Surprising Luck with Roommates

By Felly Cee

Published on Sep 12, 2022


SURPRISING LUCK WITH ROOMMATES (adult-friends, college, interracial, authoritarian) Author email: yo[dot]cfcf[at]gmail[dot]com I appreciate all feedback! Thanks everyone for your input!

Part 4

As the school year started, Raul and I had very different schedules. I was in my second year of law school, working hard on law review, taking serious classes, with very little free time. Raul, on the other hand, was a third-year law student with a job already lined up - 3LOL, as law students in the US called it. So, while I was knee deep in securities regulation and civil procedure, Raul was taking blow-off classes and got his schedule to only two days of class a week - Monday and Tuesday.

Accordingly, Raul spent a lot of time just being social and working out. And, amazingly to me as a man who was usually turned on by something - and now constantly turned on while at home - he did stick to the rules, even when I wasn't there. He would lock himself before he left the house, and strip naked as soon as he got home. Again, must be that marine training!

Raul would also go to Manuel once a week for his grooming. I wasn't able to go everytime, but Manuel would call or text me to ask if I wanted any other "alterations." After a while, I decided to have not only his asshole shaved, but also his pubes and his armpits. Raul was apprehensive at first, but he liked the look over time. Anything to make his musculature more visible - classic proud straight guy.

Our contact remained mostly nonsexual - to the extent that me groping him but stopping short of handjobs, fingering, or actual oral or anal sex can be described as nonsexual. I figured both of us probably did a fair amount of jacking off in our own rooms. I didn't mind - I was too busy to date anyway, and this felt a lot safer than hooking up with some randos. Plus, the view was quite nice.

Our routine continued to develop as the school year started. The first day I got home from class, he was out and came in a couple of hours later while I was reading a casebook in front of the TV. He walked in, saw me on the couch, and immediately stripped down to his chastity device and put his hands behind his head. "Good job, man," I said, impressed by his promptness. As always, he neatly folded up his clothes and set them aside. "Didn't realize being in display pose was part of our deal, but I like it. So I get to see all of you immediately." Raul beamed, looking proud that he had anticipated my needs. "Sounds great. Maybe if you're here, I just get into display pose until you tell me to do something else." "Works for me," I responded.

I must have been quite distracted, because it took me a good fifteen minutes or so to realize that I had just gone back right into reading before I looked over to see Raul still standing there naked by the door, feet shoulder width apart and hands over my head. "Sorry!" I exclaimed. "You can relax, go get some food or something." "Phew!" He said. "I was wondering how long I could hold that pose." "I have a feeling you could have done that for quite a while." I saw his dick chub up at that compliment - the man was clearly proud of his body and maybe turned on by being ogled.

On another day, what used to be just a thing between me and Raul changed. I was home a little earlier than Raul because I had some expensive packages coming. Our building had three security guards, who worked 8 and a half hour shifts; Jack, who worked the 6 pm-2:30 am shift, was on duty at the time. Jack was a nice guy, about 48 years old, about 6 feet tall, 165 pounds, white, all silver hair, but still had hints of muscle from his younger days. That evening, Jack buzzed me and asked if I wanted him to bring up the package, and I said yes, if it wouldn't be much trouble.

After Jack dropped off the package, he stayed for a bit to chat about how I was liking the apartment and school. About 10 minutes in, Raul got home while Jack was grabbing a glass of water - out of view of the stud. Not realizing someone was there, Raul stripped as usual, and got in his display pose. Five seconds later, Jack walked in, and both of their eyes went wide.

"Uh, hey Raul," Jack stammered. "What's up, Jack, didn't realize you would be here," Raul responded, still in display pose.

"What's going on here?" Jack asked, staring Raul up and down. I could have sworn I saw a slightly bigger bulge in his suit pants.

Before I could respond, Raul said, "Well, Kenny and I have an arrangement where I am kind of like furniture or an art piece at home. And outside, well, as you can see, I'm locked up to keep me out of trouble." That broke the ice, and we all laughed.

"I can see why," Jack said. "You're a fine specimen. I'm not gay myself but I can appreciate a nice body."

"I'm not either," Raul responded. "But I'm trying to stay out of trouble this last year of law school since I'm moving out anyway, and figured Kenny would enjoy the show." Raul smiled at me. "And I do - I am gay, by the way," I quipped. We all laughed.

Jack looked at me. "May I touch?" he asked, clearly not directing the question to Raul. "Sure," I said. He ran his hands all up and down Raul's body, pinching his right nipple, admiring his tattoo, and grasping his ass.

"Do you have him groomed?" Jack asked. "I can't imagine he's naturally this hairless." "Yeah," I said. "Pubic hair, asshole hair, and armpit hair." Jack went behind Raul and spread his cheeks. "Oh yeah - nice and clean there."

"So what's the deal?" Jack asked. "Raul comes in and strips, gets in this pose until you tell him he can move?" "Yup," I said, "and I unlock him once he comes in, and I or he locks himself when he goes out."

"That's good," Jack said, looking Raul in the face. "Keeps him in control."

I told Raul to go at ease, and the three of us just stood there and shot the shit - me in my usual home attire (shorts and t-shirt), Jack in his suit, and Raul naked, after I unlocked him. Raul went from soft to medium hard quickly and stayed there the entire time, probably a little turned on from everything.

"Say, it seems a little messy for you to have him strip here," Jack said as he was about to leave. "What if Raul comes in through the loading dock when he gets home, and I can process him for you? You know, he strips, I can get his clothes in the laundry and all. You can even keep his clothes in the closet down there that I use. Seems almost disrespectful that he comes in at all wearing any clothes in your apartment," Jack said.

"That sounds like it could be fun," I said, looking at Raul, who nodded. I think the idea turned him on a little, too. "But how will you get him up here, naked?"

"Well, I've got a crate that I used for a pretty large dog that I had back in the day," Jack said. "It would fit him, and I can get him up through the freight elevator. It's opaque so no one would see. And you would still have the lock for his dick - that's yours, not mine to mess with." I hoped Raul was OK with us talking about him like this, and looked over at him - he did not seem fazed at all.

"Well, why don't we make it official. Let's get all of Raul's clothes out of this apartment and move them downstairs? OK with you if Raul gets dressed for this bit, Kenny?" Jack asked. We all laughed. "I think so." I responded.

And that was the last time Raul walked into the apartment wearing a stitch of clothing. A few weeks later, Jack had the idea of having Raul sent to Manuel's also completely naked in the crate. I floated the idea with Manuel and he laughed. "It's like I've become a dog groomer! But it's a great idea." Raul was also on board, and I think he liked the idea too.

I appreciate everyone's thoughts. Should I try a chapter from Raul's or someone else's point of view? And any ideas of other things that should happen? Let me know!

"Well that sounds like a plan," I said. "I think

Next: Chapter 5

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