Surreal Uprising

By J.J

Published on Sep 3, 2008


Disclaimer: Yeah a Disclaimer, I know they suck but its the rules. First of all if you are under the legal age or viewing illegal content according to your country's laws than I suggest you do not read the next sentence of this disclaimer let alone the story. I do not know the sexualities of any of the celebrities mentioned and it is pure coinsidence to any recognition of anyone that may resemble any character. . This story is purely fictional and contains sexual content and some coarse language. If you do not prefer same sex relationships or anything else that has to do with homosexuality then I suggest you don't read this story. So if you qualify or are brave enough to read this and not get caught then sit back, relax, and enjoy.......... Author's Tid-bit: This story involves a relationship between a teenaged boy and an adult. There will be sexual content and some imaginary nudity but this story is definately not pornographic (sorry to spoil that). Feedback is always welcome but junk will be ignored. I do respond to most of the readers but if you don't hear from me then that means I am swamped with comments or ideas....This story is my own and copywrited by me and any purgery will be dealt with accordingly.....Oh screw the rest just enjoy.....

I do not own any of the songs in this story unless stated otherwise by me. There will be this new thing that I want to start called the Surreal Uprising Soundtrack....feel free to download any of these songs to get a better listen to them and make sure you check the bottom of the page to find out more about the music.

I want to make this cool for the readers so if you....the reader....can think of any other cool idea's like the Surreal Uprising Soundtrack please let me know.

The Surreal Uprising Chapter 16:

By J.J

"Hey wake up are you okay?" Lindsay asked me looking down at me

"Huh what?" I asked shooting up quickly getting an instant headache

"You must have been pretty drunk last night" she said

"Yeah I think I was" I said

I quickly checked to make sure I wasn't naked when I got up since the memories of last night flashed back into my head. Luckily for me I had all my clothes on.

"Were is everyone?" I asked

"Well they all went home but Britney is passed out upstairs" she said smiling

"Oh I see. So what happened last night?" I asked nervously

"Uhm well first we danced and stuff and then you said you needed to sit down, but then you ended up passing out here" she said

"Oh" I said

"And it was so weird that Robbie...." she started

"What about Robbie?" I asked

"Well he came in and said you passed out when he checked on you and then grabbed your clothes" she said

"Oh man I was wondering how I got them on, not like I had sex with anyone, thank god" I lied with a nervous laugh

"Right well I don't think that happened at all, as a matter of fact I came out here and you were sleeping like a baby" she said smiling

"Phew" I said

"Okay well I am getting out of here. I came to see if you wanted a ride home?" she said

"Sure thanks" I said getting up "What about Britney?" I asked

"She will call you don't worry" she said

I got up and we both walked out of the beach house. When we came outside everything was nice and clean and seemed like there never was a party. I guess that was the maids job since I seen one throwing out a bag of garbage. Then we walked around to the front of the mansion and Lindsay took out her keys and hit the button for her door to unlock. When it did a black Mercedes SL500 blinked.

"This is your car?" I asked

"Yeah its old I am getting a new one next month" she said

"Right" I said

"Hey its the joys of fame" she said

"I see" I said as we both got into the car and drove out onto the street

"So have you even tapped into your money at all?" she asked

"Uhm no not really. I don't even know how much I have" I said

"Really, well you should check that out. You never really released a full album but single cds were released. I own one of yours" she said

"You do?" I asked as I rubbed my head from my headache

"Hung over huh? And yeah I do. Sweet Dreams was an awesome remake. You didn't hear it last night?" she asked

"No" I said

"Well we danced to it silly" she said

"Wow I was really drunk" I said

''You didn't have to drink you know that? I mean sure its nice to party but don't let it get out of control. I use to drink to make an impression and then I got hooked on it and much worse. Now being clean I can control it" she said

"Thats good to hear" I said

"Well when your all fucked up nobody really does anything other then make fun of you" she said

"I see" I said

"Seriously, your still young, don't let your life get off track. And by the way I have connections to get you into some movies or something" she said

"Really?" I asked

"Yeah I mean come on, I would love to work with you" she said

"Awesome.....oh this is my place here'' I said

"Zac Efron's house?" she asked

"Yeah he's letting me crash until I can get my own place" I said

"Haha get your own place? Dude check your bank account, that shouldn't be a problem anymore" she said

"Alright I will, and well thanks for the ride" I said as she dropped me off in the driveway

"No me sometime" she said and then drove off.

I walked up to the house with the most horrible gut feeling ever. I knew what I did last night because it was all coming back to me more and more. I cheated on Zac....I was drunk......should I tell him? Shouldn't I? Just hide it for now. I walked through the front doors and I didn't hear anything at all. That was until I got closer to the kitchen. I peeked around the corner, hoping nobody saw me and there was Jessie, Vanessa, Zac, Ashley.....and...........Robbie!!!

'Oh my god' I thought

I turned around and tried to go up the stairs but as soon as I stepped on the first step I got called.

"Jesse. Come here'' Zac said

'Shit....shit....shit...' I thought.

I turned around fearing the worst. I headed to the kitchen, and nobody looked too please and the expression on Robbie's face scared the hell out of me.

"I am so sorry I didn't mean to......." I said

"What happened? I mean you didn't call or anything. You could have called me" Zac said

"I can ex..." I started

"No you don't need to explain, Robbie already told me" he said

"He did?" I asked

"Yeah you could have just called and said that you passed out" Zac said

''Huh?" I asked

"Remember you were at Britney's and you said you were tired and passed out?" Robbie said

"Uh yeah" I said cautiously

"And I am glad that you didn't drink or anything" Vanessa said

"Right yeah, well it was a tiring day yesterday" I said

"Yeah well I was going to introduce Robbie to you but it seems you two already met" Ashley said

"Yeah we exchanged hello's last night at Britney's" Robbie said as I felt like fainting.

Then Zac got up and gave me a hug and a kiss and headed upstairs.

"So did you have fun?" Vanessa asked

"It was alright" I said trying to keep my cool as Robbie looked at me nearly jaw dropped.

Then Robbie got up for a second and went towards the bathroom.

"Excuse me for a second" I said as Jessie gave me a wierd look "I forgot to take my shoes off and I can smell pine sol. Sorry Vanessa"

"Its alright" she said

I quickly followed in the direction of Robbie and caught up to him.

"What did you tell them?" I demanded in a whisper

"I just told them that we said hello and you passed out'' he said

"I don't know what you are up to but I swear to god" I whispered

"I didn't know you were dating, let alone Zac. I knew he was gay and all but with you?" he asked

"Yeah with me. You better not say anything and I was drunk" I said

"I won't I promise. I am so sorry" he said

"Yeah so am I" I said harshly as I kicked my shoes off and walked back to the kitchen

When I sat back down at the table Ashley and Vanessa were laughing about something and just carrying on, but Jessie was on to something. He kept looking at me wierd and giving me the 'eye'.

"Hey Jess can I talk to you for a second?" Jessie asked

"Yeah sure" I said

Jessie got up and I followed him into the living room.

"What did you do last night?" he asked

"Nothing why?" I asked

"Your so did something" he said

"Okay okay, I am sorry I lied. I had a couple drinks" I lied

"A couple drinks? You promised" he said

"I know and I am sorry but I didn't over do it and it was way too late for me to waltz into the house" I said

"Just promise you won't do it again" he said

"I wont. I promise" I said and began to walk back to the kitchen

"Oh and Jess'' Jessie said making me stop

"Yeah?" I asked

"Did Robbie try anything with you?" he asked

"What? He's gay?" I asked

"No he's bi and also very forward. So did he try anything? Don't lie" he said

"No I just said hello to him. Geesh would you calm down" I said walking away from him

As I was turning to go back into the kitchen Zac came from the stairs and Robbie also came from the bathroom. Zac stopped to smile at me as Robbie looked like he wanted to dig a hole there and jump in it. I stood there not knowing what to do. Zac put his arm around my waist and looked back at Robbie who just put on a fake smile and walked beside us.....such an awkward moment. Jessie was right on it though. Right behind us, glaring at Robbie and questioning me silently. I hated it.

"So what did you think of the Movie?" Ashley asked

"It was really good" Zac piped up.

Oh my god such an awkward moment. Sitting on the couch watching Ashley's movie Picture This.....Zac on my right with his arm around me, then Robbie next to me with Ashley next to him. Big whoop Jessie and Vanessa got the comfy floor. Oh how I wished.

"Yeah and Robbie you were really good in it" Zac said

"Thanks" he said not to enthusiastically

"Something wrong Robbie?" Jessie asked supsiciously

"No nothings wrong just kinda tired" Robbie said

"Hhm must be all worn out" Jessie said

"Yeah tough workout this morning" he said kinda nervously

"Right.....Well I think we should get the famous Jesse here to make us some lunch" Ashley said

"What why me?" I asked

"Because you are an awesome cook" Vanessa said

"Ugh do I have to?" I asked

"Yeah you do" Zac said smiling at me

"Why don't you cook Zac?" I asked

"Because unless you like the flavor burnt then I suggest you do it" Zac said

"I will help" Jessie said standing up

"Thanks" I said sarcastically

"I wanna learn" Jessie said.

We both walked into the kitchen and I peeked into the fridge. I couldn't really decide. That was until I looked back on the island and seen the bag of pita bread. Then I reached into the fridge and pulled out the gypsy salami, green and yellow peppers, green leaf lettuce, feta cheese, italian salad dressing and souvlaki. Jessie had this wierd look on his face.

"Hey wanna cut the pita's in half for me and stuff them with salami and feta cheese" I asked

"Yeah sure" he said

While Jessie cut and stuffed the pita's I got the lettuce and peppers sliced up. Then when he was done stuffing them I put them on the grill so the salami was cooked a little bit and the feta cheese melted a little bit Then I flipped the pita's to make them crispy with those famous grill marks on them. When they were done I picked them off the grill and stuffed them with lettuce and peppers. I put some souvlaki on the side and poured just the right amount of dressing on top of them.

Jessie was already ahead of me and he had the plates ready. So put the hot stuffed pita's on the plates and both Jessie and I carried them back to everyone in the living room. Jessie of course being Mr. Supiscious gave a plate to Ashley and Vanessa while I had to sit down and give a plate to Zac and Robbie.

"Thanks" Robbie said first

"No problem" I said simply

"Thanks babe" Zac said

"Yeah your welcome" I said taking a bite into mine......ooooh so good.

"Wow this is really good" Vanessa said literally stuffing her face as we all looked up at her and began to laugh "What? Its good" she said with a mouthful

"Real creative" Ashley said

"Dude I fucking love you!" Jessie said as we all kinda fell silent over that

Zac kinda just looked over to Jessie with a questioning look as Robbie had this look him thinking I was some kind of whore. Vanessa was the first one to crack though and start laughing. Then Ashley let loose followed by Zac. Neither Robbie or I laughed at that.

"What?" Jessie said

"The best way to a man is through his stomach" Vanessa said

"Who said I was trying?" I asked jokingly making everyone laugh "If I really wanted to try then I wouldn't have settled for Zac" I said jokingly making them all uproar with laughter again.

"So what do you think?" Jessie asked

"I can see it now....tons of people, the crowd screaming.....up close and personal with Jesse Jordan" Zac said so thrilled

"I don't know" I said

"What? Come on this will be your first real big show" Jessie said

"Uhm the album hasn't been released yet" I said

"I know but if we hurry up and get in the studio we can finish it so we can put the album out" Jessie said

"You should do it" Zac said "Just think of the people screaming your name!" Zac said

"Ugh I have to think about it" I said

"Why? Whats there to think about? This is your job man, you kinda have to do it eventually" Jessie said

"Ugh whatever" I said

"Whats with you?" Zac asked

"Nothing ok. Just irritated" I said

"Of what?" Zac asked

"Nevermind" I said walking out of the house.

I walked out and down the street. I had no idea where I was going but I didn't care just needed to walk somewhere.

''Its been a couple of hours where do you think he went?" Vanessa asked

"I don't know but its broad daylight and I don't think he is going to be stupid" Zac said

"He probably just needs some distance, he is going through alot you know'' Jessie said

"Yeah true, god disownment, alcoholism, fame, thank god he hasn't found the fortune yet" Ashley said

"Hey Robbie what was he like at the party?" Zac asked

"Uhm well he was the same as now I guess'' he said to Zac

"Huh, its so strange, something is up with him and aI can't quite put my finger on it" Zac said

"Yeah it is really weird" Jessie said

"Hey guys" I said walking in to the house dropping my bag on the floor.

I sat down on the chair around where everyone else was and they all had nervous looks on their faces....

"Oh go on just because I am here doesn't mean you have to stop talking about me" I said

"Uhm we were just worried. Didn't know where you went or whats wrong with you" Zac said

"Oh I am fine now" I said smiling

"Fine? Really if there is something...." he started

"I said I am fine and I went out and did some shopping and well I got something" I said

"What did you get?" Zac asked

"My liscense!!!!!" I jumped up exclaiming showing everyone the card in my hand.

"What?" They all asked at the same time.

"I went for a walk and realised why walk when I can drive!" I said

"Thats good, well congratulations" Zac said not too thrilled

"What, why is everyone not so happy?" I asked confused

"Uhm" Zac started

"No wait. I know what this is about. You all think that I have some sort of problem and that I might hurt myself. I get it alright. Thanks so much for trusting me you guys" I said walking back out of the house. This time I stopped though. Duh just got my liscence! So I went into the garage and hopped in my car and drove out of the garage rather quickly and out of the driveway onto the street. I stopped though and hooked up my iPod to the MP3 output in the stereo, put the top down and listened to When I Grow Up by the Pussycat Dolls.

It was pretty funny really, listening to that song blazing, the irony was hilarious. The best was when I pulled up to a red light and there was this nice Dodge pick up truck full of guys. I will never forget the driver rolling down his window and looking at me smiling as he lowered his sunglasses. Then the back window rolled down to show more guys in the back.

"Yo Jesse Jordan!!" One of them yelled.

"Hello boys" I said sexily and drove off as the light turned green.

'hhm what to do, what to do' I thought to myself.

I weaved in and out of traffic. Getting more and more attention from the public I was beginning to think being outside wasn't really a good idea at the moment. So I turned around and headed back towards my house. I nearly made it to my cut off before I seen a bank and stopped. I parked the car and got out and waited in line to use the ATM. It was weird some people were looking back at me in line but I just stood there like I was just your everyday stranger.

When it was finally my turn I put my card in and entered my pin number. Then clicking on account balances I think my heart stopped when I seen the balance. Well lets not get into details but there was alot of money, and when I say alot I more then I ever dreamt to have at one time unless I won the lottery. I cancelled my transaction and took my card out and walked out of the bank trying not to break into a happy dance.

''Whoever said money can't buy you happiness must have worked in a bank" I said to myself as I got in my car

I drove down the block and seen a car specialist shop. So I parked inside and went in to talk to the reception.

"Hello can I help you with anything?" the gentleman asked

"Hey yeah, I was wondering what kind of customizations you guys do?" I asked

"Well we do everything from paint to body kits" he said

"That sounds good, uhm do you have a catalogue or something I can look at?" I asked as he handed me one

"You can browse through this and see if there is anything you like" he said

"Business busy today?" I asked looking over to the other cars in the garage.

"No not at all, those are staff cars being worked on" he said

"Oh okay" I said

I browsed through the book and came across a couple of things that I liked. First I picked out a small sublte spoiler, it looked like a stealthy nascar version with the bolts holding it on. I really hated those big stupid spoilers, they made it look like there was a facial razor on the back of the car. Then I flipped through a couple more pages and came across hoods. There was this nice one that had two air intakes in them and I liked it alot. Then I found some designs for decals to get on the car and picked out the perfect one.

"Do you think you can do all of this today?" I asked

"Yeah we sure can, there are no bookings right now. But uhm these are all just for appearance, do you want anything under the hood?" he asked

"Uhm yeah, what do you recommend for a Solstice?" I asked

"Well we can do a stage three turbo, uhm also for the solstice there is a air intake, air filter, exhaust system, high performance axel, and racing tuned suspension" he said

"Wow, uhm I'm not really to keen on all that but it all sounds really good to me" I said

"It basically makes the car like one out of fast and the furious, but thats if you want the whole works done" he said

"Sweet, uhm how long will all this take?" I asked

"Well, seeing as you are celebrity it can be rushed and done within a couple of hours" he said

"Sweet, okay" I said

"Good so I will need your keys, and as a bonus we are going to put some custom rims and a paint job on the house" he said

"Wow thanks, well I will make sure that I mention your name to some friends" I said

"Alright so if you come back around five the car should be done" he said

"That sounds great" I said as I went to walk out

"Oh what kind of paintjob do you want?" I asked

"Uhm suprise me" I said

"Okay, see you at five" he said as I kept walking

"Yup thanks" I said walking out

I pulled out my cellphone and called Jessie right away

"Hey where are you?" he answered

"Just down in town, I just put the car in the garage for a tune up" I said

"Its a brand new car it doesn't need a tune up" he said

"I know I just put some goodies on it, thats all" I said

"Well as long as you didn't go insane on it" he said

"Yeah" I said rolling my eyes

"So are you okay now?" he asked

"Yeah I am alot better" I said

"Can I come pick you up? Well how long is the car going to take?" he asked

"It will be done at five, the shop was busy" I lied

"Alright I will call you when I get closer" he said

"Okay bye" I said and hung up......

And just like a nightmare out of a horror movie someone tapped on my shoulder. The nightmare was the paparazzi. It was a smaller, actually young girl who looked not too much older then me. She had long straight blonde hair, a small but curvy figure, and really bright blue eyes. She was pretty and if I was straight that would be the type of girl I would go for.

"Look I am not answering anything or posing if you are going to be all rowdy" I said

"Okay then, I heard rumor that you wanted to star in a sequel of Brokeback Mountain with Jessie Mccartney" she said

"What where did you hear that?" I asked now becoming generally interested in this conversation

"Jessie did the cover for AXM saying he would do Brokeback, and sources said you wanted to star along side of him" she said

"Well you need to check your sources, but uhm why are you asking me so much about Jessie?" I asked

"Doesn't matter, but have you found it strange with Jessie and what he talks about during interviews?" she asked

"I don't know what you are talking about, I don't really watch t.v too much" I said smiling as she took a couple pictures

"Sorry it was a good pose" she said "Now during interviews Jessie has been saying sexuality doesn't matter and that the more the merrier, how do you feel about that?" she asked

"Oh you want the answer from a gay teen? Well I think it doesn't matter either but I don't want to be insinuated with someone else's beliefs just because I am their friend" I said

"Understandable, how do you enjoy Hollywood records?" she asked

"Wow you guys really do your homework" I said "Its fine, alot better then the others I have been with" I said

"Now about this war with Justin" she said

"Okay well I don't really want to talk about that" I said trying to subtly walk away

"Well is it true that you are enemies? or rivals?" she asked

"I wouldn't consider him a rival but he definately isn't my friend" I said

"And being friends with Britney is some sort of payback?' she asked

"No she is my friend for who she is, and she is a good person" I said

"Okay, what are you doing in town here next to a car shop?" she asked

"I just put my car in for some accessories" I said smiling

"Well congratulations on your liscense" she said

"Thank you" I said

"Have you considered acting at all?" she asked

"No" I said

"Alright, well that will be all" she said

"Wait stop the press, did a paparazzi just tell me that 'that will be all'" I quoted with my fingers

"Well it is unless you have more you want to tell me" she said smiling

"Nah, you don't need to know everything" I said

"What are you hiding?" she asked

"Well not too much really, but everyone has their private lives" I said

"Okay well your free to go" she said

"Thanks" I said

That was by far the wierdest paparazzi encounter I have ever had. It was plain strange. I almost felt like interviewing her. Either she was really bad at her job or really good. Either way I shrugged off my shoulders and just walked down the street amongst the public. There were some people who recognized me but they didn't say anything to me. It felt strange. It almost felt like I had my old life back. I was beginning to like it though then my phone rang snapping me back into my reality.

"Hey Jessie" I answered

"Hey meet me at the Mcdonalds down the road infront of you" he said

"How do you know where I am?" I asked

"I can see you. I am in the drive through getting some food. Want something?" he asked

"No thanks but I will be right there" I said hanging up..

"I don't know how you can eat that garbage" I said as we sat in the parking lot while he ate

"Its good, thats why" he said taking another big bite out of his Big Mac

"So whats up?" I asked

"We really need to talk" he said

"Okay about what?" I asked

"Its about you and Zac" he said swalling his food then looking at me seriously

"What do you mean?" I asked

"I don't know how to tell you this, and I thought it would be easy" he said

"Oh Jessie please don't say anything" I said

"I can't not say it. Zac wants to take a break" he said

"What?" I asked trying not to cry

"He wants to take a break for a while until you can sort yourself out" he said as I kinda just let the tears flow

"He's breaking up with me?" I asked crying now

"I don't know if its for good or not" he said

"Oh my god" I said putting my head in my hands crying

"I am so sorry, he was going to tell you but I thought I would warn you" he said putting his hand on my back.

"Oh my god" I said again trying to get out of the car

"Jess no wait. Don't go anywhere" Jessie said

"What am I supposed to do?" I asked

"I don't know. Go home for now" he said

"Will you drive me?" I asked

"Yeah sure" he said

The whole way back I was silent but still crying. It just wouldn't stop. I didn't know what to do.

"Tell me it isn't true" I said walking up towards Zac in the driveway

"Jessie what the fuck man" Zac yelled at Jessie

"Zac tell me it isn't true" I said

"What do you want me to say!" he yelled at me

"I'm so sorry Zac" I said beginning to cry alot more now.

"No its not like that. You just need to sort yourself out. I can't handle the way your lifestyle is going anymore'' he said

"Oh my god" I said again this time turning around to not face Zac.

"Look at me" he said but I wouldn't turn around.

Jessie was just standing next to his car with the door open, waiting for something to happen. Vanessa, Ashley, and Robbie were all standing at the front door too. I could see that Vanessa and Ashley were crying but who really gave a fuck about Robbie.

"Would you fucking look at me!" Zac yelled grabbing onto my arm

"Don't fucking touch me! There is nothing wrong with me! I am growing up! Did you ever think about that!" I yelled pushing his hand off of me

''It doesn't matter, things aren't working out" he said looking at me like I never knew him

"Fuck you Zac!" I yelled "Go fuck yourself you fucking asshole! I fucking loved you! Why can't you just be with me! Just going to drop me off the face of the earth huh?" I yelled

"I don't want it to be like this" he said

"What you think I would be happy about this?" I asked

"I don't know" he said putting his hands in his head

"Go fuck yourself and never speak to me again!" I yelled walking away from him and out the driveway

"Wait Jess" Jessie said getting into his car

I just kept walking. I felt like I died though. I wanted to die. I didn't see it coming let alone the reasons why, unless he found out that I cheated. I guess I diserved it.

I tried to hold it in for a second but I just couldn't. I didn't care what people thought about me and I didn't care how I looked. I was balling as I was quickly walking down the street. Then I just stopped and sat on a bus stop seat and began balling. For what seemed like an eternity was only a second until Jessie showed up in his car.

"Jess get in please" he said

"No, just leave me alone" I said

"I can't just leave you" he said

"Yes you can, go away" I said putting my head in my hands again.

Jessie then got out of his car and came up to me.

"Please get it. I don't want you to be out here" he said

"Ok" I said as I stood up, I don't know why but I couldn't help it. I gave Jessie a hug and hugged him so tight as I cried into his shoulder.

"Its okay" he said

"No its not" I said burrying my head further into his shoulder.

"Lets just get out of here so you can cool off" he said

"Okay" I said as he put an arm around my shoulder and walked me over to the passenger side and opened the door for me.

When I got into the car I just began to cry again looking out the window while Jessie drove far away from Zac's and the public.

"Well this is the guest room, you can stay here as long as you want" Jessie said to me

"Thanks Jessie" I said

"No problem" he said

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked

"Yeah" he said

"Why are you doing this for me and not sticking with your friends?" I asked

"Because I care too much about you" he said smiling

"Thanks" I said

"Okay well I will let you relax for a bit, if you need me I will be down in the studio working on your stuff. Uhm make yourself at home" he said

"Okay thanks again" I said letting out a small sniffle as he gave me a hug and went downstairs.

This was a side of Jessie I never seen before. So much caring and so much affection. In a time like this I really needed it, that was for sure. I kept telling myself though that this was all a dream or that everything was going to be okay, and thats all I could hope for. Making me think while I laid on the bed for a good couple of hours I had a thought.

"Are you sure you want to finish the album with this song?" Jessie asked

"Yeah I do'' I said

It has been a good couple of weeks and both Jessie and I have been working really hard and are now on the last song of the album. The song that I wanted Zac to hear. I have not seen or spoken to him since the breakup but Jessie told me he has been asking if I was okay. I was beginning to cope without him but I still didn't want anything to be real. I wanted it all to be a dream, I wanted to wake back up in my house in Toronto with my mom making breakfast, and my best friend Chelsea coming over to bug me. I missed school, I missed my life from before. I wanted to be a normal teenager again and live a normal life but now there was no way of going back to what I once had.

"Okay so lets take it from the top, you've done this before, so make it perfect" he said

"Okay" I said standing back up to the mic

"Remember I am doing piano for this and this is a one shot song" he said

"I know" I said

"Alright" Jessie said as he started the piano

"Na na

Na na na na na

I miss you...miss you so bad

I don't forget you.....Oh it's so sad

I hope you can hear me

I remember it clearly

The day you slipped away

Was the day i found

It won't be the same


Na na

Na na na na na

I didn't get around to kiss you.....Goodbye on the hand

I wish that I could see you again....I know that I can't ooooh

I hope you can hear me......Cause I remember it clearly

The day you slipped away

Was the day i found

It won't be the same


I've had my wake up.Won't you wake up

I keep asking why

And I can't take it....It wasn't fake it

It happened you passed by

Now you're gone

Now you're gone

There you go

There you go

Somewhere I can't bring you back

Now you're gone

Now you're gone

There you go

There you go

Somewhere you're not coming back

The day you slipped away

Was the day i found

It won't be the same

Na na

Na na na na na

I miss you"

Jessie got up quietly and turned off the recording switch.

"That was really good" he said

"Thanks" I said

"You know I am so glad that you are okay now and back at it full time" he said

"I know, me too" I said stepping closer to him

"Yeah" he said getting closer

"Oh shit! Supper is going to burn!" I yelled smiling and running away from him back upstairs.

"Can't ever do take out?" he asked

"Hell no!" I yelled from the top of the stairs..


I really don't know where I was going with this one but I still want you to tell me if you liked it or not!

Thanks for reading and Chapter 17 is coming soon.

feedback ppl >:D

~Surreal Uprising Soundtrack Chapter 16~

Slipped Away by Avril Lavigne

When I Grow Up The Pussycat Dolls

Next: Chapter 17

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