Surprising Luck with Roommates

By Felly Cee

Published on Jan 2, 2023


SURPRISING LUCK WITH ROOMMATES (adult-friends, college, interracial, authoritarian) Author email: yo[dot]cfcf[at]gmail[dot]com I appreciate all feedback! Thanks everyone for your input! Please donate to Nifty:

Part 10

"I've got one more thing, but I want to make sure Prashant and Raul are OK with it," Garrett said. He stuck his hand in his bag and pulled out two bit gags. "I think it would complete the stallion look," he said. "They shouldn't be too uncomfortable, I tried them - well different ones - just to make sure."

"I think those would be great," Derek said. "You won't have to worry about anything, we'll take care of you, bring you some feed, all that - just like the great stallions you are." That last bit turned me on quite a lot. I looked at Raul who looked at Prashant.

"What do you think?" Raul asked. "I'm game if you are."

Prashant nodded. "I think it completes the look. And like I said, I think I'm enjoying this more than I thought."

Derek and Garrett put the bits on Raul and Prashant respectively. I couldn't help but note the larger bulges in their jeans as they stepped back, beaming, looking at the two stallions in all their glory.

"We'll grab some dinner and come back with your feed in a bit," Garrett said. "Come on guys, there's a nice diner in town we can go to." As we walked to the car, I looked back and saw Raul give me a knowing nod, indicating he'd be fine. This adventure was turning out to be a little more fun than I had expected.

Over dinner, it was clear that our juices were still flowing. Clearly I wasn't the only one turned on by the situation, and both Derek and Garrett had started to refer to, and maybe think of, Prashant and Raul as furniture or as stallions for our use and enjoyment.

"Kenny, you're lucky you already have Raul," Garrett mused. "You've got him all registered and everything. It must be nice to have a nice piece of, hmm, how do we say, human property?"

"I don't think of him as my property," I said uncomfortably. "He's free to do and go as he pleases, he just happens to prefer to do stuff for me."

"Yes, yes," Derek said dismissively. "We're not making you out to be a bad guy. It's clear that he consents to this. But he does love to serve you, be naked for you, let you put your feet and hands on him, tell him what to do or wear. And like it or not, he does look great in the shackles, collar, and chastity device you put him in."

"I guess so," I said. "I feel a little guilty hearing that."

"Don't!" Garrett stopped me. "He is clearly suited to it, it gives him purpose. He's a natural at it. I wish I had one myself."

"I think Prashant is getting there," Derek said. "But it's not clear who exactly should get to own him. I mean, you knew him before I did, but I think both of us have been good at goading him into playing along. And it's clearly woken up something submissive in him."

"I agree," Garrett said. "Perhaps by the end of this weekend he'll be willing to be owned by someone. But it's hard to figure out who that should be."

"Yes, it makes sense that only one person can truly own him. I could certainly use some human property," Derek mused. "My wife is moving for a new job and I won't be following her until we finish law school. And I bet you could too."

"Obviously!" Garrett exclaimed. "Don't count me out yet. Although I'm happy to loan Prashant out to you guys once in a while if I win him."

"Well, we can certainly figure out a way for one of you to win ownership of Prashant," I said. "Give me a minute to think about it, and I can come up with a fun challenge that will determine the winner."

With that, we headed back to the farm.

Upon arriving back at the homestead, I grabbed some food from the kitchen and we walked it over to the barn. The temperature was nice and pleasant - honestly, not too bad a time of year to sleep outside naked. When we got back to the barn, Raul and Prashant were sitting down, but they sprung up to attention upon seeing us.

"Good boys," Derek said. He reached up and ruffled Raul's hair. We removed the bits and gave them their food. Derek, Garrett, and I pulled up chairs while Raul and Prashant ate - with their hands, as we had not brought any utensils for them.

"How were the past few hours?" I asked.

"They were quite pleasant, even though we couldn't talk," Prashant said.

"How were you liking your new clothes?" Derek said cheekily.

"I'm used to being naked at this point," Raul said, drawing laughter. "But I really enjoyed this bridle. Really makes me feel strong, like I have a purpose." Prashant nodded.

"And what would that be?" Garrett asked. "Your purpose, I mean."

"Well, to pull the cart and carry you three around," Raul said. "Well, indirectly - I'm here to mostly be art or furniture for Kenny, but happy to do stuff for others if that's what he wants." My dick pulsed at that comment.

"And what about the bits?" Garrett asked. "I hope it wasn't too presumptious, I thought it was fun."

"It was!" Prashant said. "When you can't talk you can really just focus on nonverbal cues like that. And it's relaxing in a way," he added.

"Yes," Raul said. "I think we're so used to having to figure out what to do, what to say. And today, we were kind of just like horses. You know, you steer, we go forward."

"I know I'm pretty new to this human furniture thing," Prashant started. "But I kind of get the appeal."

"And you're a natural at it!" Raul said, clapping on Prashant's shoulder. I noticed a drop of precum escape Prashant's chastity cage.

"You really are," Derek said. Nodding vigorously, Garrett exclaimed: "What did I say?" We all laughed at that. It was true, this whole thing with Prashant did kind of start as Garrett's idea, I thought. Not sure if that should determine who ends up winning, but something to keep in mind.

"Plus, it's nice to show off the bodies we work so hard for, man." Prashant said. "Girls don't really appreciate it that much, it's always the guys that do." Derek and Garrett murmured in agreement. "I totally understand, as the one gay guy here," I said.

"And you do have a nice body," Raul said, running his hands on Prashant's muscular chest. "Anyone would be lucky to have it and to play with it." Prashant gave a week smile.

Derek, Garrett, and I looked at each other. Derek broke the ice: "We were actually wondering about that. Raul's already owned by Kenny, as we all know. And he seems to be enjoying it."

"I am!" Raul said. "I do think of Kenny as my owner - when I work out, I'm looking for ways to make my body pleasing to him. And I like doing what he makes me do - I like not having control, or not having to have control, for a change."

"Well, Prashant," Garrett continued, "does that sound like something you'd be interested in? You can have the weekend to think it through. In the meantime, we'll treat you both like human property, as one of you already is."

"And, like Raul is registered to Kenny, if Prashant ends the weekend being up for it, perhaps he can be registered to one of us? As human property?" Derek said, looking at me. "Yeah, I can show you where we had that done! And I'm sure Manuel would be happy to help us with tattooing you."

Prashant gulped. I could tell he was turned on by the idea, but probably didn't want to show his cards just yet. "That sounds like fun," he said. "I can think about it."

"Great!" Garrett exclaimed. "Kenny will come up with the terms. But in the meantime, we should really change things up here. For starters, I think it would be great if Raul could teach Prashant his display and other positions."

"Already did! Prashant, show them," Raul said. Prashant showed his display position, then moved into a position as a floormat, and then as a footstool. My dick was really struggling in my pants now.

"Should we change things up a little bit to make things more real?" Derek wondered out loud. "Like, what if Raul and Prashant called us 'Master' or 'Sir?' And we called them 'boy?'"

Well, there was the real test. I looked at Raul and Prashant. We all fell silent. Then, Prashant broke the ice.

"Yes, Master."

Next: Chapter 11

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