Surprising Luck with Roommates

By Felly Cee

Published on Mar 11, 2023


SURPRISING LUCK WITH ROOMMATES (adult-friends, college, interracial, authoritarian) Author email: yo[dot]cfcf[at]gmail[dot]com I appreciate all feedback! Thanks everyone for your input! Please donate to Nifty:

Part 11

Derek, Garrett, and I looked at each other. Derek broke the ice: "We were actually wondering about that. Raul's already owned by Kenny, as we all know. And he seems to be enjoying it."

"I am!" Raul said. "I do think of Kenny as my owner - when I work out, I'm looking for ways to make my body pleasing to him. And I like doing what he makes me do - I like not having control, or not having to have control, for a change."

"Well, Prashant," Garrett continued, "does that sound like something you'd be interested in? You can have the weekend to think it through. In the meantime, we'll treat you both like human property, as one of you already is."

"And, like Raul is registered to Kenny, if Prashant ends the weekend being up for it, perhaps he can be registered to one of us? As human property?" Derek said, looking at me. "Yeah, I can show you where we had that done! And I'm sure Manuel would be happy to help us with tattooing you."

Prashant gulped. I could tell he was turned on by the idea, but probably didn't want to show his cards just yet. "That sounds like fun," he said. "I can think about it."

"Great!" Garrett exclaimed. "Kenny will come up with the terms. But in the meantime, we should really change things up here. For starters, I think it would be great if Raul could teach Prashant his display and other positions."

"Already did! Prashant, show them," Raul said. Prashant showed his display position, then moved into a position as a floormat, and then as a footstool. My dick was really struggling in my pants now.

"Should we change things up a little bit to make things more real?" Derek wondered out loud. "Like, what if Raul and Prashant called us 'Master' or 'Sir?' And we called them 'boy?'"

Well, there was the real test. I looked at Raul and Prashant. We all fell silent. Then, Prashant broke the ice.

"Yes, Master."

I saw a smile crack across Garrett's and Derek's faces. I think it awakens something in you to hear another man call you "Master" or "Sir." And for me, as a relatively scrawny gay man, it was especially hot to hear that from a hot straight guy. Looks like it's hot for straight men, too.

"Why don't we go inside?" Garrett asked. "The fridge is stocked with beer, and I have a deck of cards - who's up for some poker?" Derek and I nodded. We walked into the house, with Prashant and Raul walking behind us in tow. I saw Derek look back and admire their dark, naked, muscular bodies. "Straight men can appreciate the male form too, even if they're not necessarily into it," he whispered to me.

"I heard that," Garrett said. "And I agree." I chuckled.

We played several poker hands sitting around the living room table. We agreed to have Prashant be a footstool for whoever won the last round. As it turns out, I was pretty good at poker for a relative novice, so I had him most. For some reason, I felt somewhat bad for the guy, but Derek and Garrett seemed to enjoy it somewhat sadistically. They didn't bother to dust off their shoes and they put their heavy muddy boots directly on his back, heavily - without cushioning the blow. The first time Garrett did it, I gave him a worried look.

"What?" he asked. "It's a footstool." Derek gave me a knowing look.

"Are you OK down there?" I asked.

"Yes sir," Prashant responded. "This footstool is happy to take on his masters' boots and help them relax."

"See, there you go," Garrett said. I shrugged and didn't bring it up after.

Raul, on the other hand, stood to the side, looking straight ahead, really looking like a statue. It was his job to get us drinks, snacks, or whatever he wanted. Everytime Garrett got up, he felt Raul up, twisting his nipple, rubbing his chest, slapping his ass.

"A slave should thank his masters for appreciating their body, no?" Derek asked one time, watching Garrett fiddle with Raul's belly button.

"I think so," I said. "The slave's body is the master's property, is it not?"

"Thank you sir," Raul responded, as Garrett gently punched his left pec. Derek laughed. And after that, Prashant and Raul would say "thank you sir" everytime one of us touched them - whether playing with their body or putting our shoes on them.

As the night wound down and it was getting late, Derek raised his beer and said, "I have an idea for one last game. How does this sound - whoever wins this last round gets the slaves for the rest of the weekend, tonight and tomorrow. Do whatever we like with them, as long as there's no permanent damage or anything. What do you think?

"I like the sound of that," Garrett said. "And I'm feeling lucky. What about you, Kenny?"

"Shouldn't we ask them first?" I asked nervously.

"Ask them what?" Derek said. "They're slaves, they do what their master tells them."

I looked at Raul and Prashant. "I'd like to ask them anyway."

Garrett rolled his eyes; clearly someone was enjoying this way more than me. "Fine; slaves, what say you?"

"This slave is his masters' plaything," I heard Prashant say first. He was still serving as a footstool under Garrett's muddy Timberlands.

"This slave as well," Raul said, standing in a corner and staring straight ahead. I marveled at the submissiveness of these two hulking straight men, which I would probably never have guessed, had I seen them walking in the hallways of the law school.

"Alright," I said. "I'm game."

"Should we agree to what we would do to the slaves if we won?" Derek asked. "I think it might give all of us some excitement to think about. And perhaps something for the slaves to look forward to - or dread," he added. I saw Raul crack a bit of a smile. He was loving this, and really into the slave mentality.

"Alright," Garrett said. "I can go first. I'm not gay and not really looking for anything sexual here. But I love looking at the beautiful musculature of these two fine slaves," he added, stroking Prashant's round ass. "I saw some whips and chains in the barn, and would love to see how they handle pain. Perhaps even race them around the farm, Ben-Hur style."

Well that was a hot idea, I thought to myself. I had read a lot of gay pony stories and it was a little wild to think that it could happen tonight. I almost thought it would be better to lose.

"My turn," Derek said. "I may or may not have been doing some research, but I read online about this technology where a man's body can be turned into a statue. They'll be immobile but you can paint their bodies and keep them either hard - like marble or something - or soft. I think I found it on Nifty: I would love to turn these magnificent slaves into those, and I might have already found someone who can help us with that in town."

These straight guys with their homoerotic ideas. "What about you?" Derek asked me.

"Well as you know, I am not a top, so while it seems most master-like for me to fuck these men, that's not really what I'm into," I started. "That said, I would love to watch these muscles squirm. I'd like to tie them down and plug them with a vibrator and watch them learn about the pleasure that can come from their assholes." I saw Raul and Prashant tense up at that.

"Regardless of who wins, we can probably invite the town to watch," I added. Derek winked and Garrett expressed interest too.

The game began and by the end, the winner was decided. And it was a wild weekend indeed!

Looking forward to your input, especially who should win!

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