Surreal Uprising

By J.J

Published on Oct 20, 2008


+++Disclaimer: Yeah a Disclaimer, I know they suck but its the rules. First of all if you are under the legal age or viewing illegal content according to your country's laws than I suggest you do not read the next sentence of this disclaimer let alone the story. I do not know the sexualities of any of the celebrities mentioned and it is pure coinsidence to any recognition of anyone that may resemble any character. . This story is purely fictional and contains sexual content and some coarse language. If you do not prefer same sex relationships or anything else that has to do with homosexuality then I suggest you don't read this story. So if you qualify or are brave enough to read this and not get caught then sit back, relax, and enjoy.......... Author's Tid-bit: This story involves a relationship between a teenaged boy and an adult. There will be sexual content and some imaginary nudity but this story is definately not pornographic (sorry to spoil that). Feedback is always welcome but junk will be ignored. I do respond to most of the readers but if you don't hear from me then that means I am swamped with comments or ideas....This story is my own and copywrited by me and any purgery will be dealt with accordingly.....Oh screw the rest just enjoy.....

I do not own any of the songs in this story unless stated otherwise by me. There will be this new thing that I want to start called the Surreal Uprising Soundtrack....feel free to download any of these songs to get a better listen to them and make sure you check the bottom of the page to find out more about the music.

I want to make this cool for the readers so if you....the reader....can think of any other cool idea's like the Surreal Uprising Soundtrack please let me know.

~~~~This is a big chapter but trust me its good!!!~~*~

The Surreal Uprising Chapter 17:

By J.J

"So the album Twisted is a hit and people are loving the first single Slipped Away" Ryan Seacrest said

"Yeah I was hoping the album would be successful and I was getting tired of remaking old songs" I said

"So with Slipped Away, is that song pointed in the direction of anyone?" he asked

"Well it was I guess, just someone of the past" I said

"So single now?" he asked

"Yup" I said

"Alright, now let me get this straight, only you and Jessie Mccartney worked on this album?" he asked

"Yeah actually its really funny, we both worked in his basement studio for weeks. I was going to go into office but what is the point if you can just stay home and work from there" I said

"So your living with Jessie Mccartney now?" he asked

"Yeah I sure am, hes my roomate now" I said laughing a bit

"Well what about your own place?" he asked

"I am too cheap and I like my celebrity friends" I said

"Speaking of friends how is Britney doing?" he asked

"Oh she is doing good, ha one of my girlfriends I talk to her daily"I said

"Thats good so we have to get back to the countdown and here you are at number three and rising with Slipped Away" he said

Ryan then put the song on and we did some small talk. This time though Jessie was waiting for me in the lobby. When I came out he had a smile on his face.

"Number three huh?" he asked

"Yeah I know its insane" I said

"Well now we just have to get ready for the concert. Your album is selling out on the shelves now lets go make some more money" he said putting his arm around my shoulder........

This was the first time that I ever had to do a concert, not only that but a concert of my own. I was really nervous but all the crew from hair and make up were giving me some more encouragement. I couldn't wait really I could here the crowd outside of the dressing room and they were loud. The best was that Jessie agreed to come and open for me.

When hair and make up was done I walked out to the side of the stage and watched as Jessie performed his song leaving and the crowd was going insane. So many girls.....and boys screaming. Jessie was rocking the show and I was watching to see how it was done and how I should keep calm and have fun. Then snapping me out of my two second break a stage crew member came and got me.

'"We need you understage for lift in five minutes" he said

I followed him to the underbody of the stage and waited on the platform that was going to lift me up to the stage when my opening song started. This concert was going to be unique and I really wanted to rock it. The stage manager came on with her walkee talkee and was doing checks with the rest of the crew to make sure everyone was ready.

"I bet your wondering why there is a crew carrying drums and guitars out behind me" I heard Jessie say as the crowd screamed

"Thats because the show is about to start. So ladies and Gentlmen.....haha.....the one you have been waiting for.....Jesse Jordan!" he yelled and the crowd screamed.

I heard the band taking places and the stage manager gave me the ten second countdown. When she hit five seconds the music began to start and it was some heavy rock. Then the four lift guys came and cranked up the lift as I came from beneath the stage up. Giant fireballs were shooting and the lights were strobing, and my song was getting my blood pumping and I never been in such a huge stadium full of people!

'Oh my god' I thought as I walked up to the microphone.

Ladies and gentlemen please ....Would you bring your attention to me?

For a feast for your eyes to see.......An explosion of catastrophe

Like nothing you've ever seen before.....Watch closely as I open this door

Your jaws will be on the floor.....After this you'll be begging for more

Welcome to the show......Please come inside

Ladies and gentlemen!!!


Do you want it?


Do you need it?


Let me hear it

Ladies and gentlemen

Ladies and gentlemen good evening......You've seen that seeing is believing

Your ears and your eyes will be bleeding......Please check to see if you're still breathing

Hold tight cause the show is not over....If you will please move in closer

You're about to be bowled over....By the wonders you're about to behold here

Welcome to the show (welcome to the show)

Please come inside

Ladies and gentlemen


Do you want it?


Do you need it?


Let me hear it

ladies and gentlemen

Welcome to the show (Welcome to the show)

We're glad you came along (We're glad you came along)

Please come inside

Ladies and gentlemen!!!!


Do you want it?


Do you need it?


Let me hear it

Ladies and gentlemen!!!!

The music stopped and the crowd was going insane. I mean screaming, jumping, flashing lights everywhere. I felt really good and I was pumped. My adrenaline was flowing at full pace through my veins.....

"Did you like that?!" I yelled and the crowd screamed

"Just to let everyone here know....we have all been burned by someone, we have felt the pain of hate, but don't give up!" I said into the mic

"We need to stand up for ourselves and stop the pity trips. So this song is to my hater and I think you all know who he is!" I said and the crowd began to cheer and chant 'Boo Timberlake'

The band readied its self and I began to sing Hell In Your Eyes, the song I sang for Jessie a while ago. My voice was deeper and the feeling of all pain and anguish from not just Justin, but Zac too, was making me sing my heart out. The crowd was loving the fire balls and how I was interacting with the band as if I were a rocker for all my life. When the song was over everyone was going insane.

"Did you like that?" I yelled and they screamed

"Ladies and Gentleman, fans and press I want to call Jessie Mccartney back out to help me with a little song you all know" I said as Jessie came out and the crowd was screaming.

The crew quickly moved a baby grand piano out on to the stage. Jessie sat down at the piano and I sat on the top as they do in all the piano duets. The lights in the stadium went off, well the camera's were going like crazy, and a spotlight came on to the piano. Jessie began with the keys and some people recognized the song and started screaming.

I began to sing the rock version of bleeding love to just the piano. This was my display of vocal range and when I hit the bigger notes the crowd went silent. Jessie had his eyes closed playing the piano and was moving his body to the music while I looked up into the spotlight and sang. Then smaller spotlights came on for the band and they all took their places.

Nearing the end of the song where Leona hits the big long notes the band came in and I stood up with the microphone hitting those notes flawlessly as Jessie and the band were in sync with the music. Then the music cut out and I finished the final seconds in acapella. I have never heard the crowd scream as loud and they all stood.

"I want to thank Jessie for that" I said giving him a hug infront of everyone then he waved and walked back off the stage.

"Okay so that was my rock, and I hope it rocked all of you" I said "But about some hip hop!!!" I yelled as the crowd screamed and the heavy bass and electric guitar started

I just want you to know... that.....Through out it all

It's only you.....That stuck by me...And for that...

I thank you, I love you


OoOo I can't wait to get next to you....Oooh I just can't leave you alone

Boy you got me doing things that I would never do

And I can't stop the way I'm feeling if I wanted to

I'm crazy bout the way that you could....make me say your name

And if I couldn't have you...I would probably go insane

Only you can make me feel

(Only you can make me feel)

And only you can take me there

(Only you can take me there)

And only you can make me feel

(Only you, only you can make me feel)

And only you can take me there

(Only you can take me there)

OoOo I can't wait to get next to you Oohh I just can't leave you alone

Boy you stay inside my mind ain't no denyin' that

And only you could do them things that got me coming back

It's gotta be the realest thing that I have ever felt

And I'll do what I gotta do to keep you to myself

Only you can make me feel

(Only you can make me feel)

And only you can take me there

(Only you can take me there)

And only you can make me feel

(Only you can make me feel)

And only you can take me there

(Only you can take me there)

Crazy (baby) 'bout the ('bout the)

way you (way you) (Make me) feel

I just (i just) gotta (gotta)

have you (have you) here

And I wanna (wanna)

let you (let you) know (know)

(I) I won't (I won't) ever

(Ever)let you (Let you)go

Only you can make me feel

(Only you can make me feel)

And only you can take me there

(Only you can take me there )

And only you can make me feel

(You can make me feel)

And only you can take me there

(Only you can take me there)

OoOo I can't wait to get next to you

Oohh I just can't leave you alone


The crowd was going insane I could feel them moving as I moved along to the music. The feeing of everyone chanting my name was overwhelming and I was loving it.

"Now ladies and gentlemen please welcome, the lovely, the talented, and very very sexy Girlicious!!!!" I screamed as the beat came on and Girlicious came out on to the stage. They surrounded me so I had Natalie and Tiffany on one side and Chrystina and Nicole on the other side.....As the beat was picking up we began to dance in sync with one another while we performed their song Like Me. I was mostly dancing while they were doing there thing but when Chrystina's part came on we split and I went up on the front of the stage with her and sang her part then we all danced together while Tiffany and Natalie finished off the song.

Then when girlicious was done and off the stage I invited Tila Tequila out. Now that was awesome because she came out with a bunch of really really sexy girls dressed in lingere, then as they all came running up to me and running their hands on me Tila's song Stripper Friends began to start, the crowd went wild when she ripped off her dress and was wearing a tight leather black corset and matching black lingere, the best was when she took her hair out of the bun and it fell while we were dancing to Stripper Friends.

It was my turn to begin singing when they were done off the stage. I performed nearly every song off of my album and it was getting closer to the show ending, and it was a good thing because I was getting really really tired. So to close the show after all the music I performed Slipped Away acapella. Before I thanked the crowd and guest for coming I made an annoucment that really shocked everyone

"So before I say goodbye I would like to thank all of you for coming, I would like to thanks my guests for performing with me" I said as the crowd cheers, "And I hope you are all pumped up because I am going on tour" I said as they screamed "And on tour with not just anyone....Britney Spears has invited me to go on tour with her! So get ready for the Twisted Blackout Tour!!!" I said as the crowd was going insane...."Thank you all and good night" I said and walked off the stage

When I went backstage the crews, guests, and pretty much everyone back there was cheering. I was just glad I didn't have to do wardrobe anymore. I noticed right away the suprise and shock in everyones face when I mentioned the Twisted Blackout tour. Some looks were unreadable and some were full of excitement.

"Great job Mr Jordan" A young crew guy said

"Thanks, but call me Jesse'" I said around the hallway to my lounge room.

Inside were the ladies from Girlicious, Tila Tequila and her buddies, the band, and of course Jesse.

"Hey way to go!" Chrystina from Girlicious said

"Thanks" I said

"Yeah great job'' Tila Tequila said

''Thanks again" I said

"So a tour with Britney huh? Excited?" Natalie from Girlicious asked

"Yeah I am uber excited" I said

"Thats good but you better do more songs with us" Nicole from Girlicious said

"Ha ha I will, that was really awesome" I said

"Yeah it was, especially when you and Chrys sang together up from" Tiffany said

"I thought it was awesome" I said

"Yeah then this boy here working the pole with me and the girls'' Tila said

"Outrageous" I said

"It was really hot, did you see some of the guys faces in the crowd?" Tila asked

"Haha yeah. It was hilarious.....Hey Jessie, your talkative" I said

"What can I say man? You rock" he said

"With your help of course" I said

"And oh my God.....The rock version of bleeding love was amazing" Chrystina said

Then someone knocked on the door and walked in. It was Robin Anton, the one who put Girlicious and The Pussycat dolls together.

"Hey girls....and boys" she said standing in

"Hey" I said

"So I have to announce something very important" she said

"Whats that?" Jessie asked

"Well little Mr Jordan here has just got an amazing offer by both these girls here and the Pussycat Dolls" she said

"What?" I asked

"Suprise!!!" Chrystina said

"What is it?" I asked all excited

"So Ron has been working in the studio since this concert was planned, and although your from Hollywood records, the offer is to do a duet with the Pussycat Dolls and Girlicious.....but here is the catch" Robin said

"Always a catch" Jessie said smiling

"Smart ass, anyways, haha....It will be all of you working on one song" Robin said

"Holy shit" I said

"Excited?" Tiffany asked

"Hell ya" I said

"Congratulations....but I have some more to say for you" Jessie piped up

"Yeah?" I asked throwing my arm around his shoulder

"Well, I've been doing some of my own work, and as well as Robin helping me on this one, we got Lil Kim to work with, and Missy Elliot. Then after that the list goes on. Miley Cyrus inquired so thats on the fence, but we have also got Nelly Furtado, Snoop Dogg, Christina Aquilera, Britney of course. Uhm Pink, and myself" he said

"What? Are you joking?" I asked

"No, and oh yeah Avril Lavinge" he said

"Dude no freaking way" I said

"So with them they all agreed to feature on your sophmore album but they want you on some of their albums. Your a hot item right now in Hollywood" Jessie said

"Wow" I said

"Congratulations" Robin said giving me a hug.

"Thank you all so much" I said as there was a huge group hug.

I couldn't believe this was happening to me. I just couldn't. I wanted someone to pinch me, but there was enough pinching going on in that friggin group hug. Darn girls and their jewellery. But regardless I didn't wake up because I wasn't dreaming..

After everyone had left and we had our little after party, I had some alone time in my dressing room. I was really excited for the future to come but my mind was now on only one thing. Zac.

I wanted him to be there so bad. It took long enough to get over him but I had never been this happy since him and I were together. I haven't even spoken to him since we broke up. Correction since he dumped me. I wanted him to see how back on track I was, and how good I was doing. Sure anyone could read the paper or tabloid to find out, but I wanted him to see for himself.

I got up and turned off the lights to the table I was sitting at and grabbed a couple of my things and went out the door. I was supposed to meet Jessie in the lobby so he could drive me home. I went through the countless hallways in the stadium and was getting so close to the lobby when I was stopped from someone calling my name.

"Jesse'' the mans voice said stopping me dead in my tracks......It was my father.

"Uhm can I help you?" I asked pretending I didn't recognize him

"You know who I am, cut the crap. How are you doing son?" he asked

"Don't call me that" I said

"Well what do you want me to call you? You are my son" He said

"No I am not, you are not a father and you never have been. What so you think after all these years....after getting disowned from my mom, and all I am going through, that you are just going to walk up to me and as how I am doing?" I asked rudely

"I want to apologize for not being there, I know I haven't been a good father" he said as Jessie came around the corner

"Hey" he said to me then looking at my father

"Yeah can we go?" I asked looking away from my father

"If you want to" Jessie said

"Jesse don't leave, can we talk?" he asked

"No we can't talk, and I am doing what I learned from you. I am leaving and ever fucking come near me again and I will make sure its the last thing you will do" I said grabbing Jessie by the arm and walking away with father in tow.

"Whats going on?" Jessie ased

"Don't leave Jesse I need to speak with you'' my dad said

"Fuck off asshole" I said not looking back.

We left the lobby and both got into Jessie's car. He minded his business as I rolled down the window and told my dad to stay away from me. Then I rolled the window up and Jessie drove away.

"Dude what the hell was that?" he asked me

"Nothin" I said rudely looking down at my feet

"That wasn't just nothing man, what happened there? Are you alright?" he asked

"I don't fucking know what that was....I am fine" I said

"Are you sure?" he asked

"Yeah I am sure.........................that was my father'' I said

"What?" Jessie asked

"Yeah the biological sperm donor asshole. Fuck where did he come from" I said to myself

"Is he someone to be worried about?'' he asked

"No, at least I don't think so. He was a drunk, but apparently he's clean now" I said

"Wow talk about an emotional night" he said

"Yeah no kidding" I laughed sarcastically

''So what now?" he asked

"I am really really tired, can we go home?" I asked

"Yeah sure" he said......

"I am telling you I really want to get a tattoo there" I said to Jessie pointing from my hip up to my arm pit on my left side

"Dude you are insane, what would you get anyways?" he asked me as he put some shampoo in his hair while he was in his huge bath

"I don't know, maybe some tribal stuff with my initials or something" I said as I looked over at him while he made a beard with some bubbles.

"Ya ya....check it out.....I am old" he said pointing to the bubbles.

"Cute but Jess. That should be me doing that" I said

"Haha well you can come in if you want" he said wiping the bubbles off his face.

"Nah, I don't think that would be a good idea" I said

"Oh come on, its just a bath" he said

"I don't know, not this time. Just feeling wierd thats all'' I said

"Okay not a problem but could you do me one favor?" he asked

"Yeah sure, whats that?" I asked

"Can you wash the rest of my hair for me?" he asked

"You are so lazy" I said getting down on to my knees as he turned his back to me.

"I know" he said

"Wait I have an idea" I said

"Oh yeah?" he asked curiously.

I stood up and rolled my jeans up past my knees. Then I grabbed a towel and folded it in half while I stepped into the tub and sat on the back against the wall. I turned Jessie back around so he wasn't facing......haha the bubbles moved.....great ass shot.....Then I leaned his head back on my lap on top of the towel while I told him to stretch out in the tub.

"What are you?........oooh.......soooo.....good.....don't stop" he said as I began to massage conditioner into his hair

"Thats better eh?" I asked laughing a bit

"Yeah it is so good, you have no idea" he said

"Yeah I do, me and a girlfriend use to do this all the time" I said

"Girlfriend huh?" he asked

"Yeah like go shopping, gossip, talk about boys kinda girlfriend" I said

"Oh" he said laughing a bit "What happened to her?" He asked

"I don't know, she apparently moved" I said

"Aw that sucks man, hopefully you can get a hold of her again" he said

"Yeah I know it would be nice" I said

"Hey Jess?" he asked

"Yeah" I said

"How are you doing?" he asked

"What? I am doing fine, what are you talking about?" I asked

"You miss him don't you?" he asked

"What Zac? Ha, I don't know. I do and I don't." I said

"Well I seen the way you looked earlier and I could see you were lonely" he said

"Yeah it wasn't something that I really wanted on my mind though" I said as I cupped some hot water in my hand and put it on his head to rub the conditioner around better.

"Well he was at the show" he said

"What? he was?" I asked

"Yeah he came, I wasn't going to tell you at first but I think if you want to work things out then you should call him" he said

"I don't know" I said

"What do you mean?" he asked

"Well I mean I would love to be back with him but at the same time I am so hurt. Its just one of those undecidable things" I said as he looked up at me.

It was silent for a minute, and then I did the craziest thing. I don't know why but I leaned down and just began to kiss Jessie...haha an upside down kiss while he was in the tub....I know who in their right mind would still be wearing jeans? Anyways he put his hand on the side of my face as I began to kiss him deeper and deeper. I didn't really know what I was doing, but it didn't matter, my mind had no control.

Suddenly, and luckily he stopped and sat up putting his hand over his eye.

"Damn conditioner got in my eye" he said

"Oh gosh" I said handing him the towel after he flushed his eyes out

"That friggin burnt man" he said still trying to open his eyes

"Haha aww poor Jessie" I said wiping his eyes off for him "You gonna be okay?" I asked jokingly

"Yeah I think so" he said then looking at me wierd

"What?" I asked

"Dude you kissed me" he said

"I know, it was wierd" I said getting up and out of the tub. I rolled my jeans back down and then slid them off so I was in my boxers

"What are you doing?" Jessie asked nervously

"Getting ready for bed" I said

"Wait, did you not hear me kissed me" he said

"Yeah I heard you. Just one of those spontaneous things" I said walking out of the bathroom.

I was single and I knew it, I had a chance right here to get laid but I wasn't too sure if I wanted too. Jessie was my friend and really I wasn't looking for a relationship either. I was still hung up on Zac, like it or not. I walked out of the room and down the hallway towards my room. Then I heard Jessie come out behind me with nothing but a towel on. He wasn't helping with the situation at all because now I was beginning to really wanna get laid.

"Dude do you have to walk around like that?" I asked

"Yeah why not? Turning you on?" he asked

"No.......Just get some clothes on" I said smiling

"Well first I am going to get a beer and then I will get dressed and go to bed" he said

"Not fair" I said

"What you want a beer? Its not like I can go clubbing, your here and your not old enough" he said

"Yeah sure I'll have a beer'' I said following him downstairs.

The whole way I walked behind him and my eyes, no matter how hard I tried, would not stop looking at his ass. The way it was moving beneath the towel, the way his wet body was making the towel somewhat form to him. He was gaining weight a filling out, looking more like a man and not a teeny bopper. It was driving me insane. When we got downstairs I went and sat at the table while Jessie grabbed me a beer.

"Thanks" I said as I popped the top off with in the nook of my elbow

"Dude you have to teach me how to do that one day" he said amazed as he used the bottle opener.

"I will" I said.................awkward silence

"So....." he said

"Yeah....." I said

"What?" he asked

"I think you should do a strip show Jessie" I said smiling

"Haha yeah right" he said

"Oh come on, party pooper" I said

"I can't do that, let alone dance like that" he said

"Your no fun" I said

"Well then how about you do it" he said

"Not drunk enough yet" I said

"We can work on that" he said.

"Dude I am so tired, I can't possibly dance anymore" I said in my buzzed state.

"Oh come on, it was so freaking hot" he said really drunkily

"Haha you think so? I didn't I thought I looked like a moron" I said as I rested my hand on his bare chest

"You did not" he said putting his hand on top of mine

"Jessie" I said

"Yeah" he said looking deep into my eyes

"Thank you for being around for me, getting me back on track, and letting me sleep somewhere" I said

"Your welcome" he said still looking at me

"And uhm thank you for everything else'' I said as he began to lean in

"It wasn't a problem" he said moving really close to my face and then stopping before he kissed me and smiled.

"What?" I asked really confused

"Your never going to give in with me are you?" he asked

"I don't know, not right now thats for sure" I said

"Okay fair enough" he said sitting back up

"Are you angry?" I asked

"No not at all" he said

"Good" I said leaning back on him

"What are you doing?" he asked

"I am going to sleep, if you wanna move then you can" I said

"What?" he asked laughing a bit

"Okay fine, carry me upstairs" I said as I was passing out a little bit.

"Uhm'' he said.

When I woke up the next morning I felt a little wierd. I didn't feel so good to my stomach and I couldn't figure out why. I went to move a little bit when I felt someone's body behind me. An arm was draped around my side and I was using another one as a pillow. It felt really good actually, really really good. Until the voice spoke up and said goodmorning to me.

"Agh" I yelled as I jumped up out of bed.

"What?" Jessie asked

"" I said

"Oh relax" he said getting up as I noticed he was wearing pajama pants

"Oh god, I thought you were naked, and that we......" I said shivering again

"No no, we didn't and your room was too far to carry you too" he said

"Dude man, wow haha" I said as I sat back down

"You alright?" he asked

"Yeah, but I think I need to go apartment hunting" I said

"Wait what? Your moving out?" he asked

"I am thinking about it. I wanna get my own place" I said........

"How about this one?" Jessie asked pointing up to the skyscraper

"Yeah no, I have an idea. Are we booked for anything soon?" I asked

"Not for another too weeks" he said

"Oh, okay well can we go for a trip up north?" I asked

"Like to Toronto?" he asked

"Yeah" I said

"You want me to come with you?" he asked

"Well yeah why not?" I asked

"Well when I said we weren't busy, I meant you weren't but I got things I need to do" he said

"Oh" I said simply

"Yeah, I'm sorry" he said

"Thats okay'' I said as we walked down the street

"So you want to move up there?" he asked

"I was thinking about it" I said

"Why would you move there?" he asked

"Well it is home, and I will be turning eighteen soon" I said

"I know, but isn't the age up there nineteen?" he asked

"Yeah but not in Alberta" I said

"Alber who?" he asked

"The province Alberta, the legal age is eighteen" I said

"What? Ugh hurry up and turn eighteen already so we can go out" he said

"I will I promise" I said laughing

We walked around downtown just having a day off to ourselves. The only thing that got really annoying was the security that was 'secretly' following us from the record label. Its not like we were going to get mugged or anything and nobody even recognized us yet. Jessie though got a call on his cellphone and he didn't look too thrilled.

"I gotta go do some work, you wanna come?" he asked

"Nah I think I am going to do some shopping or something" I said

"Alright well be safe, and I will talk to you later" he said flagging down a cab

"Okay bye" I said as he got in the cab and it drove away.

Finally I was by myself, downtown with nobody to bug me. I did some walking around and I didn't really see anything at first but then I came across this travel agent building and there was pictures of different places all over the window. Thinking to myself I decided I wanted to do some travelling before the big tour started or before I had to do a ton of work.

While I was thinking the whole travel thing over I made a couple of calls to book some tickets then I walked into this tower that had a shopping centre in the bottom. I was browsing through some clothes but I didn't really see anything I liked. So I moved on down to the furniture section and household stuff. A couple of sales agents came over and they were all too happy to try and help me find something but I told them all I was just browsing.

I walked over to the section that had nice paintings and pictures all fixated up for sale. I seen some really nice ones with scenery and stuff like that but I was snapped out of my browsing by an all too familiar voice.


"Zac" I said looking back over at him

"What are you doing here?" he asked

"I don't know really just some browsing, checking things out for when I get my own place" I said

"Your getting your own place? Thats cool" he said

"Yeah" I said looking back at some paintings

"So how have you been?" he asked

"I've been great, really busy though" I said

"I see" he said

"How have you been?" I asked

"Alright. Finished filming and now just taking some time off'' he said

"By looking at paintings?" I asked smiling

"Well yeah I wanted to get some things to put up" he said

"Cool" I said looking back at some different paintings

"So hey uhm.....I was wondering.....well if you....." he started

"Yeah?" I said sarcastically

"Wanna get some coffee or something?" he asked

"Uhm no" I said simply

"Oh" he said sounding all defeated "Alright then" he said

"But if you want to talk we can go for a walk or something" I said

"Alright" he said......

After a couple of hours walking in complete silence we stopped at a park. It was really big and there was tons of trees everywhere. As I expected we ended up getting starbucks to go and now we were sitting at a bench infront of a big fountain.

"So are you seeing anyone?" he asked

"No not now, and I am doing great" I said

"Cool, single and doing great huh'' he said

"So have you heard the album?" I asked

"Yeah I have it at home. Its really good I listen to it all the....." he stoppped

"Thanks, uhm so you came to the concert?" I asked

"Yeah it was awesome, I thought you did really good" he said

"Thanks, well uhm have you talked to Jessie at all?" I asked changing that subject

"No not really, I've seen him here and there but we never really had too much time to chat" he said

"I see" I said

"So what do you have planned? Or anything coming up?" he asked

''Well not for the next couple of weeks, but I am planning on doing some travelling" I said

"Travelling? Back up to Canada?'' he asked

"Yeah I wanted to go back home, and then maybe some camping up in the rockies or something " I said

"Wow, all by yourself?" he asked

"Haha yeah I am a big boy now. I will be fine" I said taking a sip of my latte

"Right, I didn't mean" he said

"Its okay" I said

"Okay, say uhm its really nice seeing you again" he said

"Yeah its nice seeing you too" I said

"So what are you doing now?" he asked

"Well I am going to get out of here and head back home. Gotta cook supper and then do something else" I said

"Alright'' he said as I stood up

"Well it was really nice seeing you" I said in that awkward moment.

"Same here" he said leaning in but stopped as we both moved our bodies side to side laughing a bit, then having the most awkward hug ever.

"Bye Zac" I said as I turned around and started walking. I heard him say bye quietly but I didn't look back.

When I got outside of the park I could see him still just standing there looking. It hurt so bad to not actually work something out, but I guess what we did was progress. After seeing him I actually wasn't too sure if it would be a good idea to date him again for the fear of it not working out again. It was really wierd actually how we acted. Not like we never broke up or anything, but as if we were in highschool after some sort of fight. strange.

Then I got a call on my cellphone. It was from the travel agent. She did some work for me and had reserved some flights over to Alberta in Canada first and from there over to Toronto. The best part was when she told me that she had full five star hotel reservations done for me.

So this was it. My big trip and I was going it all alone.

When I walked into the house Jessie had already been cooking and its smelt not too bad. I didn't really say hi to him but he said hi to me and just kept going on about his day and all the stuff he had to do. Then he started rambling about some other stuff and I didn't pay any attention until he asked me about my dad and I was zoned out.

"So? What did you do today?" he asked as I walked past him and grabbed a smirnoff ice out of the fridge.

"It was so wierd, especially when I said goodbye, he didn't know what to do" I said to myself

"Ah okay then......who are you talking about?" he asked...."Justin.....Zac?"

"Zac, I seen him today while I was shopping" I said

"Interesting.....and?" he asked

"Nothing, nothing at all, grabbed some coffee and talked in the park" I said

"Work anything out?" he asked

"No, not at all. It was like we were just aquaintances or something" I said taking a big swig of my cooler

"Hhm well don't let it bug you..... I made supper, want some?" he asked

"Yeah sure" I said just looking at the same spot on the table.

Jessie grabbed the food and dished it up for us. He put my plate down infront of me and his on the other side of the table. He began to eat where as I didn't even look at mine. I could hear him chowing down and then he stopped.

"You alright?" he asked

"Yeah I am fine......mmhmm looks good" I said taking a fork to the stir fry beneath me

"I made it with turkey instead of chicken, since we were out" he said

"Cool" I said taking some more bites and a couple sips of my cooler

''So what else did you do today?" he asked

"Oh yeah" I said snapping out of my trance "I'm going to Alberta in a couple of days and then over to Toronto" I said

"Uh who what now?" he asked

"Yeah I booked a trip over there for a couple of weeks. You know, take some time to myself and relax'' I said shoveling some more food into my mouth

"Your going alone? Are you insane? Have you even been over their before? I know your from Toronto, but Alberta?" he asked

"Nope, but it will be fun" I said

"I am sure it will" he said

"So you said you were going to be busy, whats the big deal" I said

"Nothing, I understand, I hope you have fun" he said

"I plan on it" I said

"Did you find any places to live yet?" he asked

"What you kicking me out?" I asked smiling

"No, I don't want you to leave" he said

"Aww the baby has to leave the nest sometime" I said......

"Well I don't want you to. And are you sure you wanna do the whole travel thing? Thats a bit outrageous" he said

"Dude I am going on tour soon so its coming anyways. I will be fine man, I just really want to go alone and have fun" I said simply

"Alright, just be careful over there man" he said

"I will, don't worry" I said.

After supper we just chilled out for a bit. Watched a movie and then got extremely bored. I seriously had nothing to do. It was ridiculous and I hated it. I went around the house and cleaned it until dirt and dust no longer exsisted. I did all the laundry, folded it and put it away. I even dinked around in the basement studio for a bit. Nothing serious mind you, I just finished the album. Regardless of what I did I still had nothing to do.

The worst part of it all was that I could not get Zac out of my head. The way he looked, the way he acted, and just seeing him again was driving me off the wall. I wanted to talk to him so bad but I didn't know where he stood, let alone how I was really feeling. Luckily for me he called me just in the middle of those stupid thoughts.

"Hello" I answered

"Hey its Zac" he said

"Yeah I know your number" I said laughing a bit

"Oh right....haha....well uhm is it alright if I call you?" he asked

'what a stupid question' I thought

"Of course its okay, if it wasn't I'd be yelling or would have hung up by now" I said

"Right, ha uhm......whatcha up to?" he asked

'God such stupid questions' I thought

"Nothing really, dying of boredom. You?" I asked

"Oh nothing really, just sitting here thinking" he said

"I what are you thinking about?" I asked

"You" he said

"Oh, well what exactly are you thinking?" I asked

"Oh I don't know, that I really miss you and it was torture seeing you today" he said making me smirk

"Well it would all be your fault anyways" I said

"Yeah, I know" he said

"Alright, so is there a point to this phone call?" I asked kinda sounding annoyed

"Yeah, I just wanted to talk to you" he said

"Really.....what are you doing Zac? Because if this is going to be a big waste of time then I don't want to talk" I said

"No its not a waste....I don't know, is it a crime to want to talk to you?" he asked

"Yeah it is when you fucking dumped me because you thought and I mean thought, that I was doing so bad or whatever your reason was" I said now getting really annoyed

"Look I am sorry alright" he said sounding kind of angry

"Yeah because sorry is really going to cut it right" I said as Jessie walked in and I rolled my eyes showing him I was annoyed

"What else am I supposed to say" he said

"Well I don't know about that one but lets just say I will give you some time to think about it:" I said

"What does that mean?" he asked

"It means that I am going on vacation, to Canada actually, and I won't be taking any calls. So theres your time to did you say that to me.....get yourself together" I said

"Why are you being like this?" he asked

"Oh no, don't make it look like I have the problems, your the one who dumped me, your the one who can't decide on anything, and are not the one who tried and wanted to work things out from the get go....goodbye'' I said and hung up.

I looked over at Jessie and just fumed with anger. Seriously I think my face was going red or something because he just backed off. I on the other hand stormed over to the kitchen and grabbed a big tub of ice cream and a beer and sat my ass down on the couch.

"You okay?'' he asked as I dug a big spoon into the ice cream and shoved it in my mouth

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" I said sarcastically as I took another big spoon

"Well ice cream probably isn't going to help anything" he said as he took the spoon right out of my hand and put some in his mouth

"Hey" I said as I ripped the spoon back

"What?" he asked as he had ice cream all around his lips making me laugh

"Your too much" I said

"Yeah I know'' he said "So what do you want to do now?" he asked

"Meh I don't know, I am bored" I said taking another swig of my beer

"Well we can sneek into a club or something?" he said

"What? I can't do that" I said

"Dude I don't know how you did it but this place is awesome" I said loudly over the music in the club

''Yeah I know. Dude you can get in anywhere now, you just have to stay in the v.i.p area" he said

"And I am totally not complaining over that" I said

"So do you want a drink?" he asked

"Yeah sure, uhm can you get me a mojito?" I asked

"Yeah, I will be right back" he said and got up to go the bar

The club was insane, there were people dancing around like crazy and having a good time. I was approached by alot of people but nobody said anything about me being underage. I was being complimented by how good I looked, and how there were so many guys in the club that would try and pick me up and it was just outrageous. Jessie finally made it back with my mojito and it looked so so good.

"Thanks'' I said taking the drink and a big sip of it.

"No problem, and I have a suprise for you" he said

"Oooh what is it?" I asked

"Hhm just a little something something" he said looking behind him at the t.v on the wall''

When I looked over at the t.v it was the broadcast of the concert and people were going nuts in the club. So many were cheering and then I heard one of my songs start from the dj and the dance floor was going retarded.

"And there is one more suprise for you" he said into my ear

"What more can you have up your sleeve?" I asked as I felt someone tapping on my shoulder.

When I turned around I seen Britney, Lindsay, and Paris.

"Oh my god Hi!!!" I yelled as I gave Britney a big hug

"Hey" she said hugging me back

"Whats up baby?" Lindsay said giving me a hug

"Not too much" I said

Then, Paris, whom which I never met before in person gave me a hug

"I heard alot about you" she said

"Its good to meet you" I said

''Same, you look hot by the way" she said

"Thanks so do you guys" I said

So we all stood around in the v.i.p chatting away and having drink after drink. Unfortuneatly a club manager had to come and reign our parade. It was unfortuneate but he told me I had to leave because word leaked out that I was possibly there. So Jessie and I left the girls behind and went out the back of the club. Suprise suprise there was some media just around the corner.

"Jesse Jordan! Were you in the club underaged?" One reporter asked ask as they all tried to push in to get a response.

"No obviously because I am underage, god get a grip" I said pushing through them with Jessie behind me

"Sources say you were inside!" Another yelled

''Yeah not past the bouncer, I am picking my friend up, but your too blind to realize that" I said pushing my through harder.

''Jessie is it true that you are dating Jesse Jordan?" On reporter asked

"What? Were in the hell did you hear that?" Jessie asked not too pleased

"Yeah didn't you just hear me say friends?" I asked pushing through them once again

Finally we made it out of the madness and I yelled taxi when I seen one coming. Then Jessie and I jumped in and drove off away from the media madness.

When we were inside the cab, I actually felt kind of sick to my stomach. Not from the booze or anything but from seeing nothing but the city, and nothing but fast paced living, and headaches. I really just wanted an escape. I needed to be far from society somewhere. Thats when I turned to Jessie.

"Oh please come with me!" I literally begged

"Where? What?" he asked confused.

"Up on my trip to Canada" I said

"What? I can't I mean I have...." he started

"Let me guess, so much to do" I said under my breath

"I just couldn't, I don't think I can" he said

"Of course you can, your pretty much my boss for christ's sake. Please just come with me. You don't have to come with me to Toronto, but please come with me to Alberta" I said

"Uhm, you have to let me think about it" he said

"I don't want to go camping on my own in the rocky mountains" I said

"What? You are going to do all that on your own? There is no way I am letting that happen" he said

"Good then come with me" I said

"But" he said

"No buts, I want it just to be me and you, up in the mountains. Away from people and society, being free to do whatever we want" I said as the cab driver looked back at me kinda funny "He's straight, don't get any idea's" I said as the driver nodded.

"Ugh, I don't think I can do it, I am sorry" he said

"Fine, I won't talk you into it or anything, just thought I'd ask'' I said as I looked out the window defeated.

"I don't know how you talked me into this one, but you owe me big time" Jessie said as he took grip of my hand as the plane took off

"Relax take off isn't that bad, and yeah I will pay you back" I said grinning. "Camping here we come" I said.


So what did you think? Let me know.............

I am so sorry it took so long. To be completely honest I forgot all about this story when I got my new laptop.

~Surreal Uprising Soundtrack~

Ladies and Gentlemen is by Saliva

Hell in your eyes is from Queen of the Damned OST.

Only You is by Ashanti

Like Me is by Girlicious

Stripper Friends is by Tila Tequila

Slipped Away, is by Avril Lavigne

Next: Chapter 18

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