
By moc.loa@42legnasniveK

Published on Jul 9, 2000


Survivors Chapter 4 Written By Kevinsangel

Disclaimer: I do not do Not Own NSYNC nor do I imply that one or more members are gay. This story is a piece of fiction so sits backs and enjoy.

If you have comments or suggestions about the story please email me at

Check out some of my fav stories out there. They're worth reading.

Kevin and Justin =Read if you like emotional overload. It's great and they're finally together. Cheers




Superman Can't Fly =Great Joey Story btw

Fixing the BSB= pouts Awe Nick and Kevin didn't get together.

Tale of Two Boy Bands= Put JC AND Kev BACK Whines It's a great story.

Xtreme NSYNC

Get You Back

For You

Tears in Your Eyes


Now or Never

If U Knew

I Just Wanna Be Wit U

And many others

Thanks To Billy. It was his site that I found Nifty, Now On to the story.


Survivors Chapter 4 Written By Kevinsangel

Joey felt like flying. His secret wish, his secret desire was coming true. His blue eyed angel was kissing him and he loved it. He wrapped his hand around the golden curls and pulled his angel to him, which deepened the kiss.

Justin opened his eyes in surprise when he felt Joey returned the kiss. He looked into the velvety brown eyes and smiled when he saw the desire and passion. He felt his heart leap into joy at the prospects that his angel was gay and in love with him.

They finally broke the passionate kiss in order to breathe. Their hearts were pounding hard and fast as they stare at each other for a long time. Both never said a word.

Joey made room in his bed and with a simple but yet irresistible smile he invited Justin to sleep with him. He watched Justin stand there just looking at him for a second before he climbed into bed with him. His heart leapt flew out of his chest as he felt Justin's body next to him. He couldn't help but grin as Justin gathered him in his arms and held him.

Justin kissed the top of Joey's head. His dreams were coming true and he wasn't going to let go. He wanted to stay awake and kiss Joey all night but the affects of the booze was gaining on him and fast. "I love you Joey."

Joey could have screamed if he wanted but couldn't find his voice. Instead he yawned. He couldn't help it the booze was taking over his system. He wanted to make out with Justin all night long showing him how much he loved him. "I love you too Curly."

They passed out before anything else was said.

Justin winced as the sun hit the room like someone turning on the light. It hurt his eyes as he was forced to open them. "Bright Light"

"That's for damn sure," the person laying on him said trying to hide from the sun.

Justin stopped breathing for a second. He thought last night was a fantasy. He was suffering a huge hangover and remembers bits and pieces of what happened the night before. He turned to see Joey looking at him just as confused. He turned away and blushed.

"I'm sorry Curly" Joey whispered feeling his heartbreak. He couldn't help it. The way Justin turned away from him knew that it was only the alcohol talking. He too was suffering from a hangover but he did remember bits and pieces of last night. He was about to get up.

Justin saw and felt Joey's reaction to him turning away. He stopped him from doing so. That's the last thing he wanted was Joey to think he didn't want him. He felt bad for turning away like he did. "Joey, did last night really happen."

"We're in bed together Curly it had to happen" Joey replied rubbing his temple as he sat up. "I hope you don't hate me Just."

"Why? I wouldn't hate you for last night." Just said softly as the night came rushing back to him as he cleared his head. He smiled. "I kissed you."

"But I responded" Joey replied. "I wanted it to happen."

"You did" Justin replied as he felt light-headed.

"Yeah" Joey admitted. He had to tell Justin how he felt. That if Justin was drunk and kissed him was one thing. But he didn't want his friend to feel awkward if he wasn't interested. "Justin there's something you have to know about me. I hope it won't change anything between us. Telling the others isn't going to be easy but I'm gay."

Justin sat there for a second. He couldn't believe his luck. His angel, his beloved, gorgeous angel was gay. "YES!"

"What" Joey asked, "You're happy that I'm gay?"

Justin blushed. He didn't mean to shout that out loud. But since he did he might as well come clean himself. Hopefully their revelations could mean a relationship. "Sorry Joey. You're right. I am happy that you're gay because I thought I was the only gay member in the band."

Joey smiled. Somehow fate must have pitied him and decided to make all his secret desires come true. He gave a silent thank you to the man upstairs. His angel was gay. "Justin, there's something else. I'm in love with you, everything about you from your blue eyes, sexy body, golden curls, beautiful voice and wonderful personality. God, I've been in love with you for a very long time. I didn't think I stood a chance with you."

"Why" Justin asked softly He thought he died and gone to heaven. Joey admitted that he loved him. If he could fly he would. He held Joey's hand in his. "Why didn't you think you had a chance with me?"

Joey blushed. "For one I thought you were straight. Even if you were gay and apparently you are that you wouldn't want to be seen with a guy like me. Look at me, I'm not the best-looking man on this planet. A lot of people find me ugly. It hurts to hear people say I'm no talented, ugly and just holding the others back."

"Joey stop it this instantly" Justin reprimanded. He would not have his baby talk like this.

Joey was stunned. He never heard Justin sound like Lance before. "What have you done to Justin, Lance?"

Justin chuckled. "I'm not Lance. My voice isn't that deep. Seriously Joey don't ever think you're not good looking. Damn you're hot. You're so hot that you make my heart burn for you. You are so talented. You bring a part of NSYNC together. We all do and you can sing so don't listen to those fucking critics. Just listen to your heart."

"You, you want me?" Joey asked in shock. He never thought Justin would love him.

"Oh yeah. Joey I am so much in love with you. Damn you drive me crazy. You are the most sensitive, out going, funny, sweet, charming, clumsy, witty, person I've ever met. You are my angel. You are so handsome Joe. The way God made you. Your body looks so powerful with each movement you make. Your deep brown eyes that sparkle with life and your hair. God I love your hair. I just love to run my hands through feeling the softness plus I like it when you just have the tips red." Justin smiled as he blushed.

Joey and Justin looked at each other for awhile. "So does this mean we're a couple now. I hope so I really want to be with you Justin."

"Yeah and I want to be with you Joey" Justin smiled. "Joe, will you be my boy toy."

Joey fell back wards and laughed. "Of course if you be my sugar daddy."

Justin giggled and fell on top of Joey. "Well I pronounce us Boy toy and sugar daddy."

"Give me a kiss babe" Joey smiled.

Justin shivered as Joey called him babe. He leaned forward and felt Joey's body change. It stiffened and relaxed as he made his way to those luscious lips that waited to be touched. He let his hand wonder to Joey's crotch and began to squeeze gently. He saw Joey moan and placed his lips over Joey's sticking his tongue in.

Joey felt his body on fire as Justin was exploring it with his body and hands. He started to thrust his hips upwards, as Justin's hand became a little more possessive with his groin. He let his hands wonder all over Justin's chest and played with his nipples. He grinned as his lover squeaked out. He continued to kiss wanting to make sure Justin was getting the same attention as he was.

Joey pulled away his body burning with desire. He wanted Justin to take him now. "Just, I need you, want you, god I just want you to make love to me."

"Well damn that's the quickest first date I've ever had. Just go straight for the sex" Justin grinned.

"It's your damn fault for playing with my dick you know" Joey mocked growled.

Justin chuckled. "I'm glad I'm having this effect on you sweetie. You sure you want me to go all the way. Have you ever?"

"No. I've never with a man" Joey answered. "What about you?"

Justin blushed. "Yeah I have with a man. No, it's not JC"

"I wasn't thinking it" Joey grinned.

"Were to" Justin mock pouted.

"Was not" Joey winked. "Besides it's none of my business."

"Damn straight" Justin smiled as he squeezed Joey's package hard causing his lover to moan loudly. "Back to business."

Joey grinned. "Now you're talking Curly. Please baby"

Justin smiled as he pulled away and stripped his lover. He gave an appreciative moan at Joey's naked form and felt his dick grow hard. His eyes lit on fire. He stripped himself of his clothes and went back to kissing Joey's naked chest.

"Oh Justin" Joey moaned loving the way his lover's hands felt on his body.

"Damn Joe" Justin breathed. "No one has ever made me this excited."

"Glad to be of service" Joey chucked as he licked Justin's neck.

Justin shivered and licked his way down Joey's chest smiling as Joey moaned. He licked over the two nipples, gently biting down before he made his way lower.

Joey hissed through clenched teeth. Justin's mouth on his body is going to make him cum sooner than he wanted. He ran his hands through the golden curls. "Just, please I'm not going to last much longer."

Justin pulled back and saw Joey's dick was purplish from the overflow of blood. "You're not kidding." He licked his lips in anticipation of taking his lovers wonderful eight-inch cock in his mouth. He sucked the tip as it oozed pre-cum and used his other hand to message the large testicles.

Joey moaned in pure bliss. His body was heading towards the white light of bliss. Justin's mouth felt so damn good. The way he was licking on his satin shaft, occasionally raking his teeth upwards causing tingling sensations throughout his body. He started to fuck the mouth in response to Justin's sweet torture.

Justin moaned as Joey started to thrust in his mouth. He loved the way he was making his new lover feel. This is what they wanted what he wanted for a long time. He heard Joey's panting quicken as he felt the hot member tighten for release.

"BABY I'M GOING TO CUM!" Joey screamed as his trusts got faster.

"Give it all to me" Justin smiled as he squeezed Joey's balls.

Joey shouted as he felt his orgasm hit him hard as he started to shoot in Justin's' mouth. "OH SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!"

Justin felt Joey's cum hit the back of his throat. He swallowed every drop that Joey had to offer until Joey's dick went limp. He then withdrew and looked at his spent lover. "Damn Joe that was awesome."

"Oh Curly" Joey breathed trying to catch his breath. "That was the best damn blow job I ever had."

"It was the only blow job you had" Justin grinned.

"Given by a man yes" Joey shot back and then smiled as he saw how purple Justin's dick became. "Looks like someone needs some loving''"

Justin grinned. "And how. Joey, you don't have to. Not until your comfortable with having sex with a man."

"Justy, I love you and want you to make love to me until you can't stand it no more" Joey said lovingly.

Justin gulped. "Did you just say until I can't stand it any more? 'Cause if you did than NSYNC would be no more. We would never come out of the room."

"Then I'll die a happy man" Joey smiled. "I'm ready Justin. Just be gentle."

Justin grinned and placed Joey's legs over his shoulder. "I'll be as gentle as a cloud."

"NOT THAT GENTLE!" Joey laughed.

Justin smiled at his lover. He rubbed his cock with the pre-cum that was leaking out of the tip. He shivered in anticipation of his lover's sweet tight ass gripping his hard cock. Justin let out a low moan at the thought.

"Babe, if you don't enter me then you'll cum just thinking about it" Joey breathed heavily looking at his lover. "Besides, I want you to fuck me."

Justin grinned. "Anxious aren't we."


"Well, what if I don't wanna fuck you" Justin mock threatened.

"You're lying" Joey chuckled. "I know you want to fuck me. I want you to fuck me as hard as you want."

Justin nearly fell on top of Joey at his words. "Damn boy, you have a way with words."

"That's why I'm such a flirt" Joey grinned. "Please baby, I know you can't take it much more and I KNOW I can't take it any longer."

Justin kissed Joey passionately. He then made way to Joey's ear as he positioned himself at Joey's virgin hole. "It's going to hurt for a minute but I'll be careful."

"Just go slow" Joey moaned as Justin's head teased his hole.

"I love you baby" Justin replied as he gently pushed his cock into Joey's ass.

"OH FUCK" Joey grunted as he felt he was being ripped open with a poker. He winced at the pain it was producing but relaxed as much as he could so he could take all of his baby's manhood.

Justin closed his eyes and let out a low pleasurable moan. Joey's ass gripped him so tight that he had to place his hands on Joey's chest to keep him from falling over. "Oh Damn Joe, you're so fucking tight."

"Oh Justin" Joey moaned. "Glad you think so. Damn this feels good."

Justin didn't move as he waited for Joey to adjust to having a cock inside him. He saw the flame of passion dancing in his lover's eyes. He felt Joey thrust up letting him know that he was ready. "I'm gonna send you into paradise."

"Corny Just, very corny" Joey moaned. "If you don't move I'm gonna spank that white ass of yours."

Justin winked. "Horny Joey?"

"I'm not the only one" Joey whispered in pleasure as he again thrust his hips upwards to get Justin going.

"Okay I get the hint" Justin chuckled as he started to move in his lover. "Oh yes Joey"

"Oh Justin" Joey sighed in content as Justin was slowly moving in him.

Both were silent as Justin moved in and out of Joey. Soon he felt his body tensing and started to thrust harder. He grabbed Joey's cock in his hand and started to jerk him off.

"HARDER!" Joey screamed as his body tensed as he was thrown into another orgasm spilling seed all over their chests.

"OH JOE!" Justin screamed as Joey's ass gripped him hard sending him into an orgasm. He thrust hard and fasts letting his seed fill the depths of Joey's soul.

Soon it was all over as Joey collapsed on the bed covered in semen and sweat. He smiled as Justin pulled out and was lying next to him.

"Damn Baby that was the best love making I've ever had" Joey smiled as he kissed Justin.

"I've never experienced sex like that before" Justin panted as he drew Joey into his arms.

Joey kissed him. "It's not sex Justin. We made love."

Justin hugged Joey. "I like this so much better."

"Boys!" a voice replied interrupting the tender moment.

"Shit!" They both cursed as they scrambled out of bed.

"Yeah Lonnie!" Joey screamed putting on his boxers.

"Hurry up! We have to be at The Studio in one hour to do TRL" Lonnie replied from the outside.

"Shit, Do we have time to eat" Justin replied.

Joey chuckled. "We already ate."

Justin hit Joey in the arm. "That's not what I'm talking about."

Joey winked at him as he heads towards the shower.

"We'll stop and get you something from McDonalds" Lonnie replied. "Just hurry up."

"We'll do" Justin answered as ran to join Joey in the shower.

An hour later both Joey and Justin made it to the studio stuffing their faces with Big Mac's and french fries. They really didn't have time to eat since most of the morning was spent making love to each other. They gave secretive grins as Lonnie just shrugged it off.

They waited for Carson Daly to start the show before introducing his co-hosts.

"So Joe how did you know you were gay?" Justin whispered so no one could hear the conversation.

"Well I guess it was when I was sixteen years old. I was never into sports. I never cared for them as much that's why I sucked. But that isn't an indication I was gay. However, Football was. At the home games I would love to watch the Football players bend down when they first begin. It made gave me a hard on. I would look at cheerleaders and nothing. No bone or anything, it wouldn't rise at all. So that there told me I was gay," Joey said softly.

"Oh wow" Justin replied. "How did your family react?"

"Not good. I knew I was gay at sixteen but never told my family until I was eighteen. I needed the time to figure out if it was true or not. It's true." Joey sighed. "My mom is a strict Catholic and went through the roof when I told my family I was gay. Dad was really bad. He told me to get out of the house. Steven didn't want anything to do with me so just disowned me as his brother. I never felt so alone so scared. I thought I was cursed with being gay. That It was a disease it was harmful. But a light came into my life and showed me that being gay is who I am and that I should accept it."

"Who was the light?" Justin asked

"My sister, Janine", Joey smiled. "She accepted my sexuality right away and told me that she would always love me because I'm her silly ass baby brother. I loved her for that and she became my rock, as I needed the support. She gave me a place to stay. I was still in high school so she had all the important stuff in school mailed to her address. I just started school when my parents kicked me out. I spent the whole year living with my sister and she helped me come to terms about my sexuality. I'm grateful for her Justin. If it weren't for Janine I would have been dead. She was the only one who came to my graduation but I didn't care. She was there for me and I will be there for her. She's all the family I have left."

"Not anymore" Justin smiled as he hugged his boyfriend. "You have me now."

"You and Janine I can live with that. I don't want to come out to the guys yet," Joey said softly. "As much as I trust them with my life this is something I'm scared of. What if they reject us Justin?"

"I know what you mean. I don't want to tell them either not until the time is right or they catch us screwing around" Justin grinned. "And Joe, I'm sorry that your family didn't take it so well. Maybe they'll change."

"Not going to happen. They haven't spoken to me in over five years. Don't worry about the public finding out my family might hate me because of my lifestyle but their not stupid either. They have pride and wants something like this kept hidden. They won't blab to the entire world" Joey assured his new lover.

"I'm not worried about that because if they out you then I would out myself to the public. Joey you mean the world to me even the group so if the guys kick you out then they might as well kick me out. We're in the long haul babe," Justin said proudly.

"That means so much to me Just. So what about your family?" Joey asked.

"Show time boys" The producer came in and announced.

"Later, we're on air" Justin smiled.

"And Lance is going to kick our scrawny asses to hell and back" Joey laughed as they went out on stage.

"Whatcha watching Lance?" Chris asked as he and JC sat next to their friend.

"I want to watch TRL to see how Justin and Joey are holding up. I haven't been able to reach them last night and I'm sorta worried" Lance replied.

"Lance, they can take care of themselves" Chris assured his young friend.

"I know but I still worry. It is Justin and Joey after all," Lance said softly. It wasn't a matter trusting them. He completely trusts them it's just that Justin is young and at the same time reckless while Joey is an accident waiting to happen. He couldn't help but worry for their safety.

"Hey I bet they're relaxing and having good time" JC added it. "It's not like their screwing each other."

"That would be just too weird" Lance laughed. "Too, too weird."

"That the fact that they could be gay or just screwing each other" Chris laughed.

"Both" Lance smiled as JC turned on the television to MTV.

"TRL should be starting soon" Chris replied as they turned back to the TV.

"And with us today are two members from the most popular boy band in the country. Here they are ladies From NSYNC, Justin Timberlake and Joey Fatone" Carson introduced.

The fans outside went nuts as the two NYSNC Members walked out and waved to the crowds.

"Oh my god" JC replied eyeing his two best friends.

"What the hell happened to them?" Chris asked.

Lance just sat there as a flood of emotions passed through him. He leaves those two alone for one day and they already got into a fight. "They better have one hell of an excuse."

"Uh oh" JC chuckled slightly.

"Justin and Joe are in trouble" Chris sang.

"Big Trouble" Lance growled. "I want to hear what they have to say for themselves. Damnit they weren't even thinking straight. This can affect the whole group."

"Lance calm down. We'll find out from our friends" JC soothed trying to get Lance to stay calm.

Lance ignored his friends and just stared at the television.

Carson was shocked. He didn't expect Joey or Justin to be in this condition. Even the make up artists couldn't cover up their bruises. "Uh, hi guys."

Both blushed with embarrassment.

"I guess we should explain what happened?" Joey answered knowing Carson's question.

"Yeah the fans are shocked to see two members beat up" Carson replied.

"It started in a club" Justin began. "The Midnight Run."

"Wild place" Carson asked.

"Yeah it was" Joey replied. "We were having fun just being ourselves and dancing. Well me being the drinker of the group had a wee bit too much too drink."

"Joey got drunk and this guy came up to us and started to call us names. He called us faggots and queers. Joey hates ignorant people like that. So he got in his face and told him off" Justin continued. "The guy didn't like it so he hit Joey. I couldn't stand by and let this jerk hurt my friend so I hit him."

"It turned into a brawl," Joey said softly. "Luckily for us Lonnie came in and saved our cute butts."

"Are you two okay?" Carson asked. "That club has a lot of no good drunks there."

"We're fine, just a little sore but we'll be okay" Justin smiled.

"But we're gonna be in so much trouble with Lance" Joey chuckled.

"Oh you don't know how much trouble you both are in" Lance hissed.

"Good thing they didn't say Justin was drunk. We know Justin drinks when he's with us" Chris added.

"I'm just glad that they weren't hurt" JC breath a sigh of relief.

"I'm gonna kill them. I told them not go clubbing, not to drink, and not to get into a fight. Why can't they listen for once!" Lance hissed.

"'Cause it's Joey and Justin is why" Chris replied. "Lance calm down I know you want things to go smoothly but they are adults and have a right to do things on their own."

"Chris I know that. But they have to think that every action they do will affect this group" Lance stated.

"Lance, for once will you open your eyes. What is more important to you? The group or Joey and Justin" JC replied a little peeved at Lance.

"Well, we're glad that you two weren't hurt too badly" Carson smiled.

"Thanks Carson. We really appreciate the concern. Lance, we're sorry we screwed up," Joey said looking into the camera. "We'll try and do better."

"Yeah Lance please forgive us" Justin replied getting on his knees and started to beg. "I'm just a youngin."

Carson laughed. He enjoyed having NSYNC on the show. They really like to have fun and mess around with everyone. He wished more celebrities would just be themselves. "Okay Lance you have to forgive them. They're embarrassing you on national television."

Joey and Justin grinned. "Ah, Carson is behind us. What more can we ask?"

"That you both introduce the number seven video for this week" Carson grinned.

"OH NO NOT WORK!" They moaned and mocked pouted.

Carson laughed. "Yes work."

"Fine" They laughed.

"Okay and the number seven spot goes to" Joey started but stopped as he felt something wrong. He grabbed Justin's arm.

Justin turned to his friend. "Joe, what's wrong."

Joey couldn't breath. Something was blocking the flow of oxygen to his body. He felt weak and couldn't hear anything that was going around him. He heard Carson screams for him and Justin but he couldn't focus. All that he could focus was something was wrong with his body. He fell to the ground and surrendered to the darkness.


Well I hope that satisfies everyone's craving for Chapter 4. I emailed a couple of people saying sex wasn't going to happened. I lied. I hope you all liked my first male/male sex scene. What's going to happen in Chapter 5? What's wrong with Joey and Justin? And why is Lance so protective of both Justin and Joey? Well I hope you enjoyed the story and please email me at

Next: Chapter 5

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