Surreal Uprising

By J.J

Published on Jul 5, 2008



Disclaimer: Yeah a Disclaimer, I know they suck but its the rules. First of all if you are under the legal age or viewing illegal content according to your country's laws than I suggest you do not read the next sentence of this disclaimer let alone the story. I do not know the sexualities of any of the celebrities mentioned and it is pure coinsidence to any recognition of anyone that may resemble any character. This story is purely fictional and contains sexual content and some coarse language. If you do not prefer same sex relationships or anything else that has to do with homosexuality then I suggest you don't read this story. So if you qualify or are brave enough to read this and not get caught then sit back, relax, and enjoy.......... Author's Tid-bit: This story involves a relationship between a teenaged boy and an adult. There will be sexual content and some imaginary nudity but this story is definately not pornographic (sorry to spoil that). Feedback is always welcome but junk will be ignored. I do respond to most of the readers but if you don't hear from me then that means I am swamped with comments or ideas....This story is my own and copywrited by me and any purgery will be dealt with accordingly.....Oh screw the rest just enjoy.....

The Surreal Uprising Chapter 11:

By J.J

~The Big Mistake~

"Jessie what the hell was that?" I asked

"I am sorry man I didn't mean to kiss just happened" he said covering his face

"What do you mean it just happened? How on earth did you just lean over and kiss me!" I yelled

"I don't know ok!" he yelled standing up and sliding his chair hard until it fell over

"Jessie look, uhm, don't freak out. Are you ok?" I asked

"Me ha! I am ok alright, I am just peachy!" he yelled at me

"Would you stop fucking yelling! I can't take it right now!" I yelled getting up and leaving his studio

"J wait!" he yelled up the stairs

"For what?" I asked turning around getting no response from him, so I shook me head and kept walking out.

I got out of his house and began to walk down the driveway. My mind was racing at a million different paces and I didn't know what the hell just happened. I kept walking until I heard him calling me from his front door.

"What do you want?" I asked

"Would you just come here" he said

"No alright, I mean how could you do that to could you do that to Zac?" I asked

"I couldn't help it and what about Zac?" he yelled

"Oh I don't know, maybe the fact that he is your friend and what you just did was wrong" I said starting to walk away

"Oh please, its not like you guys are dating anyways and what am I supposed to do when you keep sending me mixed messages!'' he yelled

That made me stop

"What! What the hell are you talking about? Mixed messages! Ha! Okay then, and just for your information Zac and I are dating!" I yelled and continued to walk away and I heard his door slam.

Now I was a while from home and of course I didn't bring my friggin wallet so it looked like I was stuck walking since I couldn't pay for a cab. What did Jessie mean by mixed messages? I never sent him any mixed messages....Hell I didn't even think of him in that way, so why was he all of a sudden thinking of me that way? It was all too much to deal with. Finding out about Zac's ex, Jessie kissing me, my drama with Justin, the Awards show performance. I felt like my head was going to explode.

I made it maybe about a half a mile from Jessie's house and lone behold he came driving down the road after me. I didn't look at him or his car and I kept walking as I heard he rolled down his window driving beside me.

"Would you just wait a minute?" he asked

"Nope" I said

"Are you crazy walking out in the street like this, someone will see you" he said

"I don't care" I said keeping my view ahead of me

"Come on will you just stop for a second?" he asked

"Nope, and you better pray no paparazzi see you following me like this" I said

"Why not?" he asked

"Because" I said looking at him finally "They are already thinking about me and Zac, like I need to be on another tabloid because of you"

"J please just stop" he said

"No Jessie" I said looking back away from him

"Please'' he said

"Okay listen!" I yelled looking back him as I stopped "You seriously need to leave me the fuck alone right now! If your going to follow me all the way home then you can explain to Zac what you did!"

"I couldn't help it, you have to understand" he said

"No I don't need to understand. What you need to understand is that you are annoying, and I hate it when you have your coy attitude, and I hate the fact that you kissed me, Now Jessie do the world a favor and get a fucking life!" I yelled walking away from his parked car......

"That really fucking hurt!" he yelled pulling his car up along side of me again

"Well now you know how I feel!" I yelled back

Thats when he accelerated ahead of me a little bit and drove up on the side walk infront of me. When he hit the sidewalk I watched his front bumper crack and the paint smear. I stopped thinking maybe he was going to get out and kick my ass or something but I was wrong.

"Hate me or not, get the fuck in the car. I am not leaving until you get in because there is no way you can walk all the way home" he said

"Fine but don't fucking talk to me" I said getting in and sitting in the back seat of his car.

He backed off the sidewalk and I could hear the front of his car scraping and getting more damaged. Then he accelerated quickly down the road. The ride was quiet. I kept my head to the side staring out the window but out of the corner of my eye I could see him constantly looking back at me in his rearview mirror. After about a good fifteen minutes we made it back to Zac's and he drove into the driveway.

Thats when I noticed that Zac hadn't come home and must have left after he dropped me off at Jessie's. When the car stopped I quickly got out and shut the door and quickly walked up to the front door. When I got inside I closed the door behind me and locked it. I knew Jessie's personality and just as expected he didn't leave and he was knocking on the door.

I just walked away and went upstairs into my room. I closed the door behind me and laid down on Zac's bed. So many things were bothering me and I just felt like snapping but I didn't really have any good reason to other then Jessie. I grabbed the remote control off of the bed and turned on the stereo and cranked the music so I didn't have to hear him knocking on the front door. Ironically out of the whole situation they were playing Justin's Summer Love on the radio. Actually that must have been irony at its best. Lying in my boyfriend's bed, avoiding his best friend who kissed me while I am now listening to my ex boyfriend on the radio............'and these are the days of our lives' I thought making me laugh a little bit.

Laughter soon ended when I heard Bruno barking in the backyard and to no suprise Jessie was walking through the yard. I watched him pet Bruno to make him stop barking. Then I watched the sneak go over to a marble ornament next to the door and pull a key out from under it then he came back to the front. I got up off the bed and walked down the stairs to find Jessie standing in the entrance.

"What the hell do you want?" I asked making him jump a little bit

"Look, okay. I know you are pissed, and well I am confused, and a little hurt" he said

"And you deserved it" I added

"Right well anyways I just really need someone to talk to and you are the only one that I can talk to" he said

"Jessie look alright. Heres the deal. I actually would just like to forget what happened" I said turning and heading back into the living room with Jessie in tow

"Well can you just give me like five minutes?" he asked

"You realize how desperate you are right now right?" I said going out the back and letting Bruno off the leash

"Dude are you crazy that dog will'' he stopped as Bruno jumped up and was licking me

"What, give me a kiss?" I said sarcastically but crudely

"Look I am sorry alright" he said as I walked back in leaving Bruno in the yard to roam free.

"Thats fine" I said walking past him to the fridge grabbing a pop for myself and a beer for him

"Thanks" he said questionably

"You really need to losen up" I said

"Does that mean we can talk?" he asked

"Well I am listening, not guaranteeing I will give a response, so explain your self Mccartney" I said cracking open the pop.

"So I don't really know when this started, well it had to have been really recently because as soon as you got back I started feeling" he said looking down

"Feeling what?" I asked irritated

"I don't know. I just started to feel wierd when I seen you" he said

"Okay so are you trying to say that you are gay?" I asked

"No I like girls but for some reason you had me going" he said

"What do you mean I had you going?" I asked

"Well not necessarily did you do anything, but made me feel different and other then Zac you are the closest I ever have gotten to a guy" he said

"I did mention though that Zac and I are dating right?" I said matter of factly as I seen his face cringe.....

"Don't bring him into this please" he said

"Oh so maybe you have the hots for Zac and decided to test it out on me?" I said

"No thats not it. I don't think of Zac like that, nor any other guy, its just the first day when you came back and I picked you up I was so happy and so were you. Then I mean come on, you and him weren't dating and well just when he puts his hands...." he couldn't finish

"Puts his hands on what?" I asked

"Like when you guys started kissing and stuff it made me mad" he said

"Oh so you where jealous?" I asked now grinning

"This isn't funny......I don't know what to do" he said

"Okay, well first of all I want to apologize for being a major bitch" I said laughing a little bit "But Jessie I know what your problem is. You are curious and Zac is too much of a friend to really think of that way. So knowing we haven't been friends for very long you decided to be curious with me in mind" I said

"You pretty much summed it all up right there" he said letting out a huge breath

"So if you are possibly curious that doesn't make you gay, you could be bisexual or just having curious thoughts. You don't really like me Jessie, trust me I know I fell for that one. Just take some time to think about what you really want before you just go and kiss someone" I said

"Your right" he said seeming like he was hiding something

Now I felt really bad. I mean the poor guy was having curious thoughts and I turned into Queen bitch. I really did feel bad for him and I wanted to make things better but I pretty much said all that I could. He kept looking like he was second guessing though. I certainly didn't want to jeopordize anything with Zac and especially with his best friend. SO I thought to myself to just let it go and get on with my life over that incident, then me being the smart ass that I am I thought of a little something to put him to the test.

"Okay Jessie I have an idea'" I said

"You do?" he asked confused

"So you are a really good friend to me and Zac and well I don't want to fight with you at all. But I propose that we should do a little test" I said

"A test?" he asked

"Yeah I test" I said moving closer to him

"What kinda test?'' he asked skidding slowly backwards away from me up on the couch

"Just to really make sure that you don't like me" I said

"And what if I do" he asked

Thats when I leaned in and gave him my next best to best kiss. He didn't kiss back though and there definately wasn't a 'spark' of any sort. Satisfied I broke the kiss and he looked at me with a look of horror in his eyes.

"See I told you that you didn't like me" I said getting off of him and walking into the kitchen to grab an apple

"That was soooo unfair" he said

"Why because you didn't kiss me back?" I asked jokingly "I thought you was a playa" I said laughing

"Thats not cool'' he said

"Well I know now that earlier was an accident and we should just forget about it" I said biting into my apple

"Is this some kind of trick? Are you going to kill me and feed me to Bruno now?" he asked

"No I aint and its no trick, so just forget about it" I said taking another bite of my apple

"You aren't going to tell Zac are you?" he asked

"No I don't plan on it. Just as long as you don't say anything" I said

"I won't tell him anything......its just" he started

"Jessie man please tell me you don't like me" I said nearly begging

"I can't help it alright! I mean fuck something about you just got me going and I don't know what it is" he said

"Shit Jessie" I said getting up and walking back into the kitchen

"I'm sorry but its just the way I feel" he said

"Okay so heres the deal. I don't like you that way and I can tell you know, without sounding to rude, that nothing will ever happen between you and me. I just can't do something like that and I am way too young to deal with this shit" I said

"I'm sorry" he said sounding really hurt

"Like god which next Hollywood guy is going to make a move on me" I said as my phone began to ring

I ran over to the kitchen and grabbed my phone off of the table. When I checked the caller i.d. it was Zac.

"Hey" I answered

"Hey babe, where are you?" Zac asked

"I am still at home just chilling out with Jessie" I said

"I thought you were recording at his house?'' he asked

"Yeah I was and I did a song but I needed to come home to get ready" I said

"Well no duh, you should be leaving soon" he said

"Hey Jess and Jessie" Vanessa yelled in the background

"Tell her I said hi" I said

"They said hi.......Anyways babe I got to go and we are almost ready to do red carpet" he said

"Alright I gotta get leaving too" I said

"Okay well I will see you there, and good luck on your show" he said

"Yeah thanks" I said

"Okay bye" he said

"Bye" I said and hung up looking over at Jessie

"Well I have to get ready and go" I said

"Do you want me to give you a ride?" he asked

"Yeah sure but believe it or not I need to know what I should wear" I said

"You of all people don't know what to wear?" he asked

"First time for everything" I said getting up

Both Jessie and I walked upstairs to my room. Well to be honest it was a little uncomfortable since I didn't really know what he was thinking but I tried not to pay too much attention to that. I went through my drawers and tried to pick something out but just couldn't find the right outfit. God knew I would have an outfit waiting for me when I was to perform but the after outfit was what I needed.

Jessie went into a couple of drawers and pulled out some clothes that I honestly didn't like too much. I shook my head at alot of stuff since he was trying to piece everything together. I would have worn some of Zac's clothes but god knows he was taller then me and nothing would have fit me. And thats when it hit me. I went over to Zac's side into his drawers and pullled out some nice Gucci pants and a nice dress shirt.

"What the hell are you going to do with that?" Jessie asked

"Just follow me" I said running out of the bedroom and booking it downstairs.

I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a nice sharp knife out of the knife block. Jessie had a look of pure shock on his face.

"You aren't going to cut those are you?" he asked as I sliced the sleeves off the dress shirt

"Yep you are" he said as I pulled some threads to make the now sleevless shirt look like it came that way

Then I grabbed the knife and made a cut on each pant leg at shin height. Then I put the knife back in the block and ripped the ends of the pants off to give it a nice shredded look.

"Zac is going to kill you man" he said

"I know but its worth it" I said sliding my pants off and taking my shirt off

Jessie's mouth dropped and I think I heard it hit the floor. It made me laugh a little bit knowing I was standing infront of him in nothing but my small briefs.

"Uh.......Oh..........My.....God what are you doing?" he asked

"Getting go start the car, this is an emergency" I said as he was tranced on me. "Jessie!" I yelled snapping him out of it.

He left and went out the front and I heard his car start. I threw the clothes on quickly and threw out the garbage that I made from them. Then I went into the front entrance and checked myself over in the big mirror. I had to say Gucci dress pants and dress shirts looked good when they were ripped into a muscle shirt and shorts. Then I looked at my hair and had a mischievious idea..........

"Okay Jessie so when did we put this in?" I asked

"About twenty minutes ago" he said

"Okay so in five minutes we can wash it out" I said

"Yep no problem" he said

"Jesus a one man bathroom in a gas station doesn't make a good salon" I said with Jessie looking at me funny "What?" I asked

"You just look really wierd right now" he said

"Well I am sick of having 'more fun', I want to change it up" I said grinning

"I don't know man, Zac might not like you anymore" he said

"Oh sure he will, okay can we wash it out now?" I asked

"Yeah sure, just uhm I guess lean over and I will get it all out" he said

"Sweet" I said putting my head down and closing my eyes.......

"Have you heard from him at all?" Vanessa asked

"No not at all, I figured he would have been here by now" Zac said

"Well its not like he is late for his own show" she said

"I know, I know" he said

"So what do you think he has in store?" she asked

"I don't know, he didn't tell me but I am sure it will be really good" he said

"Well anyways congratulations on the breakout performance award" she said squeezing his arm to keep up the dating image thing

"Thanks" he said on looking the crowd searching for Jess

"You know this is really wierd. We haven't hung out in a while and I haven't even seen Jess since he got back" she said

"I know, strange eh" he said

"Go figure, date a Canadian boy and you start saying eh" she said quietly and laughed

"Oh commercial break is over" Zac said

Just then Mike Meyers came out

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my pleasure to introduce a young new talent who is hear to share his voice with you. My Canadian brother from another mother, everybody give it up for Jesse Jordan" he said as the lights dimmed and the crowd went wild.....

There was artifical fog and silohuoettes of cages surrounding the stage. There was sound of a slow heart beat and some thunder. Then a light from the ceiling shown down on the center of the stage through the smoke..........The crowd began to cheer as a very familiar beat started......Then coming out from the ground Jesse Jordan had his back faced to the crowd wearing a suit and a classic sixties ganster hat.

The beat began to start more familiar and thats when the crowd recognized it and roared in applause, especially for the irony.......


"I wanna see you move........

(Thunder sound)...

Can you turn me up a little bit more.........

(Thunder and heartbeat)

Yeah............Like that?

Oh Baby Baby, how was I supposed to know?

That something wasn't right here.......

Oh Baby Baby, I should have let you go

And now your right outside yeah.....

Show me....How you want it to be....

Tell me baby.....cuz I need to know now!!!!


The thunder continued with flashes resembling lightning..... Thats when the blazer to the suit was ripped off and the pants were stripped off to reveal Jesse with jean shorts on and a transparent longsleeve that had false tattoos on it to make it seem like they were real. Then he took off his hat to reveal dark brunette hair that replaced his light blonde hair. The crowd roared.....The microphone was raised and another familiar beat started.........


" I know I may be young.......but.....

I got feelings too........And I need to do.......what I feel like doing......

So let me go...........and just listen........

I'm a slave..........for..................

(Loud thunder and bright flashes......)

The music stopped and Jesse stood there with a sexy grin on his face as he looked out to the crowd.....The crowd was going nuts, absolutely screaming crazy.......Then a new beat had started....There were some drums and light guitar..........Then a pair of female arms came around Jesse's sides as they began to feel up his chest.....Then the voice started......

"I love your smile......The way you taste......

You know I have an appetite..........for sexy things......

All you do is look at me..........

(Loud thunder again and then just heart beat)

Thats when from behind Jesse, Britney Spears stepped out looking hotter then ever wearing denim daisy dukes and a tight strapless leather shirt that formed to her amazing body.......She stood infront of Jesse and a side profile of them was showing to the audience.......


"It's a disgrace.....whats running through my mind is you


"Up in my face......yeah"


"Your voice is like music to my ears"

Britney (Bring her face closer to his and making it look a whisper)

"Whisper softly and the world just disappears......

Take me higher and just wipe away my fears

When your with me.....ooh boy.....its my heartbeat that I hear"

Jesse then went low to the ground with his back going down Britney and back up to her face.....

Jesse and Britney:

"Ooh ooh baby touch me and I come alive.

I can feel you on my lips, I can feel up you deep inside

Ooh ooh baby in your arms I finally breathe.....

Rap me up in all your love cuz thats the oxygen I need yeah

Your fillin me up, your filling me up

Your fillin me up, your filling me up

Your fillin me up with your love........"


"You've got, something that I really want and.......

come here, oh we don't even have to talk and....

lay back and let me tell you what I'm thinkin.

Cuz I like you, Cuz I like you"


"Bay bay, bay bay

Bay bay, bay bay

Bay bay, bay bay

Ooh bay bay, bay bay

Bay bay, bay bay

Jesse and Britney:

"Ooh ooh baby touch me and I come alive.

I can feel you on my lips, I can feel up you deep inside

Ooh ooh baby in your arms I finally breathe.....

Rap me up in all your love cuz thats the oxygen I need yeah


"Bay bay, bay bay

Bay bay, bay bay

Bay bay, bay bay

Ooh bay bay, bay bay

Bay bay, bay bay"

Jessie and Britney:

"Rap me up in all your love cuz thats the oxygen I need yeah"

The song was over and there never was a crowd that screamed nearly as loud as that........Both Jesse and Britney wear standing on the stage. Britney had her arms around his chest and was resting her head on his shoulder as one of Jesse's hands were on her back and the one facing the crowd was resting on her ass.

Then the lights dimmed out and Mike Meyers came out on the other side of the hall with the spotlight on him.....Trying to talk but not really able to with the crowd screaming. He tried to shush them but that didn't he yelled into the microphone

"Take that Timberlake!" he said as he clapped and the crowd screamed even louder.

"That by far was on of the best performances tonight, and the best I have ever seen" he said crowd screaming again

"I mean did you see the way that they were dancing.....oh sooooooooooo sexily......I guess sexy never left" he said again clapping and laughing like his Dr. Evil roll from Austin powers......

Backstage everything was an uproar. Crew for the show were chearing and so were many celebrities. I got alot of high fives and alot of pictures were taken of me and Britney together. So many people were talking to us and giving their praise and then of all people to approach me......oh man it was crazy

"I just wanted to say that was amazing" Tom Cruise said extending his hand as I shook it

"Wow, thank you so much" I said feeling all star struck

"No problem" he said standing next to me as people took pictures......

"It was very nice meeting you" he said shaking my hand again

"Thank you and it was nice meeting you too" I said as he walked away with the rest of his little posse

Then I seen over by the back Justin wasn't looking too happy as he came walking over. Britney seen him coming and she gave a look like something bad was about to happen. Thats when a guy stepped infront of me making Justin stop.

"Jesse Jordan, my name is Jeremy" he said extending his hand

"Oh hi, its nice to meet you" I said shaking it

"Might I say great performance for you and as Britney" he said looking over at her and nodded with a big smile as she had one too

"Oh thank you very much" I said

"Your welcome, but I here on business. I represent Clive Davis, and well lets just put it this way......He wants to sign you, are you interested?" he asked

"Clive Davis.....The Clive Davis? Oh my god yes!" I yelled a little loud.......

"Thats great, so here is my card and stop by tomorrow at noon" he said handing me the card and shaking my hand walking away

"Oh my God!" I yelled as Britney walked over giving me a hug

"Congrats" she said smiling

"Did you know about this?" I asked

"I sure did. I just want to say it was a pleasure working with you and I look forward to working with you in the future sometime" she said hugging me again

"I am in heaven right now" I said as she laughed

"Just don't let it go to your head" she said squeezing me

"Thank you so much" I said as tears began to fall.

She let me go and wiped my tears off. Then a crew member came and handed me my blazer as I held it infront of me.

"Well you have to go and so do I. I will see you around" she said

"Oh for sure" I said waving at her as she walked off

Then I began to walk and purposely walked by Justin. He had a floored look on his face as if he was lost for words.......

"It was fun Justin and oh on that note........" I said stepping closer to him....."Cry me a river" I sang mockingly infront of him and then walked away.....

With staff and crew leading me over to a dressing and make up room I got dressed back into my clothes that I made earlier and a couple make up artists touched me up to make me look flawless.....

"That was so amazing!" Vanessa said to me giving me a hug

"Thank you so much. Wow I didn't expect it to be that good" I said

"Ch'ya and that was the comeback that Britney really needed" she said

"Well what can I say right" I said jokingly

"True true. You are going to be on the cover of a lot of magazines" she said

"True and speaking of which, where is Zac?" I asked

"Uh I don't know, I seen him a minute ago. I think he was talking with some media" she said

"I see I see, well I hope he doesn't get mad at me" I said

"Why would he get mad at you?" she asked

"Because I stole his clothes and altered them" I said pointing down

"Jesus I didn't know those were his. I thought you bought them" she said

"No No, I made them" I said

"Well they look damn fine and I think you might start a new trend" she said

"Yeah" was all I could say

"And man what is with this hair?" she asked me

"You don't like it? It was kinda spontaneous and well" I started

"Oh shut up its fine...."she said

Then some media had approached Vanessa and I and they were asking a couple of questions. I managed to slip myself away after answering a few questions and kinda left Vanessa there by herself. I really needed to find Zac and I think she understood when I told them I had to go. So I left the main seating and stage area and went towards the rear lobby entrance and there was still no sign of Zac.

I crossed paths with Justin a few times but I just ignored him and avoided him. Then finally after searching for Zac I found him. He was doing some small media interviews and didn't even recognize me when I stood infront of him. Then he gave me that look. The look of lust and he wanted me right then and there.


So what did you think? Like it? Didn't like it?

Either way let me know......

And stay tuned for the next chapter coming soon.

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