Surreal Uprising

By J.J

Published on Mar 29, 2008


Disclaimer: Yeah a Disclaimer, I know they suck but its the rules. First of all if you are under the legal age or viewing illegal content according to your country's laws than I suggest you do not read the next sentence of this disclaimer let alone the story. I do not know the sexualities of any of the celebrities mentioned and it is pure coinsidence to any recognition of anyone that may resemble any character. This story is purely fictional and contains sexual content and some coarse language. If you do not prefer same sex relationships or anything else that has to do with homosexuality then I suggest you don't read this story. So if you qualify or are brave enough to read this and not get caught then sit back, relax, and enjoy.......... Author's Tid-bit: This story involves a relationship between a teenaged boy and an adult. There will be sexual content and some imaginary nudity but this story is definately not pornographic (sorry to spoil that). Feedback is always welcome but junk will be ignored. I do respond to most of the readers but if you don't hear from me then that means I am swamped with comments or ideas....This story is my own and copywrited by me and any purgery will be dealt with accordingly.....Oh screw the rest just enjoy......

The Surreal Life Chapter 5:

By. J.J

After the show things pretty much exploded left right and center. I thought it was alot of fun and everyone was talking about the trio between Jessie, Zach, and I. But by far the best part of the whole ordeal was the fact that nobody had mentioned Justin's name to me, nor made reference towards him. I was actually being recognised as my own and not the creation of a Pop Prince. In fact there was one reporter that had came up to me and was talking to me in general and when he didn't ask about the trio I thought for sure he would mention Justin, but he didn't. He actually made reference to when I performed dirrty and the sadest part was that Justin did Redman's part from the original song and he didn't even get mentioned. I loved it but I didn't want to over due it, just in case things were to get ugly.

Christina was right though and I couldn't blame her. She put up with the same bullshit from Britney and if anyone, she knew how to play the game and stay in the lime light. I remembered when I got to meet her and her husband Jordan after the show. She wasn't really thankful, she actually came across with the 'told ya so' attitude and I was the one to be thankful. I know Jordan wasn't too much of a fan was he was respectful of my talent, so thus he was polite.

I never really talked to Christina about Justin at all really. She was more so giving me pointers, and despite her reputation from the Stripped album, I was more then happy to take it all in. After hanging out with her for a while it was time for me to go back to the hotel, were I slept like a baby.

Now being the next day I didn't really have anything to do, well other then avoid some phone calls and some paparazzi. So I sat on the couch pondering what to do. I could go out shopping.........nah.........I could hit the studio......not after my blow up with Justin. I didn't know what to do and it was all mind boggling at the moment. I knew I needed to get a hold of some record labels or something if I wanted to stay in the business but I didn't know how to do it alone. But then the most important thought of all hit me.

Before I should do anything and jump into career mode, I needed to take time to still be a kid while I could. I didn't exactly know how to do it, but I knew I shouldn't be working full force in the industry, especially at such a young age. Nobody wants to only be on those kiddie magazines and not go any further. So on that note I was stuck. Stuck out of my country and away from all of my friends. I got up and walked into the kitchen when my cellphone started ringing and vibrating crazily on the living room table. I ran, jumped over the couch, and grabbed the phone before I missed the call.

"Hello?" I answered

"Hey its me!" someone yelled into the other end of the phone

"Who is this?" I asked confused

"Its the one and only dude" the guy said

"And that would be?" I asked

"Oh come on, your killing me here" he said

"Uhm okay, so this is the president asking me to save the world from aliens right?" I said

"Huh, who what? No dude its Jessie" he said

"Oh hey!" I yelled

"Geesh, break my ear will ya'" he said

"Sorry, just returning the favour" I said

"So anyways" He started

"Wait how did you get my number?" I cut him off

''That doesn't matter" he said

"Justin right?" I asked sounding a little upset

"Yeah but anyways he doesn't matter, so how are ya bud" he said

"I am good why?" I asked

"Oh just wondering, say what are you doing tonight?" he asked

''Uhm nothing why?" I asked

"Great, okay so can you meet me at seven o'clock" he asked

"Wait, hold up. Whats going on?" I asked

"Okay so whether if you like it or not, you my friend, are attending my party tonight" he said

"Uhm okay, sounds like fun actually" I said

"So where are you at?" he asked

"Uhm I am at seventh avenue in the Hillside" I said

"Are you kidding me?" he asked

"No why?'' I asked

"Because I am in the same place" he said

"What?" I asked

"Step outside your front door" he said


I walked over to the front door and stepped outside and looked side to side on the walkway but I didn't see anybody.

"I don't see you" I said

"Just give me a sec" he said

Right after he said that I heard a door opening just down the walkway from me. Probably about five rooms over and out walked Jessie on his phone. He looked at me and smiled and hung up as I did the same. He came jogging over to me and grabbed me unexpectedly in a tight hug.

"Dude" he said

"Yeah" I said as he let me go

"This is crazy, I didn't think you would be close by" he said

"I know, anyways come inside" I said walking in with Jessie following me

"Nice room" he said

"Meh I guess so" I said

"So anyways I need to talk to you about something serious" he said

"Whoa your acting serious. Just kidding, so whats up?" I asked

"Now don't get me wrong or anything, but uhm.....Okay you are gay right?" he asked

"Wow that was blunt" I said "Why do you want to know that?" I asked

"Well just a question. I don't care personally, no worries" he said

"Uhm okay well I wouldn't say that I am gay full out. But uhm I guess that is a yes" I said

"Okay thats cool" he said

"Why did you want to know that?" I asked

"Well when we were doing rehersals I could sense it and I just wanted to know for sure" he said

I just sat there and gave him a serious look

"No, I am not gay. Its just there was the chemistry" he said

"Ha! between you and me?" I asked

"No with you and Zac" he said

"What do you mean?" I asked nervously

"Oh come on do you like him?" he asked

"Uhm well, I didn't really get to talk to him that much" I said

He just sat there and looked at me

"Okay yeah I kinda do" I said

"Okay" he said

"Why whats the deal?" I asked

"Well nothing really he just seemed really happy and alot less bummed out when you were around" he said

"Whats going on with him?" I asked

"Nothing really, he just has been really bummed out lately and when he was working with you, although he didn't talk that much, I could see he was actually really happy" he said

"You do realise you just repeated yourself right" I said laughing a little

"I did huh? Well there isn't much to say" he said

"Okay so when is the party?" I asked

"Well" he said looking at the clock "In about an hour. Do you want to come over now?" he asked

"Sure, who all is there?" I asked

"Well, Ashley and Vanessa are there, and so is Zac" he said

"Thats it?" I asked

"Well thats all the company I was planning on having. Why do you have somone in mind?" he asked

"No, no not at all" I said

"Okay well great then, lets just get the party started early" he said

"Okay sure, but you have to let me get dressed in something" I said

"Dude, everyone else is chilling, there isn't anyone to impress'' he said

"Okay well wait her for a second then" I said

I got up and ran into my room and there was a shit load of stuff running through my head. Why was Jessie asking me about my sexuality and why was he mentioning Zac in such a way. I didn't know what he was up to but he definately was up to something. I ran over to my dresser and grabbed a baby blue t-shirt and my black track suit (pants and hoodie) and got changed quickly. I ran over to the mirror and did a quick fix on my short hair. I looked myself over quickly and I looked alright. With that done I opened the door and went back out to an impatient Jessie standing at the door waiting for me. I quickly slid on my skater shoes and put my hood on and followed Jessie over to his room.

We walked inside to hear some pretty loud music going and some noise coming from the kitchen. I tossed my shoes off over in the corner where everybody else's shoes where and walked into the kitchen to see Ashley and Vanessa making some drinks and throwing a little bit of whip cream at each other......eww not my type of fantasy. Anways they didn't even see me until I walked up behind the both of them and said

"Whatcha making?"

"Holy crap, you scared me" Ashley said

"Ha, you didn't scare me" Vanessa said

"Anyways we are making some daquiris, do you want one?" Ashley asked

"Uhm are they alcoholic?" I asked

"They can be if you want them to" Vanessa said

"Uhm actually I think I am just going to grab a pepsi'' I said reaching into the pepsi box and pulling out a can

"Thats cool, but you will give in sooner or later'' Vanessa said

Jessie then walked into the kitchen behind the bunch of us and yelled at the top of his lungs scaring the crap out of all of us.

"Jesus Jess, that scared the shit out of me" Vanessa said

"I wasn't that scared" Ashley said

"Oh yeah sure you were" Jessie said

"So'' Ashley said pouting

"So yeah anyways where is Zac?" Jessie asked

"Hes out on the balcony staring off into space" Ashley said

"Figures.. I am going to be right back" Jessie said leaving the kitchen

"So whats wrong with him?" I asked

"Oh he's lonely" Ashley said

"And how would you know that. Its not like he said anything to us" Vanessa said

"Well pssh, isn't it obvious?" Ashley said "Wait you performed with him and Jessie. What was he like when you guys were together?" she asked

"He was fine" I said simply

"Oh I see. And describe fine" Ashley said

"Uhm normal, uhm talking, uhm in tune with reality" I said

"I knew it!" Ashley yelled

"What?" Me and Vanessa said at the same time

"Oh nothing" she said

"Yeah okay sure Ash" Vanessa said

"So anyways this is the party huh?" I asked

"Yup just the five of us" Vanessa said

"Sounds great" I said

''So tell us more about yourself J" Ashley said

"Yeah what does J.J stand for anyway?'' Vanessa asked

"Uhm well my real name is Jessie and my last name is Jordan" I said

"Uh oh we have two Jessies" Ashley said

"Thats cool" Vanessa said "So what would you rather be called?'' she asked

"Well I like the name Jessie but since I am now friends with one that could get a bit confusing" I said

"Very true. How about we just call you J" Ashley said

"That works for me" I said

So after Vanessa and Ashley stopped harrasing me about my personal life we made our way into the living room and all took a seat on the couch. I had like two pepsi's before I actually decided to move on to some virgin daquiris. During our conversations I frequently looked out on to the balcony at Jessie and Zac who seemed to be talking casually. I didn't even think that Zac had seen me there, and I was right. Everytime I would look back from the balcony though Ashley had this look on her face like she was on to something. Honestly though I didn't care really, and neither did they. If anything really they would have been normal girls and made a little scene but luckily for me they didn't. It was all probably out of respect for their friend Zac though.

After shooting the shit and downing some drinks, the conversation outside became a little hostile. Jessie seemed to be frustrated with Zac and at one point he actually started yelling. Then I remember Zac storming into the room without making any eye contact and then storming outside slamming the door behind him. Ashley went to walk over to the door but Vanessa told her to leave him alone. So Ashley sat back down and Jessie then came into the living room after he got himself a beer.

"What was his problem?" Ashley asked

"I don't freakin know" Jessie said sounding defeated

"Well somebody should talk to him" Ashley said

"Yeah but he won't talk to any of us" Vanessa said

Right after the Vanessa said that the three of them stopped and looked at me.

"Oh no....Oh no no no" I said

"Oh come on go talk to him" Ashley said

"Yeah dude seriously he will probably talk to you" Jessie said

"Please'' Vanessa said

I stood up from the couch and put my drink down on the table.

"Fine, but if this back fires you all owe me" I said

"Thanks bud" Jessie said

"Yeah yeah" I said putting my shoes on and walking out the door.

I Looked over the side of the walkway where I could see Zac almost near the bottom to where I was guessing his car was parked. I ran the other way which had a closer staircase and got down to the bottom. I seen Zac walk up to his brown Oldsmobile and get inside. Thats when I walked over to the exit of the parking lot and stood there until he came up. The look on his face was pretty priceless to say the least, but it was also really confusing. I walked over to his window and he rolled it down.

"Hey" he said

"Hey" I said

"Where did you come from?" he asked

''Well if you would have looked up when you stormed out then you would have seen I was in the living room" I said

"Oh you saw that?" he asked

"Yeah, I did. So where are you going?" I asked

"Uhm, I don't know. I guess just going for a drive" he said

"Mind if I tag along?" I asked

"Uhm yeah sure" he said as I walked over to the other side of the car.

Before I got in I looked up at the three stooges looking at me from over the walkway and gave them the evil eye as they all smiled and blew a kiss. I opened the door and hopped inside and put my seatbelt on as Zac drove out of the parking lot. We both sat there in some silence as he drove down the road. He reached over and put the air conditioning on since it was a warm night and opened the sunroof a little bit. I just sat there looking at him, then I broke the silence.

"Okay so spill it" I said

"Spill what?'' he asked

''Don't play dumb with me" I said "You can talk to me"

"Uhm well its a little personal'' he said giving in a little bit

"Well then. Lets get to know each other then" I said making him crack a smile

"You aren't going to give up are you?" he asked

"Nope, there is no way" I said

''Okay then, I am just going through a hard time right now" he said

"Anybody I know?" I asked

"No thats not the problem" he said

"Okay so you are lonely then" I said making him look over at me and smile

"Your really good you know that" he said

"Yeah I know, my mom's a lawyer. I know all the tricks" I said

"So yeah thats my problem. Its just really difficult" he said

"Well I don't know you too well but I can say that things will get better and you'll look back at this and laugh one day" I said

"You know what? You're right. There isn't any need for me to be moping around and wasting time" he said

"Thats right" I said

"Plus I am making others miserable, and nobody likes a crabby person" he said

"Thats right" I said again

"And I am going to be back to normal Zac" he said

"Thats good" I said

"So with that said. I think we should go out for a soda" he said

"Thats.......wait.............Your good" I said

"I try to be" he said smiling at me

So the drive over to the oldschool diner was pretty interesting. We had the radio blaring and we were making fun of alot of songs that were playing, and at one point I even stuck my top half out the sunroof as the song Girls Just Want To Have Fun came on. I remembered hearing Zac laugh as he pulled me back into the car and I landed back in the seat laughing histerically. It got silent as I tried to catch my breath and he was looking over at me smiling.

"What?" I asked him

"Your a nut you know that right?" he asked starting to laugh a little bit

"Yeah I know, but then again define normal" I said laughing back

Just after that we pulled into the diner's drive through and ordered a couple root beers and a large helping of fries to share. We left the diner and then drove over to this beach area and parked in a lot that was fenced from a small drop to the ocean. He opened the sunroof and the windows as we sat there and drank our root beers and pigged out on some fries. The ocean was nice with some small waves and it was a little bit calm. Of course though amongst all of the surrounding tranquility, me and Zac were chatter boxes.

We talked about anything and everything. It was a nice time and we both were enjoying each others company, and then Zac broke the chain.

"Hey do you want to go swimming?" He asked

"What? I am wearing track pants, and its getting late" I said

"Exactly, do you see anyone out there?'' he asked

I looked and I didn't see anyone, not even in the parking lot. "What am I supposed to wear?" I asked

"Well do you have boxers on?" he asked

"Yeah but thats not the point. I don't swim in boxers" I said

"Oh come on live a little" he said getting out of the car.

"I aint getting out" I yelled.

"Okay fine your choice I am going swimming" he said taking off his shirt as he ran down the drop to the water and went in.

I sat there in the car for a second and finished my last little bit of rootbeer which was by then flat. I looked around in the car and there were some clothes in the back. I dug through them quickly and I found a pair of swimming shorts that were clean. I looked over to see if Zac was looking and he wasn't so I reached back quickly and grabbbed them then got changed in the front seat quickly. I took off my shirt and threw my stuff in the back. Then I quietly got out of the car and snuck down to the water near an edge were Zac couldn't see me and snuck in before he stopped moving and splashing around.

I kept my head low to the water so he couldn't see it near the small waves but I noticed he looked up to the car and seen I wasn't there. So he slowly started to swim back towards the shore and I went in for the kill right behind him. When he got to the sand bed where the water was shallow enough to walk I jumped him from behind pushing him under. Then I let go and hid myself under the water. That didn't last long though when I felt his arms grab me from behind and lift me up and throw me over him.

I swallowed a bunch of salt water and was nearly choking when I got up to the surface. He just sat there and laughed at me.

"You think thats funny" I said

"As a matter of fact I do" he said going back towards the shore

"Where are you going?" I asked

"Out to shore, I see a few people making there way to the beach" he said

I looked over and sure enough there were some people coming to party on the beach.

"Ah dang" I said following him out of the water.

We both got out and ran back up the little drop to the car and hopped inside. Although we were kind of wet Zac told me not to worry about it since hes done it a million times before. I reached into the back and grabbed him his t-shirt that he threw back there and he put it on. Then I got out for a second and went into the back of the car and grabbed my boxers, pants, and my t-shirt. I told Zac not to look and too drive as I quickly got changed and hopped back into the front seat. I heard him laugh a little bit.

"Whats so funny?" I asked

"Nothing I just had fun thats all" he said

"I take it thats not something you get too much off" I said

"I wish I could but I am usually busy or crabby" he said

"Well we don't need to worry about that anymore" I said

"And why is that?" he asked

"Because you have me around now, and good luck getting rid of me" I said

"I wouldn't try to. Not in a million years" he said

I felt his left hand make its way off the shifter and on to my arm. As nervous as I was, my cellphone actually saved me from doing something stupid by ringing like crazy.

"Hello?" I answered

"Where are you!" A demanding Justin yelled into the other end of the phone

"Whoa what is your problem?" I asked

"Oh nothing, you just disappear for the day and not tell anyone where you are going" he said sarcastically

"Okay first of all, its nobody's business where I am, and as for you I told you I was done alright!" I yelled

"So your really serious then?" he asked

"Ah yeah, what part of that do you not understand?" I asked

"I just thought" he said

"Well you thought wrong. I am done with you" I said

"So are you hanging out with the low lifes?" he asked

"Whats that supposed to mean Justin? Okay you know what you are the fucking low life, and watch what you say to me. I might give your ego a shot" I said

"You'll change your mind" he said

"Bitch please, get a life loser" I said and hung up

I was pretty pissed and then I looked over at Zac. He had a horrified look on his face but I couldn't help the way I reacted. I got pissed.

"Sorry about that" I said

"No thats ok" he said

"God I just got really pissed" I said

"So what is the deal between you and Justin anways?" he asked

"I don't know. He just really has a huge ego" I said

"Yeah you didn't look too thrilled when he came out during the concert" he said

"Ya think?" I said laughing a little bit

"And then your face when he came and did the rap. Man you covered it good but I could tell you were pissed" he said

"Oh yeah I was alright" I said

"No kidding. So really though whats the story behind you and him?" he asked

"Really that curious huh?'' I asked


"Okay well it all happened back home in Toronto. My friend Chelsea signed me up for a singing competition at the Hard Rock Cafe that I won. So then I guess everyone liked it so people wen't on a hunt for me. Then I guess Justin sent a scout who listened to me, and his scout actually had to hunt me down in mall. So curiosity got the best of me and I came and met Justin" I said

"Sounds like quite the story, what was he doing there?" he asked

"Well he was on tour. So anyways I went and met him, and he was an ass. Hence the pictures of me freaking out on t.v. Then he kinda proved himself to be cool so I just went along with it, recorded a song, and thats about all" I said

"Hhm. I see" he said

"What?" I asked

"Oh nothing it seems like something is missing out of that story" he said

"Like what?" I asked nervously

"Why are you protecting him J?" he asked

"What do you mean?" I asked

"I could see it when you seen him at the concert. And I could tell by your attitude in rehersals. You were involved with him and its okay" he said

"Was it that obvious?" I asked

"No not really. I just picked up on it. So it ended bad then huh?" he asked

"Yeah it sure did alright" I said

"Did he hurt you? Because you know if he did I am going to have to kick his ass now" he said laughing

"Yeah he did but don't worry about me. Nothing I can't handle" I said

"Well you've got me around now to keep you happy. Good luck getting rid of me" he said laughing

"Karma is a wonderful thing isn't it" I said

"Sure is" he said

This time I felt his hand reach over and brush my hand. I think he was testing me but I didn't hide anything. When his hand made another move back he intwined his fingers in mine and I just sat there. I didn't move, blink or barely breath. It just felt right for some reason. The ride home was quiet of course. We didn't say a word. Not even the radio was on. I guess we were enjoying each others company. When we got back Zac parked the car in the bottom lot and we both made our way up to our level where the room is. We weren't holding hands then of course, but still there was some sort of connection. It was like having a conversation without any words.

When we got to the room however that was a totally different story. We could hear music inside and alot of loud talking. So Zac started banging on the door, then we heard the music go low and some footsteps come to the door. Ashley answered it.

"Hey you guys we were wondering.......wait why are you all wet?" she asked

"Can you just let us in" Zac said walking in with me behind him.

"So why are you both wet?" Vanessa asked

"Yeah what happened?" Ashley asked

"We went swimming" Zac said getting Jessie's attention making him raise his eyebrow.

"Oh really now? And how was that?" Jessie asked

"It was fun" I said

"Yeah first we went and got rootbeers and then we went to the beach" Zac said

"Sounds like a good time" Vanessa said

"So when did you end up going swimming?" Jessie asked

"Well Zac kept bugging me so he just went in on his own then I snuck in behind him" I said

"Yeah he tried to pull a fast one but I dunked him" Zac said

"Oh I know that was so funny" I said

"Yeah it was" Zac said as we both stopped and just looked at each other.

"Uh oh" Jessie said

"What?" Ashley asked still not getting mine and Zac's attention

"I think its time to get some drinks" Jessie said getting up grabbing Zac by the arm and dragging him into the kitchen

"Yeah good idea" Vanessa said as her and Ashley each grabbed an arm of mine and lead me to the living room.

We got into the living room and I sat down on the couch. I wasn't really wet since I changed so I didn't worry about wrecking anything. Ashley sat right next to me and Vanessa was really really close. They both were giving me questioning looks but I was too distracted to notice.

"I think you should stick around and hang out with us more" Ashley said to me

"Yeah that'd be cool" I said sounding a little dreamy

"And you should totally loosen up and have a drink at least" Vanessa said

"Yeah that'd be cool" I said again still staring in the same spot

"And then we should throw you off the Balcony" Vanessa said seriously

"Yeah that'd be.....wait what?" I asked

"J, you were day dreaming" Ashley said

"I was?" I asked

"Yeah" Ashley said

"So is it anyone we know?" Vanessa asked

"Huh? I don't know" I said looking back to the same spot.

"Well okay then I will go and get you a drink. What do you want?" Ashley asked

"Smirnoff Ice" I said still staring in the same spot

I heard Ashley walk off and I looked up for a second and she was gone. Thats when I went back to staring at that invisible spot in the middle of nowhere. That was until Vanessa lightly smacked me upside the head.

"Ouch what was that for?" I asked

"To get your attention" she said laughing

"Okay you got it" I said rubbing my head a little bit

"You know just take it easy" Vanessa said

"With what?" I asked

"Zac" she said

I just sat there and looked at her nervously.

"Don't worry about it. Just don't rush anything. What the best part is, is that you and him seem to make each other really happy" she said

"You think so?" I asked her seriously

"Yeah I know so. I mean look at him" she said point to Zac who was just in sight, also with Ashley coming back into the picture with my cooler.

"Yeah what about him?" I asked

"Well he's back to normal" she said

"Yeah" Ashley said handing me my cooler "I don't know what you did but it worked really good" she said giving me a high five

"I didn't do anything. I was just myself" I said

"Well good job" Vanessa said slapping my thigh

Just then Zac and Jessie both came back into the room with a drink each. To my suprise Vanessa quickly got up and went into the bathroom. Seizing the opprotunity Zac came and sat next to me, and when I say next to me, I mean our sides were touching. I didn't dare show too mch affection or anything because I really didn't know how Zac really felt about me, nor how his friends would take it if I acted all clingy.

"So what should we do now?" Ashley asked

"Well we are drinking" Jessie said

"Exactly" Vanessa said coming out of the bathroom "So lets listen to some music" she said grabbing the remote to the stereo.

She sat down next to Jessie and Ashley on the other couch and hit a couple of buttons on the remote and Britney's CD Blackout Started. It wasn't too loud though so we could still carry a conversation.

"Oh my gosh you should have seen J when we went out" Zac said

"Oh my God" I said

"Why what did he do?" Jessie asked

"I was being a retard" I said laughing

"Couldn't have been that bad" Jessie said

"Yeah it was" I said

"Well what did you do?" Vanessa asked

"He" Zac started to say as I put my hand over his mouth

"Don't tell them" I said

"Oh come on" He said in a cute voice

"Fine" I said plugging my ears

"He was standing out of my sunroof as I was driving singing girls just wanna have fun'' Zac said laughing a bit

"Oh my God" Jessie said

"Dude thats awesome!" Ashley said

"Yeah come on, we want a show" Vanessa said signalling me to stand up and perform.

"No I aint doing it" I said

''Oh please come on" Ashley said

"Yeah man come on it will be fun" Jessie said

"Fine but I am not doing that song" I said

"Thats okay, I have a huge collection" Vanessa said grabbing her cd case.

"Dear god" I said standing up close to the stereo

She grabbed a cd that looked to be burnt and she put it in. I really was actually starting to get embarrased now but the rest of the group didn't seem to care too much. Actually they looked like a bunch of kids waiting to get some candy or something. Thats when I noticed that Ashley got up and stood next too me with a water bottle in her hand. Then she gave one to me and put hers up to her mouth like a microphone. Vanessa then turned around with a bottle too and stood on the other side of me. I didn't know what to expect but when the song started I was more then happy to be a retard and sing along.

Vanessa: "And you can dance"

Ashley: "For inspiration"

Me:"Come on"

Vanessa: "Yeah"

All: "Get into the groove, boy you've got to prove, your love to me yeah.

Get up on your feet, yeah step to the beat....boy what will it be yeah......."

After the song was done and the three of us were dancing around like idiots, we literally flopped down on the couch. Zac and Jessie were giving applause and even whistling a little bit. It was a really fun time, and I felt that these guys were now truly my friends. And what better friends to ask for. During our conversations and retardedness Zac got up and asked me to come with him to the kitchen to get some more drinks. I seen Jessie give him a wierd look but I brushed it off.

We got into the kitchen and he put the empty bottles back in the box and the glasses in the sink. I went and bent into the fridge to grab some more drinks for everyone. I grabbed a couple of coolers and was going to get a beer for Jessie. I put the coolers on the counter and reached back into the fridge to get the cooler. I wasn't even paying attention and started talking before I got out of the fridge.

"Hey Zac what do you want to" I was saying before he cut me off.

And what a cut off it was. I had the beer in my hand and I went to look over to Zac but before I could do anything he leaned in and kissed me. When his lips touched mine softly there was a spark. Like getting hit by lightning! I didn't do anything at first and he was slowly kissing me and I was beginning to feel foolish just standing there. So I started to kiss back. I felt his arm go behind me and hold me close to him as he kissed me passionately. By now it was full on make out and I was beginning to feel like I was going to faint. But unluckily for me the moment as shattered and I almost mean that literally. The beer I was holding slipped out of my hand and hit the ground shattering spilling beer everywhere. I broke contact with Zac but looked like he was going to continue without me. It was cute and funny but now we had a situation.

"Oh shit, oh shit" I said leaning down to pick up the glass.

Zac stepped back a little bit against the wall and just looked down.

"Oh my Gosh what happened?" Ashley said coming into the kitchen with Jessie and Vanessa.

"I dropped a beer by accident'' I said quickly picking up the big pieces of glass.

"Be careful" Zac said grabbing me from behind trying to pick me up from the floor

"I am so sorry" I said to Jessie

"Hey its okay, it was only a beer" Jessie said

"I gotta clean this up" I said

"Don't worry about it" Ashley said

"Yeah we got it, don't worry" Vanessa said reaching for the broom.

Jessie reached into the counter under the sink and grabbed a garbage bag and held it open for Ashley and Vanessa. Zac put his arm around my shoulder and lead me out of the kitchen and back into the living room so we were out of sight.

"I am so sorry" he said to me holding my shoulders still

"No, I am sorry" I said

"I shouldn't have done that. Are you ok?" he asked me

"Yeah I am fine" I said

"Oh crap you are bleeding" he said pointing to my hand

"What?" I looked

Oh shit I was but it wasn't too bad. I sliced a part on my palm when I was picking up glass and didn't even notice it. Zac grabbed me by the waist and let me into the bathroom. He reached into a bag on the ground and pulled out some peroxide and a some gauze. He sat me down on the bathtub edge and turned the taps on. I felt him lightly grab my hand and put it under the warm water rinsing off the blood and whatever beer was on there. Then he poured the peroxide on and it stung a little bit. The he rapped my hand in the gauze and dried off the rest of my arm. Throughout the duration of this I was watching him and his facial expressions. He had so much care in his face and he was really focused. Then he looked at me with the most concern I have ever seen in anybody.

"Are you ok?" he asked me

"Yeah I am fine" I said

"Your'e sure?'' he asked

"Yeah, thank you very much" I said

"Not a problem. Look I am really sorry for what I did back in the kitchen" he said

"You don't have to be sorry, its okay" I said

"No really. I shoudln't have done that. I crossed the line there" he said sounding like he was rambling.

"I said its okay don't worry about it at all" I said

"Your'e for real?" he asked

"Yeah for real" I said

"Okay cool, so how about we go back out there?'' he asked

"Yeah that's a good idea" I said

He got up from sitting on the edge and helped me up and I followed him back out the living room where the gang was just getting back in from cleaning up my mess.

"You alright?" Ashley asked me

"Yeah I am fine, its no biggie" I said

"Well thats good" Ashley said

"So now what do you want to do?" I asked

"Well...." Jessie said "I don't know about you guys but I am really tired" he said

"Yeah me too" Vanessa said

"Actually yeah I need some beauty sleep" Ashley said

"So I am off to bed, goodnight guys" Jessie said walking into his room.

"Yeah we are off too" Vanessa said as her and Ashley walked to the door

"You guys going to be around tomorrow?" Zac asked them

"No we are going shopping" Vanessa said

"Okay cool, what about Jessie?'' he asked

"I think he has an appointment tomorrow" Ashley said

"Yeah he does" Vanessa said

"Okay well we will see you guys tomorrow" Ashley said as they walked out the door.

So it was just me and Zac now standing in the living room. I looked around at the mess of the place and it wasn't too pretty, but it wasn't full out rock star trashing either. I went over to the kitchen and grabbed a pepsi and downed it in like record time and went back out to Zac.

"So what are we going to do now?" I asked

"Do you want to go for a walk?" Zac asked

"Yeah sure, that would be cool" I said


Thanks for reading.... Gimme some feedback....

Next: Chapter 6

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