Surreal Uprising

By J.J

Published on Aug 27, 2008



Disclaimer: Yeah a Disclaimer, I know they suck but its the rules. First of all if you are under the legal age or viewing illegal content according to your country's laws than I suggest you do not read the next sentence of this disclaimer let alone the story. I do not know the sexualities of any of the celebrities mentioned and it is pure coinsidence to any recognition of anyone that may resemble any character. . This story is purely fictional and contains sexual content and some coarse language. If you do not prefer same sex relationships or anything else that has to do with homosexuality then I suggest you don't read this story. So if you qualify or are brave enough to read this and not get caught then sit back, relax, and enjoy.......... Author's Tid-bit: This story involves a relationship between a teenaged boy and an adult. There will be sexual content and some imaginary nudity but this story is definately not pornographic (sorry to spoil that). Feedback is always welcome but junk will be ignored. I do respond to most of the readers but if you don't hear from me then that means I am swamped with comments or ideas....This story is my own and copywrited by me and any purgery will be dealt with accordingly.....Oh screw the rest just enjoy.....

I do not own any of the songs in this story unless stated otherwise by me. There will be this new thing that I want to start called the Surreal Uprising Soundtrack....feel free to download any of these songs to get a better listen to them and make sure you check the bottom of the page to find out more about the music.

I want to make this cool for the readers so if you....the reader....can think of any other cool idea's like the Surreal Uprising Soundtrack please let me know.

The Surreal Uprising Chapter 15:

By J.J

"I am so not an ass" Jessie said to me smiling

"Yes you are. You just don't know it" I said smiling back

"Well would I be an ass if....." he said

"If what?" I asked

Then he looked over in another direction past me. So thinking he seen something I didn't see I decided to look over too. When I turned back around because there was obviously nothing there I was in for a shock. As soon as my face was back facing his he leaned in and kissed me.

"See told you that your were an ass" I said as I got up and walked towards the downstairs bathroom

"You don't feel anything?" he asked seriously

"Nope, told you before. Nothing." I said

"I couldn't help it" he said with a big grin

"Yeah sure you couldn't, you are just testing the waters again" I said

"Well why not with a body like that......I mean.....damn" he said smiling again as I grabbed a robe off the bathroom door "Aww why'd ya have to do that?"

"Because, wouldn't want to get you all excited" I said

"Oh well too late for that" he said

Of course I just had to look. Me being Mr. Curious and all.

"Wow uhm yeah so what exactly are you going to do when reality smacks you in the forehead and you realize I am not going date you, at least not while I am dating Zac" I said

'"Oh so you are saying there is a possibility?" he asked being a smart ass

"Jessie, seriously I never would have taken you to be a gay guy" I said

"Yeah strange me neither" he said cockily

"Reality! three two one" I yelled

"What?" he asked all confused and thats when I smacked him right in the forehead "Ahh geeze you freaking suck!" he said putting both his hands on his forehead

"Alright so is there a reason why you are over here, other then trying to get down my briefs or what?" I ask

"Yeah are you going to come and join my label or what?" he asked

"I don't know man. Ugh" I said

"Please, if you do I promise I will stop flirting with you" he said

"Really now?" I asked

"Yeah really I mean it. Dude seriously. You take this deal and I will leave you alone" he said.

"Hold on" I said

"What why?" he said covering his forehead again.....

I picked up the cordless phone off the counter and dialed the number from hell.

"Hey yeah Jeremy, you wanna do me a favor?"......"Uh huh yeah, no about that......Tell Clive I quit and that I have someone else" I said hanging up

"You so did not just do that" Jessie said

"Oh yes I so did....Life is about taking chances, and making changes, why would I not want to do it with my friends" I said

"You tell me?'' he said raising an eyebrow

"Oh my God, that came out wrong, I didn't mean it that way....god your such a horn dog" I said punching him in the arm

"Okay sorry I was just joking" he said

"Yeah sure you were. So uhm can I keep some rock songs I never finished?" I asked

"Of course, why not" he said

"And uhm can one of them be somewhat explicit?" I asked

"Well its not preferred but we can work around that" he said

"Great because I have one I wrote about Justin" I said

"Oh wow payback time huh?" he asked

"Oh yeah" I said

"Well lets hear it" he said.

"What?" I asked

"Sing it" he said

"I can't without the music" I said

"Your going to have to remake the music anyways so sing it" he said

"Alright" I said

I got up from the stool and stood infront of Jessie. I went over the lyrics in my head for a second and once I had them all back I started

"Walking.......waiting.......alone without a care.....

Hoping, and hating.....the thing that I can't bare.....

Well did you think its cool to walk right up to take my life?

And fuck it up!!?

Well did you?!!!!

Well did you?

I see hell in your eyes!!!

Taken in by suprise!!! (suprise)

Touching you makes me feel alive

touching you makes me die inside

Walking....waiting....alone without a care

and hoping and hating the thing that I can't bare

did you think its cool to walk right up to take my life?

And fuck it up?

I hate you!!!!!!

I see hell in your eyes!!!

Taken in by suprise!!! (suprise)

Touching you makes me feel alive

And touching you makes me die inside

I've slept so long without you....

Its tearing me apart too...

How'd it get this far?

Playing games with this held heart?

I've killed a million pansy selfs

But I couldn't kill you

Touching you makes me die inside

(I see hell in your eyes)

Touching you makes me die inside

(taken in by suprise)

Touching you makes me die inside

(touching you makes me feel alive)

Touching you makes me die inside

I see hell in yours eyes......"

"That was really good but you are need the music. I take it those long pauses between the chorus in verse had music in them?'' he asked

"Oh yeah, it was some heavy bass drum and there is an eery piano solo throughout the whole song, and in the beginning there is a violin with the piano and bass" I said

"Sounds really cool" he said

"Yeah but the best part is that right before the first verse starts the music fades out and then there is guitar with the verse" I said

"Sweetness, we can defineatly work on that one first" he said "So uhm when do you want to do Bleeding love?" he asked

"Whenever doesn't matter to me" I said

"Well have you heard my version?" he asked

"You have a version too?" I asked

"Yeah" he said

Then this time he stood infront of me and began to sing his version of Bleeding love. He sounded really really good and as a matter of fact other then when Zac him and I performed it was the first time I had really heard him sing infront of me. When he was singing it he went into this mode and it seemed like he was full of emotion. There was something in his eyes that changed him from the Jessie I knew into the Jessie his fans knew. I couldn't quite figure it out really and with such a new song it was hard to really tell what he was thinking when he was singing it.

When he finished he sat there silently and looked at me for a few seconds and then looked away all embarrased.

"That was really good Jessie. I liked it. Why do you look all embarrased?" I asked

"Because" he simply said looking down to the floor

"Because why?" I asked playfully

"I don't know. I was just shy to sing that infront of you'' he said

"Aww......poor Jessie, hey man its okay but you and me......mmhmm boy were are going to do a duet one day" I said

"Really?" he asked

"Haha yeah why not? That was really good and well hey I have a crush on your music" I said

"Aww poor you" he said

"Haha funny" I said "Okay well I am going to and get you can't watch and I will be down in a second, then we can go to the studio" I said

"Alright" he said

I got up and ran upstairs to my room. When I got in there I stuck my head underneath the sink in the bathroom so I could wet my hair and style it quickly. Then after I towel dried my head and put my hair in a little faux hawk I grabbed an Abercrombie and Fitch black t-shirt and some hollister jeans with the rips in them. Then I ran back downstairs and told Jessie I was ready to go.

So right before we left I let Bruno off the leash and gave him some more food, well at least he could roam around in the backyard. Then I went back through the house out to the front and hopped in the passenger side of Jessie's still somewhat damaged car.

"You ever gonna fix that?" I asked

"What the bumper? haha nah. Thought I'd keep it that way, it all happened for a good reason" he said

"Whatever" I said rolling my eyes.

I turned on the radio and of course of all songs Justin's lovestoned was on so I quickly changed it to a rock station and Kid Rock's So Hott was on. I cranked it up and opened the sunroof. Then I took a pair of Jessie's sunglasses and put em on......good to go.....Jessie being the show off he was burnout when we hit the street again and we zoomed down the road.

It was a pretty long drive and traffic was getting pretty insane. I remember there was this one car that had young girls in it that spotted us and started screaming so we both waved hi. I noticed they were screaming Jessie's name though.....kinda hurt a little bit, that was until this one boy popped up from behind the girls.....

"Jesse Jordan!!! I freaking love you" he said

"Love you too" I yelled back and waved as we drove past them.

"That was funny" Jessie said

"I know" I said laughing my head off

Traffic started to loosen up a bit more and before we knew it we were minutes away from the label building. When we arrived we parked out front and both walked inside. Jessie obviously knew everyone really well because he was saying hello to them all by first name basis. I on the other hand just smiled and waved as usual. We went into an elevator and up a couple floors to this big fancy office. There was a middle aged gentlemen in the seat at the table and when he seen us he lit up with a big smile. Okay I will admit it, he was freaking hot for an older guy that was until I seen the wedding ring on his finger. haha......

"You must be my other Jesse" he said standing up and extending his hand

"Yep that's my name" I said

"Names Blaine" he said as I shook his hand

"Nice to meet you" he said

"Thanks" I said

"Alright so if you have a seat I will pull out the papers and you can do some signing for me" he said

"Alright" I said as he pulled a brown folder out

"Okay so this is an actual contract, and instead of reading it all you can sign it. Basically what it states is that you can't just quit like you did to Justin or Clive, but hey there shouldn't be any reason to quit anyways" he said

"Haha right" I said leaning over and signing the paper

"Okay so the deal is done. Uhm should have mentioned this before you signed but, Jessie will be your manager and assistant. Now usually I do the work with my employees but Jessie here has requested that you work with him and whom ever which you want to bring in" he said

"Oh he did, did he?" I said punching Jessie in the arm

"Good to see you are such friends. Well welcome to the family" Blaine said standing as both Jessie and I stood and shook his hand

"Thank you and I think that was the easiest signing I have ever done" I said

"Good, alright you boys have fun and make an album that you are comfortable with. There is no pressure in what you are going to do. I don't care what genre or what style you do" he said

"Alright thank you sir" I said

"Yeah thanks Blaine" Jessie said as we both walked out of his office

"Wow that was really easy" I said

"Hey he is a great guy, he tries to make it easy for us" he said

"So now what are we doing?" I asked as we walked down the hallways

"We are going to my private space where we can work" he said

"Not your basement right" I said jokingly

"Haha funny, no I have my own space here" he said

We came up to these big double doors and Zac opened them. Inside was like a huge lounge area. Funky couches, cool furniture, big screen t.v's, pianos, whole drumset, guitars, and then there was the control room. It was basically just a small boxed room in the middle of this big lounge area.

"The idea with this studio is to make if feel like home, rather then cooped up in a small room" he said

"Yeah but I am guessing you will be in the small room" I said

"Yeah that would be me" he said

"So uhm what do you want to start on?" he asked

"Bleeding love" I piped up quickly

"Wow you really want to do that one?" he asked

"Yeah I do" I said as my phone began to ring

"Hey baby" I answered after I seen the caller i.d

"Hey you, whatcha doing?" Zac asked

"Oh nothing really just lounging around with Jessie" I said

"Well you are not at home, are you at his house?" he asked

"No, but I have something to tell you" I said

"Whats that?" he asked

"I quit today and I just signed over with Jessie at Hollywood Records'" I said

"Wow that is really good, God I wish I could be there" he said

"I know me too, but uhm hey how is it on set?" I asked

"Oh you know really friendly, I keep messing up and laughing but its all good.....Hey you should come down sometime and meet the rest of the cast, maybe land a small part as an extra or something" he said

"Haha sounds cool, but me in a movie?" I asked

"Hey why not" he said

"True but anyways I am getting to the music okay" I said

"Alright well you two have fun and I love you" he said

"I will and I love you too" I said and hung up.

"Sorry about that" I said

"Thats alright. So uhm how did you want to do the song?" he asked

"I about like my immortal by evanescense. Like the piano in it and then later on we can add the guitar" I said

"Okay well we aren't exactly prepared for the guitars and such, let alone how the piano is going to go. So how about we do it accapella" he said

"Hey that would totally be me" I said smiling

"Okay so just take a seat anywhere and I will bring the mic to you" he said

"Cool" I said taking a seat on a funky green and black couch

"Okay here you go" he said handing me a mic that was cordless....oh thank god. I could move

Jessie went into the little control room and shut the door behind him. Then I got up off the couch and laid down on a rug on the floor and just held the mic above my mouth. "What are you doing?" he asked smiling. "Just getting more comfortable" I said. So I cleared my throat out and began to sing making sure I hit the big and high notes and making sure I hit them bigger and better then before. I made sure I hit the notes as perfectley as I could and when I was done I looked up and Jessie who was crying in the control room.

"Hey whats the matter?" I asked opening the door

"I can't do this I am sorry" he said getting out and trying to walk away from me

"Where are you going? Jessie wait!" I said standing in the door way.

He sat back down in the chair and just began to sob. I leaned in and gave him a hug. I didn't know what to say to him because I didn't know what was wrong with him. I just rubbed his back and held him tightly to me as he balled.

"I can't do this anymore" he said

"Do what? Jessie whats wrong?" I asked

"Its you" he said

"What? Whats me?" I asked

"I can't help the way I feel anymore" he said

"Whoa, your really serious about me?" I asked

"Yeah and then" he said sniffing and sitting up "When you sang that song.....Jess I wrote that song for you" he said

"What?" I asked confused

"When I first started to like you I wrote that song for you" he said "Management loved it but they didn't understand. Thats why I gave it to Leona to sing it" he said

"You wrote that song for me?" I asked taking a step back

"Yes and when you sang it I know you were thinking about Zac. I wrote that for the way that I feel about you and you are singing it about somebody else" he said

"Oh my god" I said

"I don't know why we can't be together....I mean, I really do.......I just......I love you" he said

"Oh my god" I said again as my stomach sorta fell "I don't know what to say?"

"Don't say anything, I know I can't be with you and I don't want to make anything hard for you" he said now being more concerned then I was

"But this is making it hard! I am starting to like you too but I can't do anything because I am in love with Zac" I said putting my hands in my head

"I'm sorry" he said

"No don't be sorry. You can't be sorry because you can't help it" I said as I began to walk away.

I left the room and ran out of the building. I made it out on to the street and I felt some tears beginning to escape. I walked down the street and turned the corner. I could see a park down the road and it really resembled the park from way back home in Toronto. I walked down to it and inside of it and took a seat on a bench in the middle of it. I put my head down in my hands and just got lost in thought.

A couple of minutes went by and I could hear someone walking up towards me and they stopped infront of me.

"Go away" I said not looking up....still no movement "I said leave me alone'' as I looked up and froze in my place

"You ready to come back yet?" Justin asked

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"I know you quit this morning. I got a phone call, and well obviously you would be down here with your little friend" he said

"What do you want from me? Don't you think you've fucked my life up enough?" I asked

"Well if I can't have you then nobody can" he said

"That is not fucking fair!" I yelled as I stood up

"Don't attract too much attention, you might look like you are trying to seduce me again" he said smirking

"Get the fuck away from me" I said sitting back down on the bench and putting my head in my hands again

I felt him sit down next to me

"I know it's hard but thats the way life goes kiddo" he said putting his hand on my back making me move sharply away from him to the other side of the bench

"Go away" I said

"Now listen to me. I can make everything better, I can make sure that you are successful and had you have listened to me that moment you broke up with me then we probably would still be together" he said

"Your fucking sick" I said

"No you just don't get my drift, now I suggest that you come with me or the whole world will find out about that night with you and your little boyfriend on the beach" he said

"Fuck you" I spat as I looked up to him "You've been spying on me" I said

"Well you know, you were the one that was stupid enough to sign with Clive, someone that I am very close too. Then to make matters even worse you tried to make a rock album and I caught a drift of publicly bashing me" he said

"Oh my god leave me alone!" I yelled as I got up and started to walk through the park with Justin in toe.

"Don't walk away, I am trying to make your life normal again" he said

"Fuck off and leave me alone" I said walking out into the street.

A couple of people recognized me and began to approach me and when I looked back Justin was walking the other way in the park. A couple of people were asking for my autograph but I told them to leave me alone. Then the nightmare occured....paparazzi. Justin must have tipped them off. They were swarming me and I had no escape. Camera's where flashing and I couldn't really see and I was getting bumped and pushed. Then I felt someone grab my arm and pull me through a bunch of people. I nearly collapsed from being tossled around like that but when I looked up I seen that Jessie was there pulling me to his car. Then he opened up the driver door and I climbed in and over to the passenger seat while he got in the driver seat and slammed his door shut. A couple of paparazzi ran over to my window as Jessie just drove away quickly down the street nearly hitting a minivan.

"Thank you" I said

"What happened?" he asked

"I don't know. They just showed up out of nowhere" I said

"Where did you go?" he asked

"I just started to walk" I said

"Well they are gone now thank god" he said

"You almost hit a minivan" I said starting to laugh

"Its not funny" he said beginning to smirk "Those bastards are crazy" he said

"I know" I said

"So now what?" he asked

"I don't know how about we go and get some food" I said

"No wonder why you filled out so good, is that all you think about?" he asked

"Yes and are you calling me fat?" I asked

"Hell no, anything but fat" he said

So Jessie and I stopped at a small diner's drive thru and grabbed a burger and fries. Jessie didn't really want anything so I gave him some of my fries and a couple bites of my burger. I really didn't want to tell anyone about the incident with Justin because I didn't want it to get blown out of porportion but at the same time he scared the hell out of me. Jessie seemingly remembered something that he failed to tell me.

"Oh yeah by the way you have some more work to do today'' he said

"Really, what another friggin song?" I asked

"Haha why you getting sick of it?" he asked

"No I just get tired from singing so much" I said

"Well this doesn't require any singing, actually lip syncing is more like it" he said

"What are you talking about?" I asked

"So if I tell you promise you wont freak out?" he said

"Yeah I promise" I said

"You get to do a cameo in someone's video" he said

"Sweet who's video?" I asked

"Well right after you left I got a call from Britney before I started looking for you" he said

"What? Britney Spears?" I asked

"Yeah apparently she really likes you and likes working with you" he said

"So what song?" I asked

"Toy Solider" he said

"Awesome!!!!!" I said beginning to freak out

"So they are working on it right now. Do you want to go now?'' he asked

"Yeah!" I said clapping excitedly

"Hey you!" Britney said to me running up giving me a hug

"Hey how are you" I asked hugging her back as if she was a best friend I've been missing for a while

"I am great so are you excited?" she asked

"Yeah!" I said

"Me too" she said "Well lets go over to the director and then hair and make up" she said


So we headed over to the director and he gave me the drift of the idea. I really liked the idea actually and the best was the Britney pretty much planned the whole thing. Since she read the paper out me she kinda felt bad and she wanted me to get back at Justin. We headed over to hair and makeup which was really wierd. Sitting next to Britney having two crews work on us while we shared petty gossip.

"This is so cool" I said

"Well stick with me Jess and you will be just fine" she said

"Thanks" I said

"Alright hair and make up done" the crew manager said

"Wow on set of a huge video" I said

"I know its such a thrill. Do you remember your parts?" she asked

"Yeah I do and thank you for letting me do this" I said

"No problem and just so you know I will gladly work with you anytime...Hey we should go on tour together" she said

''Dead serious?" I asked

"Yeah dead serious" she said

"Sweet" I said as we both got up to walk back on set.

Britney was wearing this sexy camoflauge suit, basically an army bikini with big black stilettos and I had to say her body was looking better and better. I on the other hand was wearing the full out army suit, helmet and all. I had three parts in this video. Part of Britney's entourage walking into a club, the leader of the army, and the toy soldier who is running away from them.

So for the first scene I rolled up to the club in a pink ferrari with Britney and we both got out and walked into the club then I was leading an army of soldiers and all I had to say was wow. When the director called for the soldiers I nearly died. They were all like twenty five year oldish male models. There was about ten of them and they were all the epitemy of a super sexy man. I think Britney saw me drooling and she laughed. Then they all took their shirts off so they had these fake guns, no shirts, tight army pants and perfect bodies.

We started shooting and all we basically had to do was march through the club as if we were after someone. There was a part where I was picked up by two of the guys to look over the club then I pointed and we chased them. Britney was playing the club singer with some sexy girls dancing up with her. She was the one on looking the crowd. But the best part was when I got to play the toy soldier. I was dressed up like Justin was from the N'sync video when he was a doll. Except I had these boots on that were attached to a board to make it look like I was a toy soldier with both feet held together by the plastic.

It looked really funny when I ran but the best was when the hunk soldier guys caught up to me and had to jump on me like a big football tackle. After that my next part was to be a club singer up next to Britney. I liked that costume the best though. A tight pair of camoflauge shorts, no shirt, and a commander's white hat. Basically all I did was be close to Britney and be a back up singer.

When shooting was done I loved the playback. Both Britney and I were watching the video. It was really cool because it all started off with the front of the car rolling up and the bright blue headlights turning off. First Britney's foot in a sexy high heal came out then it showed my foot coming out with some beige plaid American eagle slide ons. Then before the music started It shown the top half of Britney in slow motion getting out of the car and looking over the hood and smiling. Then it showed me in slow motion getting out of the car and smiling back at her. Then when the music started it showed us walking down the red carpet with all the camera flashes to the inside of the club.

The club was packed with people dancing and having a good time. Then still in slow motion it shows Britney and I and a posse of sexy girls walking to a V.I.P and sitting down. Then as we are all laughing and talking around the table I pointed to the stage and Britney looked as we both looked at the army versions of us putting on the show. Then it got really good. Performer Britney did a snap of her fingers and thats when I came out with the army of hot guy as we were hunting down the toy soldier version of me. Oh it was amazing.....Then basically at the end when my army tackled the toy soldier version of me the rest was of Britney and me performing on the stage while the club partied. Then the very end was of Britney, me and the sexy girls all laughing around the V.I.P table.....

"That was so good" Britney said

"I know eh, wow this is going to be a good hit" I said

"Well what are you doing later?" she asked

"Uhm I don't know really, I was planning on hanging out at my house and thats about it" I said

"Well do you want to come over to my place? There is going to be a big party" she said

"Wow sure that sounds like alot of fun'' I said

"Okay good so be at my place around ten o'clock and here is my number, so call later for directions" she said

"Alright" I said as I exchanged my number with her

Then as quickly as the whole process was she was gone off to do more of her work. I don't know how she does it but that girl is constantly working on something and she has a huge posse of assistants with her. It made my life look extremely easy. So after shaking hands with the crew and saying my goodbyes I went outside to meet Jessie.

"How did it go?" he asked

"It went so good. It was amazing, the video is going to be a huge hit!" I said

"I bet it is" he said

"Yeah and then she gave me her personal number and invited me over to a party at her house!" I said

"What? she did huh?" he asked

"Yeah I am so excited" I said

"Just be careful with parties okay, especially with high profile celebrities" he said

"Oh I know, wouldn't want to step out of line" I said

"Thats right" he said

We drove back to my place and had some time to cook some supper and pick out a good outfit to wear to her house. Zac wasn't going to be home until a little bit later so I put a plate aside for him in the oven and wrote a note telling him I was going out and that I would be back. Then I went upstairs and showered quickly and put my outfit on and I looked slamming. Then running back downstairs I let Bruno back into the house and left the back door slightly open so he could go in and out as he pleased. Then with one last look in the mirror and tweaking my hair I was ready to go.

I called Britney and instead of directions she had a driver come to my house and pick me up. It wasn't anything too too fancy, just a plain escalade and a ride in the back seat.

When I made it to Britney's house I could hear the music from outside and it sounded really good. A security guided me up to the front through the gates and I knocked on the door. The person who opened the door made my heart skip a beat. It was Robbie Amell. I never got to meet him in person but I knew who he was. He played the dreamy hunk that Ashley was chasing and falling in love with in her movie Picture This.

"Hey!" he said to me

"Hey hows it going?" I asked as he let me in and I seen there was a shit load of people there

"Its going man, good thing you showed up" he said

"Thanks" I said as he put his hand on my lower back and started to walk me into the house

"Britney is going to be excited shes in the lounge room" he said standing even more closer behind me almost past limits...

There were some familiar faces but I just wanted to see Britney. When we walked into the lounge area Britney was up with a DJ on the turntables dancing away.

"Hey Britney!!!" I yelled over the music and she looked over

"Oh my god hey!!!'' she yelled getting down

"Wow nice place" I said loudly

"Thanks....Hey Lindsay!" she yelled making someone turn around.

Then when I looked closer I recognized it was Lindsay Lohan.

"Oh hey!" she yelled

"Hi" I said

"I freaking love you" she said hugging me

"Thanks" I said

"So Britney told me about the video, we are going to put it on soon" she said "Do you want a drink?" she asked

"Uhm" I said

"You don't have to if you don't want too" she said

"No its okay do you have any rum?" I asked

"Yeah" Britney said taking off into the kitchen

"So how old are you again?" Lindsay asked

"Seventeen" I said

"Wow so young, I really like your music" she said

"Thanks alot" I said

"Yeah so this party is insane and I want to introduce you to some people" she said taking my hand

We walked through the crowds and pretty much ignored the non celebrity type unless they were really close friends or family. Lindsay introduce me to Shia Labouef shook my hand and said it was nice to meet me, and then she introduced me to a bunch of other people. Then Britney came intruding back through the people with a big cup that looked really fancy.

"Here you go" she said

"Thanks" I said taking the cup "What is it?" I asked

"Oh its white rum with sprite, appletini mix, sugar coated rim, and grannysmith apple slices inside, and all on the rocks" she said

"Wow" I said and then took a sip "This is delicious!" I said

"Thank you, I like to call it Britney's slammer" she said

"Nice name" I said

"So Lindsay was introducing you to some people I see" Britney said

"Yeah she was, this is really a great party" I said

"Well we like to really do it up if its a house party" Lindsay said

"Hey where is Paris?" Britney asked

"Paris Hilton?" I asked

"Yeah Ms Hilton, worth a trillion bucks, shes probably fashionably late as usual" Lindsay said smirking

"Or she's got her mouth full" Britney said

"Mouth full of what?" I asked

"Not what my friend, but who" Lindsay said laughing

"Oh" I said simply

"So do you want to dance?" Lindsay asked

"I am really not too much of a dancer" I said

"Wow we got ourselves a virgin here!'' Britney yelled like it was some secret code

"Uhm what?" I asked as Lindsay and Britney put both their arms through mine and walked me back over towards the DJ.

Britney took my drink and put it on the table infront of the turntables. Then Lindsay stepped infront of me and grabbed my hands and put them right behind her on her ass.

"Just go with it" she said as she began to grind back and forth

"Ooh looks like you got an eyeballer" Britney said pointing over at Robbie who was looking at us

Then Britney came behind me and had one of her hands on my thigh and the other was on my ass. The began to grind back and forth and I felt like a sandwich straight out of rehab. lol :)........ The song playing was Britney's Gimme More and the whole party was moving.....So many people were looking at us and we were dancing all sexy I guess. There were a few hoots and hollers and the odd whistles, and I was now getting the hang of things. I stopped momentarily and grabbed my drink off the table and slammed it back really quickly. Britney sent some guy to go and make me another one as we resumed dancing. This time to Missy Elliots Ching a Ling.

I could feel the alcohol kicking in as I must have slammed back my fifth drink. This time though Lindsay got up on a table and took my hand to help me up. Then Britney came up behind us. I was shocked this time though when Lindsay put her hands on my shirt and then lifted it above my head and then britney decided to slide my pants down so I was in my underwear. This time there was a shit load of whistles then it got crazier. Lindsay took off her shirt, bra still on thankfully, and then stripped down to her little tight booty short underwear as Britney did the same. Britney was wearing a white bra and lindsay was wearing a black one with red roses on it. Britney didn't take her pants off though since she wasn't really wearing any. She had these teeny tiny denim shorts on.

Well the dancing resumed as it was before and we were grooving it. Lindsay stopped though and pointed to the big screen t.v when the Toy Soldier video came on. People where screaming and hollering and cheering. The alcohol was really kicking in now. I could still think and walk pretty decent but I needed to sit or something. I got down off the table.

"You okay?" Lindsay asked smiling

"Yeah I just need to sit" I said

"There is a nice patio set outside in the back if you want to sit there" Britney said

"Thanks" I said as I walked past a guy with a tray carring a bunch of drinks on it. I grabbed the one that looked like a Martini glass as Britney and Lindsay laughed and cheered at that.

Then I made my way through the crowd and found the big double glass doors leading to the backyard. Her backyard was freaking huge. There was a big funky shapped lit up pool and a big pool house behind it and a huge garden and trees surrounding the whole yard for privacy. I found the nice patio set and took a seat on the big sofa and finished off my drink.....

"Might wanna take it easy on those" a male voice said from behind me

"Ya your right" I said turning around to see it was Robbie

He sat down on the couch next to me and put his drink on the table infront of him.

"So your realize your still in your underwear?" he asked

"Yeah I know, it is so embarrasing" I said putting my hand on my forehead laughing a bit

"Well I don't think you should have anything to be embarrased about" he said biting his lower lip.

"Oh yeah?" I asked curiously

"Yeah" he said leaning in and kissing me on the lips.

"Whoa, I can't do this" I said breaking the kiss.

"You seen me watching you in there....So why did you come outside then?" he asked putting his hand on my thigh

"Because I needed to sit down" I said nervously

"Well your sitting" he said leaning back in again

"Uhm" I said putting my head back a little bit

"Whats wrong?" he asked as his leg began to run up and down my thigh

"Uhm nothing" I said as the alcohol was taking its toll on my head

"Your so sexy" he said as he ran his hand up my thigh and stuck his thumb in my waistband

He got up and took my hand and we both walked over to the pool house. He opened the front door but didn't turn any lights on. Then he led me inside towards a big rug on the floor. When we got there he began to kiss me but I didn't really kiss him back. I kinda just stood there while he did his thing. Then he took off his shirt to reveal one of the most amazing chest's I have even laid eyes on. Then he undid his belt and took of his jeans quickly.

I had so many thoughts running through my head but I wasn't in control. The booze made me go off track just like I promised I wouldn't. He then put me down on the ground and slid off my underwear and threw them behind me somewhere on the floor. All I could do while I laid on my back was look back towards the wall. Then all I felt was him coming between my legs and lifting me up so my legs where on his shoulders....

"I can't.....wait" I said but it was too late.

I felt him enter me somewhat slowly so all I could manage to do was close my eyes. 'Just pretend its Zac' my drunken mind told me. I felt him enter alot more quickly now and this time he picked up his pace and began fucking me on the floor in the pool house. He was much bigger then Zac so it wasn't exactly easy going. I was drunk so that masked some of the pain but then he stopped suddenly.

I felt him helping me up as I got on all fours and he got back on top of me in the doggiestyle position. He entered again quickly and my body felt like it was going to give out. Why wasn't I fighting back? Was he raping me? Or was I enjoying it? Was I dreaming....'This was all just a bad dream' I thought.

TO BE CONTINUED................

Okay so who seen that coming? Things are just getting crazy huh? Now Jessie is falling for Jesse, Justin is stalking him, and now he is having sex with someone who isn't his boyfriend.....drama drama drama, and I want to know what you think? Give me some feedback....The way this story is going seems a little off but trust me it all adds up

so let me know what you think.

Next: Chapter 16

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