
By Daniel Summers

Published on Aug 26, 2010


() Sorry about this mix up with the repeat of Chapter 1. I did upload the right file to Nifty (Checked myself), but they accidently uploaded the wrong story wich is not a big deal. Enjoy Ch2. ()


This story belongs to me (Daniel Summers) please do not copy and paste it anywhere!

Please be of the legal age to read stories such like this.

All characters may by based on real human beings, but other then that are fiction. Some places are fiction while others and real.

Finally this story is fiction, so it should be treated as such.

Give me feedback at:

Thanks for all the emails I got on Chapter 1, so without further delay, here's Chapter2!!

Chapter 2 -- Wish I May

I woke up to someone shaking my body awake. "Justin, Happy Birthday." I got up to see my Aunt and Uncle holding a gift in their hands, actually there was two.

"Thank you." I still couldn't smile, I tried, but I didn't have a reason to be happy anymore.

My aunt handed me a long box with a bow on top. "Here honey, open ours first." I took it from her; pulling the string the bow came undone, releasing its hold on the box. I took of the lid and removed the protective covering to find a silver necklace with a rectangular pendant. "It's a locket. Open it." I looked at them, almost scared of what I would find inside. Opening the folds I found a little picture of me, my Mother and Father. This picture was taking at Christmas time; all three of us were huddled on the couch in each other's arms. "I hope you like-" I pulled them both into my arms.

"It's perfect." I whispered in their ears. "Thank you." I pulled back from them, tears stinging down my face. My aunt wiped them away with a kiss.

"Here this one is actually from your parents. We helped them with it before, well before the- ahh. Here." I felt bad for my Uncle, sure they were only his brother and sister in laws, but he had to deal with me and my heartbreak. I took the other, smaller, square box from him and tore off the wrapping paper. Inside was a set of keys. I looked at them, what did this mean?

"Well since your now sixteen, and can get your licence, all four of us wanted to get you a car." My eyes lit up and an actual smile crept over my face.

I had missed first period so I could go for my Driver's Licence. No shocker that I got it eh? I sat down in my second period Chemistry class. "Hey, where were you this morning?" Nardalee poked my side.

"Oh sorry, went for my Driver's." I smiled wide at her. "I passed!" She leaned in and kissed my cheek. "What's that for?"

"I'm just glad you're smiling again." I looked at her. God I really did love her. I leaned in and hugger her.

"Thanks Nardalee."

"You're welcome, now look forward people are staring!" I laughed at that. Sure enough almost the whole class was staring at us. Great now rumours would probably spread like wildfire about us two.

Lunch onece again rolled around right on schedule. I sat at the same table with my same two best buds like always. "Aren't you going to eat anything Justin?" I looked up at Chris. I shook my head no. I didn't have much of an appetite these days. I looked over at the jock table. Kyle was staring at me. I made up my mind I would end this right here, right now!

"I'll be right back guys, I have something I need to take care of." I got up and walked over to Kyle's table.

"Hey look, it's the fag!" Chad the full back kicked in.

"Wow Chad." I looked him dead in the eye. "Is that the best you could possible do? C'mon there is not one thing on this Earth you can say that will make me feel even worse than I possible do. Give it your best shot."

"Then go cry to your mommy. Oh wait, she's dead." He snickered. I shook my head at him. Everyone at the table had a look of disgust on their faces. I guess they didn't like one bit of what Chad was saying.

"Whatever." I turned my attention to Kyle. "Kyle I just wanted to say sorry, and I didn't mean for that thing to happen." I looked at him for a second longer and walked away. I walked over to my table, "Guys I don't want to be here, I'm going for some fresh air." I walked outside of Lunchroom. Ten steps into the hallway I felt a hand grab my arm!


"Baby I want to fuck you." Johnny kissed my neck.

"No Johnny, I'm not ready." He pulled back, looking fed up.

"You know Justin, you such a tease." He grabbed my arm and pulled me into him.

"Johnny c'mon your drunk!"

"So what! I'm getting what I want!" He forced himself on top of me.

"Stop this!" I yelled. He reached for my pants and started to unzip them. I screamed and kicked, trying to free myself!

"This is going to be good, you're going to enjoy this."

"Stop!" I screamed. My kicking landed my knee right between his legs. Johnny heeled over in pain. I opened the door of his truck and took of running!


"Justin! Anybody home?" My eyes focused in. I brushed Kyle's hand off my arm. "I just wanted to tell you that you're forgiven. And that Chad is a complete ass hole. Everyone threatened to beat him up once you left."

"Umm thanks, I guess." I looked at his soft blue eyes. I just loved the way he towered over me. 6'2, wide broad shoulders, short blonde hair. But those eyes... Those icey blue eyes; they were so, captivating, so.... amazing. "My Aunt and Uncle are throwing me a Birthday Party today. Why don't you come." My brain caught up with my mouth. Why did I just ask him that?

"Sure I'd love that!" I looked at him and smiled bigger than I haf in a long time.

Ring! The doorbell went off. I bounded across the room and opened the door. "Happy Birthday!" Nardalee threw herself into my arms. I lifted her in the air.

"Thank you so much!"

"By the way, that was your gift." She confessed as I placed her on the ground.

"Good I didn't want one!" I smiled at her and turned my attention to Chris in the doorway.

"Happy Birthday dude." He came in and gave me a hug too.

"Aww thanks man." I hugged him as well. "Hey you guys I want to show you something!" I pulled them both into the kitchen. I grabbed my locket and held it in my hand. "What do you think?" I asked as I opened the locket.

"Justin is beautiful." Nardalee took it in her hands.

"Here bud, I'll put it on you." Chris took the necklace from Nardalee and went behind me. He place the locket around my neck and locked it in place. "Looks good on you man." I gave him a big hug. I felt something on the top of my head. I looked up at my tall friend.

"Why did you just kiss the top of my head?" I looked at him a little confused.

"Cause you're like my little brother. And I love you dude." He smiled at me.

"Thanks Chris." I gave him a quick hug again.

"We are going to go help your Aunt and Uncle outside." Nardalee grabbed Chris's arm and dragged him outside. I had to laugh at those two. They truly were like the brother and sister I never had. I went over to the piano and started playing. Something I hadn't done in ahile yet again. My hands slammed on the keys, bringing dramatic sounds into the air. Gently they morphed into soft notes. I felt that this was my story. A dramatic income, a soft childhood, rough young adulthood, then the soft and safe feelings I got from my family and friends.

Someone lightly squeezed my shoulder. "You're really good." My hands left the keys. My eyes flew up to see Kyle. "I hope you don't mind, I knocked and no one answered."

"N-no I don't mind." Damn it Justin, why do you get this way around him? Kyle took a seat next to me.

"What was that you were playing?" He asked.

"Nothing actually, just how I'm feeling." He looked at me, then the piano.

"Play another one?" he asked.

"Sure." My hands flew to the keys, wanting to play something to impress him. The soft yet quick movements of my hands formed a flawless Für Elise. Note after note I struck the right tone, and kept the best tempo I have ever done. The song came to a nice close-

"Justin you really are amazing." He touched my hand.

"Well when I'm inspired, I play a lot better." My lips formed a gentle smile.

"Really? What inspires you?"

"Well-" I was cut off by a scream behind me.

"Oh my god Justin! You didn't tell me you inviting Kyle Andrew Tate!" I turned around to see Nardalee freaking out. I buried my face in my hands I was so embarrassed. "Where are my manners? I'm Nardalee. Nardalle James." She flew over to us and shook Kyle's hand.

"Nardalee, dear lord give it a rest!" I groaned

"Your right, today is about you... 150% about you." She smiled at me. I was surprised at how stressed I became after this little exchange. I got up and went to my room. Pulling out my violin I started to play the first thing that popped into my head. I needed this musical release. I felt the stress leave my body as I softly played.

"Is there anything you're not good at?" I looked at Kyle standing in the doorway.

"Tons. I like music, it helps me vent my feelings." I set my instrument down on my bed.

"Your Aunt wanted me to tell you Suppers ready."

"Thanks Kyle. I'll ah... I'll be down in a minute." He nodded his head and left. There was one thing I needed to do. I pulled out my phone and listened to a voice memo I had recorded a long time ago.

"Justin, you're the most amazing son we could have ever asked for. I know we won't be there for you forever, but we will always be in your heart. Your special, and above all else your loved. We love you so much." My mom's voice stopped. I remember the day this was recorded. I felt that I had let them down by telling them I was gay. I wiped the tears from my face and put my phone away.

I went outside to grab a burger from the barbeque. "You ok honey?" My Aunt asked as I sat down.

"Yeah. I'm perfect." All six of us sat down outside and ate. Finally the all mighty birthday cake came.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you," They all sang together, "Happy Birthday dear Justin, Happy Birthday to you!"

"Make a wish." My uncle yelled over their finished musical notes. I looked at the burning candles, and back at the people that surrounded me. There was only one thing I could wish for. It was the one thing I couldn't have, not anymore. Tears welled in my eyes. I saw the sympathy in everyone's face.

"Man I really have to stop this crying." I laughed a little bit and formed a wish in my head. Counting backwards from 3 in my head I blew out the candles. "Now let's eat cake."

Out of nowhere there was a knock at the door. I looked around at everyone. "Oh fine I'll get it!" Laughing I made my way from the patio to the front door at the other end of the house. "Johnny what the hell are you doing here?!" I yelled in a whisper.

"I wanted to see you, it is your birthday after all." He smiled at me and reached for me hand. I yanked it away and shoved him back.

"I don't ever want to see you... ever again." I glared at him.

"But I love you, I'm sorry! Please take me back."

"Leave. Now."

"No." He yelled.

"I do believe you were asked to leave." I turned around to see Kyle, once again standing behind me.

"Kyle I've got this, just... just go back outside." He completely ignored me and came up beside me putting his arms around me, it felt like he was shielding me.

"I see. You've already moved on." Johnny looked at both of us. Feeling warm lips touch my cheek I closed my eyes to enjoy the blissful feeling of having Kyle's lips on my skin. By the time my eyelids opened Johnny was gone, and so were Kyle's lips.

"Why did you do that?" I turned around and looked at him. I was so beyond confused.

"I have ah- I have an overwhelming urge to protect you." I put my hand on his shoulder and squeezed a little bit.

"Kyle you really don't have to protect me. I'm fine." I whispered.

"No you're not. All I'm asking is to be your friend." He pulled me close to him.

"You want to be friends with a 16 year old, gay kid in grade 10?" I asked.

"Yes." He breathed.

"Then I want to be friends with a tall, handsome, 17 year old, dumb jock in the 11th." He laughed. I kissed his cheek and gave him a hug.

I rushed into band practice; it was my first time in the room in over a week. "Listen up! We are practicing Group 12 today!" Mr. Christensen barked at the group. "Hastings!" He turned his attention to me. "I want you on the Piano for today. We have a newcomer." He looked at some papers in his hand. "Meet Tanner Boyle. Hastings you and Boyle will share the violin spot later on." Not wanting to piss the coach off I went to the Piano and got ready to play. I looked over to my spot to see one of the most gorgeous guys I had ever seen! Tall, dark, handsome... I think I nearly creamed my pants just looking at him.

Band zipped by, I really did miss being surrounded by the musical sounds. "Hi I'm Tanner." This god came up to me and offered his hand.

"I'm Justin, Justin Hastings." I said taking his hand. "You're a really good violin player.

"You're not a bad pianist yourself." I smiled.

"Thanks. Do you need a ride home?" Damn it. I really need to stop with these out of the blue questions. I just couldn't help myself. He was just too sexy.

"You know what? I'd like that." He grabbed his bag and followed me to the parking lot. The little students and teachers still left in the building were all gathering at their vehicles.

"Hey I've been looking everywhere for you!" I looked ahead at the tall figure.

"Kyle. You know what? Just because we're friends, doesn't mean you have to neglect your other ones." He smiled at me.

"That's exactly what it means Justin! Besides I just got done Football practice." I laughed. "So who's your new friend?" He asked.

"Oh I'm sorry, Justin this is Tanner Boyle. Tanner this is Kyle Tate." The shook hands and I got a glare from Kyle. I guess he was getting that bad boy vibe to. I loved it. We climbed into my truck. Kyle came over to the driver's side and whispered in my ear.

"Be careful." I smiled at him.

"Aren't I always? See you tomorrow Kyle." He backed off as I reversed the truck. We drove for a couple minutes in silence. I looked over at Tanner. He was gazing out the window, watching the trees and other cars pass.

"Did I do something wrong?" I looked over at him- confused.

"What are you talking about?" I asked and placed my eyes back on the road.

"Jus the way that guy looked at me, it was if I was a threat or something." I laughed. Tanner looked at me like I offended him.

"I'm sorry. It's just Kyle is a... well he's a really protective friend." He looked forward once again.

"Remind me not to get on his bad side," he paused for a second and smiled, "Or yours for that matter." I had to laugh at that.

"I don't think that will happen. Now, were do I turn off?" I asked.

"One block after this turn right and go down 5 more blocks." Hmm. He lived close to me, just a couple houses down in fact.

"Were practically neighbours. I live at 225."

"That's awesome, I'm at 230. Least I will have someone I know." He confessed.

"Where did you move from?" I asked.

"New York."

"So what's a big city American doing in Edmonton?" I asked intrigued.

"Well my father works for this big shot company, so they needed him to move down here. I'm just glad I met someone cool, it really made the move worthwile." He looked at me and smiled. I pulled into the driveway of his house. "Thanks for the ride Justin." He got out and started up his walkway.

"No problem Tanner." He stopped in his tracks and came back to the truck.

"Mind if I ask you something?" He leaned in the driver's window.

"Sure go ahead." He leaned in a little closer and kissed my lips. He pulled back, noticing the shock on my face he started to panic.

"I'm so sor-" My lips smothered his again. His tongue prodded at my lips, begging for entrance. I opened my mouth; his tongue flooded in and duelled with mine. The kiss lingered as we continued to press ourselves against each other. Finally we pulled back for air. We both had this silly smile on our faces. He wasn't the best kisser, but I would teach him. "So I'll see you t-tomorrow." He stuttered. I thought only I did that.

"Definitely." Tanner watched as I pulled out of the driveway and sped off a few houses back. I got out of my truck and looked down the street, he was still standing in his driveway.

"See you tomorrow." He yelled.

"Bye Tanner!" I shouted back. Reached the door to my new home I laughed. I think I'm liking where my life is going. I've been through some bug bumps, but I'm a survivor, and I will get through this storm.

If you like this story, give me some feedback and I may continue. Also if you like this story, you may like my other one, Welcome to My Life, located in the Relationships section.



Also my life is fairly busy, that is why my chapters are taking longer to come out. Hope this one lived up to your expectations!!

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