
By Kristian Elvemo

Published on Apr 10, 2002



Here are the complete adventures of "Susanne". The first part has undergone a slight revision, but the changes are only cosmetic. Those of you who have already read it, can jump directly to where we left Susanne last time around (i.e. if you want to read the rest of the story, of course).

Hope you'll enjoy it.


Susanne made it onto the train just as the doors closed, and managed to squeeze herself in. It was rush hour and not only were all the seats taken, but Susanne had to struggle just to find somewhere to place her feet. She tried to ignore the hostile glances from other passengers as she searched for a spot for herself in the already overcrowded carriage. A very voluptuous woman gave a loud sigh as Susanne's bag bumped into her. Susanne had hardly opened her mouth to say sorry, before the train's abrupt start had her almost losing her balance and falling backwards.

"Hey, watch your step!" she heard a female voice from behind her, and felt a pair of hands grabbing her by the waist. She turned around and recognised a slightly familiar face. It was a girl from her class.

"It's ok," the girl laughed, "I can hold on to the pole and you can hold on to me!" Susanne was touched by this surpise display of friendliness in a setting like this, from somenone she hadn't even been introduced to. "Thanks," she smiled. "You attend the course in Macroeconomics, right?"

The girl's accent was quite distinct, so Susanne was not surprised when she told her her name was Varya and she was Russian. This was her first year at LSE, just like Susanne. "Where do you-"

The train's unusually erratic pace played another trick on her. Varya laughed. "Didn't I tell you to hold onto me?" Susanne smiled, and grabbed the Russian girl's arm. "Sorry, I'm not used to this kind of transport from back home."

Susanne thought back at all the bus rides home to the small farm in Norway where she grew up. Her home had been the last stop on the line, and for the final two miles she would be the only passenger. And from where the bus stopped it was a one- and-a-half mile's walk to get to her doorstep. Given the location of her parents' farm, Susanne had always been used to rely on herself for company. Her parents were concerned that she spent too much time by herself, but Susanne did not feel lonely. She loved the farm animals -- she had a special name for each one of them, and every time the slaughter-truck came to escort a pig to its final destination, she would cry for hours and hate her parents for being so cruel. Ever since she was small, she'd also been very fond of long solitary walks in the hilly forest across the fields. Whenever something troubled her, she sought refuge in a little hideaway she had there, shielded by a big rock and some spruce-firs. It always gave her a thrill to visit in the darkness, finding her way through all the branches, seeing but a couple of yards before her. But once she got there, she would feel completely secure. She had never introduced anoyone else to this place- apart from Jenny. But that seemed like a different century...

When she broke off from her train of thoughts, she noticed she was still clutching Varya's arm. She let go of it, feeling somewhat embarassed. Varya smiled at her. It was funny to see her smile. In the lecture hall she would always seem so indivertible, totally focused on the lecture. "Maybe her looks contribute to that impression", Susanne thought as she glanced at her fellow student. Her pale skin and cool grey eyes gave her face a glacial quality, although a shade of red in her blonde hair hinted at other strains in her character. Still, seeing her smiling was like seeing ice melting. She just seemed so different, Susanne thought. Normally, Susanne hated the forced intimacy of crowds, but Varya's closeness did not feel unpleasant. Her ice-like features belied the feminine warmth that her personality exuded, and which Susanne could sense spreading to her own body.

"Your love is like a heatwave, burning in my heart...."

From out of nowhere, a song started playing on her mental stereo. True, it was one of her favourite songs, but why now?!? It couldn't be... no, no, it was just the straightforward fact of the heat generated by all the passengers. It was really hot and clammy in here. The young brunette noticed she was sweating.

"Well, see you tomorrow then. Take care!"

Susanne's eyes followed the Russian girl as she headed for the exit of the tube-station. She noticed the elegant, feminine way she carried herself. When Susanne unlocked the door to her flat, she realised that she had been thinking about this Russian girl all the way from the tube. She found it a bit unusual, but dropped the thread when she spotted a letter on the kitchen table.

The handwriting and the Swedish stamps said it all. Susanne left her bags of groceries in the kitchen, and positioned herself in her bed. She remembered the exitement she used to greet Jenny's letters with. Before they became so trivial they could have been written to just anybody, she thought. Enclosed in the envelope was a newspaper clipping. It showed a smiling Jenny being awarded the gold medal for 80 meter hurdles in the Swedish youth nationals. It didn't surprise Susanne; they had trained a lot together during Jenny's two-year stay in Norway, and Susanne knew all about Jenny's athletic skills and her unrivalled determination. Not really wanting to, she studied the picture. Jenny was as beautiful as ever, with her classic Nordic blonde hair & blue eyes. Her lips were amazing, so full and feminine. Once, just once, had Susanne felt those lips against her own. It was the last night before Jenny's parents were to move back to Sweden, and take their 16-year old daughter with them. Susanne had taken Jenny to her little hideaway in the forest. Solemn promises were made about keeping their friendship alive despite the distance, and visiting each other during summer and vacations. Still, Jenny's assurance that nothing would really change couldn't suppress Susanne's feeling that something was lost forever. "Hey," Jenny consoled her friend, "what we have is so special it can never be lost." For an eternal moment they had looked into each other's eyes, and their eyes must have said something that neither knew how to express verbally. The next thing Susanne remembered was Jenny's moist lips touching her own, and the sweet taste of her mouth as she opened those lips to let in Susannes's searching tongue...

Susanne put the letter aside. Not again, she thought, as she noticed the warm sensation seeping through her body. Better keep that picture locked away somewhere, she advised herself. She took a cold shower and decided to spend the evening studying. Unlike many of her fellow students, Susanne really enjoyed economics, especially the mathematical aspects of it, and was determined not to waste this opportunity to get a degree from one of Europe's leading academic institutions. Social life or no social life...

After four hours of studying, Susanne watched a BBC costume drama, before preparing for bed. The reflection in the bathroom mirror showed a beautiful young woman; shoulderlength dark brown hair, warm, almond-green eyes and sensuous, expressive lips. Susanne spent less time in front of the mirror than most women, but couldn't help noticing her own good looks. Her attractiveness troubled her. She was blessed with beauty, but she didn't know what to do with it. Guys didn't really interest her. And girls... no, it wasn't possible. Not after Jenny. Her soul was like a treasure chest where she kept the memory of Jenny's kiss, and she didn't want to unlock it to anoybody.

But tonight, as she was studying her face in the mirror, she found herself comparing her features to those of the Russian girl in her class. She was puzzled by the contrast of their eyes. Varya's were greyish blue and icy, like January, her own green and warm, like August. Is it true that the eyes are a mirror into a woman's soul? Were Varya's eyes a mirror into her soul?

Pondering those questions, Susanne drifted off into sleep...

From the moment she opened her eyes the following morning, Susanne had been feeling a tension building up inside of her. It took her some time to identify the source, and she was surprised when she realised it had to do with Varya. She wanted to talk to her again. She wanted to find out more about her. But how? She couldn't just walk up to her and say hello?

Susanne was kind of relieved when she didn't see Varya in the lecture hall, because she didn't know how to approach her. She had just opened her book when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"So, you survived the last few stops?" Varya smiled. "I hope you didn't have to cling to anybody else."

All through the lecture, something in Susanne's presence filled her with a warm, tingling feeling. For once, focusing on the lecture became a challenge. Because of Varya? Susanne was puzzled.

Varya knew of an inexpensive, but good Indian restaurant where they could have lunch together, "if you don't have anything else to do?"

"No!" Susanne quickly responded, as if the offer would be withdrawn if she hesitated for more than a split second. She immediately felt stupid and hoped Varya hadn't noticed.

The next evening Varya invited Susanne over. Varya had a passion for classical music, having played piano since she was a kid. The two girls spent several hours listening to her cd's. Although Susanne wasn't really into classical music, the young brunette was a keen listener. "Maybe this music is another door into Varya's soul?" she thought.

"You're strange," Varya said, as the final chord of one of her favourite pieces faded out.

Susanne looked at her new friend, not understanding.

"Most girls I meet only want to go shopping or discuss guys or something like that. And they would find it very boring just sitting here listening to my cd's." She paused for a few seconds. "I... I'm not imposing myself on you? Making you come here and listen to all this stuff... Maybe I'm taking advantage of your politeness."

"No!" Susanne replied, looking up at her friend. "This is so cool. But..."

Susanne looked down for a moment, then lifted her gaze to see Varya studying her intently, as if alerted by the word "but".

"...I would love it if you could come over to my place and listen to some of my cds too. Like Billie Holiday, you'd love her."

A smile spread across Varya's face.

"I'd love that, Susanne."

Late that night, in her bed, Susanne found she couldn't sleep. She felt so light, as though a puff of wind from her open window would carry her away just like that. She couldn't wait for tomorrow and seeing Varya again...

In the course of the following weeks, listening to cds at Varya or Susanne's place became like a daily routine. Except there was nothing routine-like about it, of course. Seeing Varya made Susanne's heart jump, whenever they met. Wasn't it weird? Walking home from the tube station she would pass hundreds, maybe thousands of people, and she wouldn't take notice of a single invididual. An undifferentiated mass... But as soon as she felt Varya's presence, Susanne was swept away by a rush of emotions. How can one individual make all the difference? There were drugs that could make you relax, that could make you happy, careless, horny- there seemed to be a drug out there for every feeling- except the one Varya had produced in her. It was just so... different. It reminded her of three years ago, and Jenny...

It didn't take long for the two 19-year olds to leave their tiny rooms in favour of a... well, tiny apartment. But at least they had their own bathroom and kitchen. Not separate bedrooms, though, which for a lot of young women would have been a problem. Susanne asked her friend how she felt about it.

"I mean, you might want to... you know, bring somebody home."

"No, I'm not really into one-night stands, thank you." End of topic. Funny, it was the first time they had touched upon the topic of sex, apart from Varya's brief mentioning of a boyfriend she'd split up with one year ago. It hadn't struck Susanne before. That couldn't be normal, could it? Two attractive young females in Europe's largest metropol, in the 21st century, and sex was not a topic?

Ever since they met, Susanne had sensed that her feelings for Varya were also of a physical nature. She loved hugging her, stroking her hair, giving her a shoulder massage. But that was a normal thing between two best friends, wasn't it? It wasn't like she wanted to... like, make love to Varya, like... lick her? Like she had fantasized about doing to Jenny back then. Until she reached the point where just thinking about Jenny became so agonising that she quit masturbating for a long time. No, she couldn't let it happen to her again. She woudn't be able to cope with it.

But ignoring those feelings became increasingly difficult. Varya was a very physical person, she loved hugging, and Susanne loved it when Varya would approach her from behind and throw her arms around her shoulders. The feeling of Varya's full, soft breasts pressing against her back- it sent a hot current of emotions running through Susanne. Did Varya feel the same way? Maybe it was common in Russia to hug and kiss people all the time? But why didn't Varya date guys? Maybe she wanted to concentrate on her studies instead. "But why does she spend so much time with ME then?"

One night they had been to a jazz concert and came home quite late. Maybe it was the latin flavoured music, maybe it was the starlit sky, whatever, both girls felt in a light-spirited mood as they headed home. Varya was even more upbeat than usual, clutching Susanne's hand and giving her cheek a little peck, bringing forth a cute tinge of red on the brunette's cheek.

Back home in their appartment, they opened a bottle of wine they bought on the way home. They didn't even have a sofa, so they sat on their mattresses, facing each other. Later, Susanne would try to remember what the conversation had been about, but she couldn't. All she recalled was Varya's eyes. It was as if they tried to penetrate into her soul. Searching for something. For what?

Susanne felt almost relieved when Varya turned over on her back. They wouldn't be facing each other... She noticed that the bottle of wine was empty.



"Mind if I ask you something personal?"

Susanne felt her pulse get quicker.

"Why don't you date with guys?"

"Well, I... I want to focus on school and things like that."

"That's it?"

"Yeah." Silence followed. Saved, Susanne thought. For one second there I almost felt like telling her everything. This fucking wine!

"Because..." Varya hesitated. "Well, it's a bit unusual that a gorgeous girl like you don't hang out with guys."

"Oh, stop it!"

"No, I mean it, you're so beautiful, you can have anybody, and still..."

"Well, like I said... By the way, have you read the article for the class in consumption-theory tomorrow?"

"It's not tomorrow, silly, it's on Friday. No, I haven't read it. But tell me, you and this Swedish girl, Jenny, you were really close, right?"

"I told you we were best friends." Why does she bring up Jenny???

"I mean, you had something special together, didn't you?"

"Varya, I'm tired now, and I don't want to get up to late tomorrow. Remember the paper in macroeconomics, I have to start writing. Is it okay if we sleep now?"

"Sorry, Susanne, yeah, you're right, there's a day tomorrow as well."

Of course, Susanne could do anything but sleep. She looked over at Varya. She was sleeping, her chest heaving. Susanne had studied Varya's sleeping form before, she always looked so peaceful. Tonight, though, she was constantly turning around and adjusting her position. Something's troubling her. Is it me? Susanne wondered.

She felt a pressure in her bladder from all the wine, and went to the bathroom. After relieving herself, she noticed herself in the bathroom mirror. She came to think of Varya's words. "You're so beautiful, you can have anybody." Susanne looked at the person in the mirror. Did Varya mean it when she told her she found her beautiful? Was she attracted to her? She studied her lips. Does Varya dream about kissing those lips? Her gaze went southwards. Her small, perky breasts were covered by a yellow T-shirt. The erect nipples told no lie. Would Varya like to kiss those nipples that stood out so proud only for her? Susanne removed her shirt. Her breasts could barely fill a B- cup, but whatever they lacked in volume, they made up for in perkiness. The 19-year old inspected her own breasts. She coated a finger in saliva and ran it over the soft flesh. Was this what her breasts would look like after Varya had sucked on them?

God, she had never felt so hot before! Not since that night three years ago. Jenny's hot, probing tongue in her mouth. Susanne's left hand gently touching Jenny's warm breast through the thin material of her T. Memories that always filled her with pain. But tonight they filled her with desire. Reinvoking the taste of Jenny's mouth made her yearn even stronger to pass her tongue inside Varya's mouth. Would Varya taste like Jenny?

Susanne heard herself panting. She just couldn't help it. Looking at herself in the mirror, through Varya's eyes, and reliving Jenny's kiss- it was too much for the inexperienced 19-year old, way too much. She pulled down her white cotton panties and took in the sight of her own nakedness. It was the naked body of a fit, healthy young woman. Small, perky breasts, with a pointy pair of nipples that begged for attention. Slender, with willowy hips that defined the essence of femininity. And between her well toned legs, a dark triangle and promises of eternal bliss. Susanne gazed at her furry pussy. Would Varya want to put her tongue there? Maybe she would. Maybe she'd already fantasized about it.

About my taste. Me. Susanne. The young Norwegian inserted a finger into her honeypot and brought it to her mouth, all the while studying the girl in the mirror. Wondering if it was another person. Was this really Susanne, tasting her own love juice?

"I can't take any more," she moaned inaudibly, "this is too fucking much!" She sank down onto the floor, her back against the wall. Her fingers searched out her clitoris, and dreaming of her Russian friend's touch, she started caressing herself. Her attempts to keep the noise down were half- hearted, revealing her wish to be caught in the act by Varya. She relished the taste of herself, dreaming it was Varya's taste, and that she, Susanne, was eating her best friend, long, slow licks along Varya's slit, before sliding her tongue in between her labia and gently fucking her. Susanne had caught a glimpse of the Russian girl's pussy on one occassion, and although she had tried to erase that image from her memory, concerned that it would only invoke feelings too painful to bear, the image was stored in her consciousness and could be retrieved now. It showed a perplexing dark triangle, beautifully contrasting Varya's pale skin. What delights might be hidden there? Would she taste like Susanne herself?

When she came, Susanne had to use her free hand to muffle her moans, she felt like screaming. Totally spent, she gasped for breath, feeling the stickiness of her own secretions on her fingers. "Oh my God, that was so powerful!"

Susanne stumbled into the stall and took a long, cold shower. What if Varya had heard it all? Maybe she doesn't want to live with me any longer? Maybe she's already left? Okay, Susanne, calm down, just... calm down, you just had an orgasm, it's not like you killed JFK.

She crept under her sheets again. Next to her, Varya lay in her sleep. "Good night, Varya," Susanne whispered, knowing that her friend wouldn't hear.

"There's a letter to you... from Sweden." Susanne thought she could sense a hint of jealousy in Varya's voice, but of course she didn't bring it up. She found the letter, but put it aside, the movie she and Varya had tickets for started in just an hour. After they came back, they did some of the assignments for tomorrow's class, and went to bed. Susanne was about to turn off the light when she recalled the letter. "Might as well read it," she thought, and tiptoed into the kitchen.

Jenny had apparently just broken up with her boyfriend, although it didn't seem to bother her that much. In fact, she wrote that she felt better than ever, and since she had a week off from school, she wanted to come and see her in London.

Susanne gasped. She wants to come here? Jenny?

"How is your Swedish friend?" she heard Varya mumble drowsily.

"She's fine. She writes that she wants to come and visit me."

"So... aren't you happy then?"

"Sure it's OK with you that she'll stay here?"

"Fine with me," the Russian answered, in a tone Susanne found it very hard to interpret the meaning of. She sensed troubles, but she couldn't say no either. And a part of her really wanted Jenny to come.

The following day she sent Jenny an e-mail, telling her how much she was looking forward to her visit.

Sometimes you can notice it immediately when two persons just don't get along. Susanne hardly recognised the Varya who could throw her arms around her and kiss her on the cheek just like that. With Jenny present, Varya turned into a different person, so indifferent and passionless. It was like her face froze to ice again. It was really annoying. What had Jenny done to her?

It was nice seeing Jenny again, though. Two years had passed since Susanne saw her in Sweden, a visit from which she didn't have any good memories. She recalled how Jenny wanted to drag her around to all kinds of parties and her incessant talk about boys. She seemed different now, however. Most strikingly, she didn't mention guys at all. And she was happy to go with Susanne to small jazz clubs and cafes instead of steamy nightclubs and discos. She still had the same cheerful character, though, and was as smart and beautiful as ever. In fact, she looked even better. Wavy blonde hair and blue eyes were only half the story. Her most striking feature was perhaps her full, very feminine lips, even more so now than two years ago. Her breasts were also slightly fuller, and would easily fill a c-cup. God, she was a revelation! She was only 19, but she dressed, behaved and carried herself like a woman. She seemed so mature and so at ease with herself. So unlike me, Susanne sighed.

While Varya spent most of her time at home or at school, Susanne would take Jenny to her favourite places in London. Sometimes they would walk for hours, just soaking up the atmosphere, and without saying a lot. Very little had been said about the past, and Susanne did not want to bring it up. Being with Jenny felt so good right now, why spoil it?

As it turned out it wasn't Susanne but Jenny who raised the matter. They were taking a walk in the small forest around Hampstead Heath, and had just admired the view from the park. Jenny would be leaving tomorrow, and both girls seemed a little depressed by this fact.

"Do you think I let you down, Susanne?"

Susanne stopped walking.

"You mean..."

"Yeah, back then. I know we made promises of eternal friendship. I also know I didn't keep my part of the promise."

Susanne didn't know what to say.

"Well... it hurt me, but... it was unrealistic of me to think that you wouldn't find any new friends in Sweden. I was... so naive."

"Still, I should have realised I hurt you. But whatever happened then, I want you to know that you'll always have a friend in me. I'm not 16 anymore, and I think you can trust me now. I have many friends, but you will always mean something special to me." She then put her arms around Susanne and gave her a warm hug. Susanne felt tears welling up, she was so deeply touched.

"Plus there's another thing I wanted to ask you. If you don't mind?"

Susanne looked at her with a puzzled expression.

"I am not sure how you will react to this. I don't want it to ruin our friendship, but... no, I can't tell you."

Susanne sensed something. She urged her friend on.

"Please, tell me."

"You PROMISE you won't get mad at me?"

"Promise." Susanne could hardly talk with all the exitement.

"So, I want to ask you if... and you're free to decline, but I want to ask you if you... would like to make our last night together here in London something special?"

"You mean... special... like-"

"Yes, special like in making love."

Susanne was lost for words. All she could do was to stare deep into Jenny's eyes, to see if they confirmed what her lips were saying.

"We started something three years ago.... or have you forgot?" Jenny added with a mischiveous smile. "I tried lesbian sex for the first time last year and realised there are some places where only two girls can go together. And I know I would love to go there with you. We could find a little room in a not too expensive hotel and... you know..." Jenny smiled, but Susanne could sense an apprehension in her eyes so uncommon to Jenny. "So, what do you think?"

A thousand thoughts rushed through Susanne's mind. About 900 of them involved Varya. It was Varya she loved, wasn't it? But they weren't together. She didn't even know for sure if Varya loved her, even her obvious display of jealousy the past few days didn't automatically lead to that assumption. She loved Varya, but sometimes the Russian really pissed her off with her crazy mood swings. And anyway, they were not together. If Varya had wanted to take their friendship further, she could....-

"Hey, make up your mind, my friend," Jenny laughed nervously. "You won't make me have to seduce you, do you?"

She paused, looking to the side for a brief moment, then she probed her breathtaking blue eyes deep into Susanne's.

She must know it, Susanne thought, she must know that there is not a creature on this planet who can resist the magical beauty of her blue eyes. She heard Jenny's breathing become faster, and perceived the slight movements of her heaving chest. Jenny opened her lips a fraction, not for a second losing eye-contact. Her amazing lips! Susanne had tasted them three years ago. Three full years. An eternity. Now they were inches from her own, and all Susanne would have to do was to close the distance between the two sets of lips, and she would be in heaven.

Susanne closed her eyes and her lips made contact with Jenny's. The kiss lasted for... Susanne had no idea. Time disappeared, and when she finally opened her eyes again, she was surprised to see everything around her just like it had been, like their surroundings somehow had escaped the immense force of their kiss.

They paused for a second to gaze at each other, then their mouths opened again, their tongues dancing a wild dance. The taste of Jenny's saliva drew Susanne wild, she had to probe deeper into her mouth.

Jenny broke off their kiss, panting heavily.

"Oh fuck, Susanne, you kiss like a vulcano, it's so fucking powerful."

"Oh, Jenny, I can't hold out anymore, I've been wanting you for so long. Ever since..."

"I know, Susanne. I've been wanting you too."

Not a second was lost as the two girls hurried back to the street, and stopped at the first "room for rent" sign they came across. The girls were concerned that the room didn't have the sufficient amount of privacy, but it turned out that they had the entire first floor for themselves, and the nice old landlady didn't seem like a nosy person. Besides, she was partially deaf, so they would be left alone.

"Hmmmm.... we could have deserved something better," Jenny remarked, noticing how the paint was falling off the window frames. "This is hardly a honeymoon suite."

"Yes," Susanne replied with a mischiveous grin, "but honey will flow nevertheless!"

Jenny stared at her friend, holding back her laughter. "Do your puns always get this silly when you're horny?"

"Only when I'm THIS horny," Susanne responded and pulled off her sweater, keeping her gaze fixed on her friend. Jenny reciprocated by pulling off her own.

"That's not fair!" Susanne complained, "your breasts are so much larger than mine." She looked at her friend teasingly. "I bet they're fake!"

"Oh yeah?" Jenny laughed, "you should know better!"

Susanne immediately realised what her stunning blonde friend hinted at. That night three years ago, their probing tongues, Susannes left hand...

"Naughty little Susanne, even at 16 you couldn't keep yourself from feeling up your best friend's breast."

"Well you practically begged me to, didn't you? You were as proud of your tits as only a developing teenager can be, especially when she's THAT far ahead of her best friend."

Jenny grinned and made contact with Susanne's warm green eyes.

"You were a late bloomer, Susanne, but... you have become the most beautiful of all the flowers."

Susanne felt her heart race.

"You're so beautiful, Susanne," Jenny continued. "And what's so cute is you're not really aware of it yourself."

Their eyes closed as their lips locked for a soft, tender kiss. When Susanne opened her eyes, Jenny's face was temporarily hidden behind her shirt, which she was pulling off. She wasn't wearing a bra.

The Swedish girl threw the garments on the floor and sighed into Susanne's mouth. Gently, she seized the brunette's hand and placed it on her warm breast. "Recognise the feeling?" she whispered.

Susanne caressed the heated skin of Jenny's stunning breasts and tweaked her nipple. She noticed how each caress brought forward a moan, a hot puff of breath on Susanne's face. She could sense the sweet scent of Jenny's breath and it drove her wild.

"I can't take anymore, please, Jenny," she moaned, her left hand tugging her friend's jeans, "I've been waiting for so long, please..."

Jenny responded by unbuttoning her jeans, revealing the hem of her cherry red lace panties. Turning her back on Susanne, she wiggled out of her jeans, giving the Norwegian a perfect view of her taut ass. She turned around again, then started unbuttoning the brunette's jeans. With still a couple of buttons left, she put her hand on Susanne's crotch.

"My God, even your jeans are wet!" she exclaimed. Susanne's response was to put her hand on Jenny's, and hold it tightly in place between her legs. At the same time, she started moving her hips, grinding her crotch against Jenny's hand. Jenny smiled, letting Susanne use her hand to masturbate herself. Susanne started bucking wildly, and fell back when Jenny forced her hand away. "I'll show you how it can be even better," Jenny whispered. "Lay back and close your eyes, my Princess."

Susanne felt her friend's hands remove her sticky panties. A thought occurred to her, and she opened her eyes.

"Listen, maybe I need to shower, I might smell nasty-"

Jenny just laughed.

"No, my sweet Susanne, you smell heavenly... I can tell. Now close your eyes..."

The 19-year old did as she was instructed to, and suddenly she felt so relaxed, like all tension was swept away. She knew she was in Jenny's hands, and it felt so safe. She'd always looked up to Jenny for her self- confidence and her ability to be on top of every situation. Leave it to Jenny, she thought. She spread her legs ever so slightly, exposing herself to her friend.

Jenny planted a soft kiss on the unruly dark bush. Sticking out her tongue, it didn't take her long to search out her friend's clitoris. Susanne reacted with a loud moan, squirming underneath the blonde's playful tongue. It was so intense, and so unlike anything she'd ever experienced. She tweaked her own nipples with her right hand, and, as if desperately seeking for something to hold on to, her left hand started pulling at Jenny's wavy blonde hair. Jenny laughed, and removed Susanne's hand from her hair. "I think it's better for both of us if your hand is down here instead," she grinned, placing Susanne's hand just above her dark bush. By instinct, Susanne moved her fingers down to her clit, touching herself in front of her friend. Then she felt Jenny's tongue return to her soaking pussy, sliding in between her labia to lap up Susanne's tasty virgin juice. "Oh God, oh fuck, she's inside me, Jenny's inside me..." Just the idea was enough to get the 19-year old off...

"Oooooh, oh, Jenny, please, no, I can't... oh, fuuuuuuuck, fuck me, Jenny, JENNY!......"

Finally, a grinning Jenny resurfaced from between her Norwegian friend's legs.

"Hey, you almost pulled off my hair there," Jenny laughed. "That wasn't terribly nice of you."

"What? Did I?" Susanne slowly regaining her consciousness. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.. I was just..."

"I know, honey. You were amazing."

It was weird to feel her own taste on Jenny as Jenny put her tongue in her mouth.

"Ready for some more?" Jenny smiled. Mesmerised, Susanne watched her friend turn around and straddle her face. It felt like heaven was descending on her. Beneath her lush light brown bush, Jenny's labia were puffy and flared wide open. Like they could suck Susanne in at any moment. The young brunette wouldn't have minded. In a second, she was totally lost in the Swedish girl's hot pussy, seeing, feeling, smelling nothing else. She put her hands on Jenny's firm buttocks and stuck out her tongue for her first ever sample of another girl's honey. The taste was sensational, not all that different from her own, but just knowing this was the taste of Jenny... she could drink from her pussy forever. Simultaneously, Jenny bent over for a second session between Susanne's beautiful legs. Jenny's tongue on her clit felt so good, her fingers now deep inside her vagina. Susanne let out an involuntary moan when Jenny's finger happened to make contact with her anus. As the touch lingered, Susanne realised that Jenny hadn't put her finger there by mistake. The idea that touching her in such a private place actually made Jenny hot was almost too much to grasp. She'd never even considered that particular portion of her body as a source of pleasure before. But as Jenny's fingertip gently probed at her little pucker, she couldn't help relishing the sensation. With her tongue inside Jenny's vagina, Susanne brought one of her hands inbetween her Swedish friend's cheeks and tentatively caressed her asshole with her pinky. Hearing Jenny moan with delight, the young brunette slid the tip of her finger inside her friend's tightest entrance.

All throughout the night, the sounds of love-making could be heard from their room. Good fortune that their landlady was almost deaf.

Waking up at around noon, Susanne felt a hand gently stroking her hair.

"Good morning, honey," Jenny smiled, and kissed Susanne's lips. "Welcome back."

Susanne rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

"What do you say about taking a shower, getting dressed and have a nice lunch together? My plane leaves in just three hours, so we better get out of bed." She brushed her fingers across Susanne's lips. "Although I would have liked to stay here forever..."

Totally unprepared for it, Susanne felt tears welling up. She struggled to keep the tears inside, she didn't want Jenny to know how painful it felt having to part with her again. She wanted Jenny to stay with her, forever...

Promising to keep in touch, and with vague plans of going somewhere together next summer, the two girls kissed goodbye in the exit hall at Stansted airport. Jenny turned around to wave at her friend, smiling her wonderful smile. As Jenny faded out of view, Susanne saw no reason anymore to fight her feelings. She rushed into the ladies' room and let the tears flow. "Guess I was just a one- night stand after all."

Jenny had left. And Varya would too, finding out about this. Oh God, Varya....... what have I done?

Susanne vainly dried her tears with her hands, wishing she was at home now, all secure and by herself in her little hideaway in the forest...

"Already home?"

Susanne had hoped Varya wasn't back from school yet.

"Yeah, I... followed Jenny to the airport."

"Oh yeah, right... the Swedish girl."

Varya never referred to Jenny by her real name.

Susanne turned on the TV and turned up the volume, hoping to discourage any further enquiries from Varya. Susanne fixed her gaze on the screen as Varya joined her in their scruffy old sofa.

"Since when did you become a "Friends"-convert?" Varya asked sarcastically.

"Friends?" Susanne hadn't even noticed what was on. " you wanna watch something else?"

"Here, give me the remote."

Susanne handed it to Varya, without looking in her direction. A second later the screen went blank. The silence that followed was only disturbed by the intense beating of Susanne's heart.

"So tell me, was she good?"

"Who? Good? What do... "

"Your Swedish friend, was she good? I bet she was, she must have plenty of experience, don't you think?"

"Jenny, her name is JENNY! She's not my "Swedish friend", she's Jenny!"

Varya paid no attention to Susanne's outburst.

"I bet she's proud of herself now. Seducing a virgin. And as easily as that. Just... -"

Susanne opened her mouth to say something, but just a snivel followed. Who was the person sitting next to her? She had Varya's voice, but she wasn't Varya.

"Did you do it here too?" Varya continued. "In the bedroom, while I was sleeping on the couch?"

"Listen, Varya, we didn't..."

"No, I know nothing happened until the last night, and I can tell you why. Since she's known you for a long time, she knows of your emotional attachment to her, so I guess she considered it wisest to wait until the last night to fuck you. Then she could just leave without any further discussion."

Varya's words stung like arrows. How could Varya want to hurt her so much? It was like she wasn't a human being anymore, just personified hatred.

"You're wrong! She loves me, I know she does, I know..." Susanne couldn't contain her tears.

"God, I can't believe it. You're still just a little girl, aren't you? From the moment I saw Jenny, I knew what type she was, and I also knew the real reson why she came here. Maybe things appear differently from up in the clouds where you seem to spend most of your time, though."

Varya had to be wrong, she had to be... otherwise?......

"You don't know anything about her... She loves me, she loves me..." Susanne repeated the phrase like a mantra.

"Well, I won't deprive you of your illusions. You will probably be needing them in the time to come. All I want to say is that there was one girl who loved you and who could have done anything for you, but you let her down."

"But we weren't..."

"No, we weren't together, but seriously, it was so obvious that I was in love with you. Have you ever seen me go around hugging and kissing anybody else?"

Varya was right. It had been obvious. Or it would have been obvious to anybody but me, Susanne thought.

"But there's another reason too. Because I know you so well, I know how sensitive you are. I wanted there to be complete trust between us before taking our relationship one step further." Varya's words were filled with bitterness. "Of course, now I realise I should have aimed for between your legs right away, like that Swedish slut."

Susanne buried her head in her hands.

"She's not a slut..." She wasn't sure if Varya could hear what she said, but it didn't matter anymore.

"Go on, just weep, but don't expect any sympathy from me. I can't recall you being here to comfort me last night, when I lay awake all night crying, knowing Jenny was fucking you."

For the first time that evening, Susanne looked up at Varya in a final attempt to reach her, to do what her words couldn't, to establish a contact between between their eyes. Her tears blurring her view, Susanne searched Varya's eyes for just a trace of understanding, of compassion, just something that told her it was not all over.

Then she just grabbed her purse and ran out. She kept running, just to keep herself from thinking, until she was completely exhausted. Finding herself by the passage to an underground station, she bought a day ticket, and soon the 19-year old found herself driving aimlessly back and forth and in all directions through London.

Desperately searching for something to keep her mind occupied, she began memorizing the map of the London Underground. She had learned by heart and in the right order all the stations of both the Victoria and the Bakerloo line when sleep came to her rescue...

A tap on her shoulder and the voice of an elderly man woke her up.

"You should be more careful about where you choose to spend the night, young lady. It's a wonder that anyone hasn't stolen your purse."

Susanne's mind started working again. She had to find somewhere to stay, somewhere quiet. Where? The only place that came to mind was the deaf old landlady's at Hampstead. She got off at the next stop, and changed for a northbound train.

The old woman immediately recognised her. Susanne wondered why she looked so puzzled, then realised she must be looking a mess after spending the night in an underground train. The old woman didn't make any enquiries though, but handed Susanne the key to her room. Susanne crashed on the bed and was asleep seconds later...

She couldn't remember what the dream had been about, but found herself sweating like a marathon runner. The dark-haired teen clutched her pillow, hoping sleep would be kinder to her this time.

After several 1-2 hour intervals of sleep, Susanne gathered the strength to pull her body out of the bed, the sheets sticky with her sweat. She took a cold shower and tried to come to her senses.

There was only one thing to do. Realising she had left her cellphone back at her and Varya's place, she went out and found a payphone. As she dialled Jenny's number, she tried to convince herself that Varya was wrong, it couldn't be true that Jenny didn't love her. Not after everything they'd had together. Varya only said it to hurt her.

"Hey!" Jenny's voice could hardly be identified amidst all the noise. "Is that you, Susanne? Just a sec." Susanne heard Jenny tell the others to turn down the music. "How are you? Have you recovered from yesterday?" Susanne heard Jenny's beautiful laughter ring in her ears.

"I'm... fine," Susanne answered, hoping her friend would pay attention to the artificial pause before "fine".

"You really amazed me, Susanne," Jenny continued. "I mean, I've never actually met anyone hornier than you, boy or girl. Such an innocent-looking girl with such a dirty mind." She giggled. "What I just don't get is how being a virgin until 19 didn't drive a girl like you out of her wits."

Jenny was not understanding. How could she not understand?

"But Jenny, I'm not really... I mean, it's not just the sex in itself, it's..."

"Hey, Susanne," Jenny laughed, "remember you're talking to a person who's actually seen you with all your passions on fire. But it was great, Susanne, for both of us. You don't regret it, do you?"

"No, of course not, it's just..." The fruitlessness of their conversation slowly dawned on Susanne.

"Listen, Susanne, you are a wonderful, sexy young girl with so much fun ahead of you. I hope this experience has tought you how fun life can be. A girl with your looks, brains and charm can do pretty much whatever she wants. If you spot a girl you fancy, instead of rushing home to your bed to fantasize about her, just approach her. Even if she's never been with girls, I can't imagine how she'd be able to resist you. It's not like she's got to be a certified lezzie, you know. I think most girls have a natural curiosity about being with another girl."

"But..." The young Norwegian searched desperately for words to convey her message to Jenny. "But it's not all about sex." There, she said it. Now Jenny had to understand.

"Of course, but you're only 19. Why bother too much about those things now? If you see someone who turns you on, go and have sex with her. That's what I do, anyway. I mean, you don't actually need to be in a relationship to have plenty of sex."

"But that's not the point. I mean, you're not in a relationship just because you want to have regular sex?"

"No, of course not, but I don't we should confuse a little teenage crush with true love. It's something that develops more gradually, I think."

Teenage crush? Susanne gave up. This conversation would never bring her heart any closer to Jenny's. She just wanted it to end.

"Plus I think you have a tendency to get hooked up on one person. That's never very healthy, Susanne. I want you to become more like me, you know, have a more carefree attitude. Since I'm your friend, I want your life to be as much fun as mine. There's nothing stopping you, you know."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Hey, it's getting a bit expensive, I think I've gotta hang up now."

"Ok, honey," Jenny laughed. "Take care."

"Take care."

That's it, Susanne concluded, as the connection was broken. Jenny and I inhabit two different worlds. We made love all through the night, I gave her multiple orgasms, but I failed in my main ambition; to touch her soul. And what on earth was Jenny talking about? "Getting hooked up on one person." Was this Jenny's term for falling in love with someone? "Not healthy". HEALTHY?!?!? Where did health enter into the equation?

But maybe Jenny was right after all? Maybe it was just a teenage crush? Emotional immaturity... But that didn't make any sense either. Even though it had taken a little while for Susanne to realise it, she had been in love with Jenny ever since they first met at 14. Now she was 19. 5 years. A teenage crush? It survived 5 years on just a kiss. Had a day gone by without thinking about Jenny? No. Not until she met Varya. Come to think of it, she almost hadn't thought about Jenny at all after she and Varya became friends. Then Jenny came to London, and rekindled her feelings, but until then...

Varya... However hard Susanne tried, she couldn't erase the last image of her from her mind. She'd never imagined she'd see Varya like that. She looked so miserable, like a person who hasn't slept or eaten for 24 hours. Around her beautiful grey eyes, she was all red from rubbing her eyes dry. Varya crying? It felt unreal. She knew Varya was an emotional person behind her sometimes icy exterior, and she had no difficulties imagining Varya losing her temper. But crying? Ever since that first day on the train, when Susanne felt Varya's hands grip her around the waist and hold her steady, she'd seemed so strong, in an emotional sense. Susanne had this idea that if she'd ever fall down a cliff or something, Varya would be there to catch her.

"She has every right to hate me," Susanne admitted to herself. "She showed me so much trust, and I betrayed it."

The days went by in a kind of unreal haze. Susanne's contact with the outside world was limited to her old landlady. Having a conversation with her was a rather strenuous affair, since Susanne had to speak very loud to be heard, and almost always had to repeat each sentence, but the young Norwegian found it worthwhile. Mrs. Braithwaite actually turned out to be a very nice person. Although her life was nearing it's end, she spoke of people she had met in her lifetime with love and affection, and not a trace of bitterness. In fact, Mrs. Braithwaite reminded Susanne of her late grandmother. Before she passed away when Susanne was 14, she had been her closest friend, much closer to her than either of her parents, and someone she confided in. Some of the same understanding Susanne recognised in Mrs. Braithwaite. Not a hint of nosiness, not a single question about what she was doing and why she had moved in, carrying just her purse and no loggage. Or who Jenny was. She understood that Susanne sought complete anonymity.

In the evenings, Susanne walked around in the park or along the streets, occasionally going to the movies. She tried to do a little studying too, but realised she had lost all motivation. And all self- confidence. Her original idea had been to use her degree to get a position in one of the international financial institutions or maybe the UN, where she hoped to be able to work with 3rd world issues. "So much for my plans of changing the world," she thought in self-derision. "I can't even handle my own life."

As long as she kept her mind busy with the more practical aspects of existence, she somehow made it through the day. But often it took a conscious effort to keep her mind off Varya. On the rare occasions when she strayed a little away from Hampstead, she carefully avoided all places where she'd been with Varya. She even stayed away from the Underground - it only brought back the memory of the first time they met.

But there were times when she just gave in to the memory of Varya's warm and affectionate character. She needed it to feel she was still alive. The image of Varya's beautiful face, her ice-like features melting whenever she saw Susanne. And the way she always showered her with compliments. She complimented her brains, her kindness, her beauty - everything about her. They could be in the middle of a study session, deeply involved in unveiling the peculiarities of the IS/LM-model, when Susanne would feel a warm hand stroke through her dark hair. "Your hair is so beautiful, Susanne. Can I buy it?" Or Varya would bury her nose in it. "Hmmm. Your hair smells so good." Usually, Susanne would feel awkward about remarks like that, but coming from Varya, they seemed so genuine. They made her feel so appreaciated. Susanne figured it must be a Russian thing, though, it must be the most natural thing in the world for two Russian girls to tell each other how much they loved the smell of each other's hair.

"How could I be so blind?" Susanne blamed herself. "That was her way of telling me she was in love with me. Her helpless but beautiful way of expressing her love for me." The beauty of it touched Susanne in a profound way. "I always took it for granted that Varya would know how to approach me, but in reality she was just as helpless as I was." It was almost comical. Two young women, best friends, both crazy about the other, yet neither able to say the word that could bring their hearts together.

It was at that point thinking about this would become really painful. Because Susanne would start asking herself "what if?". What if Varya's hand had made accidental contact with Susanne's small breast on its way to some less intimate part of her body? Some little trigger that might have set off a chain of events leading to them making love? It wouldn't have taken a lot. And everything could have been completely different.

Not like now...

But she didn't want to think about that. To prevent the memory of Varya from hurting her, Susanne had to dispossess it of all current relevance. Susanne's mind worked hard to assign their two months together to some remote past. When she succeeded, their time together appeared to her like a fairytale from a far-away country in a distant age, and Susanne could invoke the memory of Varya's warm and affectionate character without getting hurt. Just the thought of Varya's beautiful voice or her infectious smile would sometimes produce a sweet-smelling moisture between Susanne's legs, but the 19-year old brunette would fight the urge to bring her hand down and caress her young pussy. She knew what feelings lay hidden there and she was afraid of them. Not until almost three weeks had passed did she yield to her desires. She woke up in the middle of the night, soaking with sweat, and with a familiar feeling originating from between her legs and spreading to all corners of her body. Her slim hand travelled down to her love spot. Susanne tried to focus on the purely physical aspect of the sensation, but as her excitement grew, she could not keep her eyes shut to the images appearing before her. Varya's flawless face. Her Slavic cheekbones, her perfect lips, her enchanting greyish blue eyes. The Russian woman's face was like a magical landscape, changing from winter to summer and back to winter again in less than a second. The impression of magic was compounded by her voice and her accent. Varya spoke a perfectly fluent and very elegant English, but she had a distinct accent which Susanne found so intriguing and deeply sensuous. Gradually, the image of Varya was extended to include all the soft curves of the beautiful Russian's enticing young body. No, Susanne pleaded, no, I don't want this to happen! She tried to erase the image of Varya from her mind, but she was too far gone. It was like Varya was here now, like Susanne could see her, feel her, smell her... "Oh Varya, please, no, Varya..." As the young Norwegian's orgasm became more and more imminent, the images of Varya mingled with images of Jenny, from their night together two weeks ago. Jenny's soaking, fragrant pussy and Susanne's tongue sliding in between her puffy lips and inside her slippery vagina. Susanne licking Jenny's pussy, or was it Varya's? Moaning Varya's name, the 19-year old brunette came all over her hand.

Exhausted, she longed for sleep to let her in, but the image of Varya kept her awake. She would never see that beautiful smile again. Varya's ways had parted with hers, and Susanne felt like she was left to face eternity on her own...

The 19-year old had never felt so scared and so alone. When she finally felt sleep provide a harbour, she had only one thing on her mind; to get back home to Norway as soon as possible. She had no idea what might happen if she stayed, and she didn't intend to find out.

Susanne was still sleeping when she heard a knock on the door. She glanced at her watch. It was past noon. "Just a second, Mrs. Braithwaite." She put on her jeans and a T and opened the door.

Varya had never looked so beautiful.

With last night still fresh in her memory, Susanne was convinced she was having some kind of vision. She hesitatingly reached out her hand. She felt something make contact with her fingertips, then clutch around her hand and hold it tightly. Varya's hand was so warm.

Before she'd even begun to comprehend what was happening, Susanne felt tears stream down her face. Her friend was quick to provide a shoulder to cry on. Susanne felt Varya pull her close and hold her there. Listening to the intense beating of her heart, Susanne felt the heat from Varya's body flow into her own and fill her with life.

Susanne stared deep into her friend's eyes. All she'd ever longed for was there. Susanne had many questions to ask, but she found the most important answers just by searching Varya's beautiful grey eyes. They told her that Varya had forgiven her. In them, she recognised the Varya she thought was gone forever, the one who in the middle of an intense study session would bury her nose in her hair and tell her how good it smelled. The Varya who loved her.

The kiss that followed was one of those rare moments in life where the meaning behind everything appears to reveal itself to you. Suddenly, Susanne realised everything: why she was in London, why she had chosen Economics, why she had been on that particular train that afternoon three months ago. Even the affair with Jenny and the ensuing despair. It was all arranged to lead up to this kiss. As Susanne finally broke the contact with Varya's soft tongue, she knew she had experienced a perfect moment.

Susanne had to sit down on the bed.

"God, that was... like... I don't know..." The young brunette was left completely speechless. Varya seemed equally overwhelmed as she searched for words to convey how she felt.

"Oh, Susanne," was all she came up with.

For a few minutes, the two girls just lay on the bed, trying to regain their breath and their senses.

"Varya, can I ask you a question?"


"How did you know I was here?"

"Well, I remember you told me about your little hideaway in the forest, where you found refuge in times of distress. So I thought that if you hadn't gone back to Norway, you would go to a place here in London to which you had an emotional attachment. I figured the only candidate was the place where you and Jenny had been. So I found Jenny's number on your mobile and got in touch with her."

"You talked to Jenny?" Susanne was surprised.

"She was concerned too. She phoned your parents in Norway to find out if you'd gone home. Of course, she didn't mention anything about what'd happened, she pretended that she didn't even know you'd gone to London. When it turned out you hadn't gone home, I asked her where you'd stayed that night." Varya took a deep breath. "I have been so worried about you, Susanne, you wouldn't believe it. If anything had happened to you... I would have blamed myself for the rest of my life."

Susanne couldn't believe her ears.

"It's you who should blame me, Varya, not the other way round. I was the one who let you down and slept with another girl."

"That was NOT your fault, Susanne. First, it was Jenny who seduced you. She had been your best friend since you were 14, and your fantasy lover for almost as long. And you were a virgin. How could anyone expect you so resist her? Second, it was so wrong of me to react the way I did when you came back. I was just so jealouos. I had dreamed about you for so long, and then Jenny came and slept with you just like that. It all seemed so unfair to me, and I took it out on you. But I shouldn't have. First Jenny left you, then I did the same. Left you all on your own." Varya blew some hair away from Susanne's eyes. "I'm just so relieved you're OK, Susanne."

Susanne was beginning to realise the depth of Varya's love for her.

"Thank you, Varya."

Susanne packed what little loggage she had, and they carefully walked down the creaky old stairs. Susanne gave old Mrs Braithwaite a warm hug, and promised to come back to visit her again. She felt grateful towards the old woman who had been so helpful and let her stay almost for free.

In the tube, Susanne felt Varya clutch her hand and hold it tightly all the way to their destination. Some people gave confused glances, but Susanne couldn't care less. Neither could Varya, it seemed, as she leaned over and planted a wet kiss on Susanne's cheek.

"Just because you're so beautiful," she whispered in Susanne's ear.

Susanne blushed. Varya giggled.

"You're SO cute when you blush, Susanne. Makes me wanna kiss you again, in fact. But I'll save that for when we get home."

When we get home, Susanne mused. When we get home...

"If you like, I can make your favourite lasagne," Varya suggested as they unlocked the door to their apartment. "How about that?"

Susanne thought about it for a few seconds. Varya was an excellent cook, and made the world's supreme lasagne. But...

"Maybe we could just have a sandwich or two, and wait till later with the hot meal."

"Why?" Varya wondered. "I though you loved my lasagne."

"You know I do, but..." Susanne felt a little embarrassed. "It's just that..." She looked pleadingly at her friend.

A big grin spread on Varya's face when it dawned on her what the funny twinkle in Susanne's eyes signified.

"Yes, I agree. Let's go for sandwiches."

Susanne found it hard enough to concentrate on eating as the excitement was brewing inside her young body.

"Hey, stop it, Susanne," Varya laughed. "Eating sandwiches and kissing is NOT a good combination!"

After their makeshift dinner was consumed, both girls found themselves in a different mood, temporarily lost for words. Finally, they were here together. Finally, they would seal the special bond between them. For a brief moment, Susanne felt overwhelmed by the significance of what was about to happen. She could sense the same apprehension in Varya's eyes. Were they ready for this?

It took a conscious effort from Susanne to break the tension. She brought her lips to Varya's and kissed her tenderly.

"I love you, Varya."

"I love you, Susanne."

Susanne raised her arms and removed her sweater. Her long, erect nipples were clearly outlined against the material of her T.

"You know I don't usually wear a bra," Susanne said in a husky voice. Varya showed little hesitation in accepting the invitation, and helped her girlfriend remove her T.

Varya stared in amazement at Susanne's small, pert breasts. She reached out a hand and gently cupped one. Varya's touch was so tender. Susanne felt a shiver as the Russian girl started rolling her nipple between her thumb and forefinger. She caressed Varya's hair and face to express her appreciation. Soon, her friend's gentle manipulation of her breasts had the Norwegian teen moaning in a slow steady rhythm. She stared deep into Varya's eyes as she moaned into her face.

"Touch me, Varya," she begged. "Feel how wet you've made me."

Varya couldn't wait to unzip Susanne's jeans and slide her hand under the hem of her panties. Her touch was electrifying, sending a hot current running through the dark-haired 19-year old's slender body.

"That's it, Varya. Yes, there, touch me there." She felt Varya's fingers tweak her clit. "Yes, Varya," she hissed, "yeeeeeesssssssssssss......."

God, she'd come already! After, like, 8 seconds?!?!? Jenny was right, Susanne reflected, trying to regain her breath. I really am that horny!

"Thank you, Varya," she said, bringing her own hand down to her girlfriend's crotch. Kissing her deeply, she slipped her hand under Varya's cotton panties, and lay it to rest on her damp pussy, just taking in its tremendous heat for a few moments. She was touching Varya! Susanne searched out her little clit. Varya's reaction was so strong that Susanne lay her other arm around her just to hold her steady while she was fondling her pussy.

"Oh God, Susanne, what are you doing to me... AAAAHHH!!!!!!..."

A floodwave of sticky girl juice washed over Susanne's hand.

Susanne held her friend tightly as she slowly recovered from the intense experience.

"You know," Varya said, chasing her breath, "I feel like I've had that orgasm inside me ever since I met you. Or..."

Susanne listened intently.

"Or all my life, really. There was something so deep inside me that never found release. Until you came by..."

"I'm here now, Varya," Susanne reassured her, overwhelmed by Varya's need for her, "and I'm not going away."

"Thanks, Susanne."

Susanne's hand still clung to Varya's soaking pussy. She traced her girlfriend's labia with her finger. They seemed thicker than her own, in fact more like Jenny's, Susanne observed. When she slowly inserted a finger in the Russian's slippery love tunnel, Varya's reaction was immediate. Susanne realised she could bring Varya to a second orgasm in less than thirty seconds, but playfulness got the better of her.

"No, no.... don't..." Varya begged as Susanne removed her finger. Ignoring her friend's plea, Susanne pierced her beautiful almond-green eyes deep into the Slavic girl's. Slowly, she parted her lips, and brought a finger soaked in pussy-juice to her mouth. The young brunette let out a deep, sensuous sigh, and lazily started licking Varya's pussy juice off her finger, never for a second losing contact with the Russian girl's pleading eyes.

"Oh no, no, this is just too much for me, I can't... please, Susanne..."

To substitute for Susanne's hand, Varya brought her own hand down to her furry pussy and started masturbating frantically. Susanne didn't know what excited her most: the musky, full taste of Varya's love juice or the sight of her friend beyond herself with arousal. Coating her finger in her sweet saliva, the Norwegian girl offered it to her lover, who greedily sucked it into her hot mouth. Susanne kissed and licked Varya's ear as the Russian brought herself to her second orgasm of the evening.

"I'm sorry, I just... felt a little bit naughty," Susanne grinned, looking at Varya lying below her on the floor, the poor girl totally spent.

"I'm...." Varya tried to catch her breath. "I'm sure you can have a thing or two to teach our secret police back home in Russia about torture methods. They must be real amateurs compared to you."

"Sorry, Varya, just couldn't help it. Believe me, I'll make up for it," she reassured her friend, stroking her beautiful velvety blonde hair. "Hey, let's get naked."

Without waiting for a response, Susanne stood up and removed her last items of clothing. It felt so wonderful to undress herself in front of Varya.



"Can you promise me that you'll never wear clothes again? Not EVER!? Please??................."

"Hmmm...." the Norwegian teen mused mischiveously, making no attempt to conceal how turned on she was by her friend's obvious admiration of her naked body. "You're asking a lot now, Varya".

"Can you imagine how many times I have pictured you like this, Susanne? Or how I've fantasized about all aspects of your beautiful body; how you feel, how you smell, how you taste..."

Susanne had never felt so beautiful.

"You don't have to dream anymore, Varya. All you see is yours now. My body, my soul- it belongs to you."

Susanne took her friend's hand.

"Will you fulfil my dreams too, Varya?"

Varya stood up facing Susanne and started removing her clothes. One by one, her garments landed on the floor, until the beautiful Russian girl appeared in her birthday suit. Susanne was stunned.

"You're breathtaking," she gasped, devouring her girlfriend's heavenly body with her eyes. Her eyes rested for a moment on Varya's full, round breasts, before falling on the triangle between her legs, the core of Varya's femininity. The dark fur contrasted beautifully with her pale skin.

Varya smiled seductively. They two young women embraced, relishing the sensation of the other's warm flesh. Susanne couldn't wait any longer.

She broke off the contact, and knelt down before her best friend.

"What-....What are you doing, Susanne?" Varya exclaimed, as Susanne placed her hands on the Russian girl's plump ass cheeks and pulled her closer.

Varya was very tangy, her scent felt stronger than Jenny's. Susanne inhaled her musky essence. The smell of Varya... The young brunette remembered walking in the forest in the springtime as a little girl, losing herself in all the smells of vegetation springing to life after the long winter. The sensation would fascinate her endlessly, to the point where she almost started feeling dizzy. The same fascination gripped her now as the heady aroma of Varya's pussy permeated her nostrils.

Susanne kneaded Varya's ass cheeks and slowly closed the distance between her mouth and the Russian's thick, puffy labia. When her prying tongue slipped inside Varya's vagina, she could tell that Varya had a hard time keeping her balance.

"Oh, Susanne, I can't believe it... you're licking's so good... you're so good....Oh God, Susanne!........................."

Spurred by the idea of being inside Varya, the Norwegian brunette swirled her tongue deep inside the Slavic girl's vagina, the slippery inner walls of Varya's pussy clasping Susanne's soft but persistent tongue. Sensing how Varya had troubles standing on her feet, Susanne lay down on her back, pulling Varya on top of her, so that she was sitting on her face.

With her head held firmly in place by Varya's thighs, and the Russian grinding her pussy against Susanne's face, the gorgeous brunette let her middle finger delve into the Russian teen's ass crack and searched out her delicate little anus. She felt Varya push her ass back at her finger.

"Oh yes, Susanne..... pleeeeeeease!................."

With a green light to pursue her mission, Susanne slid her finger past her girlfriend's most intimate passage and inside her hot ass.

"Susanne, oh God, Susanne, oh help me... YEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!..."

Susanne felt Varya's thighs lose their grip on her face, and next thing Varya collapsed on the floor beside her, chasing her breath like a labrador retriever trying to find its way around in the Amazon jungle. Susanne licked herself around her lips to savour some of the tasty pussy cocktail Varya had smeared all over the Norwegian brunette's beautiful face.

Susanne tapped on Varya's head with her finger.

"Are you OK, sexy?"

"I feel like I've just returned from outer space. Oh God, Susanne that was SO awesome!"

"Glad you enjoyed it, but..." The 19-year old felt a little mischief was in order. "...don't you think you should clean up the mess you made?"

Varya turned her head to look at Susanne. The Russian let out a spontaneous giggle.

"You mean..."


After a moment's hesitation, Varya stuck out her wet tongue and started lapping at Susanne's face like a dog. Susanne closed her eyes and giggled as she felt Varya's wet tongue all over her face. Having Varya's tongue wash her face was so much fun! And she loved feeling Varya's hot breath on her.

When their little cleaning session was done, both girls just lay face to face on the floor for a little while, sending messages of love back and forth between their eyes.

"I never knew life could be so much fun, Susanne."

"Me neither, Varya."

As she lay staring deep into Varya's eyes, Susanne felt completely at ease with herself and the world. She saw herself as a child; a little girl finding her way through the branches to her hideaway in the forest, seeking shelter from all the threats of the outside world. The place had given her an inner calm, but as soon she left the safety of the trees, it had always disappeared. The feeling she had now was different. It was not associated with a place or a time, but with her faith in the love she felt for Varya, and in Varya's love for her. Carrying that faith with her, she felt invulnerable. Whatever threats the world may pose, nothing could touch what Varya and herself shared together.

Then a thought occured to her. Something Jenny had said.

"Susanne, what is it? Is something wrong?"

"No.... or...Varya, do you think this is just... a teenage crush?"

An alarmed expression spread in Varya's grey eyes.

"Teenage crush? You mean, you and me?"

"Yes. You know, we're only 19 and..."

"Think of everything that's happened, Susanne. A teenage crush would never have survived all this. I know we're only 19, but... Imagine if we met at 29 instead, with several bad relationships behind us and with no faith left in love. It would have taken us so much longer to find out that we love each other."

Susanne felt her worry disappear.

"Actually," the Norwegian said, "19 years apart is already too much."

"Exactly!" Varya agreed. "I can't believe I made it."

They laughed, and locked their lips together in a soft, sensuous kiss.

"Don't think I have forgotten about it," Varya smiled as she broke off the kiss.

"Forgotten about what?"

"Doing what I've done a thousand times in my dreams," Varya whispered in her ear.

A second later Susanne felt Varya begin to kiss her way down her body. As Susanne slowly opened her legs to share the treasure of her young sex with her friend, she knew that she'd never have to seek shelter in her hideaway anymore. Everything she'd ever longed for in life she'd found in Varya.

"Oh Susanne, is it you?" Jenny sounded relieved. "I've been worried sick about you. I've tried to reach you but..."

"Yeah, I saw all the messages in the inbox."

"Are you OK? Where are you?"

Susanne gave her the short version of what had happened.

"So... eh... you and Varya are together now?"


"And me... am I still your friend?"

Susanne still wasn't quite sure about that one.

"I don't think you really understand me, Jenny. It's like we live in two different worlds."

"I don't know. I always realised you were different from me, but I guess I thought it was just a phase you were going through. I always expected you to become like me eventually. But now I know you won't. And I don't really think I want you too be like me. You have to remain who you are, that's what makes you so special, Susanne."

Susanne had never heard Jenny talk like this before.

"And although you game me the most amazing night of my life, I know now that you belong to somebody else. I won't try to seduce you again, Susanne."

"Maybe," Susanne replied, "everything was actually for the best. If you hadn't come and made things happen, maybe Varya and I still wouldn't have been able to realise our feeling for one another."

"You know," Jenny laughed, "I think that's more than just a remote possibility!"

Susanne couldn't help but laugh. Jenny was right.

"So, we're still friends, right?"

"You'll always be something special to me, Jenny."

"And you to me, Susanne. And, you know, although it was wrong of me to act the way I did, I hope that you...maybe not now, but in the future... will think about our night together and remember how wonderful it was."

"It was wonderful, Jenny. Believe me, I'll never forget it. But I'm all Varya's now."

"I know, Susanne. She deserves you more than I do. Well, take care, Susanne."

"I love you, Jenny. Take care."

Susanne busily scribbled down notes as the lecturer drew another diagram of the connection between consumption and utility. Just three weeks left before her exams, and the 19-year old was determined to score a straight A in this course as well as the others. This course -

She shuddered with surprise as something suddenly tickled her belly-button.

"Hey, look what you did to my carefully drawn curve," Susanne complained, but blaming herself for not sounding quite as annoyed as she intended to. She showed her friend the broken line on her sheet.

"Don't worry, honey, I'll draw you another curve." Susanne felt Varya's hot breath on her cheek.

Slowly, Varya's finger traced a line on Susanne's tummy and all the way up to her braless breasts.

"Stop it," Susanne hissed, "now!"

Varya's finger was oblivious to Susanne's warning.

"Sssssshhh... Be quiet now, Susanne. You don't want to be disturbing the lecture, will you?"

She's incorrigible, Susanne thought.

"Pay close attention now, Susanne," Varya whispered, "this is my favourite curve."

Carefully, Varya's finger followed the beautiful shape of Susanne's small pert breast. Susanne couldn't help becoming aware of her own ragged breath. She hoped Varya hadn't noticed.

"Hey, sounds like we're finally getting some response here," the Russian girl teased.

"Listen, will you stop it?!? Has it occurred to you that it's only three weeks until exams, and..."

"Sorry, can't hear what you're saying because of all the noise from the lecturer..." It began dawning on Susanne that Varya would be victorious in this battle.

"Oops, what's this?"

Varya's finger stumbled upon Susanne's nipple.

"Oh no, Susanne. My curve was broken by your hard and unyielding nipple. Let me inform you that nipples are not usually supposed to be this hard and erect."

As Varya caressed her nipple, Susanne felt a warm, tingling feeling permeate her body. She found it increasingly hard to sit still.

"Now how do you expect me to draw nice, smooth curves when you can't even sit still?" Varya reproved her friend. "Maybe there's something else that you really want me to do? Like..."

The Russian girl gently tweaked and pulled at Susanne's erect nipple. The brunette's body quivered.

"I think your body is telling me to go ahead, Susanne."

Susanne felt like all her defences had broken down.

"No, stop it, please..."

"How can you be so cruel to your own body, Susanne? Your nipples clearly enjoy what is happening."

Mmmm. Varya's fingers really knew how to play with her breasts.

"And I think you little pussy is starting to react, too. You know, just letting out a little moisture."

Varya was right, she was so right. All the action hadn't gone unnoticed by her vagina.

"I'm not wet, I'm... trying to follow the lecture..."

"I don't think so." Susanne felt Varya's hand travel down below her belly-button. "I'm pretty sure," Varya continued, "that if I, you know, just hypothetically, if I were to slip my hand inside your pants, I'd be able to sample some sweet Susanne-honey on my fingers."

Susanne had nothing to counter Varya's advances with. Her heavy and irregular breath told everything about her aroused state. Thankfully, they had two of the seats furthest in the back, so she didn't think anybody would hear. Susanne took a quick, nervous glance around. Only one person, a black girl, could see them, but she was sitting on the other end.

Varya's hand started squeezing itself in under the hem of Susanne's jeans.

"No, no, what are you doing?"

"Just checking to see if you're telling the truth. If you're not wet, then of course you have nothing to hide..."

"Okay, I AM wet," Susanne conceded. "Happy now?"

"Indeed, Susanne, I've been happy all along... Now I want to make you happy too... Oh, you wear your jeans so tight."

Smiling, Varya unbuttoned Susanne's trousers. Susanne was desperate to feel Varya's hand on her soaking pussy.

There... oh, God, this was just out of this world...

Some strange sounds were being whispered in Susanne's ear, completely unidentifiable, apart from her own name being mentioned a couple of times.

"What was that?" she moaned.

"It was an old Russian saying. It goes like this." Susanne was too far gone to appreciate Varya's wacky sense of humour. "When Susanne is wet, the pond turns into a lake. When Susanne is REALLY wet, the lake turns into an ocean."

Varya's finger was playing with her clit. She couldn't believe she was letting this happen. But the Russian's touch was so amazing. God, she knows my pussy better than I know it myself!

Next thing she felt Varya's free hand cover her mouth.

"You know, just so the others won't hear. I don't wanna share you with anyone, you know."

Moaning into Varya's hand, Susanne knew she was only a few caresses away from coming. Varya's hot breath on her cheek drove her crazy. She heard Varya whisper more phrases in Russian. Susanne didn't have the slightest clue what it meant, but it sounded incredibly sexy. Sometimes while they were making love, Susanne would ask her friend to switch to Russian. Hearing Varya moaning in her own language was such a turn-on.

Now, as Varya whispered her crazy consonant clusters in her ear, and the Russian girl's middle finger slipped inside her dripping vagina, Susanne knew that there was no way she could hold back her ecstacy. Her body quivered and the dark-haired teen released a whole little river of love juices. Varya's hand pressed tightly against her mouth to prevent her passion from being vocalised.

"Why?" was the only word on Susanne's lips as she struggled to regain her breath and senses.

"Rememer our first time, when you made me masturbate in front of you?"

Even in her shaky state, Susanne knew at once what Varya was referring to.

"Well, I decided it was payback-time," Varya smiled. "Actually, my original plan was to take you just to the edge but not over."

"You mean...?!!?.. No, Varya, you could never be that cruel."

Varya grinned.

"I think I could.... but not to you."

"Hey, nobody noticed anything?"

"No, don't worry. Old Professor Higginbotham is an excellent economist, but he can't see 10 feet before him. And none of our coursemates had the imagination to think that two neat girls like you and me could possibly behave in such an improper way."

"But the black girl... behind us. She...-"

"Nah, it looked like she was busy taking notes."

When the lecturer called it a day one minute later, Susanne still had the feeling the lecture had just started. She was about to throw her useless lecture notes in the wastebin, but Varya insisted they "keep them as a relic", as she chose to put it in her adorable accent.

"Hi, girls!"

Oh no, it was the black girl. She must have...

"Wow, that was one great performance!"

The two lovers were too embarrassed to speak.

"Hey, don't look so embarrassed," she laughed. "Don't worry, I didn't see exactly what you were doing. It sure looked like you had a lot of fun, though."

"Look, please don't tell...-"

"Your secret- whatever it is- is safe with me. Although I doubt it would shock anyone who has observed the two of you around campus, holding hands and kissing. You just look so... in love."

Susanne breathed a sigh of relief. There was nothing to fear from this girl, she was really cool.

"That's because we are," Susanne smiled and threw her arms around Varya.

"Well, I just wanted you to know that you two lovebirds really light up our course. Whenever I feel down or bored during classes, I just look at you, and I feel so much better. Seeing two persons who love each other so much and who are not afraid to show it just makes me so happy."

"It's so nice of you to say that." Susanne was really touched and she could see Varya was too.

"Well, sorry about intruding, girls. Take care."

Susanne's eyes followed the attractive young black woman as she walked down the aisle.

"Hey!" Varya nudged her. "You had an orgasm less than five minutes ago, remember?"

"Sorry, it's just... Look at her butt. It's so sexy." After all the mischief Varya had inflicted on her, Susanne felt she was due a little fun now.

"Hey, what do you say, Varya? Let's invite her over for a threesome."

"WHAT!?!? You're joking, right?"

"No, seriously. Come on, she's cool and she's got a great face and a sexy body. Plus I've always wanted to be with a black girl."

"A threesome?!?!!?"

"Oh Varya, don't be so prudish. This is the 21st century, it's not like a relationship limits you to just one person day in and day out."

"But I thought..."

"Seriously Varya, I'm sure bringing in a little fresh flesh could revive our sex life. Don't take this personally, but I'm getting a little - just a little- bored with you. I'm sure you feel the same way about me. Sex between us is becoming just a tad routine-like. If we brought in an outside person or two, I'm sure our sexual life would pick up tremendously."

Susanne found it hard to keep a straight face as she studied the look of complete confusion on Varya's face. Susanne's words had left the usually so eloquent Russian totally speechless.

"Don't look like it's such a big deal. I'm just a little bored with waking up next to you every single morning!"

Varya looked completely lost. The poor thing could have been abducted by Dutch-speaking aliens and transported to Mars, and it wouldn't have made any difference whatsoever.

"And..." Susanne continued, "I'm terribly bored with having you take me to heaven so many times per day. And in particular I'm awfully bored with waking up before you and just lying there admiring how beautiful you are when you sleep.... "

Slowly, Varya's face lit up again.

"You... you made this all up, didn't you?"

Wanting to keep her lover on the edge just a moment longer, Susanne hesitated a second before she replied.

"I guess I probably did."

"Not a word of it was true, was it?"

"Not as such."

"It was complete bollocks, wasn't it?"

"If you by that mean to suggest that an average Baywatch-episode carries more informative value than what I said, then, yes, it was complete bollocks."

Varya drew her breath deeply. Her eyes shone with fury.

"I hate you!"

"Come on, you had it coming after your little prank during the lecture, don't you think?"

"No, this was totally different. I...." A tear rolled down her cheek. She threw her arms around Susanne and clung to her tightly. "Don't you EVER say those things again, Susanne! If you become tired of me, then please kill me first before letting me know."

"I'm sorry, Varya, I reckoned you'd realise straight away that I was kidding."

"I guess I didn't because it seems to me that our love is literally too good to be true."

"I often get that idea too, Varya. But whenever I do, I just look deep into your eyes. Then I know our love is real."

Susanne stroked her friend's hair and neck, and planted small kisses on her cheek and nose.

"I love you, Varya, and I'll never share you with anybody."

The underground. Susanne hated it. The sweaty, smelly crowd. Their heavy breathing. Everybody crammed together like sardines in a tin can. Is it so hard to show a little consideration? she thought, as a middle-aged man rushing to get out almost pushed her over.

"Just two stops left," a beautiful voice with a Russian accent whispered in her ear.

As Varya locked her arms around her waist, all the other passengers disappeared from Susanne's consciousness. They simply ceased to exist. She didn't mind their pushing and shoving and rudeness anymore. She was in Varya's arms. Susanne sighed contentedly and leaned back against her friend.


"Yes, Susanne?"

"If I ever fall down a cliff or something..."

Susanne listened to the ticking of her heart.

"Don't worry," Varya whispered in her ear,

"I'll be there to catch you."

Susanne let her body melt in Varya's arms.


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