Surprise Party

By Kevin Thatcher

Published on Sep 19, 2010


I clung to one of the wooden posts of the bed. My eyes had rolled back in pleasure as Andrew sank his teeth into the meat of my upper back. His left hand on my stomach pulled me close to his body. A line of his and my naked flesh started from my shoulder blades down to the swell of my ass. His knees separated mine as he grazed the wet tip of himself up and down my slicked entrance. Our difference in height kept me from stifling my groan with his mouth as he pushed his cock into me. The initial entrance had me clenching my teeth, digging my nails into the pale wood, and gasping. He freed my flesh from his teeth as the head squeezed through my opening.

As his shaft slowly eased in, he whispered into my back, "You're shaking."

Once I noticed the fine tremble, I willed my arms still and took deeper breaths. The change caused me to focus more on Andrew's pulsing rod as it went in another inch. I was prepared for it but nature had made it difficult for him to have anal sex. In fact, several, thicker inches more difficult than any man I've been with before. My insides began to spasm as he fully sheathed himself in me.

"Oh, god," he said, feeling me flutter around his dick. He moved his arms so they were on top of mine, fingers lacing. He gently eased my grip from the post, slowing even more as a movement brought a sharp pain and a gasp from deep within my throat, until he cradled both our arms beneath my dew stained, smooth chest. He straightened us up until we were balanced on our knees. A little of him pulled out and I drove my fingernails into his forearms. He took my true black hair, wound up some in his fist, and gripped it with a commanding dominance. That small act ended up causing an internal dam to break and a wave of heat and lust engulfed me. I forced myself lower and he was fully back in me with a mix of pleasure and pain.

Andrew let out a laugh that only men can do in situations like these, masculine and in control. A man who knows he's causing another person to lose that much control with just his juicy, nine inch cock. It was startling to hear such a sound from such a young man. At nineteen, I was three years older than him, but in our position, his dick deeply embedded in my ass, I felt very submissive.

"He's eager," a purring male voice said from beyond the bed.

With my hair still in his grip, Andrew moved my head so I could see the three other boys waiting their turn at my holes. All three had their jeans or shorts down to their ankles, their dicks in different states of arousal. Chris was the tallest, his frame strong and all muscle. His chestnut brown hair was buzzed short, creating a more masculine look than when he had longer waves that reached his shoulders. He also had the most beautiful cock for sucking. Eight inches long with a nice ample girth that stretched my jaw every time I took it to his downy brown bush. I could still taste the cooling cum that he shot all over my face. He was on the verge of another erection as he winked at me.

Andrew pulled his dick out halfway and shoved it back in with one quick thrust, yanking me around by my hair, and gained my attention. I gasped as he did it again and again, the entire time making sure that I was staring at Chris, his brother-in-law. He kissed along my spine as he fucked me. He pulled my head back, putting me in a headlock as he pistoned through my hot ass, and moved me to the next boy standing around the bed beside Chris.

"Look at him," Andrew ordered, his brown Mohawk disappearing in my long hair as his put his cheek against mine. "You've wanted our dicks forever." To drive the point home, he shoved himself all the way in me and had me panting in pleasure.

Adam stepped up, his leaking dick glistening in the soft lighting of Andrew's room. His black hair was spiked up on top, but cut cleanly on the sides and back. He had the most defined body than the rest, lithe and sinewy. Smearing his precum against my lips, he asked, "Is that true? Did you want my dick when you picked me up?"

Instead of answering, I wrapped my lips around the head of his seven inch cock and suckled, running my tongue up and down his cumslit. A fresh glob leaked out onto my tongue and I savored its salty roll along my taste buds. Adam got a wicked smile on his face, put his hands on my head, and fucked half of his cock in and out of my mouth.

I'd met Adam when he was hitchhiking a few years back. I made it a rule to not pick up anyone on the side of the road--too many horror movies on my part--but I could not resist that shirtless vision my headlights passed. When he came into the car, his bare chest covered in sweat and dust from the late summer heat, he flashed me blue eyes with their impossibly long lashes and I melted. I drove him to his friend's party, had a couple of beers, and we ended up being close friends. Though I wished it, I never expected to be this close.

Spurred on by the fucking my mouth was getting, I tried to increase Andrew's thrusts by meeting them with my own. My excitement filled the boys with lust and both began to use me as if I was no longer their friend, but as something tight, warm, and wet to stick their dicks into. I shook beneath their touch. Each time they went balls deep simultaneously, I cried out, only to be muffled by Adam's trimmed pubic hair. Soon, they caught on to the other's pace and I was brought to the brink, a constant guttural groan escaping my mouth as they fucked my holes, reducing me to a mass of quivering flesh.

Andrew kicked apart my knees from under me. He got on top, not pulling out his massive cock, as he pushed us down on the mattress. Arching my back, this position was more comfortable to take Adam's down curving dick. Andrew bit down on the opposite shoulder, making matching bite marks now on both sides above my shoulder blades. As Adam withdrew from my mouth, I took a second to breathe, burying my precum smeared face onto the bed sheets.

Grabbing my hips, Andrew dug his fingers into my skin and commenced a series of rough fucking. He took shallow thrusts until he found my prostate. Between the sudden internal pleasure and the pain of his bite, I bowed my back in blissful throes. Once he saw my reaction, he kept at that spot until I was crying out for release and fisting the sheets. This went on until I tapped on the bed, signaling it was too much. He kept at it for a few more seconds, this time even rougher, before he pulled out completely and rammed it to the root. I nearly shot out of the bed, only his grip and teeth keeping me in place.

Adam stared down at me, his youthful face filled with ecstasy as he jacked his cock off near my face. His pale chest flushed pink. He worked his dick like a pro, smearing a mixture of his own juices and my spit up and down his ivory pillar in slick, enticing motions. His breathing became shallow, lips moistened now and again with his tongue. The muscles in his arms bulged and his hairless nuts began to pull up close to his body. I barely had time to blink before a thick pearl of precum dripped out of his cumslit, which was followed by a spurting arch of cum and blasted my face in a rain of white juices.

"Open up," Andrew ordered, digging his fingers on either side, stretching my mouth as wide as possible.

Adam shot three more sizeable loads onto my tongue before lodging it back into my throat. I felt my gag reflex spasm and forced it still as Adam roughly pulled my head into his crotch. When my vision started to go black, he pulled out of my throat and knelt on the floor to make eye contact with me. His lips met mine, tongue searching, as his fingers wove into my hair. When we broke, he eyes stayed closed a second longer and a strand of his own cum clung between our lips before dropping onto the bed.

Andrew pulled his dick out of me. The sudden exit left me with an emptiness that craved to be refilled. Even with his smaller frame, he was strong enough to easily flip me over onto my back. He straddled my chest, his big dick waving in my face as he said over his shoulder, "Justin, you're up."

My sight was obscured by Andrew's pale pillar but I felt the bed shift as more weight was added. Callous hands wrapped around my upper thighs and pulled me lower, the shift causing Andrew's nine inch, slick monster smacking my face. My legs were spread and placed onto Justin's shoulder, his hands pushing my thighs to my chest as my ass was exposed to the cold air. I couldn't see him, but I definitely heard the sound of him spitting into his hand, and felt the hot, slick head penetrate me, the foreskin pulling back as he entered. I groaned as he bottomed out.

"Damn," Justin's melodic voice cursed, "he's definitely stretched out. How are you feeling, Mark?"

I reached around Andrew and blindly searched for Justin's body. Firmly built, he had that lean body that most runners have but with a little more meat to hang onto. I like bodies, not a brick mannequin. "I'd feel better if I could see you," I said.

Andrew moved out of the way and off the bed. I was staring up into the dark brown eyes of an angelic face. Tanner than the others, Justin had that perpetually bronzed skin that said he had something darker in his white ancestry. Deeply embedded in my moist hole, he leaned forward and placed his forehead atop mine. His dark brown, teetering on black, curls rivaled mine in length and covered my face in saltwater scented locks.

Justin extracted himself and whispered against my cheek, "You've been after this since I've been with Alice, right? Did it hurt to know that every night we got drunk together, I'd be slipping this dick into her pussy instead of yours?" He jabbed at my hole, stretching my opening without fully entering.

Feeling a little brave, I extracted my legs from his should and wound them around his waist as he tried that trick again but this time, I pulled him into me. It made my toes curl and my eyes flutter. I took hold of his neck and brought him to my lips. He tried to fight it, hesitated, but relented, his tongue finally sparing with mine for dominance. Aggressively pushing his lips against mine, his sparse beard a soft brush against my chin. I swallowed his moan and echoed it as he found a rhythm, angled sharp and deep. His change was startling. Always demure and restrained, he kept quiet amusement on his face in public. Now, that same amusement was mixed with a sneer of arrogance I never knew was hidden behind his soulful eyes.

"Hey, lovebirds," Chris said, jarring us out of the kiss, "I need a little servicing." A wet cockhead poked me in the cheek and snaked its way into my mouth. Eyes shut, I deep throated the eight inch dick until my throat bulged out obscenely. Justin kissed down my jaw line, the sensation odd when he found my extended Adam's apple. It spurred him on to the point that he fucked me with almost faltering thrusts. Spastic, I knew from the way he moved that he would cum at any moment. I pushed at Chris' thigh. He moved off, and I focused on Justin.

As soon as Chris left my mouth, his dick was replaced by Justin's kiss, all teeth and tongue. It wasn't until he licked at the cool cum still clinging on my cheeks that I realized that was what he was looking for.

I pulled him back by his hair, his eyes feral and mouth smeared with spit and juices. Him not missing a stroke, I asked, "Like their cum? And don't lie. You seem to like my ass well enough."

A flash of anger crossed his face and he pounded into me. His hair still in my grip, I held him back to the point of causing pain. He just threw more power to his thrusts. "Yeah, this is a nice pussy," he commented.

Between gasps from his fucking, I said, "That's not what I asked. Do you like the taste of cum?"

Even angrier, Justin cupped my ass and lifted my body off the bed, until he had total control of his upward thrusts. I was supported with his left hand at the small of my back, his right one under my arm and holding me almost within touching distance of his chest. In the cold air, my sweat and cum stained body bounced with his frenzied fucking.

From the other side of the bed, Adam laughed. "That shut him up."

With the loss of control, I could barely squeak the question again. "Do you like the taste of their cum?" I asked only out of spite.

The bed shifted again. I turned in time to see Andrew behind me, his hands encompassing the gap between Justin and my chests. He took hold of my nipples in his fingers, tweaking them. My grip on Justin's head waivered but held. When he saw that little falter, he sank his teeth back into me, this time on the muscle connecting my neck and shoulder. I cried out, hands falling to rest at Justin's shoulder, limp in his hold on me. Andrew pressed his body against the back of mine, his teeth never leaving my flesh. His larger dick rubbed against Justin's hand that still held my lower back. Justin shifted so I was sandwiched between them. As he fucked me up and down on his lap, his own searching hands found Andrew's dick and he began to stroke it against my back.

"Oh, God," Justin said, "he's shaking all over. His ass got tighter."

Andrew bit down harder for a second and I cried out again.

Justin moaned and sliced through my anal walls. "Do that again. I'm almost there."

Listening, Andrew released my shoulder and went to the other to repeat. Even knowing he would, the sudden teeth had my toes curling and stars ruining my vision.

"Oh, shit. Oh, fuck!" Justin barely had the time to curse those sentences before he whitewashed my insides with a torrent of cum. His dick expanded and pulsed while he drove into me over and over, making sure that every inch of my anal walls was slick with fresh lube before he went balls deep. I felt the last two shots go off deep within me, his dick still pulsing in time with his heart that I felt on my chest.

Soon Andrew had to support all three of us as Justin's legs buckled, weak from exhaustion. He lowered us down, Justin collapsed on top of me and Andrew half underneath me and half spread on the other side of the bed. Slowly, Justin got softer until he went limp and fell out of me. With a nudge, Andrew pushed him off me as Chris got onto the bed. Justin lay there on his stomach, exhausted eyes parallel with mine.

Out of all of the guys, Chris was definitely the most dominant and the most masculine. His large frame towered over me as he glided up from the foot of the bed. I understand now how he must look when he pounced on the countless girls he pulled before marrying my best friend. The fire in his eyes burned so brightly, lustful and centered on my cummy hole. Justin's cum started to seep out just as Chris was directly over me. His one hand on the bed near my head supported his weight as he used his other to direct the oozing cum back into me with the head of his cock.

I was tapped out. Sweat and fluids from three different men covered most of my front. My asshole felt raw, pushed to the limits of Andrew's nine-incher and then fucked senseless by Justin's seven. I couldn't take anymore. I could barely breathe, let alone try and stop Chris. The most I could so was let my legs go limp as he spread them as wide as he could and moan as he pierced my fuck chute with his big dick. Justin had me accommodate his dick but Chris' cock was definitely thicker and an inch longer so I was back again to being stretched to my limits. I fisted the sheets as he eased it in me slowly, letting me get used to the girth. Having had both of them, Andrew and Chris had very similar cocks. Chris was about an inch shorter, but the girth was nearly the same. Chris began fucking me, smooth strokes of a man who knows what his cock can do to women or in this case, his ex-wife's best friend.

I didn't know I had my eyes closed until I felt Andrew's warm hand on my forehead. I looked up at him, his hazel eyes pinched in a sort of worry. He brushed off the damp strands of hair off my head and leaned in close to my ear. He whispered softly, not audible enough for the rest of the room to hear, "You okay?"

As my body shook from Chris' thrusts, I nodded. Andrew smiled, hiding it from the other guys, and he gently cleared the cum off my face before giving a butterfly light kiss. When I opened my eyes, I saw Adam behind him. His eyes were closed and Adam looked focused on his ass. At first, I thought Andrew was getting fucked. Jealousy filled me for a second before I noticed that the angle was wrong.

Adam patted Andrew's shoulder. "You're ready as you're gonna get." Then, to Chris, he said, "Stop for a minute."

Chris kept at it for a few more seconds before sheathing fully in me, the bulbous head driving me crazy. His scalp was glistened in the light, the buzzed hair matted with sweat. His dazzling eyes, honey hued, winked at me.

Andrew straddled my chest. His cock head nestled in the hollow of my throat, steadily filling up with his precum. His sandy brown Mohawk had wilted down. His face was flushed, eyes green with the shadow cast upon his face. He and I were the only ones who had our ears gauged, both double zeros. The silver marijuana leaf gauges he wore were a present from me. I've dreamed of this moment countless of times but nothing prepared me from the actuality.

"Just this once," he said, grinning. He backed up, leaving a trail of clear cum down my chest and stomach.

Chris grabbed my dick, aiming it up from where it lay throbbing against my stomach. I felt cold lube smeared onto it. He jacked me off as I felt the cock in my ass pulsing to his manipulation. Andrew reached between his legs, his powerful cock still rock hard, and took my dick away from Chris. Squatting above my waist, Andrew slowly connected his asshole with the tip of my seven and half inch dick. Delicately, he tested by dipping against it but he resisted.

Rubbing his thighs, I said, "Relax. Good. Now, take a breath."

He inhaled deeply.

"And let it out," I ordered.

As he slowly breathed out, I held onto his thighs and thrust my ass of the bed. My cockhead popped through his sphincter and Andrew let out a loud yelp. I slowly lowered both of us back to the bed, this time my hands wrapped around my dick so no more than the head would go into him. "Breathe," I told him, when I noticed him turning redder. "And relax."

"Seriously," Chris laughed. "Mark took it like a champ and you're acting like a little bitch." He grabbed a nearby pillow and put it underneath my ass, angling it better for this new addition. The movement timed perfectly and a released a couple fingers.

Andrew moaned. I took off one hand, half my cock now in his protesting ass. Sweat dripped off his forehead and into his closed eyes. He started to hyperventilate. We met halfway in a kiss. I stroked his sweaty back and he raked his fingernails down my back. He cried out when I removed my other hand and massaged his shoulder blades. He sank down the rest of the way, his eyes glazed over and his breath evening out. We stayed that way for a long time, lips only breaking occasionally for breath. We lost Chris during that time. I was so ensnared by Andrew's touch that I never noticed, a wave of pleasure the only signal I had that Chris left.

I eased Andrew onto his back. He wrapped his legs around my hips. His gripped me tightly, inside and out. I began fucking him with shallow thrusts. He broke the kiss and went back to my shoulder with teeth. The pain spurred me on and I quickened my pace, rotating my hips to stretch him out. A constant whimpering escaped his clenched jaw. Before long, I was deep dicking him, pulling out to the head and then slamming back in. The bed creaked and shook with my fucking. I reached between us to stroke his dick. Looking at the smiling boys who were watching from off the bed, I rearranged us so that Andrew's head was hanging off the end.

"Adam," I called, stretching out my arm to him.

Taking my other hand, Adam let me pull him closer, his rampant rod bouncing with his steps. He let me guide his dick to Andrew's mouth. Andrew, though in the midst of a brutal fucking from me, had enough of himself in his mind not to be overruled by his pleasure. He attempted to push Adam's dick out but only ended up with a face smeared with natural lube. I finally had to take Adam's dick into my mouth guide it to Andrew's.

I pushed his cockhead between our lips. I licked the bulbous crown. Fresh precum appeared from the slit. Before I had time to register its taste, I had to fight Andrew's tongue for possession. When I pulled back, Andrew had half the dick down his throat.

I looked to the other side of the bed and saw Chris's eyes burning with carnal hunger as he watched his brother-in-law suck cock for the first time. Justin had exited the bed around the time Chris did, leaning back against the dresser, playing with his cock. One hand stroked the shaft as the other fiddled with the foreskin. Every few seconds, he used the precum that spurted in globs to lube his cock until it glistened in the light. My mouth watered at the sight of the cocksucking boys in front of me and the two boys on the right waiting for their turn. I fucked Andrew with renewed enthusiasm, jacking his oozing dick in time with my pace.

Chris came at my call, positioning himself behind me as I stopped my thrusts to let him slide into me. As he burrowed deep into me, I had only my cockhead in Andrew's ass. I sank in to have Andrew's fingernails dig into my biceps and his back arch to meet me. I gestured for Justin and he came to my side. I swallowed his cock to the root, the soft hairs wet with his earlier manipulations. Chris had his hands on my hips and controlled the rhythm, having me slide into Andrew as his cock pulled out of me.

The bed shook, sounds of heavy breaths as holes were fucked and dicks were sucked. We were reduced to a tangled, writhing mass of limbs. I was close; Andrew's anal walls a convulsing heat that brought me to the brink. I sucked on Justin's nutsack, alternating between balls, while he stroked his cock. Chris buried his face into my neck from behind me, his beard scratchy compared to Justin's, as his dick hit from just the right angle, my prostate effectively mauled by his thick dick with each thrust. Even with all the sensations going on, I couldn't help but zero in on Andrew's bright hazel eyes, most of the brown overpowered by spring green.

Of all the boys, he had the most amazing ability to fascinate me the way a snake does its prey. Hypnotizing flutter of long eyelashes could have me weak in the knees. His baby face was flushed with blood vessels bringing an epitome of youthful exuberance. Pink lips were stretched out as Adam let him nurse on just the cockhead.

Justin brought me back to myself when his hands encompassed my head with both hands. I looked up to have him smile down at me. One moment of weakness and I was caught.

"It's okay," he said, clearly noticing the singular affection I carefully hid from everyone.

I closed my eyes and Justin began fucking my mouth as I opened up my throat for easy access. My hips had their own erratic pace going in and out of Andrew's clenching asshole. Chris changed his grip to my shoulders, using my entire body as leverage for his deep fucking and had me crying out between thrusts of Justin's cock. It was too much, my body forever trapped in the barrier between pleasure and pain. Unexpectedly, Justin pulled out of my mouth to aim his dick at Andrew's chin which was currently buried in Adam's crotch, his nose smothered by a churning ballsack.

Justin jacked his cock, his chest heaving with effort and strain. "I'm gonna shoot!" A spurt of watery white cum dripped from the top of his cock and splattered against Andrew's chin, dripping down his jaw and face. The second hit him on the cheek. By the third shot, Adam had left his throat and started jacking. Andrew looked pissed when the fourth and final shot hit him directly in his still opened mouth. Justin shivered as he squeezed his shaft clear and empty. The last few dribbles he massaged into Andrew's lips. My fingers dug into Andrew's flesh when I quickened my pace. He was openly cooing now, clearly enjoying the new fucktube I pounded into his straight asshole.

"Yeah, fuck him," Chris whispered into my ear. "You like that jailbait? You're a dirty fucking faggot that likes to fuck weak willed straight boys, aren't you? Yeah, I know you've been craving my dick in you since that second day of college. Well, you've got all eight inches in you now, but you won't be the one to get my load, bitch, seems like there's a cocksucker much closer to home."

He yanked his dick out of me and jumped off the bed to join the other two boys up front. At first, Andrew hesitated when he saw the size, the second biggest in the house, but Chris remedied that by holding his head and roughly prying open the clenched mouth by digging his fingers into the sides. Andrew maid protesting noises but knew that if he protested, he might end up with a broken jaw. He fucked Andrew's throat with no regard to him. Andrew gagged and choked, unable to take the entire cock down. Chris moaned; and from the way his arms bulged from the hold he had on Andrew's head, he was definitely cumming deep inside his brother-in-law's throat, sending it straight down to his stomach.

Adam stepped up as Chris continued to fuck his cum slicked cock down Andrew's gullet. Adam began shoot, a stifled groan signaling his orgasm. He aimed the powerful streams directly on Chris's cock, which he kept thrusting into Andrew's throat. He shook a couple more times before stepping back, pulling a reluctant Chris away with him. Chris slapped Andrew's face with his cock a couple times before he let Adam move him.

Justin knelt by the bed and licked Andrew's face clean. He moved up to kiss me, his mouth salty with three teenage loads, and fed me the cum that escaped Andrew's mouth. He sucked my tongue like it was a dick before he stepped back to the other boys.

Savagely, I pounded Andrew's asshole into mush until his groans turned into stuttering babble. It started with a whisper of my name, soft and uncertain, but became a chorus of, "Oh, G-god. Fu-uh-uh-uck me-e-e!"

I resorted to forcing him hard across the bed with each thrust, having to pull us back and away from the edge. I rolled onto my back, still deep in and taking him with me, and fucked him from the bottom now, his pale ass cheeks in my hands. He jacked his dick, the pink head flared and angry with pent up cum. We were the ones that have yet to cum, a showmanship that had always been part of our rivalry. He leaned back, one hand on my knee and the other on his oozing cock, and cried out as the new angle caused my dick to connect with his asshole.

Shallow fucking got him to the edge and over, spraying an arch that splattered against my chest and face. The first, second, and third spurts glazed my face with his cream. I opened my mouth for the fourth and fifth, savoring the salty-sweet slime creep down my throat.

I shoved my dick fully in him and fucked more cum out of him, these shots reaching my stomach. His ass walls milked my dick as they quivered from his orgasm. He leaned forward and started making out with me, all tongue and cum. He whimpered in my mouth and that set me off. Stars blinded my closed eyes as I emptied my balls of cum straight into his colon, marking his ass as mine with my load. A surge of warmth appeared between out slick torsos and I realized that he had cummed again. The tightening of his ass set me off once more.

At that moment, caught in the blinding light of ecstasy, we were in an infinite loop of orgasms. My body felt like it was ripped in two and made to absorb Andrew's mind, body, and soul and vice versa. We were caught in a realm of weightlessness that was just ours, no room, no people, no space, but his body and mine entwined in cosmic light. I heard him whisper, "I love you. Happy birth--"

And I woke up, tangled in my bed sheets and covered in sweat.

The setting sun ripped through the sheer curtains, the ray of light shining directly on my face. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, brushed my hair back, and pulled it back with a hair tie. I looked at the clock. Half past seven.

"Stupid nap," I muttered, the dream leaving me with no memory of it except for the tenting sheet I had wrapped around my waist and a lingering knowledge that my mind just deleted something important. I only had thirty minutes to get ready for the so-called surprise party. I couldn't be late for that. The sheet dropped as I searched my closet for some clothes, my dick bouncing as I looked. By the time I found a pair of shorts, my dick dripped a string of precum that landed on my foot. I wiped away at the rest that leaked out, tasted it, and shrugged.

I could be late.

Next: Chapter 2

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