Surprising Luck with Roommates

By Felly Cee

Published on Sep 12, 2022


SURPRISING LUCK WITH ROOMMATES (adult-friends, college, interracial, authoritarian) Author email: yo[dot]cfcf[at]gmail[dot]com I appreciate all feedback! Thanks everyone for your input!

Part 3

Raul and I got back home after grabbing some fast food on the road. As soon as we entered, he stripped off his shirt and shorts, leaving him only dressed in a cock cage. I looked him up and down and smiled. Raul neatly folded up his clothes and set them aside and immediately put his hands behind his head. That military training does wonders, I thought to myself.

"What a day, huh?" He started, beaming widely. The man was clearly proud of his body and for good reason. His strong biceps and shoulders framed his boyish smile; his dark nipples stiffened atop his ample pecs. He was fit but his abs were not cut into a chiseled 6 pack - probably a sign of being truly strong rather than one of those Instagram fitness models. And his tree trunk legs were dusted with dark hair. In between it all, his thick uncut dick was kept in a plastic prison, forced to stay soft at 6 inches.

"Yeah, that's an understatement." I answered. "How are you feeling? How's your foot and your... uh... asshole?"

"My foot's fine, doesn't even sting anymore," he mused. "And, it's a little... breezier back there than usual," he chuckled.

"Well, it's a good look for you," I said. "The chest tattoo, the shaved asshole, that tag on your foot, and the cock cage - everything. Although, that's not to say I don't want to see it loose." I came over and unlocked his dick, which popped out semi soft and already growing a bit. I set the cock cage on a side table by the door - a reminder that he would always be locked up outside the house.

"I like your style," I told him, looking at him holding his pose. Feet shoulder width apart, hands behind his head, looking straight ahead as I molested him with my eyes. "Let's call that your display pose. Maybe your default every time you enter and right before we head out?"

"Sounds good," he said, turning his head towards me, without dropping his hands. "I'm a display piece, after all."

"Good man," I said. "You can relax. Want to watch some tv with me?" Raul nodded and we walked into the living room. I put my feet up on the coffee table and turned on the tv. Raul walked to the couch but then stopped. "What's wrong?" I asked.

Raul looked at the couch, which I had brought from my last apartment. "It's a nice leather couch," he said. He wasn't wrong - it was a tan couch from a fancy brand, something I bought as a bit of a splurge from my last real job. "I wouldn't want to mess it up with my sweaty bare ass."

"Well, you can't just stand there," I said. "I like looking at you, but you can't possibly just stand all the time."

"I don't want to ruin your stuff," Raul said. "How about we make another rule that I don't sit on any of the living room stuff" - all leather furniture - "and I can just stand on display or maybe kneel or sit on the ground next to you"

I gulped a bit at the thought. That was incredibly hot - but I couldn't fathom why this hunk was acting so submissively towards me. I wasn't a top or anything, but seeing a guy act like this, it made me understand why tops liked sub bottoms. "Yeah that sounds cool with me, as long as it isn't too demeaning for you."

"My idea man," he said, again flashing his killer smile. "Think of me as furniture, like I said - you wouldn't want me messing up your other stuff." There it was again, what a hot thing to say.

I thought of pushing my luck again. "Well, on that note, I dunno if I would want your ass print on my dining chairs." "Sounds fair," Raul said. "How about all the living and dining furniture is off limits? That way I can still sleep on my bed and stuff - can't do that standing up." I nodded.

We chit chatted a little more as we watched the baseball game. "Have you ever done anything like this before?" I asked.

"No," Raul started. "Well, I guess sort of. It's the kind of hazing stuff they did in the military. I think frats do that same kind of thing, although my college didn't have them."

"They did this to you in the military?" I asked. He nodded. "The sergeants would make us grunts hold their stuff, act like coat racks, be footstools, things like that."

"Footstool, you say?" I asked. He smiled. "Yeah, I was pretty proud of that. Some guys said it made my ass look great. Not sure if any of them were closeted or it was just banter."

"Well, my feet are tired and I should probably get them off this coffee table," I said. Raul nodded, and he pushed the coffee table away and got on all fours. I hadn't even bothered to take my sneakers off, and put them on his lower back, close to the curves of his ass.

"Comfortable?" He asked. "I am, this ok for you?" He nodded. I sipped a beer and we watched as the Cubs continued to play the rest of the innings.

A half hour later my beer was empty and I needed another one. "I'm grabbing another beer, do you want one?" I asked. "No need to get up!" He said. "If you don't mind putting your feet down for a second, I can get one for you?"

"Sure," I responded. Somebody pinch me, this can't be real. "How about for you?"

"I'm good for now, plus I can't really drink with my hands while being your footstool," Raul responded.

Just then, I had an idea. "Well, what if I put it in a bowl so you can lap it up once in a while?" "That sounds good but I don't want one of us to knock over one of the nice ceramic bowls," Raul said, coming back from the kitchen and setting a bottle on my side table.

"Well, I have a dog bowl from my brothers dog before he moved out," I started. "But that's too demeaning, I can't make you do that."

"I'm happy to if you like," Raul said. "Again, furniture. And most furniture doesn't drink beer and probably wouldn't be fussy about the container if it did." So I poured half the beer into the dog bowl and set it close to his head. Raul assumed the footstool pose again, and we finished the game. The Cubs won, and I wondered how I got in this crazy position.

Next: Chapter 4

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