Surprise Guest

By Dastardlyd

Published on Feb 24, 2011


From the author to the readers:

This story includes male to male sex. If it is illegal for you to read this because of age or what laws govern your reading material, please do not read this story.

You will note that the characters asked each other before having unprotected sex. It is unwise to have unprotected sex if you can not trust your partner. These characters did trust one another.

Surprise Guest

Chapter Five

Ralph awakened to find a nude man in his bed and arms. Jean slept silently, not moving, lightly breathing. Ralph examined the neck, the shoulders, the back of this man who had come into his life and heart. Ralph felt alive again, for the first time in many years. The pain of his grief had been lessening, and now he found himself looking forward to a life together with Jean -- if only he would stay on.

Jean awoke to a warm sensation on his back and head, it was Ralph's furry body. His legs were warmed by the big man's legs, also furry. Ralph's arms encircled his body, holding his arms against his body. As Jean stretched, those arms released his arms, the legs pulled back, and Ralph kissed the back of his neck and said, "Good morning, lover. How did you sleep?"

Jean turned around, kissed Ralph's lips, and said, "Very well. I like to go to sleep and awaken in your arms. I think I've gotten over that night in the truck when I couldn't sleep, just shiver. How about you?

"I slept the best I've slept in years. Of course, it was all your fault. You made me so happy yesterday that I dreamed of what Heaven would be like. You know, nude angels flying around, and you sucking my cock while I fucked you. There didn't seem to be any physical problem in doing both at the same time."

"Well, I don't promise to be able to do that on earth, but, as I said, there are a lot of wonderful things we can do, and we might try that sometime.

"Now, enough of that. How about some coffee, then breakfast?"

"You're on. I'll start the coffee as soon as I've emptied this full bladder. It's obvious I'm no cook, so I hope you won't mind fixing breakfast."

Jean went into the kitchen while Ralph relieved his full bladder. In the kitchen Jean found all he needed for bacon and eggs, toast and juice. When Ralph walked into the kitchen, Jean had all the items he needed laid out on the drainboard beside the kitchen range, and was whipping the eggs for a scramble. Ralph found the coffee maker, long unused, in a cabinet, and the new coffee in the refrigerator. Filters were on top of the coffee maker. Filter, coffee and water were quickly loaded and the power turned on. Mugs were placed beside the coffee maker.

Ralph asked Jean if there were anything he could do to help with breakfast, and Jean asked him to set the table, not forgetting the jam they bought last night. "Oh, and get the new butter. That old butter should be thrown away."

Ralph set the table, then went into the bedroom, slipped on a pair of walking shorts, and started out to get the newspaper, then he remembered that he had not subscribed to a paper since he started eating breakfast at Mary's Coffee Shop. If they were going to eat breakfast at home, he'd better subscribe again.

Back in the kitchen, Jean said, "Breakfast is ready, just pour the coffee and I'll bring the toast and eggs. Yes, there's bacon, too."

Ralph poured the coffee, brought the mugs to the table and sat down. Jean brought two plates full of eggs, bacon and toast, giving one to Ralph, and putting one at his place. As he sat down, Ralph took his coffee mug in his hand and said, "A toast. To the man who knows the way to my heart ... and stomach." They clinked mugs together, each took a sip, and looked at each other.

Jean looked questioningly at Ralph, who said, "I meant that, about my heart. I've fallen for you, and I want you to stay. You don't have to answer now, at least until you've eaten your breakfast."

Jean replied, "I don't know quite what to say. I started from Seattle four days ago, got stranded on a road that goes nowhere, got soaked to the skin, and almost came down with pneumonia, spilled coffee on a kind man who took pity on me, and was taken by that wonderful man into his home and heart. What does anyone say? Except, I believe I love you, Ralph, and I want to stay near you.

"I still have some unfinished business, my uncle's farm, and what I shall do with the rest of my life. I've enjoyed teaching, and I enjoyed helping my uncle on his little farm. Now that I'm retired from teaching, what can I do with my time? I can't just lie around in your arms, though that's becoming more and more attractive."

After breakfast was finished, and the dishwasher loaded, Ralph said, "Let's go look at your uncle's farm. I don't know what the damage was, maybe there's something salvageable. I need to shave and shower, then we can get dressed and go. Is that O.K. with you?"

"Lover, everything you suggest is fine, but may I shower with you? And, have you ever thought of letting your mustache grow? I tried to grow a mustache once, but I have too few whiskers for a thick mustache. You have lots of whiskers, and in the right places. Would you do it for me? I like to kiss a man with a mustache."

Ralph appeared surprised, but he said, "Sure, lover, anything you want. If you wanted, I'd grow another head, if I could.' He patted Jean on his bare butt, and they took their shower together.

Dressed, in the truck, and on the way to Main Street, Ralph asked Jean for directions to his uncle's, no, his farm. Jean remembered the route, and guided Ralph to the road where a burned house stood.

From the outside, it appeared that the garage had sustained the most damage. The living room and bedrooms seemed to be untouched. Jean's key opened the front door into the living room. There seemed to be no damage there, or in the bedrooms or baths. On closer inspection, the big TV in the living room and the smaller one in the master bedroom were both missing. Whoever had taken them had left the cables hanging loose over the cabinets.

Ralph told Jean, "Don't touch anything more. You might smudge finger prints. This looks like a burglary. We need to call the sheriff."

The laundry room, between the kitchen and the garage, was scorched a bit, but the appliances appeared to show no damage. The door to the garage was charred, but still stood in a closed position.

Outside, Jean led the way around the house, starting with the bedroom wing. There seemed to be no damage there. As he approached the garage, which seemed to have fallen in on itself, he looked in. The garage was empty, no truck. His uncle's truck was missing.

Jean turned to Ralph and said, "The truck was my uncle's pride and joy. It was a 1956 Chevrolet pickup in perfect condition. It was the model that had the Bel Air front end and sides up to the bed. The fenders were an extension of the Bel Air fenders, but came up higher at the back end. it was two-tone blue and white. He had done one thing to modify it: he had had the window in the back of the cab made larger, and a grill placed over it. He always said that way he could see better out of the rear, but if the load was big and shifted, it wouldn't break the window.

"Yes, I guess we had better call the sheriff. Before we go, I want to look at the orchard." Walking through the orchard and vineyard, Jean felt close to his uncle, even though he was now dead. Inspecting the harvest, he could see some fruit on the ground. The grapes could use some tending, but there would be a big harvest, if properly cared for.

They returned to Ralph's home and called the sheriff. A couple of hours later, a tall, dark-haired young officer arrived to take a report. The details were fairly straightforward. The officer asked a few questions about the burglary and fire, then asked Jean where he could be contacted if there were any further questions.

Jean looked at Ralph and said, "Well, I guess here. Mr. Johansen took me in when I was stranded, car broken down, and he's offered to put me up while I am trying to get things straightened out. That's okay, Ralph, isn't it?"

Ralph nodded yes, and said, "Deputy, he can stay here as long as he wants. I'm a widower, and it's nice to have company for a change."

"I'll call your office if there's any change," Jean said, then escorted the officer to the door. "Here's a key to the house. I believe there's one hidden on the property that I can use. When do you think you can finish your inspection? I'd like to get started repairing the damage.

"First, I have to contact the attorney, get a copy of the insurance policy on the house, and contact the insurance agency. That will probably take three or four days. Is there a number I could phone to see how the investigation is proceeding?"

The officer looked a bit flustered. "Our arson detective is on vacation, I don't know who will be handling this case. I can call you when I get back to the office with the name of whoever will be assigned. Here's my card. Thank you for your assistance." With that, the officer tipped his hat and left.

Jean looked at the business card of Deputy Bob White, and returned to the living room where Ralph suggested they might go to Mary's Coffee Shop for lunch. They talked of the orchard and vineyard at the farm as they walked to the restaurant. Jean had seen that the grapes needed some care, but there was a bumper crop, and the crop looked healthy. The fruit trees were producing a fine crop also, but wind must have knocked quite a few fruit to the ground. Just taking care of the orchard and vineyard would keep him busy for quite a while.

The damage to the farmhouse was not major, but it would be some time before it would be livable. Jean said to Ralph, "It's only right that I should contribute to the upkeep of your house while I'm here."

"No, you don't need to pay anything. The house is all paid for, and the other expenses aren't much. I'm just glad to have you stay with me. You will, won't you?"

"Well, at least for now. I'm happy to have a place to stay, and happy to be with you. Okay, how does it sound if I provide the food and do the cooking?"

"You got it!"

Ralph opened the door to Mary's Coffee Shop and announced to Helen that Jean was back, healthy, and in need of some good food. Mary smiled at them, asked they if they wanted to sit at the counter or a booth. Ralph chose to sit at the counter, so he could tell Helen of his good fortune in meeting Jean.

Jean put forward his hand to Helen and said, "I'm Jean Pierre Roualt, but everybody calls me Jean. I hope you will."

Helen took his hand, smiled, and said, "How do you like your coffee?"

Jean replied, "Just black, like Ralph."

"Oh, so he's trained you. I should have known." Helen chuckled and shortly returned with the coffee carafe, filled the cups arranged on the counter, and handed each man a menu.

Ralph said, "I'll have a BLT."

Helen looked to Jean and asked, "Would you like to take a minute or two to scan the menu?" Jean nodded yes, and returned to the menu.

A couple of minutes later, as Jean looked up from the menu, Helen was in front of him to take his order, just a bowl of beef vegetable soup.

Ralph waited until Helen had gone to the cook's window to enter the order, then asked, "Do you think that deputy is gay? Or, what do they call a man who likes sex with men and woman? Anyway, one of those men?"

"My gaydar is pretty good, but I don't know about Deputy Bob White. He seemed to do a double-take when you said I could stay with you. I think he guessed we are more than casual friends. I don't see how he could have missed the smiles we exchanged. And, the term for men who like sex with both men and women is bisexual', or bi' for short. What he likes or does, I don't know, but I'll bet we can learn."

Ralph ate his BLT and the accompanying pickle with relish. Jean liked the soup and told Helen. Then he insisted on paying the check. He left a large tip for Helen.

As they left the restaurant, Jean looked at a passing truck, then asked Ralph, "Did you see that truck?" Ralph shook his head, no. "Well, it was just like my uncle's truck, big rear window and grill over it, but painted olive green. It wasn't much of a paint job either. My uncle never painted any car or truck olive green; wouldn't have anything to do with olive green.

"I'll bet that's my uncle's truck, and whoever stole it painted it a hideous color for camouflage. I want to call Deputy Bob White as soon as we get home."

Back at Ralph's home, Jean called the Sheriff's department and asked for Deputy White. The telephone operator told him that Officer White was out on assignment, and asked if the caller would like to tell what the need was. Jean recited the details of the arson, the stolen pickup truck, and its apparent sighting in town. Then he gave his name and the phone number of Ralph's home. The operator verified the details and promised to leave a message for Deputy White.

Before Ralph could more than take off his shirt and get comfortable, the door bell rang. Deputy White stood on the porch and asked to come in. Deputy White scanned Ralph's bare chest while Ralph called out to Jean that Deputy White had come. Then he invited Deputy White into the living room. Jean came from the bedroom, putting on his shirt, and greeted Deputy White. The deputy looked at Jean's bare chest, then turned his gaze to Jean's face.

"You certainly got here fast. I barely hung up the phone, and here you are."

Jean put out his hand to shake Deputy White's hand. Jean took Deputy White's hand, shook it, and continued to hold it while he led him to the sofa.

"I-I-I was just finished with an investigation nearby, and the office called to tell me to call you. Instead, I came here directly. Now, tell me the news."

Jean described the pickup truck he saw passing by Mary"s Coffee Shop, particularly the amateurish olive green paint job. Deputy White took careful notes, asking a detailed description of the rear window and grill. When he was done, he carefully put his pen in his pocket, thanked Jean, reached out his hand and patted Jean's hand. Then he left with a promise to put out a bulletin on the pickup for all law enforcement officers in the county.

As Jean closed the door behind Deputy White, he turned to Ralph and said, "Now there's no question about his sexuality. He's gay. Your gaydar may tell you that now.

Ralph looked nonplussed. "What's gaydar? I've never heard the word before."

Jean chuckled, then said, "That's your lesson for the day. You already know you enjoy sex with a man. Gaydar can be pretty reliable in telling you if someone enjoys sex with a man.

"There are clues you might notice. Such as interest in another man's body. He stared at my chest before looking at my face. I shook his hand and he continued to hold my hand. Hands still together, I led him to the sofa. When we were done, he patted my hand. Straight men don't do that. They shake hands, and they don't look at a man's body with such interest. We'll learn more about him, I'm sure, and I'm sure we'll see much more of him than just professional visit."

"Well, well. We never cease to learn, do we?" Ralph replied. "I did notice that he looked for a bit at my bare chest when I opened the door. I seem to be learning a lot today. Now, let's see what we're going to do this afternoon. How about a bit of a cuddle, and maybe some lovemaking?"

"Say no more," Jean answered, heading toward the bedroom. Ralph followed.

Ralph cuddled up to the nude man beside him and began to stroke his hair. He asked Jean, "You have made me a very happy man, and the love making is wonderful, but what may I do to give you pleasure?"

Jean slowly responded, "You give me great pleasure when I suck your cock, or when you fuck me. I am very happy."

"But that's not enough. Wouldn't you like me to suck your cock, or for you to fuck me?"

Jean's body stiffened, then he slowly replied, "That can't happen, love. I had prostate cancer and my prostate was removed. I can't get hard any more." Jean's eyes filled with tears. "I'm afraid I'm not man enough for you."

"I'm sorry," Ralph hugged and kissed Jean, then said, "You're plenty man for me.. You're wonderful. You've given me back my life." He stroked Jean's hair, kissed his neck, and cuddled up close. "Let's get some rest so we can be ready for a busy day."

Ralph and Jean stayed quiet, each thinking of how blessed they were to have found the man who gave him a new life. Then sleep, a restful sleep, came to each man.

Authors appreciate comments and suggestions.

Next: Chapter 6

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