Susan Jonathon and Bob

By Larry Elliott

Published on Feb 4, 2020


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I took a shower before I left and I stopped in the house and told my grandmother that I was going to work. I let her know that Susan and Johnathon were still here and that they may stay until I got back or they may take off. I told her not to worry as they were really good kids. My grandmother said that she really liked Susan and she seemed to be a good girl. She didn't get to meet Johnathon yesterday but she wasn't worried, she said if he was susans friend that she was sure he was fine. So on my short drive to work. I'm looking back on the past 24 hours and I couldn't believe my luck. I have managed to get two new friends that were two of the kindesr people I have met in my entire life. Both of them treated me with kindness and respect. I could tell that they were both brought up well. I felt like I had known them for years.

I had the hardest time ever, working the next eight hours. I kept thinking about what had happened last night. i contibued to wonder if Susan and Jonathon were going to still be at my house when I got off work.

I thought that 2 o'clock would never come but when it did I was clocked out and on my way home.

When I turned on to my street and into our drive way, I noticed that the front yard was mowed and there were two lawn bags in front where the garbage pickup was. The front yard really looked good. When I opened the front door and went in my grandmother's Susan and Jonathon were sitting at the dinner table talking with my grandmother. My grandmother said hello bob how was your day? I told my grandma it had to be the longest day of my life. I was glad to be home. She said that they were waiting for me to get home so we could all sit down and eat. Grandma said that Susan had helped her all morning in the house while Johnathon mowed the front and the back yards. She said she has never seen harder working kids and that she was happy to have their company. We all sat there and ate dinner and talked. i told them that I really needed a shower and I excused my self from the table, johnathon did the same while Susan stayed with my grandmother and did the dishes. I went back to my room and johnthon came in and asked if I minded if he took shower. I thanked him for mowing the lawns and everything he had did while I was at work. I gave him 20 bucks I told him that I would give him 20 more when I cashed my check. He said bob it was a pleasure to help and then said your grandmother is the nicest lady in the world. He said that she treated him like he was her own grandson. I told him that I know she is wonderful. I could tell that she did indeed like him and I was glad that they hit it off. I said that I was going to get in the shower but he could go first if he wanted. He asked me if it would be a problem if he just got in and showered with me. He said it would save water and I said that would be fine with me. I turned on the water and waited for it to get hot. i then stripped off my clothes and Jonathon followed. I couldn't help but check this kid out there was not an ounce of fat on him. He was about 5' 6" and might weight 125 pounds, his cock was soft and had to be at least 6" long. I took the soap and started on my front. Jonathon said bob hand me the soap and I'll do your back. So I gave him the soap. I grabbed the shampoo and started doing my hair. Jonathon started on my shoulders and said God bob you are stout what did you lift weights all your life? I said thanks johnathon, i have put some time in the gym and I did lift in high school. He worked his way down my back with the soap. When he got to my ass he knelt down and soaped up both of his hands. He then started rubbing my ass cheeks. He stood up and soaped up both hands again and ran his hands back down my crack and to my nuts he had moved one hand to my cock and was fondling it while he pulled and massaged my ball sack. He started jacking me off, I had to stop him. i asked him to trade places with me. Reluctantly he did so and he asked if I was ok. I told him I was fine but if he continued what he was doing I would shoot in about ten seconds. He said that is what he wanted to do. I said I really want the same but I want to spend some time on him first. I took the soap and lathered up both of my hands and got behind him. I started Massaging his shoulders and his back. I put more soap on my hands and I was massaging his back and his sides. This kid was tight and hard. I continued to move down his body and I again soaped up both hands and moved my hand down on his ass, it was the most incredible ass ide ever seen. I took the bar of soap and with it in my hand rubbed it down his crack and over his balls and with it still in my hand grabbed a hold of his dick. I was about to shoot my load just feeling him. He was at least two to three inches longer than me. He spread his legs a little giving me better access to his croach and his ass. I took my middle finger and slowly pushed it in to his hole only to the first knuckle. I stopped and he gasped. I then started moving it around and sunk my finger deepern He tensed up and I asked him if he was ok. He said that he was ok, it was the first time anybody had ever done that to him, but he said please don't stop. I kept my middle finger in him and kept moving it in and out of him. Then I asked him if he wanted to try for another and he said yes. I then added my index finger along with my middle finger he was very tight he gasped and said hold on a minute please. I said that I was sorry I didn't mean to hurt him. He said that he can't believe how much it hurt. I said that i know and I told him to try and push out like he was going to the bathroom. I asked him if he wanted to stop and he said no that he would try doing what I suggested. So I grabbed the conditioner and poured some in my hand and then told him to just lean forward and move his feet back some and push his butt out more. I then put my hand with the conditioner up against his butt and moved my hand up and down on his ass and slowly pushed my fingers inside him. Just barely putting them in and moving them around slowly. I asked him if he wanted to stop and he said no that it was better like this. He turned his head back and looked me in the fmeyes and said. Bob I've never told another guy this before but I really love you. God I see what Susan meant when she said she wanted you. I can't believe it but I want you to fuck me. I told him that I would do anything in the world for him an susan. I continued to finger his ass and then moved back and under his ball sack I grabbed his cock and was slowly stroking his big dick. I was moving both hands in unison and he said bob try another finger now please. I said are you sure and he said yes that it didn't hurt any longer and that he wanted to see if he could take it with another finger added. I told him to just say stop if he felt any pain. I stopped long enough to put some more conditioner on my hand. i put my hand on his cock and then i put the hand with the conditioner back with three fingers in his ass very slowly I moved the fingers in and out first to the first knuckle then i would pull out some and return it to the second knuckle. Johnathon was breathing heavyer and again he said i love you bob. i want you to fuck me. please, please bob i want you inside of me. i told susan earlier that i was going to ask you if you would do that to me and if it was ok with her, if i did so. She said that if i wanted you to and i agreed it was ok with her. She said that she would really love to watch us but she said that maybe the first time or even untill i was ok with it we could maybe just be by ourselves. so we could get use to doing it with each other. She wanted us to feel good with each other and not feel like we were cheating on her or have any issues about doing something behind her back. Then he said ya know bob sussn is in love with you, and to be honest i am to. i didnt want to lose her because i truely love her but i am in love with you to. i hope that im not freaking you out but im just being honest. i can promise you one thing as a true friend. Bob i will not never lie to you or ever talk behind your back. i know that susan is the same she will never lie to you and you can trust her 100 per cent. i was truely hurt when she told me that she wanted you and i wanted to try and hurt you or do something but she wanted me to come and meet you and i know now exactly how she feels. i feel like im in a dream or something but i want to spend the rest of my life with you snd susan. I think that im ready to have you fuck me. Ive never wanted anything more, will you please do me? i want to feel you inside me. i want you to cum inside of me.

Next: Chapter 4

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