Swabbie and Marine

By Art Gibson

Published on Apr 13, 2021


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Swabbie and Marine C-11

We were tired. Just before Tyler and Fitch turned out their light, they came in our room to sit in the chairs. They asked what was planned for tomorrow?

"We have early classes. Jake will be back in time to take you to study skills. You guys can stay here and play games, or whatever stuff you decide to do. If you wander in the building or on campus, keep your clothes on."

The boys laughed.

"I will be back and we can eat lunch. Then we go to combat training."

"Sounds like a plan. What about in the evening?"

"We'll figure that out later. It's Thursday and some of us have classes on Friday so we need to study."

Then responding to Tyler and Fitch's raised eyebrows, I added, "Yes. We can do some fooling around. I thought twelve year olds were just starting puberty and were just discovering its joys."

Tyler and Fitch lazed in the playroom after the guys left. "Let's go out. I'm bored. Maybe we can find a cute college boy to mess around with."

"Man, Fitch. You are too horny. No college guy would mess with us. We look too young. Besides, this early, they are hurrying to class or still asleep."

Tyler looked at his buddy. "Come on. If we don't find anybody that wants to fool around, we can come back and I'll give you a blow job."

"You know you'll give me a blowjob, anyway. All right. Let's go."

"Okay, let's fix our hair and makeup."

Walking toward a large building that looked like a gathering place, the two soon discovered the Student Union and the cafeteria inside. Walking through the halls, they came upon two younger men sitting in an alcove. As they neared the two one of the guys called to them.

"Nice look boys. What are you doing here at the college. Shouldn't you be at the high school?"

Fitch placed his arm against Tyler's stopping him.

"We are on break. Tyler's brother goes here and we are visiting."

"I'm LeRoy, this is Walter," indicating the short, skinny blond next to him.

"Yeah, I'm Walter. What are you guys doing?"

"Just exploring," Tyler said. Our friends have class so we have nothing to do until they are done."

Leroy began to look thoughtful. "Nice look, guys."


"You guys gamers?"

"Oh yeah," both boys responded.

"You like to play Another World?"

Fitch replied in an excited voice, "We both love it."

"How about you come to our dorm. We have a large screen and two controllers. We could have fun."

Tyler looked at Fitch. "I don't know, bro."

"Hey, you said you have the time. Let's kill it at our place."

Kicking the floor, the boys agreed that they would go play the game. Crossing the campus LeRoy paired with Tyler and Walter paired with Fitch.

"This is my brother's dorm."

"What room are the in?"

"Room 611."

"They are freshmen, like us. We are in 622, just down the hall."

Fitch said, "Great. We will be close for when we have to meet up with Jake."

Leroy opened the door and allowed the boys to enter first. They did not see the head nod he gave Walter. Walter and Fitch started their game while Tyler sat on a bed watching. LeRoy offered Tyler a bottle of water.

"You might get thirsty. This room can get warm making both Walter and myself drink a lot of water."

"It is kinda warm. Thanks."

"Yeah. Take your shirt off. You'll be cooler and more comfortable." LeRoy removed his own shirt as he finished speaking.

"I'm okay, man, Tyler said leaving his shirt on.

Just then, the game paused.

"I'm warm," Fitch said removing his shirt as Walter did the same.

The game resumed. Tyler shrugged and removed his shirt looking at LeRoy's chest as he did.

"You work out," he asked?

"Both of us do. Can you tell? Feel my pecs."

Tyler was not shy. He went to the other bed. Climbing next to LeRoy, he rubbed his hard chest. Being aware of how to give a guy pleasure, he spent time rubbing LeRoy's nipples.

"Man. That feels good. Lay next to me. Keep rubbing."

Tyler stretched out continuing to rub the cute nipples. From experience, Tyler knew the affect this would have on the man next to him. Sure enough, his eyes saw LeRoy's shorts tenting. Tyler redoubled his efforts rubbing both nipples.

"Can I rub your stomach?"

"Go for it."

Tyler moved to caress the taut abs moving between the abs and LeRoy's nipples. It did not take long for Tyler to notice the erection in Leroy's shorts.

"Want to rub mine?" Tyler did not give LeRoy a chance to decide. He grabbed his hand and placed it on his chest. LeRoy needed no direction. He leaned on his side and began stroking not only Tyler's nipples but his entire torso, even rubbing just under the waist band of Tyler's shorts. Tyler's hand moved to rub LeRoy's hard erection. They both became lost in the pleasure of one another, the game forgotten.

"Want to take your shorts off," LeRoy whispered.

Tyler looked at him. "Only if you do too."

With their shorts off, the two began to make out. LeRoy initiated the kissing and found Tyler to be experienced and receptive. Tyler began to lose himself in the enjoyment of being loved by a man. LeRoy's body was that of an adult. Tyler was losing sensibility in the arms of this man. LeRoy pulled his head up to look in Tyler's eyes. Then moved down licking Tyler with his tongue. As he reached the object of his quest, he looked at Tyler and mouthed, "Can I?"

Tyler nodded and LeRoy took Tyler's boyhood in his mouth. Tyler had had blow jobs from Fitch so he knew how to control himself. He knew how to control his passion. What seemed like hours but could only have been minutes, Tyler felt the familiar feeling as he tightened and with no warning, he released in LeRoy's mouth. Burst after burst entered the man's mouth. Tyler did not produce a mouthful but for, LeRoy, it was enough. Without waiting or asking permission, LeRoy moved to place his eight inches at Tyler's mouth. Tyler opened at the same time placing his hand at LeRoy's base to protect his throat.

LeRoy's thrusts and moans lasted minutes then Tyler felt his mouth fill with a man's seed. He tried to swallow it all, but there was too much. Spent, they lay next to each other, panting holding each other.

Coming down, LeRoy said, "Geez kid. You are no rookie. How old are you?"


"Holy shit. You don't act twelve. Ever do anal?"

Tyler nodded that he had. LeRoy shook his head in an unbelieving way.

"What did you guys do?" Fitch was standing next to the bed looking at the two naked guys. "You had sex, Ty and I just played a game. Thanks."

Tyler could tell Fitch was only messing with him.

"You know we have to get back for the tutoring," Fitch told him.

Walter asked, "How much time before you have to go?"

"We have an hour before we have to be back at the room."

"That's enough time. Strip."

Fitch shrugged. If Tyler could do it, so could he. He was naked before Walter. Looking at the man, Fitch knew he never seen a bigger cock. He swallowed nervously. Before Fitch could chicken out, Walter gently directed Fitch onto the bed Tyler and LeRoy had just had sex on. Fitch's head lay on his buddy's thighs. His knees bent at the mattress edge. Walter wasted no time getting n his knees and taking Fitch inside his mouth. Fitch grew full hard in seconds.

Turning his head, he say Ty's cock inches form his mouth. He looked at that beautiful piece of skin with which he was so in love. Moving his head so his mouth was close he sucked his lover's tip. He knew his boyfriend had the capability of multiple cums in a short time. Tyler scootched lower so he could enter fully into Fitch's mouth. Walter's slurping only intensified and flames shot through Fitch's body to exit around Ty's cock.

LeRoy watched the scene below him. The wild scene was beyond what he could have imagined or found on porn channels. His roomie was devouring a twelve year old boy's cock while Fitch bobbed on Tyler's. The room filled with noise of men and boys reaching their climax. LeRoy felt Tyler stiffen, laying next to his body. He saw Fitch buck into Walter's mouth and knew the boys were in total release mode.

After the calm down period, the disentanglement occurred. Without any discussion Tyler gave directions.

Fitch and I want to see you fuck."

Walter and LeRoy stared at the boy. "We have never done that. Not yet."

Tyler smiled. LeRoy had never seen a smile so full of cunning.

"Here's the deal. We want to see Walter fuck you, LeRoy."

"Not happening. Not in your lifetime."

Tyler, smiling said. "Here's the deal. The two of you just had sex with two twelve year old boys. What would happen if we ran naked, screaming into that hall?"

Walter and LeRoy looked at each other, shocked, then at Fitch and Tyler. "You wouldn't?"

Tyler became almost angelic looking. "Relax. We wouldn't do that. You guys are cool and we had a good time. We would like to see you fuck, but we will keep quiet whether you do or not."

"Why not, LeRoy. We have talked about doing that. You and I have been each other's firsts in everything else. Why not now?"

"In front of these kids?"

"They are more experienced and I bet we won't show them anything they have never seen."

"Guys. Neither of us are virgins. We do each other all the time. I do my older brothers. No need to think you will pervert us."

"Want to?"

"Yeah, come here."

LeRoy and Walter merged and began to make out. Tyler and Fitch sat on the other bed, holding each other, smiling knowingly. In front of them the action became heated. Tyler began to give directions. He told Walter to start licking LeRoy's hole, sending LeRoy into another dimension. As Walter ate his friend, Tyler instructed him to start jacking. Fitch lubed Walter and under Tyler's direction positioned Walter's cock at LeRoy's hole. Following Tyler's instructions, the two were soon joined in lust. Their bodies were wrapped together. They hugged and kissed, both thrusting in an out of control manner. Fitch and Tyler became an audience but one so turned on by the scene happening before them, that they were once again hard and throbbing.

Using their hands on each other using the twisting motion they had learned, they rubbed and massaged each other. Both knew the signs of the other's impending release. They would pull back or speed up trying to time it so when the two men on the bed came, the boys would cum also. Four guys all in the explosive release together. The lust filled noise from the bed rose and the boys knew release was near for the men. They stared at the two lovers never having seen this much passion on display for a first experience. This was top much for the boys and with a shout and with their lips locked their cum mingled as the shot their boy load. At the same time, the new lovers gave a might shout and came together.

The world in that dorm room slowly returned to a semblance of calm. Four sets of eyes gazed in a haze at the others.

Walter was the first to speak. "Thank-you, both."

LeRoy said. "Yeah thanks. We owe you."

Tyler spoke for both Fitch and himself when he said, "Naw. You owe us nothing. We had a great time hanging out with you two. Maybe we can do it again before we leave. We gotta go. We keep this between us four, okay?"

Both men nodded. They knew these two boys were aware of the importance of not saying anything. Still cuddling, they smiled. The boys dressed. Then as one they walked to the bed and kissed their new friends.

I saw the boys return looking as if they had been thoroughly fucked. I knew what a guy looked kike after a good fucking. I told the boys to sit. Before they did, they undressed. Both of their cocks were red and puffy.

"Okay guys. Tell me."

They looked at each other, then Tyler described in total detail what they did with two college guys. He would not tell me who they were. By the time he finished, I was hard and leaking. Fitch and Tyler crawled over and sucked me then Jake's brother Tyler fucked me while Fitch fucked his buddy.

I could tell you about the next two weeks. Yes, the boys went to study class and martial arts training. By the end of the first week, when Fitch went home, these two had tried every kink we could teach them. They were always ready for more. After Fitch left, Tyler would go off on his own for two to three hours. He told me just before he left the college that he had been having a threesome with the college kids. He could not wait to get back to his brothers and Fitch for some hot four way sex. I shook my head.

As for me and my buddies, we lived together until Stew and I graduated. We had an apartment and lived openly and gay, the five of us. We could not bear to part from our lovers so Stew and I continued on to grad school in elementary administration while we waited for the three to earn their bachelors. As graduation neared, the five of us haunted Western's placement office. There were lots of job openings in our fields but none in the same district.

We almost gave up hope when the placement secretary called to let me know she had just received an unusual request from a school district in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. The pay was not as much as in the bigger districts. This district had two elementary schools, both in need of administrators. One school needed to hire one elementary teacher and the other needed two. They were looking for newly graduated teachers who could start in September. The candidates needed to travel to the district for the interviews as they did have the money in their budget for outside travel.

I told the guys when they arrived home. They said we should look into the district. We checked online. The district was medium sized and about an hour from Duluth Wisconsin, a good sized city. I called the district's HR department. I eventually reached the person who did the hiring and we agreed to meet. One week later, the five of us sat in her office. She had our resumes, which we had sent ahead.

After standard questions, she interviewed us individually then as a group. Then she took us on a tour of the buildings where we would work. I know she felt our enthusiasm. The interview and tour ended, and with further questions and comments, she told us that she wanted to offer us the positions, all of us.

That was when I said. "I think I can speak for all of us to say thank-you. We would love to work in the district. Before we came, we agreed if we were offered the position, before we accepted, we would let you know that the five of us are gay and committed to one another."

Then she dropped the bomb. "Guys. Thank you for telling me. I want you to know we are open in my district. We have a large LGBTQ community, unusual for a small northern Michigan town, but the parents and the citizens want the best for their children. They want dedicated teachers who know their subjects and the latest technology. They want their children to feel safe to identify who they are. They want their teachers to be role models. The parents know their boys and girls will move into a world that is larger than our town. They want the children to be ready. The offer still stands if you accept."

We did not need to discuss it. We all agreed. There followed rounds of forms, pictures, background checks and the rest. When we were done, we were introduced to the superintendent who gave us a hearty northern Michigan welcome. When we finished and as we were preparing to stand, he said. "I understand the five of you are together. I assume you want to live together. I might be able to help. I have a three bedroom house that also has a den. Here is the key. Look it over and when you come back with the key, let me know what you decide. I can give you a very reasonable price on the rent or if you want I can sell it to you on a land contract with nothing down and payments just a bit more than rent. By the way it sits right on a mountain bike trail that goes all the way to the lake."


If you got this far in Swabbie and Marine, thank you for reading. I ended it because it could devolve into endless sex activities with not much advancement in the characters or activities. So, I ended this part. The end is such a radical change from what was promised at the start. I ended with our boys getting teaching jobs which opens a new direction. My stories are driven by how my characters reveal their personalities and actions. I hope they tell me their next adventure. Maybe those two twelve year old horndogs and Jake's other brothers will return, if they ever get out of the bedroom.

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