Surreal Uprising

By J.J

Published on Aug 24, 2008



Disclaimer: Yeah a Disclaimer, I know they suck but its the rules. First of all if you are under the legal age or viewing illegal content according to your country's laws than I suggest you do not read the next sentence of this disclaimer let alone the story. I do not know the sexualities of any of the celebrities mentioned and it is pure coinsidence to any recognition of anyone that may resemble any character. . This story is purely fictional and contains sexual content and some coarse language. If you do not prefer same sex relationships or anything else that has to do with homosexuality then I suggest you don't read this story. So if you qualify or are brave enough to read this and not get caught then sit back, relax, and enjoy.......... Author's Tid-bit: This story involves a relationship between a teenaged boy and an adult. There will be sexual content and some imaginary nudity but this story is definately not pornographic (sorry to spoil that). Feedback is always welcome but junk will be ignored. I do respond to most of the readers but if you don't hear from me then that means I am swamped with comments or ideas....This story is my own and copywrited by me and any purgery will be dealt with accordingly.....Oh screw the rest just enjoy.....

I do not own any of the songs in this story unless stated otherwise by me. There will be this new thing that I want to start called the Surreal Uprising Soundtrack....feel free to download any of these songs to get a better listen to them and make sure you check the bottom of the page to find out more about the music.

I want to make this cool for the readers so if you....the reader....can think of any other cool idea's like the Surreal Uprising Soundtrack please let me know.

The Surreal Uprising Chapter 13:

By J.J

"How did this happen!" Zac said pacing circles around the living room.

Neither one of us dared to read the details of the newspaper. It was the heading alone that scared me severly. I will never forget when I looked down and it said in big bold letters "Jesse Jordan.....Teen Sensation........Is Gay". All I remember after reading it was hiting the ground really hard.

"This can't be true. Especially without even consulting you first" Jessie said kinda panicking

"This is fucking bullshit" Zac yelled punching the wall

"Zac stop" I begged as tears began to stream down my face

"No I wont stop!" he yelled at me for the first time "I am going to kill the fucker who started this!" he yelled again as Jessie rubbed my back while I cried.

I took a big sniff and wiped my eyes dry and opened up the newspaper with a horrible gut feeling. I began to read and all it was basically saying was stuff about me and what I have done but then it said a one on one interview was done and thats when the world discovered my deep dark secret. It even said I was outted and I had the gut feeling again, that was until I seen his name at the bottom of the quote.

Justin's quote:

"He was a good young talent on my record label but then as soon as he dropped the label he began to act differently around me. Don't get me wrong I am not homophobic or anything but I thought he was a normal teenaged boy.

But then he started to hit on me and tried to take advantage of me a couple of times and I had to force him away from me."

"That mother fucker!!!" I yelled getting up

"What?" Both Zac and Jessie asked at the same time

"Justin! That fucking stupid shit head outted me!" I said

"You can just deny it" Jessie said

"No Jessie I can't he said I was trying to force myself on him and that he had to force me away. Why in the hell would people think he is lying" I said

"True'' Jessie said as Iooked over at Zac who was staring at the floor

"Zac?" I asked sitting beside him

He didn't answer

"Hey, hey" I said holding his face making him look at me

"I am going to fucking kill him. Say something about him!" Zac protested

"No I am not going to do that'' I said

"Why the hell not? If you don't I will" he said

"And that will make you look good right!" I said making him shut up "No worries guys" I said feeling a little insane.

"What are you going to do?" Jessie asked me

"If it is a war he wants, then it is a war he will get. I aint gonna be the next inspiration for cry me a river" I said smiling a bit

"What are you going to do?" Zac asked

"I don't know yet" I said "Probably do an interview or something" I shrugged

"So you are just going to up and admit it?" Zac asked

"Well why not? No point in denying it now" I said

"You better fight him back somehow" Jessie said

"Oh I intend too, but casually" I said smirking a bit

"Welcome back to Entertainment tonight. I am Mary Harte and we are back with Jesse Jordan. Young teen sensation" she said into the camera then looking over to me

"So Jesse things have been going really well for you but there is something I am going to have to ask you now" she said

"Uh oh" I said smirking a little bit

"Okay so I know you are only young and you have been going through alot with work and all but how do you feel about the headings in all the newspapers?" she asked

"I uhm actually seen it just recently and I mean I have to say I was.....well........ shocked" I said

"I bet you were" she said

"Yeah......" I said feeling my eyes beginning to tear up

"I know this is hard for you but are the rumors true?" she asked

I didn't say anything. I covered my face and nodded yes as a couple tears fell down my face.

"Do you want to take a break?" she asked

"No no" I said sniffing "I never thought it would have to be done this way but there are some things I need to clarify. I never tried to force anyone into doing anything and I don't want to be made into the bad guy" I said wiping my face

"No no I understand" she said putting her hand on my shoulder

"I just don't know why he would try to make my life a living hell. I never did anything to him other then leaving his label" I said

"Justin's" she said questioningly

"Yeah, I couldn't work with him anymore. He was intolerable and he acted like a child just like he is now" I said

"Well if you stick to what you are doing, making music, I am sure things will be just fine" she said

"Yeah so long as he doesn't try to put me down like he did Britney" I said

"Speaking of her, you two seemed to have hit it off pretty good when you performed together" she said cheering me up a little bit

"Yeah we did. I would love to work with her again. She is a great entertainer and I would much rather have her as a boss" I said starting to smile

"So what are your upcoming plans now?" she asked

"Well I want to get back into the studio and record some new tracks" I said

"Any hints that you can give us?" she asked

"Well I would love to colaborate with some other musicians and just be myself" I said

"Okay well. Thats all. Thank you so much for coming in" she said

"Your very welcome" I said.........

"Welcome back to American Top 40. I am Ryan Seacrest and I am joined here in studio with Jesse Jordan" Ryan said into the microphone and pushed a button for some recorded applause.

"So Jesse" he said into the mic looking over at me

"Yes Ryan" I said back

"The rumors are true then?'' he asked

"Yeah they are and I would rather you hear it from me then anyone else" I said

"Understandable" he said

"I mean it makes total sense that the world would find out from such an immature little punk right?" I said laughing a bit

"Oh and thats a shot to the ego" he said "So how do you think things will go down with you and Mr. Timberlake?" he asked

"Well Ryan, there most certainly wont be any going down........" I said

"Ouch" he said

"But lets just say that if it is a war that he wants then it is a war that he will get" I said

"Sounds I hear a song coming up from one of you?" he asked sarcastically

"Hhm you never know......things are probably going to get crazy" I said

"Oh most defineatly" he said "So Jesse?" he asked

"Yes Ryan?" I asked back

"When are we going to hear some more music from you?" he asked

"Very soon, trust me" I said

"Are you thinking of doing any different genres? Working with any specific artists?" he asked

"Yes actually. I really want to do some good old rock and roll" I said

"That would be interesting" he said

"And well I wanna work with Britney again, hopefully Christina, uhm......lil kim, Missy Elliot, Jesse Mccartney, and defineatly Nicole Sherzinger or the Pussycat dolls" I said

"Wow and the list goes on and on" he said

"Yeah I got alot of ideas going through my head" I said

"Okay well heres a tough one......if you could pick an artist to work with that you never thought you would, who would it be?" he asked

"Wow that is a tough one" I said

"Well time is a ticking" he said

"I would have to say Marylin Manson" I said

"Really?" he asked

"Yeah the man is a genius" I said

"Okay and I need to ask you one more question before we get back to the countdown" he said

"Shoot" I said

"Okay since you mentioned Jesse Mccartney, well the world has kinda noticed that you hang around him and Zac Efron" he said

"Yeah they are my friends" I said

"Well do they know about you?" he asked getting personal

"Uhm yeah of course they do" I said

"Okay thats good then" he said

"What made you ask that?" I said catching him off guard

"Well there was a tabloid not to long ago that mentioned the possibility of you and Zac being together" he said making me stop in my tracks

"Ryan, Ryan, there is nothing going on between me and Zac Efron" I said

"Are you sure? There was the whole scandal of him kissing a guy in a picture" he said

"Oh come on, what is a kiss, it was on the cheek" I said

"So Zac Efron isn't gay" he asked

"As far as I know he is not gay, nor a homophobe, and last time I checked....which was this morning, he was still in a healthy relationship with Vanessa " I said

"Alright America, the answer right there to the gossip came from the source. I would like to thank you Jesse for coming in" he said

"Oh no problem" I said

"And we are back on the countdown with number five....This is Disturbia by Rihanna" he said

The On Air Light Came Off

"That made me feel a whole lot better" I said to Zac who was driving

"Yeah I can imagine. I can believe Ryan asked that question about me" he said

"I know, he's got alot of nerve. But anyways I covered for you" I said

"Thanks alot for understanding" he said

"Hey I totally understand and I would do anything for you" I said holding his hand

Once again my cellphone began to ring.....I thought for the worst that it was Justin but it was a number I didn't recognize.

"Hello?" I answered

"Hey Jesse this is Jeremy" he said

"Oh hey Jeremy" I said

"Okay well the news was a bit much and Clive wasn't too pleased" he said

"Oh no" I said

"No no, don't worry. He actually wants you in studio right away. People have been wanting to see you and here from you and we are getting alot of feedback ever since the news" he said

"Are you serious?" I asked

"Yes very serious. We have some artists that want to work with you and Clive is pushing for this album to come out" he said

"I know I know" I said

"Well the record with Tennman never was released but with the success of your singles now is the time. Make yourself available and swing by now" he said

"Alright" I said and hung up

"Zac we need to get to the studio. Clive wants me in to finish off the album" I said

"Thats a bit of a rush don't you think?" he asked

"Ha so were my singles. Can you take me there?" I asked

"Of course" he said

"Okay so we have another single. This one is a rock genre" Jeremy said

"I said I would like to try. I never said I could do rock" I said

''Ha with your voice you can sing anything. Now I need you in the studio and Zac you sit out here with me while we work on it" he said as I walked into the studio and put my headphones on.

Zac took a seat next to him as I went over the lyrics. They made alot of sense but I was having some difficulties trying to figure out how to sing them.

"Jeremy I don't know if I can do this" I said

"You have to do it" He said as I heard Zac pipe up

"He doesn't have to do it. Just encourage him and help him, don't push him like a dog" Zac said

"Alright" Jeremy said "Try some vocal warm ups"

"la la la la la..... ha ha ha ha....huh huh huh me me....ho ho ho......ooh ahh la la" I did ranging in different tones.

"That was good now give it a shot." Zac said

"Zac I don't know about these parts.....its a wahhh rock scream" I said

"You can do it....just think of another rocker and try to be similar"

"Wahh!" I sang and it sounded way wrong

"Try again" Jeremy said

"Wahhh! Wahh!" still no success while I laughed a little bit

"Pretend you are in a huge stadium full of people and you let out an angry scream" Zac said

"Wahhhhh!!!!!" I did

"There you go right on the money'' Jeremy said

"I think I got this" I said

"Okay but give it a little bit of soultry or raspiness" Jeremy said

"Alright" I said and cleared my throat

The music began and I was getting into the beat. The was alot of electric guitar and drums. It sounded like something Greenday would do. I looked down at the lyrics and started


You left me like a broken doll

In pieces as I took the fall

for you, you dumb chump!

You left me free-falling like space junk

Burning up in the atmosphere of life

{Guitar solo}

Well I sound like a philosopher

but I'm a fool who's off his rocker

'Cause I let you in my heart that one last time

I've had enough, made up my mind

I'm gonna get up and out and wahhh!

{full band/rock style}

I love myself today

Not like yesterday

I'm cool, I'm calm

I'm gonna be okay! Uh huh

I love myself today

Not like yesterday

Take another look at me now

'Cause it's your last look

Your last look forever

{Guitar solo}

Well look at you you're all puffed up

In that big red truck- but you're outta luck (this time)

Well, that's tough

'Cause I'm on fire- too hot to touch

with a chatroom full of lovers on the line

Gonna step right up. Spit shine my soul

I'm gonna be proud and loud and outta control!

{full band/rock style}

I love myself today

Not like yesterday

I'm cool, I'm calm

I'm gonna be okay! Uh huh

I love myself today

Not like yesterday

Take another look at me now

'Cause it's your last look

Your last look forever


I'm lookin' in the mirror and I like what I see:

I've lost the fear & the horror that's been eating at me

'Cause being with you is like a hangman's noose

I was living my life in dead man's shoes

{full band}

I've had enough. Made up my mind

I'm gonna get up and out and wahhh!

I love myself today

Not like yesterday

I'm cool, I'm calm

I'm gonna be okay! Uh huh

I love myself today

Not like yesterday

Take another look at me now

I love myself today

Not like yesterday

You're dead and gone

I'm gonna get my way

I love myself today

Not like yesterday

Take another look at me now

'Cause it's your last look

Your last look forever!!

"Dude that was amazing!!!!" Jeremy said

"Thanks" I said

"Yeah Jess that was really good. You sounded like a true rocker've been doing it forever" Jeremy said

"Good job" Zac said giving me the thumbs up

"Thanks" I said to him

"Come in here and hear the playback" Jeremy said


I took off the headphones and walked back out to the control room. I wasn't thinking and nearly sat on Zac's lap but it hit me before I did anything to possibly out him. He took notice of this and we covered it up as he grabbed a roller chair and put it next to him for m to sit on. Thankfully Jeremy didn't notice anything, but then he put on the playback of me singing.

It sounded like a real rock song. I couldn't believe it was my voice. It didn't really sound like me. It sounded deeper, more intense. And I liked it.....

"So what did you think? Anything you wanna fix?" he asked

"No......its perfect" I said.

"Well that wasn't so bad" Zac said to me cautiously as I stared out the passenger window

"Yeah a whole seventeen hours and twenty songs later. I am so tired" I said as he grabbed my hand

"Well if it makes you feel any better I really loved the music" he said

"You have to say that. You are my boyfriend" I said as my eyes felt a little heavy

"No I really mean it. But I am kinda shocked with you though" he said

"Why's that?" I asked

"Because when you started you were all hip hopish, and well now......I mean Jess, the whole album is rock." he said

"So is that a bad thing?" I asked defensively

"No its not a bad thing......Its just different. First you died your hair so dark and then your music started to get sexy. I mean sexy. even though you are so young.....then you worked with Britney and did an amazing live show, after you ripped my clothes apart" he said

"Geesh" I said

"Anyways, all I am saying is that you are really really turning me on" he said

"Aww you suck. I am so tired right now" I said

"Bummer, was kinda looking forward to a good night" he said smiling

"Stop being such a jerk. Its always a good night with me" I said

"I know I know, I was just joking" he said

"You might have been but I know you were still thinking it" I said

"Right, anyways who is here?'' he asked as he looked into the driveway to see a car there.

"Oh shit my mom!" I said as I noticed the rental sticker on the back of the chevy malibu

Well pulled the car into the driveway and then parked it in the garage. Before I got out of the car I had a really nasty gut feeling. Things didn't seem right and I was really beginning to panick. Zac got out and went over to the passenger window and knocked on it. I just shook my head no and pushed the lock on the car door.

"Come on, get out your mom is in here" he said

"I don't want to" I said

"If it gets bad then I am here for you" he said

"Alright" I said

I got out of the car and we both walked in through the garage. At first there was no sign of my mother anywhere but then I heard a noise coming from upstairs. So I told Zac to stay where he was and I walked up the stairs quietly. I looked in the first guest room and there was nothing so I went to the only room with the light on.....its was mine and Zac's

I peeked my head around the doorway and my mom was sitting on the bed crying. Before I could say anything she spoke up on her cellphone.

"Yes I need the flight for tonight. I don't care about storm warnings. I want back to Toronto immediately" she said wiping her face.

"Alright two hours. That sounds good to me" she said. Then she hung her phone up.

I was too scared to say anything. I knew the reason why she was upset and why she wanted to leave. Then before I could even make a move to get back downstairs and out somewhere her phone rang.

"Hello?" she said

"Yes Jim I am leaving........what do you mean why?...........Maybe because my son is a faggot"

Those words hit me really really hard. I wanted to die right then and there. Jim is my dad. She was on the phone with my dad.

"I don't care I don't want anything to do with him!..........I don't want to be here and I have another flight that is leaving in two hours" she said

"Well if you care so much why don't you be a father for once and take care of what's yours!..........I don't want him anymore!'' she said

I felt tears beginning to fall down my face. I began to shake. I didn't know what to do. Then my cellphone rang making my mother look up at me.

"I fucking hate you! Go to hell you fucking bitch!'' I yelled and ran away from the doorway

"Jesse!" she yelled behind me

"Stay the fuck away from me!" I yelled again.

I got down the stairs and Zac could see and hear that things were not good. So without him thinking, I guess, he grabbed me and I fell into him and began crying even more. My mother made it down the stairs and stood infront of us a good twenty feet.

"Don't ever speak to me again. I never want to see or hear from you again" she said

"I hate you!" I said as she turned around and walked out the door slamming it so hard behind her that the glass broke in it.

"Shh shh its okay" Zac said holding me tightly

"No its not!" I yelled pushing him away from me "Don't you get it? My mother hates me! This is all because of Justin! I can't take this anymore!" I yelled at him as he looked floored.

"Jess where are you going?" he asked as I headed for the garage door.

"Doesn't matter" I said grabbing my car keys off the key hook.

"You can't drive!" he said beginning to follow me.

I went into the garage ran to my car. I closed the door just in time and locked it before Zac could get to me. Luckily the convertible top was up or else he could have just grabbed me.

"Don't do this!" he yelled

"Leave me alone!" I yelled

"Please don't leave'' he said banging on the window

I opened the glove compartment and grabbed the remote for the garage door that Zac bought for me. I pushed the button and the door began to open. Thats when Zac stood infront of the car.

"Move out of my way!" I yelled

"No! I am not going anywhere! You get out of the car before you kill yourself!" he said

"If you don't move I will drive!" I yelled.

I started the car and made the engine rev.

"I am counting to three!" I said

Then he moved out of my way and I put the car in gear, then the tires began to squeel as I quickly flew out of the driveway and on to the street. I knew how to drive. I just didn't have my liscence.

"Jessie man I need your help!" Zac yelled as Jessie came in through the front door.

"Whoa dude what happened to your door? Whats going on?" Jessie asked

"Its J. He took off" Zac said

"Why what happened?" Jessie asked

"His mom was here and they had a big fight. Then he left........."Zac started

"Where is his car?" Jessie asked as he looked into the garage

"He took it and he drove off" Zac said

"Explain later. Lets go in my car and go find him'' Jessie said

Zac went to the front door and grabbed his sweater and followed Jessie out to his car. They both got in and just like deja vu Jessie squeeled his tires and drifted out of the driveway.

"Where do you think he went?" Jessie asked

"I don't know. I can't think of anywhere" Zac said

This wasn't just anywhere. Now I was downtown L.A in the middle of the night. I was still extremely angry but I had cooled down a little bit. I couldn't believe how the night was going. First my mother, then my fight with Zac. Everything was going to shit.

I parked my car a good five blocks from here in a supermarket's parking lot and now I was roaming the streets aimlessly. I had passed a couple of bars and only wished I was old enough to get inside.

It was really dark and eery down this one street and it seemed to be abandoned. That was until I heard this amazing music coming from somewhere. I took a look down a back ally and began to walk to the source of the music. Now I knew it wasn't a smart idea to walk down a back ally in a big city but I didn't really care. I seen some light coming from a door way and I peered inside.

There were these guys with all of there instruments. They where rockers. Lip's pierced, tattoos, you name it. They where playing a beat that made your adrenaline start pumping. They sounded really good but I notice there was no lyrics let alone a singer. Can you say golden opporotunity?

I walked into the room and they stopped and looked at me.

"Couldn't help but overhear your music. Its awesome" I said

"Hey aren't you Jesse Jordan?" the one kid asked

"Yeah" I said

"What would you know about rock? Aren't you some sort of hip hop artist or something? Working for Timberfuck?'' the kid asked as the others snickered.

"Well uhm first of all, I don't work for Timberfuck anymore, and second, my whole new album is rock." I said

"Oh really" he said

"Ya really" I said not really knowing what I was getting myself into

"Then how about you grab the mic and we will play that again. If your such a hot shot like they say you are then why don't you come up with some lyrics for us" he said

"Alright" I said

They started the intro and began in a soft whisper sound....

"Is that you doing that to me

With your stare

I feel the temperature start to rise

And I

Really take it from there

I start to press my skin to you

I'm craving it

I'm feeling you

Will you relieve me fast

Feast your eyes on my display

Take control

Fall over me

Cover me in ecstasy

Let me ride to heaven

Let me feel the swelling

Oh let me concentrate

{The full band came in on que}

I can feel it

When I taste

Like the wind

I breathe

Crawling inside of me baby

Oh oh oh

{back to the soft voice}

Now's the time for you to let go of

All your inhibitions

We can do this one more time

With a little

Tease and conversation

Watch the way my body moves

Feel the rhythm melting you

Mmm this is how it should be

Crawl over you

I'll dominate

Your destiny

I'll be your faith

I will be your fantasy

Let me ride to heaven

Let me feel the swelling

Oh let me concentrate

{The Full band again}

I can feel it

When I taste

Like the wind

I breathe

Crawling inside of me oh baby

Oh oh oh

I can feel it

When I taste

Like the wind

I breathe

Crawling inside of me baby

Oh oh oh

If I've fallen in love with the soul

If I've fallen in love with myself

I'll take it all in one time

I can feel it

When I taste

Like the wind

I breathe

Crawling inside of me baby

Oh oh oh uh oh

I can taste it.....oh oh oh ooh oh oh

I stook there with a look of 'I told you so' on my face. Most of them were floored except for the guy who was talking to me. He had this big serious face on and I didn't really know what he was thinking.

"So?'' I asked cockily

"That was good. I underestimated you" he said extending his hand "Names Benji"

"Nice to meet you" I said

"And this is Troy" he said pointing to the drummer

"Hey" Troy said

"This is Kirk" he said pointing to the bass guitarist

"S'up" he said

"So uhm when did you become interested in rock?" Troy asked

"Uhm just recently I guess" I said

"Cool cool" Troy said

"Now what kind of album did you say you just made?" Kirk asked

"All rock. It wasn't my idea it was my managers, but he thought I would be good at it and sure enough I did it all" I said

"Thats cool" Kirk said

"Ya so uhm what are you doing here anyways?" Benji asked me

"Hmm just looking for a change of scenery" I said

"What the Hollywood hills aren't good enough for you?" Benji asked

"No as a matter of fact they aren't. I'd rather be here" I said

"You'd rather be here?" Kirk asked

"Yeah I real and not some marketing package" I said

"Well sounds like we have a lead vocalist" Benji said

"Sure does" Troy said

"Your in" Kirk said

"Wow that was easy, and I didn't even have to sign anything" I said laughing

"But here is the deal, can you get us a contract?'' Benji asked

"Oh yeah not a problem" I said

"Sweet lets drink on it!" Benji said pulling out a huge bottle of rum.

"Do you drink?" Kirk asked

"Yeah I do but do you guys have any mix?" I asked

"No not really" Troy said

"Meh I will be fine then" I said

So we sat around and drank the rum straight, in old school plastic beer cups. Benji had gotten up and put some tunes on. Mostly metal that I couldn't understand but at this point in time I didn't really give a shit. I was getting drunk. More drunk then ever before. Thats when I decided to take notice in the guys looks. Benji, the leader of the clan was about the same height as Zac and about the same size too. He had black hair....well they all had black hair, but Benji had a really pale complexion with very bright green eyes. He was actually really good looking. He had a tattoo of a bat on his neck and he had his eyebrow and tongue pierced.

Then there was Troy. He was the bigger guy. He wasn't exactly built or ripped or anything but he was in good shape. He had longer black hair and his lip was pierced. He was a little more tanned then the other two guys.He was okay looking. I mean he would get attention. Then there was Kirk....I liked that kid from the get go. He was the one with style. He was the smallest guy of the crew, well he was my height. He had no tattoos but he had an eyebrow piercing and his tongue was pierced. He caught my attention right away thought. He had nearly the same outfit as the one of Zac's that I ripped up, and he had a cool classic ganster hat on.

So anyways at this point we were all really really drunk. We were sharing stories about each other's past's. I on the other hand had to slightly twist the truth because I didn't want them to know about Zac.

"Oh shit I gotta go" I said standing up quickly and nearly falling over. All I could think of was Zac and the guys laughed at me

"Were are you going?" Benji asked

"I have mean meet someone....something" I said drunkily

"No you don't just stay here and chill" he said

"Aren't u.....uhm....whats that word.....hammered?" I asked

"No not really. I can handle it, and well obviously you can't" he said

"I never said anything" I said

"Exactly" he said smiling at me.

"So uhm.....u guys wanna meet up again soon?" I asked trying to be clear

"Yeah sure" Kirk said

"I'm fucked up man" Troy said

"Well if you really have to go, nobody is stopping you. But here is our number" he said taking a pen and writing it down on my arm

"Okay....will that is'' I said smiling and hickuped

"Alright be careful out there" Kirk said

"I will....see ya guys" I said walking out of the place in the back ally.....well barely walking....

"I don't understand Jessie. His car is here and he isn't. Did you have any luck yet?" Zac asked

"No not yet" Jessie said over the phone

"Hey I came as soon as I could" Vanessa said as she closed Zac's car door and walked over to Zac giving him a hug

"Thanks for bringing my car" he said

"No problem. Okay so what's happening?" she asked

"I don't know. Jesse's mother came over and things didn't go well and then he stormed out of the house after both him and I got in a fight" Zac said

"Why were you guys fighting?" she asked

"I don't know I was trying to comfort him and he was really angry" he said

"I can't believe he took his car without a liscence" she said

"I know, well hopefully we find him" he said

Just as if it was meant to be Jesse came stumbling around in the parking lot. Vanessa had taken notice first and pointed him out to Zac. As soon as Zac seen him he ran over and grabbed him in a tight hug.

"What? let go of me" Jesse said to Zac

"Your drunk!" Zac said as he smelt strong liqour off Jesse's breath.

"So....what is it to you?'' he asked Zac as he took a stumble back

"What do you mean what is it to me! I love you! Why did you run off and do this to yourself?" Zac yelled and questioned him

"You know what.....don't yell at me! So fucking what! I am not dead am I?" he asked hitting Zac emotionally hard

"Lets go, your coming home" Zac said grabbing a hold of Jesse's arm as Vanessa called Jessie to tell him they found him

"Don't fucking touch me Zac! Let go of me!" Jesse yelled but Zac wouldn't let go

"Nope you need to get out of here before someone sees you'' he said

"What with you!" Jesse yelled making him let go of him. "Leave me alone! I don't want to be helped! I don't care anymore!" he yelled so loud

"Jesse calm down" Vanessa said walking up to him and grabbing him in a hug.

Thats when Jesse had fallen into her arms and began to cry. She didn't know what to do other then to hold him. Not even to seconds later both Zac and Vanessa noticed that Jesse passed out.

"Wow he is really worked up" she said as Zac gave her a hand picking him up and putting him into the passenger seat of the Solstice.

"Will you drive my car home?" he asked

"Yeah sure" she said

"We will meet you and Jessie back at the house" he said

"Not a problem" she said going over to Zac's car.

Zac got in the driver seat of the car that he bought for Jesse. He was so worried that something worse could have happened to him but thankfully nothing did. Zac started the car and drove home....

Back at the house......

"Stay the fuck away from me!" Jesse yelled in a drunken state as Zac was trying to bring him upstairs to go to bed

"You need some help" Zac said

"Don't fucking touch me!" he yelled again

"I am trying to help you! Why won't you let me help you!" Zac yelled

"Because I don't want your fucking help! Just in case someone sees us together or something!" he yelled

"Jesse is this what this is all about?" Zac asked

"And so much more! You don't diserve me! Leave me alone!" Jesse said

Then instead of his own bedroom Jesse went into the guest's bedroom and slammed the door shut and locked it behind him. Zac felt defeated so he just turned around and went back downstairs to Vanessa and Jessie who were standing in the kitchen.

"I hate seeing him like that" Zac said

"I know its horrible. I wonder how he got drunk like that?" Jessie said

"I don't know but as long as he is back now. That boy needs some control" Vanessa said

"What should I do?" Zac asked putting his head in his hands.

"I know" Vanessa said

"What?" Both Jessie and Zac asked at the same time.

"I am going to spend some time over for a bit. Hang out with it girl time I guess" she said

"That does sound like a good idea. I have to work and do some meetings" Zac said

"I have to work too" Jessie said

"Well I have a week off'' Vanessa said "I want to make sure he doesn't touch anymore alcohol or take off like that again" she said

"Alright well that is done then" Zac said

"Well I am going to go home" Jessie said "I am glad you found him" he said to Zac

"Me too" Zac said

"Well I am going to go to bed" Vanessa said

"Me too" Zac said

The next morning I woke up and it felt like someone was trying to dig into my head with a spoon. Oh it sucked so bad. When I opened my eyes though the room was dark and it certainly wasn't Zac's room.

'Where the hell am I?' I thought.

I got up and turned on the light and I was in the guest bedroom. As soon as the light turned on my headache got fifty times worse. I went to open the door and it was locked so I unlocked it and stepped out into the hallway. When I peeked into Zac's room the bed was made and nobody was there. It was so strange to because I never seen the bed made. Then I smelt bacon and something else coming from the hallway.

I followed it all the way down to the kitchen. I sat down at the table and waited for Zac to stand up from being in the fridge....except it wasn't Zac.

"Oh good morning" Vanessa said all bubbly

"I wouldn't say so" I said

"I made you breakfast" she said handing me a plate of bacon, eggs, and toast. Then she poured me some orange juice

"Thanks" I said trying to keep my eyes open. "Where is Zac?" I asked

"He's out working right now so I thought we could hang out" she said

"Marvelous'' I said quietly

"Hey you will cheer up when you feel better. By the way drink your orange juice. The citric acid kills the hangover" she said.

"What happened?" I asked

"What last night? Lets not talk about it. How about when you finish go get showered and meet me down here. I am done cleaning so we can leave right away" she said

"Were are we going?" I asked

"Duh, dumb question shopping, then out for lunch, then we are going to the pet store to get some more food for Bruno" she said

"Do I have a choice?" I asked

"Nope" she said


So what did you think? Sorry it took me so troubles....well anyways it is going to get more exciting from here.....can you believe it though? Justin outted him? What a jerk. Well payback is on the way and so is the next thanks for reading and stay tuned into Nifty for The Surreal Uprising Chapter 14!!!!!

~Surreal Uprising Soundtrack~

Chapter 13.

"I Love Myself Today" is by Bif Naked

"Feel it" is by Jakalope

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Next: Chapter 14

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