Surprise Guest

By Dastardlyd

Published on Mar 8, 2011


From the author to the readers:

This story includes male to male sex in some chapters. If it is illegal for you to read this because of age or what laws govern your reading material, please do not read this story. You will note that the characters do not use condoms in some cases. trust each other. It is unwise to have unprotected sex if you can not trust your partner.

Surprise Guest

Chapter Seven

The next morning, after Jean had made a fine breakfast for Ralph and himself, the door bell rang. Ralph was nude, so Jean answered the door. It was Deputy White. This time he was in a t-shirt, shorts and sandals. Jean asked him if he would like a cup of coffee. A nod of the head, and the deputy was led into the kitchen where Ralph, still nude, was drinking his coffee.

At first, Ralph stood up to greet the deputy, then realizing he was not wearing any clothes, he covered his crotch with his hands. Then he reached out his right hand to greet the deputy. Realizing he wasn't doing a good job covering his crotch, he greeted Deputy White, "Sorry, deputy. I don't wear clothes at home much of the time. I guess you've seen your share of nude men, so I'll just stay nude."

Deputy White smiled and said, "Well, you've certainly got nothing to be ashamed of. Many men would be happy to have what you have."

Jean poured the deputy a cup of coffee, handed it to him and asked if he would like some cream and sugar.

"No, he said, "I like my coffee straight, unlike my men."

Jean and Ralph roared.

Jean asked, "What brought you out today on your day off, officer?"

"Just call me Bob, everybody does. Ralph, last night I asked Jean for his advice about how to handle a difficult situation with my young partner."

"I know. Jean told me about your conversation. I knew your partner when he was a student at my school."
"When I got home to my apartment last night, all of Roy's clothing was missing, and a few knickknacks I'd collected. I was pretty sure he was leaving me for good, so this morning I had a friend, a locksmith, change all the locks. I also canceled his credit card. I just don't feel good about doing it, yet with Roy moved out, and him with just anybody, I didn't feel I could let the locks or credit card stay as they were."

Jean covered Bob's hand with his own and said, "You're always welcome here. Just come on over when you want to. I'm sure Ralph feels the way I do." Ralph nodded his agreement.

"So. How have you handled this since your relationship seemed to slide?" Jean asked.

"Well, for at least six months, I have been careful to use a condom whenever I made love. I just wasn't sure what he might have been exposed to. It's been quite a while since we did anything, and every member of the sheriff's department has a mandatory blood test each month. I'm pretty horny, but I know better than to look for some fresh meat around town."

"You've come to the right place, Bob. I enjoy sucking cock, particularly when it's a good-looking man like you. Come on into the bedroom with me, and we'll have some fun." Looking at Ralph, Jean said,"Ralph, come along. It's time you see someone else sucking cock. Maybe you'd like to play also."

The three men went to the bedroom, Jean leading the other two men, unbuttoning his shirt and pants as he went. Bob followed his lead. Ralph was already nude. "That's a nice cock you've got there," Jean said. "Your basket looked full when you were in uniform, and I enjoyed looking at your butt." Ralph looked at Bob, moving from feet to crotch, and silently agreed. It was the first time he had ever looked at a nude man and allowed himself to enjoy the view.

Bob looked Jean over as they undressed. Jean was about 5'5"; perhaps 125 pounds; skin a white shade, not too light; no hair on this chest, arms or legs, but a nice bunch of pubic hair the same black as the hair on his head. Jean was not particularly muscular, just a well-trimmed masculine body with no sign of fat.

"Lie down," Jean said to Ralph, "and lie beside him on your side, facing Bob. I want you to be able to see how I do it." Ralph obediently lay beside Bob, close enough that Bob leaned toward him and kissed him, then stroked his furry chest down to his hair-covered testicles.

"I'd like to play with you, too, Ralph, after Jean makes love to me." Ralph smiled, and was about to talk, but Jean had climbed onto the bed, between Bob's legs, and was ready to begin.

First, he rubbed his hands from Bob's feet to his chest, not touching cock or balls. He lay down upon Bob and kissed him, rubbing his body on Bob's. Then he moved down, kissing Bob's neck, his chest, and licked his left nipple, then his right. Bob sighed at each lick of a nipple.

Next, Jean licked his way down to Bob's balls, carefully avoiding the cock. Though pretty good size, Jean was able to take each of Bob's balls into his mouth, sucking one at a time. Bob sighed deeply.

At last, Jean licked the underside of Bob's cock, starting at the base and moving to the head. Bob's cock was circumcised, and the head was just a little bit larger than the handsome six-inch cock. As Jean took Bob's cock into his mouth, and ran his tongue around it under the head, Bob's sighs turned into moans of pleasure, and the cock enlarged another inch.

Just right size, thought Jean, happily playing with Bob's balls while moving up and down on his cock. He instructed Ralph, "grab a nipple, suck it, and see how much pressure he likes, just don't bite too hard."

"Bite as hard as you want," Bob said, "Just don't bring blood. I really like to feel you." So, Ralph bit down softly at first, then a little bit harder. Each time Bob moaned with delight as Ralph repeated the biting, moving back and forth from one nipple to another.

Jean continued to move up and down Bob's cock, and moved a finger to the opening of his ass. Jean had managed to wet his finger, so it went easily into Bob's ass, and got a hearty, "Oh, yeah," from Bob.

All too soon for Bob, it was over. Jean had tried to keep him on the edge, but it must have been a while since Bob came, and he came soon and in great volume. Jean managed to keep most of it in his mouth, not swallowing much. He leaned up, kissed Bob, and shared some of his sperm. Bob happily received it, then leaned over and shared some with Ralph. Ralph was surprised, tasted it and liked it.

Bob lay back, resting after his release. "Man, that felt good," he said. It seems like I haven't come like that in a long, long time. I'm sure I haven't."

The three men lay talking, enjoying the "afterglow." Jean looked at Bob's cock, which was still hard. He looked at Ralph and said, "I wish I could fuck you, but I can't get hard any more. Maybe Bob would do the honors. I want you to be protected whenever you fuck, either top or bottom. I probably have some condoms in my shaving kit. Give me a moment, and I'll look."

Bob asked Ralph, "Do you want to find out what it's like having a cock inside you? I'm versatile, which means I enjoy either having a cock inside me, or putting my cock in an ass. It helps if it is somebody you know and like."

Ralph thought a moment, then replied, "Jean seems to like it when I top him, and you look very responsible. Let's try it."

Jean had found his condoms and lube. He rubbed lube onto Bob's still-erect cock, slid a condom over it, then turned to Ralph. "Ralph, lie on your back and bring you legs up while I slip this pillow under your ass. There, it's in place. Hold your legs up as far as is comfortable I'll put some lube on your ass. I'm sure Bob will take it slow."

Bob did take it slow, moving Ralph's legs onto his shoulders, while carefully rubbing the lube around Ralph's sphincter. He put a well-lubricated finger against the sphincter and pushed. Surprisingly, the first finger went in fairly easily. Bob worked his finger around, enlarging the hole, while relaxing the sphincter a bit. Soon, Bob had a second finger, then a third finger moving in a circle inside Ralph's ass.

Bob moved his cock to Ralph's ass, touching the sphincter, then pushing against it. Ralph's sphincter relaxed enough for the cock head to enter. Bob paused to let Ralph become used to the piercing. At first, Ralph was tensed, and said not a word. Then the pain began to lessen, and he told Bob to continue forward. As Bob moved slowly forward, Ralph's ass relaxed, and the pain disappeared. Ralph nodded to Bob to begin.

Each move forward gave Ralph a new pleasure. He smiled at Bob. Bob enjoyed pushing all the way in, then pulling almost all the way out. The tempo increased, and Ralph swung his head from side to side in pleasure. Bob could feel his toes tingling, then his legs, and he knew he was ready for release. Ralph stared at Bob and his cock boiled over. The first shot hit him on his chin. The next shots covered his chest and stomach. Ralph hadn't touched his cock, yet he came, and came repeatedly.

When Bob had filled the condom and given his all, he lay down upon Ralph and kissed him. Ralph chuckled a happy chuckle, kissed Bob, and said, "I've never had an orgasm without stroking myself before. This is great. Can we do this again?"

"Not for a while. Bob has given his best, and his cock has now lay down from fatigue. Give that wonderful cock a little rest," Jean said.

The three of them lay back, relaxing, until Ralph said, "Jean, it's time for you to have some fun. May I serve you?"

Jean smiled, kissed Ralph and said, "Be my guest." With that invitation, Ralph raised up Jean's legs, applied lube to his ass, gently moving an increasing number of fingers in it, then plunged in. Kissing Jean all the time he was fucking him was easy for the much taller Ralph. Soon Ralph announced he was going to cum, and he did several times. Jean just smiled and said, "Thanks, Ralph, lover."

Bob joined Jean and Ralph in their hug, then got dressed and left. Ralph walked him to the front door, gave him a hug and said, "Again, thank you. That was quite a gift."

Returning to the kitchen with Jean, they began to talk about Ralph's first time as a bottom. Ralph told Jean how much he had enjoyed it, but that he really preferred to make love with his lover, Jean. Jean just smiled.

The rest of the day seemed to be taken up with Jean talking to the insurance agent about the damage to the house and the missing pickup, and how the damage could be repaired. There seemed to be no problem with the insurance coverage. The sheriff's office had released the "scene of the crime" isolation, and given Jean permission to enter and to repair. Jean needed to find a contractor to repair or remodel, if he wanted to change anything in the house.

Jean finally said to Ralph, "Enough is enough! Let's go out and look at the house. Maybe there's something to be changed while the repair work is being done." Together, they got in Ralph's pickup and drove to the house.

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Next: Chapter 8

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