
By Daniel Summers

Published on Aug 11, 2010



This story belongs to me (Daniel Summers) please do not copy and paste it anywhere!

Please be of the legal age to read stories such like this.

All characters may by based on real human beings, but other then that are fiction. Some places are fiction while others and real.

Finally this story is fiction, so it should be treated as such.

Give me feedback at:


Let me arise and open the gate, to breathe the wild warm air of the heath, And to let in Love, and to let out Hate, And anger at living and scorn of Fate, To let in Life, and to let out Death.

~Violet Fane

Chapter 1 - Shocker

"I said leave me alone Johnny!" I stormed off in the other direction. The bell for school had just sounded and I had cheerleading and band practice to get to. I know what you're thinking, `Male Cheerleader, FAG!' Well all I can say to that is you're half right. I am a fag, although I do strongly prefer to term gay, and I'm not a cheerleader, I'm the fill in mascot.

"Justin wait!" I spun around, feeling like I could spit fire I was so pissed off.

"What part of, leave me the fuck alone, do you not get." Johnny smiled nervously.

"It was just a joke... yeah a joke." He stood with his hands in his pockets, shaking with fear. He was right to be scared, the little prick. I loved him, I kissed him, I trusted him. And it was all a lie, every moment, every touch, every feeling. I walked over to him, just to make sure no one else could hear.

"You tried to rape me John! I said no and you kept on pushing. I can't believe I wasted two years of my life with you, and that's all you wanted."


"Just go." I cut him off and turned to walk away.

I finally made it to band after cheerleading practice. I was already ready to go home, take a shower and hit the sack. But I had Chemistry homework still to do. The joys of being in grade 10. I sat in my chair, trying to fallow along with the others with absolutely zero success. My mind kept wondering back to the moments I had shared with Johnny Tyson, one of the most popular kids in school.

"Are you ok?" I looked up to see Johnny Tyson, All Star Baseball player.

"Ye- Yeah." I stuttered. "I'm fine." My hands rubbed my forehead, a major bump was already forming. "Looks like I need to watch out for flying baseballs." He smiled at me. Wow, what a smile. He reached out to help me up. Standing on my feet I stumbled a little bit.

"Whoa there buddy." He caught me in his arms as I fell forward. I felt stupid. Here I am short, nerdy kid, being looked after by a jock. I finally got my equilibrium back.

"Justin." I extended my hand, introducing myself. He took it and shook it. Wow. His hand was soft and warm. I know that sounds stupid because a lot of people's hands are soft and warm, but this was different.


I laughed. "I know."

"Justin what I'm trying to say is... will you go out with me." His eyes scanned my face, looking for something. Fear, doubt, excitement, shock. I don't know what he was looking for, but I didn't want to keep him guessing.

"I'd love that." I smiled at him. Relief washed over his face.

"Happy Birthday!" He screamed and scooped me up. I laid helplessly in the air by his arms.

"Thank you." My arms flew around him, wanting to keep him close. We leaned back, gazing at each other's eyes. "I love you." I finally admitted it to him. His eyes flew open in shock. "I'm sorry! I shouldn't have said th-" His lips locked tight against mine. His tongue flicked at my lips, asking permission to enter. I opened my mouth to begin the war for dominance. Naturally he won. We pulled back, gasping for air.

"I love you too."

"Mom, Dad, I have something to tell you." I sat down on the couch across from the one they were in.

"What is it honey?" My mom asked.

"Well It's jus that I-"

Ding Dong! The door sounded, interrupting my confession. "Wait here, I'll go see who it is." I got up and walked over to the door. "What are you doing here?" I almost yelled as I opened the door.

"I'm here to help." He barged in past me. I smiled, this guy of mine really did care about me. We went into the living room, sitting down I began again.

"As I was saying, Mom, Dad, I'm-" I paused drawing in a breath. "I'm gay." I closed my eyes, expecting to be slapped. All I felt was someone's arms around my body, holding me, making me feel safe. Still nothing was said. I slowly opened my eyes. My Mom and Dad were smiling at eachother.

"Oh Baby. We've known for sometime." What did she mean?! Johnny's arms tightened around me. I looked up at him, shock plagued his face.

"It wasn't that hard son. Johnny constantly coming over, non stop talking about him, always happy, hours with your door shut. It was sort of obvious after awhile." My dad laughed.

"So- So you're ok with it?"

"Justin," my Mom began, "If we weren't we would have told you a long time ago." I got up and walked into their waiting arms. "We love you sweetheart."

"I love you both, so much!"

"I love you Justin." He kissed the top of my head.

"I love you too Johnny." I snuggled in closer to his naked body. It was a new thing of ours. Him sneaking into my room in the middle of night, snuggling up to each other until we drifted off to sleep. Then wake up extra early so his parent's wouldn't find him sneaking back into his room. I couldn't help myself this time. I turned my body over so that I was facing him. My hand explored his chest. This seventeen year old hunk was mine, and no one else's. My lips found his neck, working my magic I started kissing down his neck, and chest working my way to his nipples. I took his hard right nipple in my mouth, gently sucking on it. My tongue rolled around the numb making him moan. I gently bit his nipple, making him moan out loud.

"Shhh! You're going to wake up my parents!"

"It's not my fault you got my on the pleasure express."

"Well if you keep it up, the train will be derailed before it hits Orgasm Central." My mouth immediately attacked his other nipple.

"Justin, you're killing my babe." My mouth left his nipple, licking and kissing its way down his chest. I pulled off and attacked his dick with my tongue. I just love the feeling when he goes from limp to rock hard in my mouth."

"Oh Justin. Baby you're so good!" He moaned. I started bobbing up and down on his love stick. Swirling my tongue around his tool. He grabbed my pillow to smother his moans. "Don't stop baby. Oh my god you're so good! My head bobbed faster and faster. "Oh fuck I'm close. I'm real close!" I did something I'd never done before. My head forced his tool in farther in my mouth, gently pushing it down my throat. Finally I felt my nose hit his wiry pubes. "Oh Fuck! It's... all... down... throat." The pleasure started affecting his speech. I had all 7 inches of jock cock down my throat. "Your throat is milking my dick. Fuck I'm going to cum." I flexed my throat muscles. "Cumming oh fuck I'm cumming!!" His body shook as he unloaded his juice straight into my stomach. Shot after shot, pulse after pulse. It wouldn't stop. I moved my head up to get some on my tongue. His finale three shots filled my mouth. I swallowed his sweet nectar and gently sucked on his tool, nursing the final drops out. "Come here!" Johnny pulled my face to his. Our lips slammed together, tongues fighting for control of the other's mouth. "God Justin that was so fucking good."

"I love you Johnny. I'll never stop."

"Neither will I"


"Mr. Donovan!" my instructors voice brought me out of my memories.

"Yes Mr. Scott?" I looked at him nervously.

"Out in the hallway now!" He barked. Oh shit I'm in deep trouble. I followed him out of the room. He slammed the door to the classroom and I jumped. "I'm sorry about that Justin. I need to seem like a hard ass to keep the others in line." What the hell was going on here. "I notice you're really distracted today. So what I want you to do is go home, do your homework, relax. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day." For the first time I looked at him with respect, he actually cared about his students.

"Thank you Mr. Scott."

"Justin I can tell something's wrong. If you ever want to talk, just know that I'm here for you."

"Thanks you. This ah, this really means a lot." He cleared his throat.

"Now, get out of my site." The harshness in his voice returned. He smiled and winked at me.

I finally made it home. Home. The one place I wanted to be, the one place I felt safe. "Mom? Dad?" I called out. Of course there was no answer, that's what you get for having a lawyer for a father, and a surgeon for a mother. I threw my backpack on the couch and laid my violin on the kitchen table. I knew what I needed to do. I went back into the living room and sat down on the piano bench. I hadn't played in weeks. My hands found the keys and started playing. I let the pain in my heart, flow the movement in my fingers. Slowly a song I knew well made its way in the air. The slow pace and gentle notes swept through the air. Tears poured from my face, but I never missed a note, or slipped a key. Why did he do this to me? The song gently ended, my hands wiped the tears from my face. I turned around, "Mom?"

"When the Love Falls? Justin what's wrong?" She looked really worried.

"Nothing Mom, I'm perfectly fine." I gave a fake smile.

"I know you better than you think baby. Come here." She came over and pulled me into her arms. I couldn't help myself, I broke down in deep sobs in her arms. "Shh honey. Whatever it is, you and I will get through this, you understand me?" She pulled her head back to look at me. Her hands wiped the tears away. "You're so beautiful." She soothed. "I love you sweetheart, from the moment I saw you." She hugged me again, I clung to her not wanting to let go.

"What would I ever do without you mommy?" She pulled back again, but still kept me in her arms.

"You'd survive. And you know why?" I shook my head no. "Because that's what you do, it's what you've always done. Justin you can get through anything. You're smart, handsome, loving, sensitive, strong. Nothing in this world can hold you back."

"Thank you mom." I kissed her and got up. "For everything."

"I'll always be here for you, always."

"I know. I'm going to go do my homework, than head to bed, I'm not hungry for anything."

"OK. But Justin, when you're ready, please tell me what's wrong." I turned back to look in her deep brown eyes. The same eyes I was lucky enough to inherit.

"I will Mom, I promise." I grabbed my backpack and headed up the stairs and into my room. I sunk into the chair in front of my desk, with a groan I pulled out my homework and got busy.

"Justin wake up. Come on honey it's time for school." I lugged my ass out of bed and headed for the shower. I wished the hot water could wash the pain away. I don't think any type of pain could hurt as much as betrayal. After I was dress I headed downstairs and into the kitchen. "Here." My mom said as she handed me a bowl of oatmeal. "Eat." I took it and smiled at her.

"What would I ever do without you Mom?" I sat down and attacked my food.

"You should know the answer. Justin I just wanted to remind you that your father and I are going to visit your Grandparents in Vancouver, so you'll be staying with your Aunt and Uncle on the other side of town."

"Yes Mom I remember, I'm stopping by here after school to grab my clothes and stuff, and Aunt Jane will take me to their house." I stood up the wash my bowl.

"Whoa, how tall are you?" I was shocked when she pulled me into the big mirror that hung in our living room. Wow I really did look different. 5'11, 180 pounds, short brown hair, and size 13 feet. All in all a pretty normal fifteen year old if you ask me. "You're so handsome." She stood on her toes and kissed my forehead. "Is Johnny picking you up for school?" My head dropped at that thought, the feelings came rushing in again.

"No mom."

"Well than your Dad can give you a ride. Right Jeff?" She yelled into the kitchen. My Dad peaked his head the room.

"Yes! Now will someone tell me what I just agreed too?" Me and my Mom laughed.

"Come on Dad, I'm driving." I grabbed the keys off the living room table and dragged my dad out the door.

"Do I need a hard hat or something?" He joked.

"Oh Ha...ha. Come one let's go." We jumped in my Dad's car and headed in the direction of my high school.

"Have a good day buddy."

"Bye Dad!" I waved as he pulled away. I turned around and sighed. Yet another day of school. I started walking towards the entrance, not wanted to deal with anyone. Kids in Edmonton can be dramatic. Then again kids anywhere can be dramatic.

"Justin!" Someone called from behind me. I turned and saw one of my friends Jennifer. "I need help with this math, like c'mon! How is it fair you're like Einstein?" I smiled.

"Than let's get going, Math starts in like fifteen minutes!" I perked my head up and gazed around the school yard. No one looked at me any differently, no stairs, no smiles, nothing. I guess that's one good thing of being a closet case. Only my family knew about me.

I sat next to Jennifer in Math like always, we were just Math buds, that's it, but it was nice to have someone to hang with. "Justin what is the value of X if we through 67 into the equation?" Mrs. Blithe called upon.

"Ahh, negative 267."

"Correct!" That one got plenty of stares. I did a question that takes most people minutes to complete in seconds. Time flew through the next two periods.

Finally lunch came. I took my food over and sat with my two best friends in the whole world, Nardale, a skinny black girl, and Christopher, a tall, skinny, green eyed artist. It may sound like I was a little rude, but I love these two more than my life. We truly were a crew, and they were the only ones at school that knew the real me. We sat down and started chatting, and I eventually told them the truth about what happened between me and Johnny. When I was done I couldn't eat, I just needed to get away. I bid them goodbye and went for a much needed walk. I wondered the hallways, lost in my thoughts. I looked up and saw Johnny coming down the hallway. I started running and made slipped into the closest hallway. I looked over my shoulder as lockers flew by. My head faced forward and Bam! I was out cold.

"Dude, dude, are you ok." My eyes opened, my vision still unfocused.

"What happened?"

"Well you came running around the corner and smacked your head against my locker door." I moaned in pain again. "Here let me help you up." The strangers hand grabbed mine and pulled me up effortlessly. My vision finally focused together.

"Thanks." I looked up at this tall man. Jesus Christ it was Kyle Tate. The frickin' High School Quarterback. The essence of every girl and gay man's fantasy at this school! His broad shoulders, buff arms, and blue eyes could make you weak at the knees. "Th-thanks." I stuttered again.

"No problem bro, I'm Kyle by the way. Don't we have fourth period History together?"

"Ye-Yeah we do. I'm J-Justin." We shook hands.

"Well see you around Justin." With that he walked off. Did I really just talk to Kyle Tate? I could scream. The bell sounded for next class. Great History! Least I was with Chris. I made my room to 14 B to begin the torture.

I took a seat next to Chris and opened my books. "Hey bro. How's the head?" Riley sat down in the desk beside me.

"Umm, it's go-good. Thanks for asking." I laughed nervously.

"Good afternoon class!" Mr. Christensen began. "Today we start our unit on World War II. We will learn the how the war was formed, and the essential battles that added to the end of the war. To start off were goi-" Mr. Christensen was interrupted by a knock at the door. "One minute guys." My eyes looked around the room. Kyle was looking at me. He smiled and winked at me. I blushed deep red. Mr. Christensen walked over to the door and opened it. "Good afternoon Mrs. Hayes." All eyes were on the door. The principal was standing there with two police officers. The principle whispered something into our teacher's ear. You could see his posture change and his face drop. "Justin." His face dropped and looked at the floor. "Please go with the Principle into the hallway." I looked over at Christopher. Something was very wrong. My hands shook as I put my books into my bag and got up. I nervously walked over the door and out into the hallway. The principle shut the door between us.

"Please sit Justin." I went over to the bench across from the door and sat down.

"Mrs. Hayes. Please. Tell me what's going on." I begged. I looked at the officers and back at her. She came over and set down beside me.

"Justin, I'm sorry to have to tell you this but." She paused and took in a breath. "But your parents were in a car accident... I'm sorry Justin but they passed away." I started laughed.

"Haha!" They looked at me like I was crazy. "That's a good joke." I looked at the policemen. Their faces were full of sympathy and seriousness. "That's can't be right. I saw them this morning."

"No Justin. I'm really sorry." I bit my lip and looked at the faces of everyone. Tears welled in my eyes. I sat straight up and looked at them.

"No you guys are wrong!" I took off running down the hallway. Weaving through corridors and stray students I found my locker. I unlocked it and grabbed my phone. Typing in Mom, I called her cell phone.

"Hi, you've reached Dr. Shannon Hastings, please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can." Beep.

"Hey mom, please call me back, I really need to talk to you." I ended the call and found my Dad's number.

"Hi you've reached Jeff Hastings, I'm not hear at the moment so please leave a message." Beep.

"Dad, please call me back, something is very wrong!" And I called my Mom again.

"Hi, you've reached Dr. Shannon Hastings, please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can." Beep. And I tried again. "Hi, you've reached Dr. Shannon Hastings, please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can." Beep. No this couldn't be happening! I grabbed my bag and took off running. I needed to get home. Mom and Dad just had their cell phones off and were spending some time alone at home. Yeah, that's it.

I finally made it home flew in the front door. "Mom! Dad!" I called. "Mommy. Dad!" Silence. I went into the kitchen looking for any sign of them. I found a note laying on the table.

Dear Justin,

We won't be back for a couple of days but be good for Aunt Mary and Uncle Tom. Know that we love you! And J, remember that you're a strong person and you can get through anything.

~Love Mom.

I hugged the note to my heart. Mom I love you too. This is just a cruel joke. I started crying, my cheeks became soaked with tears. There was a knock at the door. I slowly made my way the front door, praying to God it was my parents. I opened the door and was swept into someone's arms. "Oh God Justin, are you ok?"

"Auntie Mary, this is just a cruel fucking joke so stop playing along!" I nearly screamed at her.

"Oh sweetheart. Everything's true. I'm so sorry."

"No- cause that means." I started crying again. "What am I going to do?" She took me in her arms again.

"Justin were going to get through this. I promise you. We are going to get though this!" She kissed the top of my head as I cried into her shoulder.

I just lay in bed. I hadn't been to school in a week. The funeral had come and gone constant phone calls and condolences. I just wanted it all to stop! I just wanted my fucking mom and dad back! I didn't cry any more. In fact I hadn't cried since the day I found out. I looked over at my clock. 8 am. I guess it was time to get up if I wanted to go to school. I got dressed, grabbed my bag and slipped out the door before anyone had noticed. The walk took me about 45 minutes. I really needed that time alone. Reaching the entrance of the school I looked around the yard again. Everybody was staring at me, little groups had their eyes on me, locked in deep discussion probably about me. Oh well I guess I expected this. I made my way to math class and sat beside Jen. "Hey Justin. How you holding up?"

"Me? I'm fine. Listen can you let me copy down my homework." She just looked at me like I was crazy.

"Yeah sure." By the time the first two periods were done almost twenty people had come to me asking me how I was doing. It was getting to the point where I wanted to punch someone. I was fine, why can't they get that through their thick skulls? I sat down beside my two buddies in the cafeteria. They both just looked at me. "Justin are you ok?" Nardalee asked. God I missed the sound of her voice.

"I'm absolutely perfect Nardalee." I smiled at her. Her head turned to look at Chris.

"Dude we just thought that since-" I sighed before he could finish.

"I said I'm fine." He just started again.

"But man you lost your parents." I stood up and screamed at him.

"I said I'm fine, can't you get that through your god damn head?!" The lunchroom was quiet, all eyes were on me. I stormed out of the cafeteria. I leaned my head against a locker, my hands rested against the locker. I drew in deep breaths. Finally I snapped. I drew my fist back and slammed it into the locker leaving a large dint. My knuckles screamed in agony but I ignored it. I looked down the hall and saw Kyle looking at me. I needed to get out of here. I went outside; slowly I walked to the football field and sat on the bleachers.

"Mom. I miss you so much. I don't know how to live without you!"

"You're a survivor." Her words rang in my head.

"I was only a survivor with you here."

"You can get through anything." More of her words flowed through my head. I looked up at the clear blue sky and started crying.

"Why!" I screamed at the sky. "Why did you guys leave me, I can't do this without you." I cried harde, kicking the seat in front of me. I just wanted something to hurt as bad as I was.

"Justin it's going to be ok." I looked beside. What was Kyle doing here? Why did her care?

"No it's not." He crawled up and sat beside me.

"It may not seem like it now, but it will be." Kyle put his hand on my back, he started to gently rub my back, trying to make me feel better.

"And how do you know?" I asked bitterly.

"Because my Dad was killed in Iraq." He confessed to me. I looked at him, tears still flowing from my eyes.

"But I lost them both." I looked down at the ground. I didn't want anyone to see me like this especially Kyle Tate. He pulled me into his arms and held me tight.

"You will get through this, I promise." His hands rubbed my back, just like my mom used to. I rubbed my faced into his body. God this felt good.

"Thank you Kyle." I whispered into his chest.

"Your welcome." We pulled apart from each other. I looked into his deep blue eyes, his gentle blue eyes. In the moment our faces leaned in close to each other, our noses almost touched. I could feel his hot breath on my mouth. My lips gently pressed themselves against his. I felt him press his face into mine, then yank it back. The realization of what happened came flooding in.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" I jumped off the bleachers and ran in the direction of the school. I just kissed the Quarterback of my High School football team! Shit he was going to get his buddies to pound me to a pulp while he watched calling me a fag. Upon getting to my locker a thought crept into my mind.

He kissed me back........

Next: Chapter 2

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