Surprising Luck with Roommates

By Felly Cee

Published on Oct 2, 2022


SURPRISING LUCK WITH ROOMMATES (adult-friends, college, interracial, authoritarian) Author email: yo[dot]cfcf[at]gmail[dot]com I appreciate all feedback! Thanks everyone for your input! Please donate to Nifty:

Part 6

About a week later, Derek, Garrett, and I met up to prepare for a presentation for class. Unfortunately, the class was divided into groups of 3 for this assignment, and Prashant drew the short straw. On the other hand, he did end up with all the gunners (slang for aggressive know-it-alls in law school) in Law Review, and could probably easily cruise to an A without any work.

At the end of the day, the three of us were all done, and I suggested we all get a drink. "How about your place?" Derek asked. I saw Garrett roll his eyes and chuckle. "My place sounds fine, what's with the attitude?" I asked Garrett. "Nothing wrong with your place, I think Derek just really enjoyed the, um, furniture."

"Ah," I said. "Can't blame you, man. I feel very lucky that Raul thought that would be a good idea."

"I'm not gay or anything, or even bi," Derek defended himself. "But you've got to admit that there's something nice about having a man submit to you like that. Plus, he's the right height for me as a footstool when crouched in that position."

"I agree," Garrett offered. "I'm not looking to suck him, or make him suck me, or anything else - it's just nice to be in that position of power. Plus, a tight, powerful, muscled body like that just begs to be displayed - I certainly enjoy looking at it, even if it doesn't make my dick go hard." Garrett paused. "I imagine it does you?"

"Oh yeah," I answered. "I'm nowhere near as impressive, but trust me, it turns me on quite a bit."

"Well, we can certainly see if he's around!" I said, and we walked in my building's direction. On our way there, we ran into Prashant, who was dressed in a loose hoodie, shorts, and gym shoes. He had just finished working out and lived in the area as well.

"Care to join us?" Derek asked. "We're going to Kenny's for some drinks."

"Ah, you just want to see Raul again," Prashant said knowingly, beaming from ear to ear. "Yeah, plus Kenny's got some really nice furniture," Garrett added. That got a hearty laugh from all three of them. "The more the merrier!" I said.

As we got closer I saw Raul coming back from school headed for the cargo dock. "Oh gosh," I murmured. "Hang on," I said, as I called the front desk. I got a hold of Jack and confirmed that today was the day Raul was getting shipped for grooming to Manuel. I asked Jack to hold off on processing Raul for a bit, and turned back to the other guys.

"So unfortunately for us, Raul is actually due to be sent to be groomed," I said. "Groomed?" Derek asked, incredulous. "Well, yeah, you don't think he's naturally that smooth?" I responded. "I suppose not," Prashant responded.

"What do you all think of a change of plans?" I proposed. "If you're all free, maybe we can all go and you can see how he's... erm... maintained. Plus, you'll get to meet Manuel, I think he's technically Raul's barber, but I like to think of him as a groomer, or even my furniture maintenance guy?"

The guys looked at each other. Derek, who clearly got off most on the dominance aspect, gulped and said, "I think that could be fun. And I'm free all night." Prashant and Garrett agreed.

"Alright, let's all skip the front desk then, and go to the cargo entrance," I said.

We all entered through the loading dock, and walked into the room where Raul, still dressed in his school clothes - a hoodie, jeans, and sneakers, with his backpack slung over his shoulder - was standing. "Oh, hey guys," he said, clearly surprised. "Didn't expect to see you all here!"

"Well, the gents wanted to see the grooming process, if it's alright with you," I started. "That's cool with me if it's OK with you," Raul said. "Not sure how secretive you are with the tools of the trade," he added, laughing.

"I don't mind!" I said. "I'm actually curious about this part of the process myself."

Just then, Jack walked in. "Good evening all," he chuckled. "Nice to have an audience tonight. Raul, why don't you take off your clothes and fold them here?" Raul complied, his clothes giving way to his rippling muscles and soft, hairless skin - with a bit of stubble in some places. His locked cock also popped into view. Raul placed his clothes in the laundry basket.

"Why do you even fold them?" Garrett asked. "Aren't they just going in the wash?"

"Yeah, but it's a point of pride for me!" Raul said. "I like to take care of my stuff, and these clothes, I think of them as an extension of Kenny's things." He looked at me. "I wouldn't want to mess them up."

"Good answer," Derek said. "I was an officer when I was in the military -it was nice to have the grunts think that way - they were there to make their officers, and country, look good."

Raul popped up in display mode as Garrett approached him. "I hope this isn't weird to say," he started, "but I do just love this dark caramel brown skin," he murmured, his hands sliding along Raul's Apollo's belt. "Almost made to be on display - it's like art! In a way that my pale skin really doesn't look."

"I agree," Derek mentioned. "I thought I was the only one who thought that. But when I was in the military, I did really think the Latino, South Asian, and black guys looked good without their clothes on. Almost kind of meant to be, you know?"

Raul smiled. "Well, I appreciate the compliments, as always. Glad to know Kenny isn't the only one enjoying the view," he added, winking at me.

"Time for inspection," Jack said, looking at Raul. We all watched as Raul opened his mouth and Jack stuck his gloved fingers under his tongue and around his mouth, as if feeling for something. He must have reached somewhat far back, as Raul began to gag a little bit. But the man never strayed from his display pose, his hands held up firmly behind his head.

"What was that for?" Derek asked quizzically. "Well, I thought it would be good to inspect the main orifices, in case Raul has anything he shouldn't have," Jack explained. "I guess that makes sense," Garrett agreed.

"This might be a bit too graphic for you folks," Jack warned. "Raul, assume the anal inspection position. Raul got on all fours and spread his cheeks. Jack stuck his fingers in Raul's asshole, prompting Raul to wince. "He hasn't quite gotten used to this yet," Jack apologized, as he roughly probed inside Raul. "Would you all like to have a look? Raul is supposed to shower before these, and as you can see, he's pretty clean back there," he noted, withdrawing his clean gloves.

"I'll have a look," Garrett said, almost too excitedly. Derek also joined in. Raul was obviously in some discomfort - as a mostly vanilla straight guy, he didn't really care much for any anal fun. But after a second, once Derek had finished with him, we all noticed that a good amount of precum had leaked out onto the floor.

"Sorry about that, Jack," Raul apologized, and we all watched as he bent to the ground and licked it off the floor. "Wow, that is humiliating," Derek noted. "It is, but it's not Jack's fault there's precut on the floor," Raul murmured. "It's my fault for not controlling myself."

"Well, the prostate is a temperamental thing," I said. "I should know, I'm a bottom!" The others laughed loudly at that. "I wouldn't know, seeing how you're handling Raul!" Garrett responded. "I agree," Jack said, "but one likes what one likes!"

At that moment, I looked at Prashant, who was transfixed by that thing. Garrett nudged Prashant, and said: "I bet you'd look good doing that." Prashant blushed. "No way, I'm nowhere as fit!"

"But you are!" Derek retorted. "Look at your muscles! And your chocolatey-caramel skin. Kind of like if you bought, say, acorn or walnut wood furniture." Derek pulled back Prashant's hoodie sleeve, and admired his muscled hand and forearms.

Jack looked Prashant up and down."I agree with them. You'd do nicely as a footstool or coat rack." Jack looked at me knowingly. "Maybe you'll do your magic on him, eh Kenny?"

"I don't think so," I answered uncomfortably, looking apologetically at Prashant. He smiled meekly, almost thankfully. "I'm not really about making a guy do something he doesn't want, if a guy submits to be furniture, I want it to be of his own will."

"Of course," Garrett answered. "But I found Prashant first, so if that happens, I call dibs on borrowing him." He and Derek laughed.

"All hypothetical," I answered. "Also, who says I'm lending any of my furniture?" The two of them chuckled in response.

Jack continued his inspection, pulling back Raul's foreskin and probing around the head. I wondered what kind of contraband could possibly fit there. But the other guys watched intently. I wondered if Prashant, too,

was uncut.

As we finished up, Jack pulled out the crate on a pallet. "That's how you transport him to the groomers?" Prashant asked, incredulously. "Of course!" Jack responded. "Wouldn't want his bare ass on any of the leather seats. Plus, can you imagine if someone saw him in the window?"

Raul crouched into the cage, which was fitted with shackles near the four corners of the box. Jack locked each of his wrists and ankles in. Derek noticed the barcode tattoo on Raul's right hand. "What is that?" he asked.

"It's a scannable barcode," Jack answered. "So if someone finds Raul, they can scan it and it'll let them know to return him to Kenny." Garrett pulled out his phone and scanned the barcode. "It works! Says Raul is property of Kenny on this master-slave website."

"I wouldn't say Raul is my slave, or that I'm his master," I said uncomfortably. "Well, but it is true that I'm his furniture," Raul said to the others. "So it does make sense." They murmured in agreement.

Jack closed up the crate and loaded it into the van. The driver signed some forms and drove off.

"Do you guys want to come and see the grooming? I'm sure Manuel wouldn't mind at all," I asked them. They all nodded. We called an Uber and followed along to Manuel's shop.

The truck had beaten us to Manuel's. When we got there, Raul had been unshackled from the crate, and was standing in display position as Manuel shaved his body. Manuel looked up at us and greeted us. While Manuel worked, he described what he was doing without talking to Raul, as if he wasn't there.

Derek was particularly impressed with how close a shave he was getting. I think Derek would have tried to shave Raul down if Manuel had been very clear that he wouldn't let any amateurs touch his body. "Playing with a knife isn't a good idea," he would chuckle.

We all stood back to watch Raul in his naked glory. The entire time, his cock remained locked in the plastic cage. But Raul stood firm, staring straight ahead, proudly showing off the merchandise. I could see a respectful jealousy in Garrett and Derek's eyes - clearly both were jealous that I had a stud at my disposal. Prashant was also very focused on Raul's body. Maybe jealous for a different reason? We'd soon find out.

Manuel scanned Raul's tattoo as he finished up. I saw that Raul had shown up in the scanning system. "So that thing is quite official now, huh?" I asked. "Yes," Manuel said, winking. He showed me the receipt that came up: "furniture repair," the service was labeled. The "product number" was listed as the bar code number that was associated with Raul's tattoo and the "product name" was listed as "R. Laguna" - Raul Laguna, his full name. Manuel printed out the receipt and put it in an envelope in the crate. I suppose Raul didn't exactly have pockets to put it in.

I pulled it out and showed it to the other guys. "Pretty fucking official," Derek said. "Looks like Raul really is kind of like a piece of furniture you own." In the corner of my eye, I saw Raul gleaming with pride. He didn't seem to mind that at all.

I looked back at Manuel. "Out of curiosity, does this barcode work elsewhere?"

"It does," he responded. "Remember I got that cock cage at the fetish shop next door? It works there too."

"That sounds interesting," Derek piped up. "I wonder if there's anything else we can grab there to improve the presentation of Raul?"

"The store's closing up," Manuel said, looking at his watch. "But I think I could ask the clerk next door to keep it open so you can try things on?" Manuel made a call, and a few minutes later, led us over to the next door shop. The curtains were closed but the shop was open for all of us. Derek, Garrett, and Prashant looked wide eyed at all the different sex toys on display.

The clerk, Eddie, came towards us and shook my hand. "Anything I can recommend for your furniture piece?" he asked, grazing Raul's hip.

"I had a thought," Garrett offered. "I know Raul is delivered in a dog crate, and when he's serving a footstool, he drinks out of a dog's bowl. How about a dog collar for when he's in the house?"

"I think that's a great idea," Derek added. He and Garrett looked through a display. Garrett pulled out a leather dog collar, but Derek pulled out a thick metal collar. "That'll need to be custom fit, for obvious reasons - it's very form fitting," Eddie noted.

After measuring it, we placed it on Raul's neck. I had to admit, Raul looked incredibly sexy with the heavy metal collar on. Derek and Garrett seemed pleased with the selection. Prashant watched somewhat warily, almost concerned he'd end up doing the same.

Eddie scanned in Raul's foot and the price tag for the collar. I offered my credit card but he refused; "it goes straight to Raul's account - like he said, all improvements are on him."

Eddie and Manuel handed me the receipt, and Eddie shook my hand. "We'll package Raul up for you and send him back to your place," Manuel said. "You enjoy now!"

Derek, Garrett and I headed out, leaving Raul naked, collared, and cock locked in the store. It wasn't until we were halfway home until we realized Prashant had wandered off.

Next: Chapter 7

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