashful look said that he would give me enough money to get two dozen extra-large. Jake split a gut laughing. Bob joined in and the three of us hugged.


Next: Chapter 4

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