Swabbie and Marine

By Art Gibson

Published on Apr 12, 2021


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Swabbie and Marine C-10

Jake let us know we needed to plan for Tyler's time with us. We were worn out from yesterday's sex exercises and today's classes. We agreed that we had broken the No minors rule with his brothers. Twelve year old Tyler would sleep on the couch and we took an oath to support each other in keeping our cocks out of him and his out of us. We learned later that the future was not ours to decide. It had its own agenda.

Tuesday, I arranged for Tyler to have access to Western's study services. The lady there assured me they could help a student who had study deficits. We went to Western and were sponsoring Tyler, so he could use the services, as long as one of us stayed with him. Jake arranged combat training at the university center. A fee was needed which we chipped in to pay.

Wednesday, after lunch, Tyler texted his brother. Their dad was not driving them. His buddy's brother was bringing him and Fitch to Western while the brother visited a girl on campus. Fitch would stay until the brother left the following Sunday. The two twelve year olds would room with us.

Jake looked upset. "That shit Tyler never lets anyone know anything."

"Calm down. We got this," I told Jake.

Having been a Corporal of Marines, I was good at assigning and delegating tasks. By three o'clock we had included Fitch in our plans for study skills and basic combat training. I could assist with combat training being I had been a Marine infantry squad leader and trained in hand-to-hand combat.

Back in our room, waiting for the guys, Jake growled, "I'll kill that little shit."

"Well at least we were able to swap a twin bed for our couch out of the storage room," Stew said.

"Yeah, you swabbies were always good at midnight requisitions."

That comment brought puzzled looks from our civilian boyfriends.

Stew smiled, "Midnight requisitioning means taking stuff without getting caught."

Ethan bumped his lover. "Means stealing." Stew gave Ethan a fake wounded look.

"Tyler texted me. Five minutes."

We headed for the entrance not sure if we wanted Fitch's brother to see our room in case he had issues. Their car stopped in the circle and all piled out. Saying we were shocked at what we saw was putting things mildly.

First, Tyler was dressed in black jeans that were molded to his legs, His shirt was pink with blue stripes, His lips were pink, his gold eyeliner outlined his eyes, he had a barbell accessory in each ear. His hair was spiked and looked like it would never be flat. His black Doc. Martens made him as tall as Jake.

Second, Fitch was almost a carbon of Tyler except he had a black buttoned shirt that showed his developing chest as if he had no shirt on. Like Tyler he wore Doc. Martens and instead of barbells his ears had studs running over the top. I lost count at five in each ear. Fitch's face was as decorated as Tyler's only his lips were a deep purple.

The driver shook our hands looking relieved to have arrived.

"I'm Brett. I have to run. I'm late for my date. I'll pick my brother up next Sunday. I'll text him the time. They are great kids. Take care of them." Then turning to look at the boys, he continued. "Behave and listen and do as you are told." Then he grabbed his brother's cheeks and kissed his lips. Fitch pulled Brett into a hug that was decidedly not a bro hug.

Tyler was next to say goodbye and he gave Brett the same treatment. I saw both of them swapping spit and tongue.

Brett left. Tyler turned to Jake, walked to his brother, and gave him a kiss with tongue that staggered Jake. The rest of us stood gaping.

"Fitch, this is my brother Jake." Jake held out his hand only Fitch ignored it, stepped in, and gave Jake a kiss with tongue and his arms wrapped around Jake, hugging him hard.

I found my voice and told everyone that we should go to the room.

When we arrived, the boys looked at the room. "Do you guys all sleep together?" Tyler asked and examined the study room and the bed. "Is this for Fitch and me?"

"If that's okay. I mean, you guys are okay sleeping with each other?" His brother said still in shock.

"Oh, it's more than okay. Isn't it buddy?"

"Fitch looked at Tyler. "Oh yeah, buddy." Turning to us Fitch asked, "Do care if we are naked when we sleep?"

Tyler looked at Jake. "It's okay isn't it? We have been boyfriends since sixth grade. We don't know much about what to do. I saw Jake and Scott at our house that one time. Brian and Andy said you guys could teach us more stuff. They showed us some stuff this week. Not much as we were too busy getting piercings. Like them? They are awesome, don't you think?"

None of us were able to talk looking at these kids. I guess we could call them Goth youth. Jake finally found his voice.

"You two are twelve. The five of us promised with an oath not to do anything sexual with you."

Tyler looked at Fitch then took his hand and kissed it. "We only want you to show us and guide us. Brian said that they did not wear clothes in the room. Can we undress?"

Jake barely nodded. Then without any hesitation Tyler turned to Fitch and undressed him. Fitch did the same to Tyler. I looked at two naked twelve year old boys, partially chubbed, neither having significant pubic hair and both had their arms around each other's waists. I gaped at their cocks. The two boys could be twins. Both were six inches, thin, and uncut. That was way too big for a twelve year old. I almost them to produce their birth certificates.

Jake was the first to break our trance. "Are those real?"

I knew he was referring to the tattoos both boys sported just above the crease where their legs met their torsos. Tyler had a rainbow and Fitch had a unicorn. In that area, if they were real, the needles had to have hurt.

They ran their fingers over each other's ink and nodded.

"You won't tell dad will you?"

"How did you get them. You are not eighteen."

"No shit, Jake. We are twelve. We have a friend whose brother, he's twenty-two, inks people. He let us into his shop after hours. He did these for free on the condition he could give us each blow jobs. I think he was upset that we did not cum in his mouth. That was before we developed cum. Now we spurt. Not much, but we enjoy each other's taste."

Jake said he had to sit down. Ethan and Stew already were on the floor. Bob's hand was draped over my shoulder. We were all in shock. Stew and I had our service tattoos. The other boys had none.

Tyler smiled at us. "Brian told me you guys are always naked in here. Go for it. We want to look at older boys. Can we touch you, please?"

We shrugged and undressed. The boys looked at us. I felt myself hardening. Jake was full on hard. The rest were not far behind We were rapidly joining the boys who were full hard their six inches growing to what looked like almost seven inches.

"Tyler, they are so hot. Look. They are shaved. You want to shave?"

"Can we," Tyler asked. "Guys, three of you are not inked. Want to get inked while we are here. We want to choose the design. Can we?"

We dressed and went to the cafeteria to eat. Tyler and Fitch were the recipients of a few sideways glances but nothing severe.

"Jake, you liked my tattoo. I thought quite a while before deciding. Fitch and I discussed the entire thing. We decided to both get inked at the same time. The guy who did them told us we needed to be totally naked when he inked us. We figured what the heck. He was blowing us after anyway, so why not. We were both hard the entire time. Our friend, whose brother did the art, played with himself while he watched. His brother blew him after he did us and we watched. Fitch and I hugged each other while they did that. You won't tell dad, will you?"

I rarely saw my boyfriend at a loss for words. When his brother finished such an open story, I think Jake lost his speaking powers.

"Promise you won't tell dad, pretty please."

"Tyler. Give Jake time to process what you just told him. He needs to digest everything before he responds. Nobody has their twelve-year old brother describe in detail to their older brother all the stuff you told him."

"He's my brother," Tyler said. I know he likes dick, both ways. I saw you guys at the house when you stayed over. I thought I could let him know everything. Fitch and I do the jack off stuff and have tried blow jobs but neither of us are any good at it. We either bite or scrape our dicks with our teeth. Jake could teach us how to do that plus other stuff. You guys could help, you know, give us pointers. Also, you might show us better ways to masturbate."

We stared at this cute twelve-year old and his boyfriend, who now was rubbing him in that special spot while we talked and ate.

I could see Jake trying to ignore the masturbation session taking place under the table.

"Tyler. I want you to know I love you," Jake told him. "I need to get used to the changes and your openness since I was home. I like your looks. The eyeliner and lip gloss are perfect for you. Fitch, yours is cool too. I won't tell dad as long as what happens here is kept quiet. Did that tattoo hurt much?"

Jake's language was disjointed, as if he were lost watching watched Tyler moving as became ready to orgasm. Tyler's eyes were narrowed and he stiffened. I could tell Fitch was having a ball getting Tyler to cum at our dinner table with us watching. Tyler's eyes shut and his mouth went slack with the signs of a boy cumming. Fitch stroked him all the way through his release. Jake choked. The rest of us watched. These kids had no limits in what they wore, did, or talked about. Then, to orgasm in front of college kids, one of whom was his brother, and in the cafeteria at the dinner table, was not what we needed to see.

Tyler leaned over and kissed Fitch. "Thanks."

"Uh, you want to go somewhere to clean up," Jake asked?

"Naw. This happens a lot. I'm used to it. If I do Fitch or he does me at the start of a class, we have to sit in our cummy pants all period. It dries. Why clean ourselves when we have classes together and do it all the time. One day we made each other cum in every class and during lunch. One class I got Fitch to cum twice."

Ethan said, "You two are so full of shit. You are making this up. No one does that in class that many times."

Fitch took Tyler's hand putting it between his legs. I saw Tyler's arm begin to rub.

Tyler looked at Ethan "Nope. That was our record day. Most days we cool it. We do it during lunch, then in one class before lunch and in one after. After school we go to one of our homes. We've tried blowjobs but we are not so good. We usually jack each other off or get naked and lay on each other and rub one out." Fitch moaned beginning to get that glassy eye stare.

Almost there buddy, harder, faster. I'm, Oh Ty. Mmmmm."

Fitch stiffened and his middle humped the table edge. Tyler kept stroking until Fitch told Tyler to stop. After both boys smiled at each other and kissed. I was positive five college guys were going to need to do major adjustments before leaving the table.

Tyler looked at us. "I'm ready for a lesson. Can we head back to the room? It's still early."

As soon as we were in the room, the kids stripped each other. They both smelled like sex. Their underpants were wet and each one held the other's pants to their nose and inhaled. I began to think sex lessons were less important than restraint lessons. We were lounging naked. I started.

"You two are way too open about this sex stuff." Tyler looked as if he were about to say something as did Fitch. I held my hand to forestall any talk from these two.

"Everything you are doing is great only there is a problem. You need to pick the time and place. Some kids your age might be okay seeing you do stuff. Adults have a different viewpoint. They may even consider your activities wrong and try to do something to split you up."

Tyler looked at Jake. "Dad would be okay. He and mom are always encouraging us to release our feelings and experience life and love. They know we fool around."

Fitch did not look as buoyant. "My dad is mean. He still spanks me sometimes. He has threatened to use a belt if I really fuck up. I do not want to think what he would do if he found out about this stuff. He just got used to my look. He blamed Tyler. I convinced him I learned it at school. Brett's cool with me and Ty. He joins us when dad is gone. For a brother, he is pretty open. He is straight so he does not know how to do gay stuff. He likes to watch us and rubs one out while we fool around. We offered to do him, but he laughed at us. We'll get him when he is asleep."

"Look, both of you." Stew broke in. "You two have the most interesting and refreshing attitude. I, we, like you. However, you need to practice controlling your desires and speech. Being open is fine. Being open where you can get in real trouble is not fine."

Turning his attention to Jake, he said, "What say we do lesson one now?"

"No lessons unless you both promise to tone down your behavior outside this room."

Tyler looked at his brother. "Do we have to change our looks?" Nope. They're fine.

"Can we kiss outside the room?" Yep. But no tongue.

"Can we hold hands?" Anytime.

"Anything else Big Brother?" My Jakey blushed at the next one and Fitch and Tyler smirked when he told them the last one. You cannot rub each other between your legs in public.

I watched my boyfriend swallow and look as if he wished he did not have to give the kids these rules. I wondered how he would talk to our own kids when they were teenagers or younger.

"Go shower, both of you," I told them. They almost skipped together into the bathroom.

I looked at Jake. "Kids."

When they walked into the bedroom, both drying themselves, they sat on the bed. With their makeup off and hair wet and messy, they looked so young.

"Jake? Could you shave us. We want to look like you guys."

Jake looked at the kids for a time. "You two just grew your hair. You want to shave it?"

Fitch looked with seriousness at Jake and me. "Not just our pubic hair. All our body hair except our eyebrows and top of our heads."

"Yeah guys. Please, now. Do it while our skin is soft from the shower."

"Get on the toilet one of you. The other one sit on the ledge in the shower."

Ethan shaved Fitch. I shaved Tyler. Both boys were hard the entire time and both were humping as if they wanted to cum by the time we finished their legs.

"I am so ready to jack off," Fitch moaned. "Me too buddy," Tyler echoed. "You guys show us some good ways to jack off?"

I shook my head in wonder. These two had cum no more than an hour before in the cafeteria. Jake who had been watching the procedure told the boys to get on our bed and sit next to each other, thigh to thigh. He asked them how they jacked off. They made the universal up and down motion.

"Okay, guys. Let me show you the twisting motion first. But you cannot cum. You gotta wait. If you are able to wait, I have something else to introduce to you two horndogs. Have you ever given or received blow jobs?"

Fitch said, "We tried a couple of times but we bit each other. We kiss and jack off." Tyler looked at his buddy. "We like to give naked hugs and rub against each other."

Ethan and I showed them how to jack off using the up and down means but with adding a twist to their hands We added they should put their thumb over their tip as they did this. After they had that technique down well, we had them apply it to each other. I knew we had agreed not to do anything with them. I was pretty turned on watching these two moaning and moving their hips. I could tell they were close. Seeing their hairless bodies so turned on and the boys kissing and moaning was giving me a serious case of jitters. I looked at my cock. It was leaking. Jake kissed the tip and licked the juice.

Ethan positioned the boys for their first sixty-nine experience after instructing them in the techniques of giving a blow job. He told them hold each other's butt cheeks while they were sucking. He finished by saying they were not to stop until they swallowed the cum their lover produced.

"Be sure to cover the teeth with your lips."

Ethan called Stew and Bob to watch. These kids might be rookies, but they sure had each other under control. I could not watch any more. I sank down and began sucking Jake. Bob came over and stood by Jake, his arm around his waist. I switched between both their hard dicks.

"Oh, fuck." Ethan groaned and pushed Stew on the other bed kissing him. "Lift your legs." Ethan licked his boyfriend's hole before inserting his fingers, first one, then two, and finally three twisting them causing Stew to demand Ethan fuck him. Ethan did, ramming in Stew without a stop and bottoming totally. Ethan was an out of control fucking beast for a young guy. Both of them had their heads looking at the preteens doing a sixty-nine on the bed across from them.

Stew blasted first with a mighty groan and Ethan came a moment later groaning and moaning. Jake blasted my throat. Bob splashed my face. I came on Bob's stomach.

The boys were right behind us. Tyler and Fitch detached from each other to look at us through hazy eyes while licking their lips.

Tyler looked at the college guys and said. "Well, so much for not doing anything around twelve-year olds."

Next: Chapter 11

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