Surprise Package

Published on Mar 4, 1997



from Studs BBS

(415) 495 - 2929


( MAY 26, 1988 )

After working 14 hours a day for the last four days, I decided to hit the sack early. I fixed myself a light snack, turned on the T.V., stripped naked and sat on the bed to watch the 7:00 news. The next thing I hear was the telephone ringing, I looked at the clock on the night table, It was 1:15 in the morning, I must have dozed off. I turned off the T.V. with the remote control and answered the phone.

The voice on the other end of the phone was a very low and masculine, "I left a surprise for you at your front door, go get it before someone take off with it" and before I could ask 'Who is this?' he hung up.

Needless to say, I was very irritated from being awaken in the middle of the night and then left hanging on the end of a dead phone by a strange unknown caller. "Oh what the hell" I said to myself, " What've I got to lose by checking it out" and padded off to the front door not bothering to put anything on over my naked 6'1 body.

I was in SHOCK, when I saw what I saw, and my COCK got instantly HARD and almost ready to burst, just from the sight of this figure in front of my door way.

There stood before me, this gorgeous, handsome, beautiful greek god, standing under the star lighted night sky, dressed only in his white untanned hips and a chain attached from nipple to nipple across his well developed chest.

As he stood there in a parade rest position, looking straight at me, his cock begin to slowly raise, as if he was handing me the gold envelope that is attached to both end of the golden string that is wound around the head of his big cock.

With an enticing smile showing a set of beautiful white teeth, he said "SIR, I AM HERE TO SERVE YOU AND TO GIVE YOU PLEASURE. IF YOU WOULD TAKE THE LETTER, IT WOULD EXPLAIN EVERYTHING, SIR!".

After regaining my composure over my raging hardon, I pulled him into the house quickly, shut the door and turned on the lights to get a better look at this HOT LOOKING STUD.

He continued to stand in a parade rest, eyes looking straight at me while I'm looking him over. He looked like a greek god, he has short dark curly brown hair, a boyish face, strong square chin, golden tanned swimmer body, nice looking ringed tits connected by a fine gold chain across his well developed chest, narrow waist, pale white hairless skin next to his long hard cock, smooth low hanging balls, and strong muscular legs.

I didn't noticed it before, but his ankles are shackled together by gold bracelets and a long thick gold chain. Also he was holding what looks like a black shaving kit bag behind his back.

When I walked around to his back side, he voluntarily bend over to show me his firm white ass. As I was looking at his ass, he flexed his rear muscle by opening and closing his asslips, causing my cock to point straight up to my belly button. When he felt my hand on his smooth hairless firm butt, he said, with a strange foriegn accent that I didn't noticed before, "PLEASE SIR! PLEASE READ THE LETTER BEFORE YOU PROCEED ANY FURTHER".

He straightend up and turned to face me with his cock pointing up right at me. Looking at his cock, I knew he wanted me as bad as I wanted him. The gold envelope have several precum stain on it now, making it appear even more mysterious. The letter read ...


Happy Birthday and Congratulations, You have been selected for an erotic weekend on your birthday for your participation in the HOT MEN Questionnaire. Julio is your prize for the next 72 hours. He is from an exotic far eastern country, JULIO has been trained to SERVE man and to GIVE man PLEASURES in special ways. His master was kind enough to loan him to us for your 25th birthday.

If you wish to accept this prize, YOU MUST ABIDE BY TWO RULES set forth by his MASTER. 1) You must allow JULIO to cleanse your body thoroughly before each sexual session. 2) JULIO's diet must be maintained and you are required to follow the same diet for the next 72 hours.

If you do not wish to accept these conditions, JULIO have been instructed to leave IMMEDIATELY.

After reading the letter, I recalled that about six months ago, I was asked to fill out a questionnaire for HOT MEN at some bar. It had around 100 multiple choice questions. It covered explicit sexual experiences, sexual fantasy, sexual preferences and some intimate personal data, but I answered them honestly anyway, at the time I wasn't too sure I did the right thing. Now I'm glad that I did.

"SIR, DO YOU WISH TO ABIDE BY MY MASTER'S WISHES?" asked Julio. Thoughts begin to run through my mind ...

'GOD, he's gorgeous looking, how could anyone not want to go along with what ever is requested, besides, his master is only looking after his slave's welfare. Right now I'm so horny I would go along with any proposal just to be with him.'

"YES!" I said to Julio, "and please call me RUSS, Now lets go to the bathroom and get my body washed, so we can get down to more serious business, like getting that beautiful ass of yours fucked".

After I finished saying that, I thought I heard a car engine started and drove away from the house.

After Julio finished flushing the inside of my asshole thoroughly I told him no way am I going to let him fuck me up the ass with his big 9" cock. He said he would never do anything to me that would not give me pleasure.

He turned off the shower after my skin turned pink from the hot water, then he took a small bar of soap from his black leather bag and soap me down from head to toe.

As he rub the soap suds into the pores of my skin, I begin to feel a strange pleasent erotic sensation all over my body. Particularly around my tits, cock and asshole.

He applied some soap on his smooth firm pierced tits, and asked me would I like to suck on them. While I was sucking on his tits, he pulled, pinched, and rubbed both my tits and underneath my cock head. The feeling that I felt from it, was so intense, I shoot loads of cum all over his chest and stomach.

He then put his hand between my thighs and stuck a finger up my asshole and rub the soap along the inside wall of my colon. My asshole suddenly became alive, it took on a personality of its own, it gripped his finger tightly, wanting more and more of his finger to go further in. He begin to finger fuck me, but it wasn't enough to satisfy the hunger in my ass that developed so suddenly, then the muscle on my ass begin to manipulate its asslips by opening and closing it on the fingers, then I heard a voice ... "FUCK ME, JULIO, I NEED YOU INSIDE ME, FUCK ME NOW!!". I then realized that it was my own voice that I heard screaming to be fuck.

As I feel him touching areas where no cock have ever reached, my ass pushed back to match him stroke for stroke wanting to feel more and more of him. I yelled, "FUCK ME HARDER, SLAP ME HARDER, GIVE IT TO ME, I'M CUMMMM IIIIING, AAHHHAAAAAAAAAAAA" and blasted load after load of cum without even touching my own cock. The strain on my balls was so intensified, my mind just floated out of my body.

I was very disoriented when I woke up with a Piss-hardon, I didn't know where I was for about a minute. I wasn't sure what I thought had happened was real or just an erotic dream from working too many long hours. After seeing that I'm in bed alone, I figured that it had to be a dream. Things like what I thought happened just couldn't happen in real life. As I lay in bed rubbing my washboard stomach, playing with my tits, and trying to recall all the details in my dream, I suddenly realized that I've never cared to play with my own tits and was wondering why am I doing it now.

After lying there in bed for about 15 minutes playing with myself, I decided I better get up and take care of my piss-hardon and wash up before I become a basket case over this wild dream that I had before I woke up.

Comming out of the bathroom, I felt much better, I went to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of orange juice. The orange juice tasted very different but, exceptional good this morning, so I drank another glass. Then I went over by the window to let the warm rays of the sun caresses my naked body.

After standing there a few minutes with my eyes closed, enjoying the warm sum, I thought I heard someone out in the backyard. I stepped forward to the window to see who it might be.

I was startled to see a well built man in a brief loin cloth exercising in my backyard. When he turned around where I could see his face, my heart skipped a beat. I'M NOT GOING CRAZY!!! IT'S JULIO!!! I rushed downstairs to the backyard with my cock leading the way.

"JULIO! JULIO! IT'S REALLY YOU" I shouted as I rushed up and wrapped my arms around his trim waist tightly, pulling his body against mine, and kissing him passionately. When he returned my kiss, I begin to rub my tits against his chest through his tit rings and my cock against his soft leather loin cloth. When his chain rubbed against my chest, I felt tantalizing sparks running from the tip of one nipple to the other and then up and down my spine and back to the nipples. When Julio started rubbing his hands up my back and down my spine, I began to feel like a big cock being stroked, and when he's probing around in my mouth with his tongue, I feel like he's probing my pisshole with his tongue, and when he's pulling, slapping and pinching my asscheeks, I feel like it was my balls that he is torturing.

As I held him tighter and tighter against me, I began to feel I have entered into his body, and that I have become his STIFF HARD COCK and getting stiffer by the seconds as he continues stroking and pulling on my balls for the big ORGASM. AAAHHHHHHAAAAA!!!!

Exhausted, I slumped down to my knees, and when my cum's fragrance entered my nose, I felt sure that the cum was his, so I licked Julio's body and loin cloth clean of cum and then just laid at his feet.

"Are you feeling alright Russ?" asked with much concern in Julio's voice. "I just don't know anymore, I'm losing touch with reality and fantasies. I just hope you're real and not something that I dreamt up and you would vanish into thin air when I wake up.

Julio took me into the kitchen and assured me that he's real. He then poured me a tall glass of orange juice and told me it would restore my lost engery and would make me feel better very quickly.

He explained that I had blacked out last night in the bathroom and he had to carried me back to my bed. And when he got up this morning, I was still in a deep deep sleep. He said that he had to do his exercises everyday and that he didn't think I would mind, if he used my backyard to do it. I told him I didn't minded at all and that he may use it anytime he wants to.

He said he had made out a grocery list of the items that we should have for the weekend, and would I mind going to the store and pick them up, so he could fix us some breakfast when I'm back with the groceries to rejuvenate our engeries.

I slipped into a pair of nylon running shorts, tank top and deck shoes and headed down to the 24 hours Safeway in Diamond Heights. Since it was only 8 a.m. in the morning, there were only a few other shoppers in the store. Surprisingly, they were all guys, dressed similarly as I was dressed. Unusual for a friday morning, I guessed they all work a four day week like I do, except that they are here shopping for meat rather than groceries.

While standing there in front of the shelves of spices, trying to locate the spices that are on the grocery list, my mind drifted to the sight of Julio's cock raising slowly, beckoning at me, and his cute pink asshole winking and teasing me to fuck him, caused my cock to responsed characteristicly and wetted the front of my nylon running shorts with precum.

A voice broke me out of my daydreaming, "Looks like you could use some help ... Could I give you a hand ... or perhaps a mouth to help you out? I serve a great breakfast up at my apartment near here." I looked up toward the voice, and felt my face turning crimson red from embarrassment. He's a tall goodlooking stud with a well defined bod and long muscular legs. " ah, ah, Thank you, I love to" I stammered honestly, "But I can't right now, I've someone waiting for me to get back. Perhaps another time". "I'm ANDY, hey, you looked like you work out at a gym regularly". "I'm RUSS, and yes, I work out at the Muscle System, but I haven't been there for a while because of my work schedule". "Hey, so do I, I'm usually there between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. on weekends, think we can work out together?". "Sure, but not this weekend", I said, "I better get my shopping done. And thanks for the offer, I'll take you up on it next time".

At the check stand, the cute checker kept stealing glances at my crotch, which didn't help my condition any. "That will be 38 cocks and 87 cents" said the checker, and turned beet red when he realized what he has said. After he gave me my change, he said he'll be on break at 10 o'clock and gave me a wink and a sexy smile.

I offered the bag boy a $1 tip for helping me load the groceries into the trunk of the car. He said he rather be tipped in another way and stared at my hard dick. When I told him I was in a hurry, he looked very disapointed and rejected. Since he was such a good looking blond kid, I said, "What's your name? How old are you?". "Rob, and I'm 18". "O'K get in". He gave me a great big grin and jump in the front seat.

"ahh ahh ahh ahhhhhhaa, ... yer a great cocksucker kid,". "Thanks" Rob replied, "And I like the taste of your cum, It tasted like Orange Creamsicle". After he said that, I busted out with laughters.


After putting the groceries away Julio took my tank top and running short off me and said I won't be needing them anymore. He then handed me a glass of mixed milk drink, saying it would hold me over until he has breakfast ready for us. While eating our breakfast, salad with special herbal dressing, fresh fruits and carrot juice, I asked some questions. I learned that he was sold to his master by his parents when he was 10 years old. He's educated in three languages, traveled in many countries with his master, and have been with his master for 12 years. Occasionally he is called upon to entertain guests and business clients by his master. When he is indoors, he is not permitted to wear any clothing without his master permission. When he's outdoors, he is to wear only what his master dictates.

When I asked how does he keep himself warm when the weather turns cold, he told me the band and chain on his ankles keeps him warm when temperture drops and cool when the temperture rises, it also let his master know where he is and what he is doing at all times.

He said he love his master very much and is very devoted to him. His master have just granted him a wish of anything he would like to have on his birthday last months. When I asked him what was his wish, he gave me a mischievous smile and said he hasn't made his wish yet.

As we continued talking, I confessed to Julio that I have never took it up the ass before, and that I'm alway the one that did the fucking. He smiled devilishly and said "I know".

After he had washed and put the dishes away, he said it was time to give me a massage. I was surprised at my own reaction when my cock became immediately hard when he said that he'll have to cleanse my body first.

After rinsing my asshole out with a solution he took from of his black leather bag, Julio asked me would I object if he removed the hair around my balls and pubic area to increase my sexual sensation. I said "Go fer it, the wilder the sensation the better I like it".

After applying some sort of cream on my pubic hair, balls and butt area, he told me to grab a hold of the shower head and not to let go of it until he say so. He then straped my wrist to the shower head with a strip of leather. He then took a bar of blue soap from his bag and rubbed it into my skin, making it feel cool and soothing.

After a minute or so I begin to feel a heat rising in my crotch. It feels like someone is polking hot sharp needles into my butt and balls, while the rest of my body is feeling a cool and soothing sensation. A weird erotic combination of pleasure and pain.

In spite of the increasing pain centering around my balls and butt, my cock remained hard, straining for relief from the pressure within.

"JULIO, DO SOMETHING, MY ASS AND BALLS ARE BURNING UP WITH PAIN" I yelled, as I wiggle, twist, and swirl my ass and hips trying to relief the pain on my burning butt and balls.

"Just a few minutes more" replied Julio. He then start spanking my ass. The pain from the spanking eased the burning pain, making the spanking pain very pleasurable. He then took out a dildo from his black leather bag, it looks like a replica of his big 9 inch cock, and lubricated it with the bar of blue soap.

He teased my butt and balls with it while I tried to rub against it to relief the pain. "ahhhh Julio, please don't tease me anymore with it, rub my ass and balls with it so the pain would go away". Slowly he inserted the dildo into my butthole and begin to tease and fuck me with it in slow motion.

The slow cool and soothing affect inside of my asshole, begin to heat up from the in and out fucking motion from the dildo, combined with the heat generated from the hard spanking along with the burning heat of my balls and butt was the greatest mixture of pleasure-pain I ever experienced.


Afterward, Julio untied my wrist and washed the soap, cream, cum and hair off my body. Surprisingly, my cock is still semi erect, and it looks bigger and longer against my hairless smooth crotch.

"Thanks, Julio, that's the greatest sensation I've ever experienced in my life".

When we stood in front of the mirror, I was astonished that our cocks look exactly alike in every way except one, his is just a bit longer. It made me feel sexy to have a cock that looks like his.

While I was drying myself, he went to the kitchen and came back with a mixed milk drink, "Drink this," he said, " it will build your strength back up again". Then he told me to go into the bedroom to rest up and that he will be in shortly to give me my massage.

While lying in bed waiting for Julio to come in, I was thinking what a great and wonderful morning its been. I've shot so many loads of cum this morning that I've lost count, and my ass is still buzzing from the hard fuck Julio just gave me, and it's still craving for more action.

When I saw Julio walking in, my cock started to get fully aroused again. Damm, if his naked body doesn't spell SEX, SEX, SEX, whenever I see him approaching me. I seem to lose control of my senses, whenever he touches me.

In his hand he held several pairs of half circle thick chrome bands, he said they are for my body massage and would like to put them on me. I was dissapointed, I was hoping he would massage me with his strong hands. Oh, what the hell, I thought, everything have been great so far, so why not. So I told him to go ahead.

He said they are highly polished aluminum bands and are very light weight. He squeezed some liquid from a small tube on to the ends of the aluminum metal bands and joined them together around my neck.

The aluminum bands are about 1 1/2" wide and 1/4" thick and the two smaller pairs are for my ankles. From a hand remote control unit he turned a dial that caused shocking, but erotic, little electrical impulses to travel from my neck down to my ankles that massages my body.

He then attached a couple of clear plastic suction tubes to my nipples with wires leading to another control unit which he turned on, causing it to suck on my nipples like a vacuum pump.

The combined overall feeling was definitely erotically stimulating with a touch of pleasure-pain mixed in with it. He told me to lay back, close my eyes, relax and blank my mind of all thoughts.

I begin to doze off into a dream ... I was jogging along a quiet street when a Van pulled alongside me, the driver said he was lost and would I point out where he's at on the map. When I reached in through the window for the map, he grabbed my arm and pulled me in toward him, then the side door of the van slided open, and two men jumped out and chloroformed me.

When I regained consciousness, I was handcuffed and lying on a cot in a tiny cell. I yelled for help, but no sound came out of my mouth and my throat felt dry, they must have drugged me so I can't speak.

Two guards came into my cell. "Well, I see you're finally awake" said one of the guard, "We're going to get you ready for a showing" they grabbed my arms and twisted my balls and said, "If you're smart, you'll cooperate, otherwise we're going to castrate you here and now" and they led me to a large room and stood me on a tiled platform with a drain in the middle of the floor.

They placed a wide collar around my neck which keep my head up and attached my handcuffed wrists to the back of the collar and locked it with a padlock. Then they hooked the chain hanging down from the ceiling to my collar, spread my legs apart and tied them down to the rings on the floor.

One of the guard ripped away my tank top and running shorts leaving me totally naked and stuck a knife under my balls and said, "We're going to get you nice and clean so we'll get a good price for you and if you're going to give us any troubles, you're gonna lose these balls, understand?" I nodded my head yes.

After shaving my pits, crotch, balls, asshole, and an enema, they rubbed something on my cock to keep it hard, and turned on several spotlights hanging from the ceiling on me.

All I could see was pairs of hands examining me like a piece of meat. They were pinching, squeezing, pulling at my nipples, balls cock, and fingers probing at my asshole. All this time the auctioneer was saying " Step right up and examine this fine american blond slave, the bidding will be starting soon".

"RUSS, it's time for you to get your ass spanked 25 times as part of your birthday gift.". I dozed off only for a few minutes. During that time, Julio have set up four stools in the room. "I want you to get up on all fours of these stools and do one pushup after each stroke, think you can handle it?".

"Hell, I can do 50 pushups with no sweat". The stools were positioned so that my hands and feet are wide apart and he positioned himself directly behind my ass, between my spread thighs.

He spanked my ass HARD and SLOW, alternating left hand left cheek, right hand right cheek. I could feel the burning hand print left on my buns after each stroke. And to be sure that I feel the full impact of each stroke, he waited at least 15 seconds between each stroke.

By the time Julio has reached the 25th stroke, I was tired, my arms are strained, my tits are aching from the suction tubes, my butt feels like it has been branded, and I'm drenched in sweat and tears. And what surprised me is, my cock is hard and it is dripping long strings of precum on the carpet.

At that moment, all I wanted is for Julio to fuck the shit out of my ass.

As if Julio have read my mind, he said to me, "Call me MASTER SIR, AND BEG AND TELL ME HOW MUCH YOU WANT MY COCK UP YOUR ASS". It was as if he knew even before I know it myself, that I have somehow wanted to become his willing SEX SLAVE and he as my MASTER.


It felt so good, when he grabbed my hairless balls and cock and slided his cock slowly in and out of my hole rubbing against my sweaty itching hairless asslips. It turned my pain into pleasures and at the same time set my insides on fire for more action.

He lifted me off the stools while his cock is still inside me with his strong arms, bent me forward, set me down on the floor on my back and shoulders, keeping my ass in the air, my legs spread apart, he position my cock over my mouth, and ride and slap my ass.

In my mind my cock have become and extension of Julio's cock, and I am waiting for it to explode its cum into my mouth. When he finally hit my magic button, I opened my mouth and swallowed all my own juice. It tasted very thick and creamy. "THANK YOU MASTER" and collapsed on the floor.

Julio removed the suction tubes from my nipples and carried me to my bed. He gently sat me down on my bed with my back against the head board with a pillow for my tender ass and a pillow for my back. He then handed me the mixed milk drink sitting on the night table and told me to drink it and that it will build up my strength again.

After I finished the drink I felt very relax, but drowsy. Julio got into bed with me. We hugged and kissed passionately, and he caressed me with much tenderness. As I was about to doze off, he whispered into my ear and said, "You will no longer care about your job or your career. Your only concern now is to serve me and to serve me well as my slave. I am your Master, you belong to me now, you will keep your body clean and ready for me at all times." My mind seems to accept everthing Julio said to me, and I replied "Yes Master sir, I am your slave, and I will serve you like a slave should serve his Master."


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