
By moc.loa@42legnasniveK

Published on Jun 29, 2000


Disclaimer: I do not do Not Own NSYNC nor do I imply that one or more members are gay. This story is a piece of fiction so sits backs and enjoy.

If you have comments or suggestions about the story please email me at

Check out some of my fav stories out there. They're worth reading.

Kevin and Justin =Read if you like emotional overload. It's great and they're finally together. Cheers




Superman Can't Fly =Great Joey Story btw

Fixing the BSB= I still say Nick and Kev grins

Tale of Two Boy Bands= Put JC AND Kev BACK Whines It's a great story. Xtreme NSYNC

Get You Back And many others

Thanks To Billy. It was his site that I found Nifty, Now On to the story.



Chapter 2

Written by Kevinsangel

Justin grinned as he watched the plane take off. He and Joey planned to go out later that evening regardless of what Lance told them. How often did they have a chance to do something wild without Lance finding out? Not too many and tonight Joey and himself are going to party till dawn.

"Now that Heir Bass is gone let's party!" laughed Justin, as he couldn't contain his merriment.

"Come on Just, Lance isn't THAT Bad" Joey chuckled.

"Oh yes he is and you know it. Remember the time you decided to sneak off when we were in Paris." Justin chuckled as he remembered how pissed Lance was once they discovered Joey was gone.

"Oh yeah" Joey smiled as he rubbed his goatee. "I never seen Lance so pissed before."

"You were lucky you were out playing doctor with some girl. The rest of us got to hear Lance, rant, rave cussing up a storm like you wouldn't believe and even threatened to have you killed" Justin laughed. "I've never heard so many bad words come out of his mouth."

Joey laughed. "I feel bad that you three had to hear it. When I rejoined the group Lance gave me the 'look'."

Justin gave a mock whimper. " I rather hear Lance say colorful words than to have the 'look.'"

"Trust me Lance had a bodyguard watching my every move until we got back to the hotel. Then he chewed my ass out saying that I was reckless and I've could've gotten hurt" Joey said with a small sigh.

"I don't understand Lance" Justin asked in a serious tone. "He's older than me but younger than the rest of you but he's in charge. Why not Chris since he's the oldest. Look at Kevin Richardson of the Backstreet Boys?"

"Lance has more sense than the rest of us" Joey smiled as he answered Justin's question. "Kevin is more responsible than the other members of his group. That's why they look up to him. Wisdom does come with age but in some cases it doesn't. Look at Chris."

Justin laughed at the thought of Chris in charge of NSYNC they would never get things done. Josh as serious as he was didn't like to be in charge. Joey and himself goofed off too much. So it made sense that Lance was in charge. Not only did he have the business sense but also he had the most common sense of the group. That's why he makes the perfect leader and protector of the group. "Good Point. Do you think we depend on Lance too much?"

"Of course we do. There are times when Lance is frustrated and hates his position but he would do it again in a heartbeat. He loves his job too much" Joey grinned as they headed back to the hotel.

"Yes Lance we're fine. No we haven't burnt down the hotel. No we're not drunk, high nor had sex with women. NO Lance we haven't broken the law" Justin sighed as he answered Lance's interrogation.

Joey chuckled as he watched the conversation between Justin and Lance. He loved watching Justin squirmed as Heir Bass as Justin likes to call him is checking up on them.

"Lance it's been three hours since you left New York. Joey and I are alive and well. We are behaving ourselves like good little boys. Awe, come on mommy I really want to go out and play" Justin replied in a playful tone.

Joey laughed. He was teaching Justin so well at being a smart-ass. Although Justin made smart ass comments before but he's getting much better at making snappier comments with him around.

"Here Heir Bass wants to talk to you" Justin smirked as he handed Joey the phone.

"Oh shit." Joey cursed. "Oh hey Lance. I didn't think you heard that."

He turned to Justin who was laughing his ass off. He gave Justin that I'm gonna get you back look. Justin just flipped him off. Joey stuck his tongue at Justin and then went back to Lance. " Lance chill. We're big boys now and can take care of ourselves. We don't need a chaperone to call us every two hours to see if we're still breathing or in prison." Joey rolled his eyes, as Lance kept making sure everything was all right. Joey appreciates Lance's concern but this was getting annoying. "Lance there's something wrong with the phone. The connection makes static noises there's too much static continues to make static noise Lance, I'm losing. Hangs up Damn lost connection."

Justin was rolling on the floor with what Joey did to Lance. "That was mean."

"You're just mad because I thought of it before you did" Joey laughed.

"Damn Straight" Justin replied with a pout on his face. "Lance's probably pissed and he's gonna call back."

"Nope" Joey said with a satisfied grin on his face. "We're gonna turn off our cell phones and pagers."

"So Lance won't bother us, cool" Justin laughed.

"Lets get ready cause tonight we're gonna party!" Joey whooped in excitement.

Justin let out a whoop as they went to their rooms to get ready to go clubbing.

Joey and Justin arrived at Midnight Run. It was a fast pace dance club filled with all sorts of people and played different types of music. They couldn't wait to hit the dance floor and just be themselves. They didn't have to wait in line as one of the bouncers recognized who they were.

They entered the club and grinned at the fast pace action in front of them.

"This is one of the reasons I like being famous" Justin chuckled. "We don't have to wait in lines."

"Your bad Justin you know that" Joey grinned. "Well there's no Lance, no bodyguards, let's get down." He let out a loud whoop as he dragged Justin to the dance floor.

A lone figure watched the two stars dance the night away with every single girl in the room. He smiled as he put his plan into action.

The stranger waved down a waitress and ordered two beers. He waited for the booze to arrive so he took out a bottle of pills and smiled. Lost in thought on how to make Joey and Justin suffer he didn't hear the waitress approach and set down two beers.

"Six fifty sir"

"Huh" the stranger asked.

"The beer it's six fifty" The waitress replied.

"Sorry just lost in thought" he blushed as he pulled a hundred out of his wallet. "I tell you what I know this'll cover the beer but I'll let you keep the change if you do me a favor."

The waitress smiled at the hundred staring at her that she didn't see the stranger slip two pills in the two drinks. "Of course I'll do anything for a hundred."

"Will that include you sucking my dick" The stranger inquired.

"I'll fuck you so hard that it will blow your mind" The waitress said in a seductive voice.

"I would like that but first things first. I want you to deliver these beers to those two sitting in that far booth from the dance floor" The figure pointed.

"The one where Justin Timberlake and Joey Fatone from NSYNC is sitting?" She asked.

"That's the one. Tell them it's on a friend and DO NOT point them to me!" The stranger insisted.

"Sure thing" The waitress smiled as she put the beer on her tray. She tried to take her money but the stranger refused to let go. "HEY!"

"No, No, No, I won't give you the money until you deliver the beer and the fuck you promise. I'll throw an extra hundred if you're that good" The stranger said with a sly grin.

The waitress smiled as she turned and walked over to the strangers intended targets. She placed the beer in front of them saying that it was from a friend.

The stranger smiled at the confused looks of the young stars that shrugged it off and started to down the booze.

"Drink up boys because the fun is just beginning" The stranger laughed as the waitress came to collect her money.


So what did you think? Bad place to leave off huh? So what does the pills exactly do? Why does the stranger hate Joey and Justin So much? Will Justin and Joey be all right? Find out in the next installment of Survivors.

Next: Chapter 3

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