Surreal Uprising

By J.J

Published on Jun 4, 2008


Disclaimer: Yeah a Disclaimer, I know they suck but its the rules. First of all if you are under the legal age or viewing illegal content according to your country's laws than I suggest you do not read the next sentence of this disclaimer let alone the story. I do not know the sexualities of any of the celebrities mentioned and it is pure coinsidence to any recognition of anyone that may resemble any character. This story is purely fictional and contains sexual content and some coarse language. If you do not prefer same sex relationships or anything else that has to do with homosexuality then I suggest you don't read this story. So if you qualify or are brave enough to read this and not get caught then sit back, relax, and enjoy.......... Author's Tid-bit: This story involves a relationship between a teenaged boy and an adult. There will be sexual content and some imaginary nudity but this story is definately not pornographic (sorry to spoil that). Feedback is always welcome but junk will be ignored. I do respond to most of the readers but if you don't hear from me then that means I am swamped with comments or ideas....This story is my own and copywrited by me and any purgery will be dealt with accordingly.....Oh screw the rest just enjoy.....

The Surreal Uprising Chapter 10:

By J.J

The night before was both amazing and devistating at the same time. It was my birthday and everything was great and all but it all ended kind of badly. Zac had boughten me a car that I was more then over estatic about, but then he kept having flash backs to his ex boyfriend who died last year. Now I really did feel bad for him and all but a certain thought kept creeping into my head.

We didn't do anything after the incident in the garage, and sure yeah we slept in the same bed without having sex or anything but the thought was still haunting my mind. Knowing that Zac had a boyfriend before me didn't bother me, it was just the fact that he was still in love with him, even if he passed away. I know it sounds stupid but I kept thinking that maybe I was some kind of replacement or something since Zac just kept thinking about Brandon with everything I did.

By all means I had no intentions of ending my relationship with Zac, but I most certainly wanted to fix this and make it better no matter what it took. So after having a shower and getting dressed I made my way downstairs to Zac who was sitting in the kitchen drinking a coffee at the island.

"Hey" I said

"Hey you, I was wondering when you would come down" he said as I gave him a kiss and went to the coffee machine.

"Well I had to shower, that was for sure, especially after bruno left his stink on me" I said laughing

"You smell good" he said

"Pssh I never smell bad" I said

"Yeah sure okay" he said

"But anyways do you realize something?" I asked

"Whats that?" he asked

"Like does anything come to mind right now?" I asked

"Uhm kinda but'' he started

"I mean come on man, I am here. We are living together and now we are sitting in your kitchen drinking coffee" I said

"I know eh! It just kept going through my head" he said

"Me too" I said taking a sip of coffee

"And now it feels like you have lived here forever and you never left" he said

"Haha! Thats what I was thinking" I said

"But I do need to tell you something" he said

"Alright" I said

"Its about last night" he said

"Zac you don't have to" I said

"No no, I need to get this out there. I just want you to know that I could never ever think of you as some sort of replacement or anything like that. I mean I love you for who you are and so what there were some similarities yesterday but that was my fault for thinking like that" he said

"Okay" I said simply

"And I don't really want to get too much into this but I think of you more as the person who has filled my empty space and made me happy again. Never a replacement but a gift and I feel so lucky to have you" he said

'OMG starting to cry'

"Are you okay?" he asked

"Oh me.....sniff yeah I am fine, thats just the coolest thing anyone has ever said to me, and to be honest sniff I feel the same way" I said

"Okay well enough of this then. I have an idea lets go out" he said

"Were do you want to go?" I asked drying my eyes

"It don't matter. Just you and me, out on the town doing stuff" he said

"Alright but on one condition" I said

"Whats that?" he asked

"We have to bring Bruno" I said

"Okay done deal" he said

"Alright" I said

So we both got dressed and ready and I got Bruno ready with some doggy treats and a couple of water bottles. Then we took off in Zac's car and just went for a drive. The city sites where nice and all but I convinced Zac to do a little detour and hit some country style roads. I was constantly looking back at Bruno with his head out the window and the wind flapping his lips.

It honestly was really nice. Just a drive, thats all. No catch, no people, no paparazzi. Just peacefull. But then I seen an area that I wanted to stop in and I just couldn't not stop. There was a small store beside a nice park with alot of open space and some trees in it so I told Zac to stop and he did in the parking lot of the park. Then I told him to take Bruno into the park for a second while I went into the store.

I went up and down some isles and grabbed a frisbee for Bruno and a couple of cokes for me and Zac and went up to the cash to pay. When I looked out the window at Zac he was standing there talking to Bruno trying to get his attention but Bruno would have no part of it. He was just sitting there looking in my direction. Then I seen a little girl and her mom come up and the girl was like freaking out.

At first maybe I thought she recognized Zac but she was just point at Bruno and I seen that Zac let her pet him while the mom was talking with Zac.

"Sir? That will be seven seventy nine" the cashier said to me snapping me out of my trance.

"Oh sorry" I said

I reached into my wallet and grabbed some cash and paid the guy and left the store. As I was walking up the girl and her mother walked away and kept going through the park.

"That kid was so nice" Zac said

"Yeah I could see that" I said handing him a coke

"Thanks, oh you bought Bruno a frisbee?" he asked

"Oh yeah I figured he could have some fun as we go for a walk through the park" I said starting to walk with Bruno following me

"Man he really likes you. You didn't even need to call him" Zac said

"Yeah I noticed. But wouldn't it be sweet?" I asked

"If what would be sweet?'' he asked

"I mean you said that kid was so nice. I mean come on, if we could only have kids. They would certainly be good looking" I said

"Haha yeah thats for sure but thats kinda scary you mentioned that" he said

"I was only joking'' I said

"Well hey I know but in the future?" he said

"What kids?" I asked

"Well yeah there is adoption and stuff" he said

"I hate to break it to you Zac but we aren't even dating yet'' I said

'Oh shit did I say that out loud?' I mentally slapped myself

"And I mean we are so young and thats such a hassle" I tried to cover but noticed he was smiling "What are you smiling about?" I asked nervously

"Oh nothing, I mean it didn't even occur to me that we aren't dating and well I just love when you get all nervous like that'' he said

"Well I didn't mean to say it out loud but it was just plaging my mind" I said

"Okay fine, well how about we fix that" he said grabbing my hand

"Were are we going?" I asked

"Just come here" he said

Zac led me down this path into an area where there were some trees and bushes. I could tell that he didn't even really know were we where going but he found the perfect spot. There was this little pond with some ducks in it and a big willow tree that was leaning over the pond. Bruno ran off and was trying to sniff the ducks but they wanted no part of him. Then I felt Zac give me another tug and he pulled me infront of the tree and he stood me infront of it. Then he turned around to face me and went down on one heart was racing at a million miles a second and I felt kinda light headed. Then he gave me that look......

"Oh god" I said

"Jesse Jordan I need to ask you a question" he said on one knee looking up at me

"Yes Zac" I said

"Would you make me the happiest guy in the world and be my boyfriend?" he asked

"Oh my God" I said and I had to turn around

"Jesse?" he asked

"Yes Zac" I said turning around "I would be the second happiest guy in the world and I would love to be your boyfriend" I said grabbing his hand as he came up to my face.

Then he put both of his hands on the tree on each side of my head and leaned in for a deep kiss. I then put both of my hands on his back and pulled him in towards me and we where kinda grinding making out in front of the tree. Things were starting to get heated when reality was spat back at us from Bruno biting Zac's pant leg and pulling him off of me.

"Bruno!" Zac yelled

"That is so funny" I said laughing

"No its not he wont let go" he said trying to pull his pant leg back.

"Bruno let him go" I said and Bruno just let go and sat there wagging his tail.

"That is so not fair that he listens to you" Zac said smiling

"I know but what can you do?" I asked sarcastically

"Yeah yeah" Zac said putting an arm around my shoulder as we decided to make our way back towards the car.

On the way back I was throwing the frisbee and Bruno was getting it and bringing it back and forth and me and Zac were just chatting away about everyday details. I told him about life in Toronto and my friend Chelsea and all. It was actually really nice to just relax and get away from all of the media drama and stuff like that. But thats when a thought hit me.

"Hey Zac how about I take a break from the business for a little while and just stay home'' I said

"What? Are you sure you want to do that? I mean come on Jess, your single is still on the top of the charts and you are just going to back down?" he asked

"Well when you say it like that I don't really want to but I think it would be nice to just relax you know'" I said

"I totally understand but I don't want you to throw your career away" he said

"If only there was a way to do all the recording at home" I mumble

"Thats it! You are a genius" he said as we got to the car and inside.

"I am?" I asked closing the door

"You sure are" he said pulling out his cellphone

"Hey Jessie my man whats up?" Zac asked "Uh huh yeah cool, but hey I need to ask you a favor" he said

"Here Bruno want a drink?" I asked Bruno giving him some water out of a bottle.

"Yeah so can Jess come over sometimes and use the studio and do his songs?" Zac asked "Oh dude that is sweet, okay I gotta let you go"

"Bye Jessie" I said

"Yeah okay, I will talk to you later bud" Zac said as he hung up his phone

"So what did he have to say?" I asked

"Hey said yeah sure anytime and actually he said tomorrow would be good" Zac said

"Oh fuck! Tomorrow" I said loudly

"What? What's tomorrow?" Zac asked

"Duh the MTV Movie awards and I have to perform" I said

"Oh my god, I forgot. Man are you sure you have to perform?" he asked

"I am pretty sure hold on" I said pulling out my cellphone.

I really didn't want to do it but I had to call Justin just to double check on what the scoop was.

"Hello?" Justin answered

"Hey its me. I need to ask you a question" I said

"Oh crawling back already are we?" he said

"Haha funny, and no, I just need to know if I am still performing at the awards tomorrow?" I asked

"Well you are still booked in and if you value your diminishing reputation then I suggest you do" he said

"Alright, so who do I talk to when I get there?" I asked

"Well I will be there and technically they still think I am your manager" he said

"Okay so what do I have to do?" I asked

"Just meet me there in the back and I will have everything under control" he said

"Alright will do" I said hanging up.

I looked over at Zac and he didn't look too thrilled. Actually I could totally see the jealousy in his eyes when I was talking to Justin but he needed to understand that it was me and him now. Me and my..........boyfriend..........oh thats sounds soooo cool when it just rolls off your tongue. I kinda just want to walk up to people and be like 'Hi I am Mr. Efron'..............haha okay sorry back to reality here.

"So what did he say?" Zac asked not sounding to happy.

"He said that he will make sure everything goes smoothly" I said

"Oh yeah because thats just his charm anyways right" Zac said

"Zac I don't know why you are getting so upset over Justin. He means nothing to me" I said

"Oh no I am not jealous or anything I just hate him for making you leave and all the shit he put you through" he said grabbing my hand.

"Well thats good to know because there is nothing to be jealous about other then me and Bruno" I said laughing

"Okay well we are just about home.....bed and then get ready for tomorrow?" he asked

"Ch'yeah and well I never got that other birthday present from you" I said raising an eyebrow and putting on a devilish grin.

"Hey Jess where are my gucci jeans?" Zac asked from the bedroom

"They should be in the drawer where they belong, Or ya know, you could check your mall that you call a closet" I said smirking as I washed my face off

"Remind me again why I listened to you and cancelled my assistant and dresser up girl" he said

"Because you don't need anyone to dress you and you can get ready on your own" I said smirking in the mirror

"Well you know you could dress me" he said

"I would love to but I am busy in the bathroom" I said as I took off my clothes and stepped into the shower.

"Jess are you in the shower?" he asked

"Maybe!" I yelled

"Well thats not fair I have to go and you can just take a shower" he said

"Your loss" I said

I put my face up and let the water run down over my body. It was so hot and relaxing and I knew it was just simply irresistable. When I reached over to grab the body was I heard the bathroom door creak a little bit and I knew for a fact that Zac snuck into the bathroom. I just kept my head up and started to lather my body in the amazing Irish spring and its wonderful smell. I couldn't help but notice that my body was beginning to fill out while I was washing my body. I had went from average/scrawny teenager to healthy body weight and this ass that just decided to grow out of nowhere.

No really. I don't want to get into too many details but you know when you are younger and usually your ass consists of two legs and a back? Well I don't know what the hell I did or ate that had made it should I say....................irresistable..........que Zac

"You missed a spot" he said

I felt him wrap his arms around me from behind and begin to run the lather from my chest down to my hips.

"Thought you had to go somewhere" I said as he was caressing my body

"I do but I have time to fall for your irresistable charm" he said pushing himself against me

"Oh don't get your hair messed up now" I said laughing a bit

"I don't care really, especially when my boyfriend is like the male version of Jessica Alba" he said kissing my neck

"Really now" I said sarcastically

"I mean yeah, lets see. You are absolutely gorgeous, and well I mean come on, this ass is just so tempting" he said

"Well if you want me then you can have me" I said coarsely

"I love it when you talk like that" he said giving me a small bit on the side of the neck

"Zac........fuck me" I said quietly

Thats when I turned around and began to kiss Zac passionately. His hands where exploring my body as my hands where his. I could feel myself starting to get weak as Zac was pulling me into him and we where grinding our naked bodies together in the shower. I stopped kissing him as his arms stopped roaming my backside. Then I began to slowly work my way down kissing his body.

I came to his waist and he was as hard as a rock. Before I had gotten any closer he put his hand under my chin and lifted my face up to see him.

"You don't have to do that" he said

"I've never done it before but I want to try" I said

"Are you sure?" he asked me panting

"Yeah I am sure" I said putting my head back down.

I started with my hands slowly stroking him so that he got fully hard. Then before any second thoughts I started by licking from the base to the tip and back and forth a couple of times. Then when I came back up to the tip I put my mouth around him and went all the way down suprisingly without gagging. I felt his body tremble a little bit and I could hear him panting as I was giving my first head in the shower.

I started to go back and forth taking as much of him as I could when I felt his hand go on the back of my head and lightly try to pull me off. I went back to the base up to the top of him one more time when I stopped. When I stood up all I could see was the look of lust in his eyes as he was out of breath. Thats when I leaned in and kissed him passionately.

As if with no control I latched on to him and my hand went down to finish the job that I had started. I could hear him falling short of breath as his body began to shake.

"Oh baby I am going to cum" he said

"Thats right Zac, blow it" I said

I began to stroke him faster as I felt his whole body tense up. Thats when I knew I had finished giving him all the quick pleasure I could. And right on que I felt him shoot out on to my hand and over the bottom of the shower. I looked at him while his eyes where like rolling in the back of his head and gave him a deep kiss.

"Okay now turn around so I can wash you off quickly" I said

"huh.......what? What about you?" he asked

"Don't worry about me. I have a suprise for you later tonight after the show" I said

"I just love suprises" he said as I grabbed the shower head and rinsed him off, and well my hand of course.

Jessie heard his doorbell ringing so he got off of the treadmill and ran over to open the door.

"Hey" he said when he opened the door

"My oh my all sweaty are we?" I asked sarcastically as he let me step in.

"Yeah I was just working out" he said putting his bicep up flexing it

"Yeah I can see that" I said stepping in

"So where is Zac?" he asked

"He had to do some promo thing and then meet up with Vanessa to go to the awards" I said taking a look at the pictures on his wall

"Oh I see, aren't you going?" he asked

"Yeah I am but I don't show up until after the red carpet and I got to do a show" I said

"Right, about your show I have an idea" he said

"And what would that be?" I asked

"Oh just a little something to get back at Justin" he said

"Sounds good to me" I said flopping down on the couch

"So we need something that bothers him enough to get him going" he said

"Right, well I thought you had a plan" I said laughing

"I do but thats where I get instigator's block" he said grinning

"Instigator's block! Haha wow that was good, but uhm yeah I think I know what it would take to get him pissed" I said grinning

"Well you know him best pretty much so okay shoot" he said

"So I already have the stage plan set up. I am going to start by coming out of the ground while the set is dark only showing my silohoutte" I said

"Sounds cool already" he said

"Then there is going to be some sounds of thunder" I said

"Sweet" he said

"Then a light is going to come on and the beat is going to start" I said

"I am liking that" he said

"And thats when I shock the hell out of him by doing this" I said getting up

I ran into the middle of the living room and stood up on Jessie's table holding the channel changer in hand and began to sing

"Oh baby baby........oh baby baby.......

Oh baby baby, how was I supposed to know?

That something wasn't right here......oh baby baby

I shouldn't have let you go, but now your right outside yeah.......

(Show me)

How you want it to be, cuz I need to know now.............

"Then que the thunder" I said between the song......."And then Britney herself will come out and do a duet with me" I said clapping

"Are you serious?" he asked

"Ch'yeah" I said over excited

"You had this planned before you came over didn't you?" he asked

"I sure did, and talked to her and everything" I said

"Man you are crazy but I think that would be a good plan" he said

"I know it will be. And the best part is that he won't see it coming" I said

"Well I think you should have done a duet with the Pussycat Dolls" he said

"Oh yeah that song...........when I grow up.....I wanna be famous" I sang half assed

"Hey it would suit you pretty good" he said standing up walking over into his kitchen

"Yeah okay then" I said following him to the kitchen

When we got in he opened his fridge and handed me a beer but I didn't take it. I reached past him and grabbed a Smirnoff Ice instead, thats when he flashed me a grin.

"I aint getting drunk, I just don't like beer" I said

"No problem" he said closing the fridge and then opening both of our drinks handing mine back to me

"Thanks" I said

"Any time. But how about we go into my studio then and record some stuff" he said

"Sounds great lets do it" I said

We left the kitchen and I followed him down a staircase that lead into his basement. It seemed nice and finished and then I looked over and seen his sweet ass studio. I walked over and sat down on a chair as he turned everything on.

"Now what do you want to work on?" he asked

"I know, how about some rock?" I asked

"Sure thing, have anything in mind?" he asked

"I do I do, but the music will have to be worked on some other time" I said

"No prob, well how about you take a seat in the studio" he said

"Alright" I said getting up

I walked over to the door and walked into his studio. I knew this routine pretty well now so I grabbed the headphones and stood infront of the mic.

"Sound check.....check check" I said tapping the mic

"Thats good" he said over the intercom as he hit the record button

"Alright lets do this..............yeah....

I was waiting all my life for you

I'm all about you

And now, I'm staring in your eyes, is he through?

I'm all about you

And in my mind it comes so easily

But there's a feeling coming over me

I wanna show you but theres nowhere we can really be free

Everybody's watchin

Wouldn't it be good if we could be together

Take me away, take me far away from here

I will run with you

Don't be afraid, just navigate and I will steer into the sun

We will run.

I tried, to remember when I was just a child

In my room

And my imagination use to run wild

I never knew

But nevers ever as it seems to be

When my dream comes alive to reality

It should be easy when two people love each other

do we?

Everybody's talking......

wouldn't it be good if they could understand us.

Take me away, take me far away from here

I will run with you

Don't be afraid, navigate and I will steer into the sun

We will run.

We will run........woah woah oh oh oh

Oh we will run

Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Wouldn't it be good if they could understand us

Wouldn't it be good if we could be together

(Big note) Take me away!!!!

Take me far away from here

I will run with you

Don't be afraid, navigate and I will steer to the sun

We will (Big Note) Run oh oh yeah yeah

Just Navigate and I will steer to the sun

We Will


I took off the headphones and looked at Jessie with his jaw dropped.

"What?" I asked through the mic

"How do you do it?" he asked

"Do what?" I asked

"Just blurt out a song like that, I mean it was perfect, no mess ups, no re-recordings" he said

"Oh that" I said grinning

"Your a fricken genius!" he said

I took off the headphones and walked back out to Jessie. He was pushing a couple of buttons and he did the playback for me. He was right it did sound really good but it didn't have music. But that didn't matter to me because with the cd I would just drop it off to a label and get the music done for me.

"So did you like it?" he asked

"Yeah I did, I can't wait until there is music" I said

"Me I wish I could do it as easily as you do" he said

"Well I mean there is nothing to it. Just go with the flow right" I said smiling

"Not just that, I mean the big break, meeting someone, and just having everything fall into place" he said

"Well I don't see it like that" I said

"Well I do" he said

awkward silence................then he leaned in and did the unexpectable..........

"Jessie what the hell are you doing!!!" I said pulling away from him

"Oh my god I am so sorry I didn't mean to" he tried to say


So what did you guys think? I am trying to work on chapters one after the other as fast as possible, and the best way for me to get that done is some feedback......hit me up readers if you liked it or not, had any comments, or questions...........

The song Take Me Away belongs to Fefe Dobson from Canada....

Thanks for reading.........

Next: Chapter 11

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