Surprising Luck with Roommates

By Felly Cee

Published on Nov 7, 2022


Hello, I would like to add this story to the gay/adult-friends, college, interracial, and authoritarian sections of Nifty. Thank you!

SURPRISING LUCK WITH ROOMMATES (adult-friends, college, interracial, authoritarian) Author email: yo[dot]cfcf[at]gmail[dot]com I appreciate all feedback! Thanks everyone for your input! Please donate to Nifty:

Part 8

Right before bed, my phone lit up with a group text from Garrett to me and Derek:

GARRETT: Hey guys, I just inherited a farm in Wisconsin from a long-lost relative. I was thinking of heading up there. Want to come with? Maybe we can do a weekend getaway. DEREK: I'm down - love to get away from the Mrs. and kids for a bit. ME: I am too! PRASHANT: I'll come also. DEREK: Glad to see you're still alive, bro. What happened? PRASHANT: Lol, just got distracted. Lots to see in that part of town. ME: No worries, he seems nice. But who's going to take care of delivering Raul while we're all gone? DEREK: Bring 'em. I'm sure Jack will lend you the dog carrier. GARRETT: Yeah, that sounds like a fun time. ME: I'll talk to Raul about it in the AM, but sounds good to me. DEREK: He'll come - like he has a choice.

I guess our next weekend was now spoken for!

The next morning, I got out of bed, and was surprised when my feet landed on something warm, smooth and firm. Raul gave a grunt as I stepped on him and down to the floor. "Good morning," came the muffled greeting from his face, which was still covered.

"Morning," I responded. "Did you sleep OK?"

"Oh yeah," he said. "I like a firm sleeping surface."

"Good," I answered. "Why don't you get up and join me in the dining room?"

Raul followed me and stood to the side as we ate and chatted. I couldn't help but notice his member firm and erect. "Morning wood?" I asked. He laughed sheepishly. "Yeah, I'll take care of it later," he said. "You know how it goes."

"I don't mind," I chuckled. "In case you forgot, I'm gay, erect dicks are kind of my thing." He smiled at that comment.

"Hey, so the guys wanted to go out to Garrett's farm in Wisconsin. It's kind of in the middle of nowhere, but it'll be nice to get outside. You interested?" I asked.

He nodded, excitedly. "It'll be great to see some nature! Should we ask Jack if we can get the carrier?" "Sure," I said.

Jack came by in about 15 minutes to get Raul packed up. Jack whispered something to Raul, and he went into the kitchen while Raul stood in his display position, his erect penis standing proudly with its purple head almost completely unsheathed. Jack returned with a large bowl of ice. "Got to get this to fit in the cage somehow," he said.

"You wouldn't rather, you know, jack off?" I asked.

"I don't feel like I've earned it," Raul said. Jack agreed with this. "Can't let this guy get too cocky." Raul winced as Jack dunked Raul's dick and balls in the ice. It did the job; soon Raul's junk was flaccid enough to fit in the cage.

Raul crawled into the cage, and I saw that there were now chains to connect to his collar and his wrist and ankle shackles. Jack saw me staring and mused, "makes sense to better secure him, don't you think? I'll load him into the back of your car and pull it around."

We drove off, and I realized it was my first time transporting Raul myself. "Are you OK back there?" I called out. "I'm good," Raul yelled back. "I'm used to this crate by now. It's sort of calming, not knowing where you're going and just being taken there. I'm in your hands, I guess!"

A couple of hours later, we arrived at this expansive field, which was itself surrounded by thick forest. It was open but very private from prying eyes. I drove up to a farmhouse which on the side of the hill. I saw Prashant, Garrett, and Derek standing there, drinking some beer. Garrett waved as I pulled over and got out of the car. The guys walked over as I opened the trunk, unlocked the crate, and unshackled Raul. He climbed out of it and stretched after being cramped in there for a while. The silver on his collar glistened in the afternoon light.

"Sorry, I forgot to bring you clothes," I murmured. "He's not going to need them!" Garrett exclaimed. "We've got plenty of stuff here, and there isn't anyone around for miles. Shall I show you around?"

The land was expansive but private. It was previously a corn field, but had not been planted since the previous harvest. There was also a large barn for animals, although there weren't any at the time. It had been cleaned by the previous owner. I looked around and saw stalls for horses and cows, and feeding troughs.

"What's that?" Raul asked, pointing to something in the corner.

"It's a horse drawn cart," Garrett explained. "I think my relatives used it to haul stuff around the farm, the old school style. It's built for two horses, I think. Shame we don't have any."

"Raul could probably pull us in that," Derek noted. The other guys nodded in agreement. "Kenny, what do you think?" Garrett asked me, without talking to Raul. I looked at him, and he seemed excited by the idea. "As long as he's strong enough, it should be fine with me! Just don't damage the merchandise," I quipped.

We quickly learned that the cart itself was way too wide for a human of any wingspan. It definitely needed at least two horses - or people - to be able to evenly carry the weight. We looked around at each other. "Who'd like to join me?" Raul asked.

"What about you, Prashant?" Derek asked. "You're strong and muscular."

"Plus, your dark skin would look great next to Raul's tan frame," Garrett said. What a strange comment, I thought to myself. The guys egged Prashant on; he was a little nervous, but commenting on how big and strong he looked was clearly working on him.

"Alright," Prashant conceded. "But I'm not doing it with a collar or shackles like Raul. Plus, I'm not confident enough to do it naked!"

Raul and Prashant stood side by side as we moved the cart about them. "You'll probably sweat though," Raul told Prashant. "Maybe best to at least take off your shirt?" Prashant shrugged and took his shirt off. He was muscular and strong indeed, his skin the color of coffee that was common in men of South Indian descent. He was smooth except for his armpits and a treasure trail, and his sizable nipples looked perked up.

Garrett found two bridles that he placed over Raul and Prashant's chests. We then fastened them to the cart, and Derek, Garrett, and I got on. The two of them started to pull the cart. Soon, they were visibly sweating, although both seemed to enjoy the workout. Raul's naked form glistened with sweat; Prashant's jeans had turned dark blue, particularly around his ass and joints.

"I think it's time to get off those pants, man," Derek called out at Prashant, as we came to a stop.

"Fine," Prashant acceded. He stripped of his pants, underwear, shoes and socks. Unlike Raul, he did have arm pit hair and thick, curly pubes, as well as a treasure trail and light dusting of hair around his nipples. His cock stood at attention - it was darker than the rest of his skin and uncut.

"What did I tell you, Prashant?" Garrett said, beaming. "Just as good naked as Raul."

"I agree!" Raul said. "You have nothing to be ashamed of."

"Thanks, guys," Prashant murmurred. "This does feel kind of right. I think I understand what you said before Raul - it's hot being naked in front of these guys."

"Well," Garrett paused. "It feels almost right. I think there are a few things missing here."

Next: Chapter 9

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