Swabbie and Marine

By Art Gibson

Published on Apr 6, 2021


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As we walked back to the dorm, Stew mused. "I wonder who will be easier to seduce, eighteen year old freshmen or twenty something Vets?"

Swabbie and Marine C-2:

Back in the dorm, we exited the elevator on the sixth floor. Before heading to our room, we stopped at the lounge. Five boys sprawled on the couches giving each other their background information. Stew bumped me indicating we should join them. All of them looked at us as we settled in to the last two overstuffed chairs. Evaluating us as not a threat, they went back to talking amongst themselves. They became comfortable with our presence when Stew interrupted.

"Hi. My name's Stew and this is my roomie, Scott. We are in 610. You guys all freshmen?"

They acknowledged they were and offhandedly told us their names. I got them talking about their classes and their high schools. Not that we cared. We needed them talking and getting comfortable with us. We hit paydirt when the cutest and youngest looking twink complained about his roommate, how he was always out of the room with his girlfriend.

"We were friends in high school, and I thought rooming with him would be fun. Not any longer."

Listening to him lament his situation, I knew we had found our first boy. I could tell by the way Stew focused on Jake; he thought the same way. It was getting late. The Stadium and unpacking had eaten up our day. I stretched. "What room you in Jake?"


"Shit. That's across from ours. Want to show it to us. You probably have it fixed up really nice."

Jake puffed at the compliment. "Sure, I was going to get ready for bed anyway."

We said, "Good night" to the others and followed Jake to his room. His side was decorated with posters of soccer players. His reading light was set on a soft setting. His desk had an organized look to it. We told Jake his side looked great.

"My mom and dad helped me."

"How old are you Jake?"

"I turned eighteen last week. I'm the first of my family to attend college. I saved money for this and my parents are helping."

We could let Jake talk forever, but we had to start reeling him in. "Want to see our room," Stew asked?

Not that we cared about how our room looked. We needed Jake to feel at home when we began his seduction. We entered and I closed the door. "Have a seat." Jake sat and Stew sat next to him, close.

"Want a beer, Stew?" I reached into the fridge and grabbed one. Then I looked at Jake as if I were considering offering him one. "I'd offer you one, but you are not twenty-one."

Jake said in a hesitant voice, "I've drunk beer before. I don't mind if you don't."

"That's the spirit," I said with a false bravado.

Looking at Stew, I said, "Maybe Jake would be up for a party this Saturday. Want to party, Jake?"

I have seen lots of boys who want to take part in something they are not sure they should, and Jake had that look. He took the beer I offered him, sipped it, and nodded, "Sure."

We sat around getting Jake to tell us about his high school life. He was a soccer player. He did not have a girlfriend. He had three younger brothers he loved. Getting someone to talk about himself was one way to get him to like his listener. Every so often Stew or I would complement Jake on his drinking ability. He seemed to thrive on compliments. While Jake was drinking his first, Stew was on his third. He began acting woozy leaning into Jake. I saw Jake had finished his first, so I said, "Have one more before you go." Jake took it smiling.

I could tell he was a lightweight. Before he was halfway done with his second, he was holding Stew so Stew would not fall over. They looked cozy and Jake did not seem bothered by the closeness. Saturday he would be ours.

When he finished his second beer, we told Jake we would see him tomorrow. His walk was wobbly as he left. He did say, "Good night."

Stew and I high fived after Jake left. Then we undressed and climbed into Stew's bed naked wrapped around each other.

The next day and the other two were spent with Jake, becoming friends. We went to bookstore and purchased all our books. We explored campus, searching for our classes. We ate lunch and talked. The more we hung out and I got to know Jake, the more I came to like him.

Saturday at breakfast, Jake let us know how excited he was to be going to his first college dorm party. That's when we let Jake know that the other two guys had to back out. "We will understand if you decide not to come. It won't be much of a party just the three of us," Stew said.

"If you guys are still up for it, I am."

We agreed to start at seven. On the way back to the dorm, I began to rethink my position. I remembered some of my buddies and my last roomie and the feelings I had for them. Jake was a nice guy. Too nice for two Vet perverts such as us. Over the week I had learned Jake cared for his younger brothers and missed them. I could tell from the way he looked when he told us about them he had a young, naïve outlook on life. This was a boy I could love in a special way. I began to question our plans for Jake.

Seven o'clock arrived and the knock on the door let us know Jake had arrived. We had told our suitemates we were studying. I am sure they did not believe us. Who studied on a Saturday night? The way they looked at us I knew they thought we were sneaking two girls into our room.

Stew handed Jake a beer, first thing when he entered. "Chug it, Jakey." He tried but sputtered. He did manage to finish it in three swallows. Stew got him another. I still had not figured out how I could save Jake from our planned seduction.

After three beers, Jake was on his way. Stew suggested we watch TV. Jake and I got on the bed leaning against pillows placed along the wall. Stew put a tape in the VHS player then turned and looked at us.

"Guys. It's warm in here. Let's get comfortable." He threw off his shirt and dropped his jeans. I saw Jake had dressed nicely for what he believed would be his first college dorm party. I do not think he pictured taking off his clothes. After three beers and starting on number four, and seeing Stew and me undress, Jake shrugged out of his clothes. He wore no T shirt, so he only had on tight, blue briefs. Stew and I both eyed his package. Stew with wanting and me with a mixture of interest and regret.

Stew flopped on a pillow next to the bed, Jake and I leaned against the wall. Jake's legs hairs brushed mine. He made no effort to move away. In fact, he leaned in to whisper in my ear, "This is nice, Scott. You are nice. Thanks for this party."

You ever feel your insides flip like you are on a roller coaster? That was how I felt. I looked at Jake and oh my gosh he was staring at me from less than twelve inches away.

Stew pushed play and a porn flick began. At first Jake was quiet. Then he said, "Is that porn?"

Stew laughed, "Yep. Ever watch porn Jakey?"

"Never," he said it as if he were scared.

"Relax. It will get the party going."

There was a locating shot, then the actors stripped and began to make out, a woman and two younger men. Stew had picked a Bi film to show Jake. Jake put his lips next to my ear, "Is this okay to watch?"

"Just relax, buddy."

In minutes Jake was erect as he could be. He tried for casual as he rubbed his penis. Stew brought him another beer.

Stew looked at Jakes cock, then told him, "Hey, buddy. It's okay to be hard. That's why we watch porn. It's a way to get off."

He paused for a moment to let that soak into Jake's brain that was definitely aroused. "Take your briefs off. We are all grown guys."

Then standing in Jake's line of vision, Stew stripped. His cock bounced as it came into view. As he stripped, so did I.

"Come on Jakey. Do it," Stew ordered.

I looked at Jake. His face was red and screwed up. I could see the battle raging in Jake, even with the alcohol flowing in him. One thumb rested in the waist band, pulling.

"Help him Scott."

I leaned in saying softly, "Don't do it if you don't want to."

Jake looked at me with a mixture of uncertainty, fear, and lust in his bloodshot eyes. "Take care of me?" He whispered holding my arm. Then, shaking, he slid off his briefs.

I looked at his slim yet toned body. His legs were tapered and defined. I loved his narrow feet. He was cut and looked to be six inches slim and tapered like an arrow. He was breathtakingly beautiful. I leaned into his face and kissed him lightly. Jake sighed. We released and both looked at Stew. He was stroking his cock. Jake stared at this display of masculinity. His brain was too lubricated to focus clearly and foresee what was about to happen.

I stood, grabbing Stew's shoulder guiding him out of Jake's line of sight.

"Hey. Give him a break. There will be other dudes we can fuck."

"What's with you," he asked. "Besides, look at him."

I looked at Jake. He was masturbating to the porn. He was wet at his tip. He used a twisting motion as he jacked.

"We're just going to help him do what he looks like he wants. That's all."

Stew was not a jerk. He recognized something had developed between Jake and me this week. "Okay. Change of plans. How about we make this the best circle jerk old Jakey ever experienced."

I murmured back, "Probably the only circle jerk he has ever had."

We crawled next to Jake, kissing his torso, rubbing his body and just as I was ready to jack him, Jake blew the most massive load of thick, white cream I had ever seen. He came with such force that he hit his shoulder. While Jake was still in his post orgasmic bliss, Stew lay his head on Jake's thighs, so Jake had a front row seat to Stew and my sixty-nineing to completion.

After swallowing each other's baby makers, Stew looked at me and shook his head. "Big, bad, jarhead. I thought you guys did not have an ounce of compassion. Better get him ready for bed. You are sleeping with him. If he gets sick, it's on you."

I Helped Jake to the bathroom. He was so wobbly. I had to drape one of his arms over my shoulder and hold his penis directing his stream at the bowl. He would just have to sleep with his cum on his pubes and chest. He was too shaky to control in the shower. I lay Jake in my bed.

Stew patted my back. "You are too nice. You two deserve each other. I am going to fuck my way across campus." Then Stew kissed my lips with affection. "Such a pussy for a jarhead," he whispered as he went to his bed. I lay next to Jake and held him tight in a protective embrace.

As I played with his curls, I lightly rubbed his neck, Jakey. You asked. I will take care of you.

Jakey stirred the next morning rolling over to look in my face. He fingered my hair. Our hard cocks brushed against one another. He stared at me.

"You did take care of me, Scott. You did, Thanks you. I remember most of last night. I remember what we did. I remember asking you to watch over me and you did. I do not want to do it with Stew. I only want to do that with you, that was my first time like that with a guy, you know."

I nodded.

His hand reached behind my head and he pulled me in for a kiss. Instead of pulling away, he moaned and parted my lips deepening the kiss. I reached one hand behind his head and the other around his waist. I pulled him to me, and we began to thrust and breathe hard. Instead of the meek, skinny twink he presented, Jakey was an animal wild with desire. He moved so determinedly and kissed without stopping until his lips backed off and he glared at me, his eyes lust filled.

"Damn it. I love you, you fuckin Marine."

He stiffened, his sperm spurting between us. I was a second behind him. After we came, we must have spent a good hour lost in our love, holding each other.

Stew had time to shower and dress before coming over and sitting on our love nest. "I guess this means we need to go to housing Monday and request a roommate change."

Jakey and I turned to look at our buddy. We nodded in agreement.

"I'll go visit your roommate Jake and tell him he will move to room 610." He shook his head and headed across the hall.

Next: Chapter 3

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