Surprise Guest

By Dastardlyd

Published on Jun 29, 2011


To the reader:

This story contains sex between adult males. They do not practice safe sex. You should, unless you are in a committed relationship and know your partner's health status.

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____________________________________________________________________________ Surprise Guest

Chapter 22

Hal thought about the orgy as he went to Ft Ord to be discharged. Would this new life be something where he felt out of place, or would he fit in? Bob also pondered the orgy as he reported in for duty, and returned to the administrative work the Sheriff required for anyone seeking to become an investigator. The day passed rapidly for both, and they kissed when they met again at Ralph's house.

Ralph and Jean had had a day to themselves, and spent quite a bit of time in bed. First, kissing, then cuddling, then caressing. Ralph remembered that Jean had not come for a while, and he ought to be given the pleasure of an orgasm.

Ralph moved from kissing Jean to licking his chin, moving along the jaw line to his right ear. When his tongue touched Jean's ear, Jean gave a small giggle. Ralph circled Jean's right ear, and Jean giggled some more and said, "Lover, that's a sensitive spot I don't think anybody every touched before, and I like it. Lick the other ear, and put your tongue in it."

Ralph did lick the left eat and stick his tongue in it, and Jean wiggled his body and giggled some more. Ralph moved down Jean's beautiful bare chest, licking, then sucking both Jean's nipples. Then he licked down Jean's chest, passing through his navel, and arriving at Jean's crotch. He passed by Jean's cock to lick first one ball, then the other, then taking both balls in his mouth, he began to hum. As Jean's balls vibrated, Jean wiggled rapidly, put his hands on Ralph's head and said, "I love it, Love. Keep licking my balls and I'll be ready soon."

Ralph gently pushed Jean's balls out of his mouth and licked Jean's cock along the underside. He came back to the head and gently sucked it into his mouth, circling the underside of his circumcised head with his tongue. Jean did more than wiggle, his body thrashed about, and he warned Ralph, "Much more and I'm going to cum."

Ralph continued to suck Jean's cock going up and down the shaft, tightening his lips' grip on Jean's cock. Jean began to thrash about more and more. Suddenly, Jean's body shook several times. Ralph knew Jean had cum, a good strong orgasm. Jean shouted, "Oh, Love, that was wonderful." Jean paused for a few seconds and continued, " It feels as good to me as if I were shooting sperm into your mouth. I wish I could do it, but you'll have to accept me as I am."

Ralph's reply was quick, "I don't have to guess, I know when you cum. I can feel your body move just as much as if you were fucking me. When we make love together, both of us share the orgasm. I am with you as you cum. I hope you feel the same way when you suck my cock, or I fuck you."

"No question, Ralph. We are truly joined together. I've played around a lot more than you might guess, but I never knew what real love making was until we met. Now I'm spoiled. I know you can take me to the heights, and do it often. I am much blessed."

"Would you like me to suck your cock? Or, do you want to put it inside me?" Ralph just said, "No," and invited Jean to cuddle against Ralph's chest while they took a nap.

That night when Hal and Bob returned, Jean had a nice dinner. After dinner, they sat drinking coffee, hugging their partners, perhaps letting hands wander into crotches. Jean asked, "Hal, how do you feel about going to Carlos and Harold's house Saturday night if Victor is there and hotter than Hell? You know you don't have to go, or if you do, you don't have to participate."

Hal took a moment to reflect, then said, "Well, I'm going to play it by ear. If I feel it's getting to be too much for me, I'll just go sit in the car."

"And I'll join him," Bob added quickly. "What we are is two men in a loving couple. If something isn't right for one, it isn't right for both."

"Hear, hear," Ralph chimed in. "Jean and I feel the same way. We were shocked when Victor started to get aggressive, but we kept him under control. If he had started any rough stuff, I could easily have kept him under my control. I wouldn't have to deck him to make him understand what we didn't want to do. And, we would have left there at once."

"It's been a busy day for you two, being back at work. I think it's time for bed for all. What you do in your bed is your business. Same with Ralph and me," Jean declared. "Good night." They all rose, exchanged hugs and kisses, and went to their bedroom.

The next morning, all four men were agreed to be ready to go to Carlos and Harold's home around 5:45 p.m. That would bring them to the party at 6 p.m.

After a busy day, all the men cleaned up and headed to their hosts' home. Hal had stopped by a florist shop and picked up some roses. He explained, "I've always liked roses. My mother liked roses, and we had them around the house. As I traveled, I've learned that roses are hearty, and can thrive in almost any climate. In snow country, you have to cover them in the Winter. In the desert, you have to water often, and keep the water off the leaves. In Monterey County they almost grow like weeds."

The men got dressed in just t-shirts, shorts and sandals, no underwear. As they gathered in the living room for last preparations, Bob said he would like to drive his truck, so that he and Hal could leave early if they wished. That was fine with Ralph and Jean, so the four set out in the two trucks.

They had been told not bring anything to the dinner party. They all were bringing some trepidation, concerned about what Victor might do. As they thought, each one silently hoped that their hosts would keep everything under control.

As expected, Harold and Carlos greeted them at the door wearing no clothes. Behind them could be seen Victor and Albert. After the hosts greeted them with hugs, Albert and Victor came forward, Victor wearing a big red ribbon around his cock and balls. His cock seemed almost fully engorged, on its way to a full erection. Albert and Victor hugged all four in order. Victor took the opportunity to rub his cock against each new arrival's crotch. The new arrivals all moved quickly away from Victor.

The hosts beckoned the new arrivals into the family room where Victor's and Albert's clothing was neatly piled on chairs. With a wave of his hand, Carlos invited them to remove their clothes. As they disrobed, he asked them what they would like to drink. Ralph and Jean both asked for wine. Bob said he might be called to duty tonight, so he had better stay off the liquor. Harold immediately offered a soda, lemonade, iced tea, water, or orange juice. Bob chose iced tea. Hal seconded the selection. He was still too close to the accident to bring any alcohol into his system.

With drinks in hand, they all were seated in the family room. Carlos told Jean that the permits were in, and the work of remodeling could begin. First, the demolition of the old garage, then the new construction. The weather looked to be dry and warm, which was ideal for the work to be done. Carlos would tell Jean when the water needed to be turned off.

Surprisingly, Victor did not try to interrupt the recitation of the construction details, nor did he try to take over when Harold was asked about their home: how long they had lived there, did they make any changes, how was the neighborhood meeting their expectations, and the neighbors.

"Well, you see two of our neighbors here, and they have been good neighbors. We like the neighborhood. We knew it well, for both of us grew up near here, and we knew a lot of people.

"The house? That was a challenge. Carlos will tell you about that."

Carlos smiled and began, "We bought the house really for the acreage on which it sits. We're able to store all our equipment and vehicles in the big sheds back behind those trees that are back behind the swimming pool. We have room enough to add some storage sheds, or even to have a big garden. The business has been so good for the past two years we haven't had time to plant and stay up with a garden.

"The house? Well, it was pretty bad when we bought it. We knew it would take a lot of work. It was only a small two-bedroom, one bath cottage when we bought it. We added an office, this family room, and a large master bedroom and bath. We couldn't do all of it at once. it took about a year to finish it the way you see it.

"Along the way we found some things that surprised us. When this house was built, they were still putting oak floors into most of the rooms, and though covered by cheap, soiled carpet, we were able to refinish the floors in all but the kitchen and bathrooms, giving us the wood floor we wanted. We decided on vinyl in the kitchen and tile in the bathrooms. Harold always told me that he wanted a floor in the kitchen where, if you dropped something, it wouldn't shatter the tile.

"The fireplace was walled over. When we tore the sheet rock away, we found a good fireplace, quite usable, which only needed the stone mantle you can see. We were able to match it pretty well to the face of the fireplace, so it looks like they were built at the same tine.

"So, you can see that we got what we wanted, and we both enjoy it," Harold added. "Would you like the tour? Just follow me." Harold led the later guests into the office and guest bedrooms, noting that the master bedroom and bath were far away from the guest room. He and Carlos liked the privacy they felt when guests stayed with them. When all eight men got into the large master bedroom, the hosts carefully kept Victor separated from the later guests. Then all returned to the family room.

Ralph asked Albert how the Summer was going for them. Albert smiled, and said, "Well, I'm retired, so I can do a bit around the house, help out friends, and maybe stay up with Victor.

"That's a big job in itself, Albert, Victor is always so busy, both at work, and around the area. Tell me about your latest conquests," Ralph joked.

Victor immediately answered, "You know we've got some remodeling in the Court House, and we've had to move things around during the project. My desk got moved over to a corner with bad light. I complained about not being able to see my work, so they sent an hunky electrician to deal with it. He had to move my desk, and asked for help. I pushed the end of the desk too far, and it rested up against him. It didn't hurt him, but I had to help him get the desk moved back a bit, and to get him out of the pile of boxes which were around him.

"One thing led to another, and my hand touched his crotch. I didn't mean to rub it, but it looked a bit dusty, so I was helping him out. He smiled at me and asked if I'd mind him helping me out. Of course, I said I'd appreciate it. He grabbed my arm and pulled me behind a pile of boxes, put his arms around me, kissed me, and rubbed his crotch against mine.

"He asked if there was a place we could strip and get it on. I led him to a rest room off a judge's office. I knew the judge was on vacation. We went in the room, locked the door, and tore each other's clothes off. Right away he had me bent over a wash basin, pushed his cock against my ass, and shoved it right in. It hurt going in, but it felt so good bottoming out in my ass that I forgot the pain. He fucked me hard and fast. In just a few minutes he was pounding me like I'd never been fucked before. Then he shouted that he was cumming, and he filled me with a very big load of cum."

"Well, you certainly manage to fill your time with lots of sex," Ralph replied. "Albert, does Victor keep you busy at home, too? When does he find time to cook?"

Albert looked a bit unhappy as he said, "That's something we need to talk about, Victor and me."

Victor chimed in with a cheery voice, "I'm always giving Albert something to talk about. I'm the life of the party, and I bring the party with me."

Harold announced that dinner was ready. They trooped into the dining room and sat couples together, Harold and Carlos at the ends of the table. Harold passed around the big bowl of tossed salad, saying, "Here's the staple of the Salinas Valley, our lettuce, tomatoes, mushrooms, artichoke hearts, with the addition of some avocados from Southern California." When everyone was served, Carlos asked them to join hands as he led a short blessing of the food, the hands that prepared it, and a blessing upon the assembled crowd. Then the eating began.

Victor sat between Albert and Jean. He tried to excite Jean with some handwork, rubbing his cock and balls, but Jean just continued eating without comment. Victor hadn't stopped to think that both he and Jean were bottoms, and wouldn't appeal to each other. Finally, he gave up trying to excite Jean and ate his salad.

The conversation centered around the work Carlos and Harold, and their crew were beginning for Jean on his farmhouse. Carlos and Harold had both gotten into the pleasure of bringing back a well-worn farmhouse into shape, and adding several rooms. It appeared Jean wanted it to be a focus for much of the gay community, with barbecues and parties like his uncle had hosted. Of course, there would be potlucks, rather than Jean preparing all the food. Everyone who came would bring something to share. There would be new people to meet, old friends to see, and the hot tub to share. "Is that right, Jean?"

Jean smiled and said, "Well, we may not manage to entertain as much as my uncle did, but we'll give it a try."

When dinner was over, Carlos invited the guests to return to the family room, where coffee and dessert would be served. As the guests got up from the table, Victor planted himself in front of Hal, trying to rub against him. Hal moved to the side, but Victor followed him, again trying to rub his cock against Hal's. Bob saw what was happening and took Victor's arm, pulling him away from Hal, and said, "That's enough, Victor, Hal and I are partners, and you are not invited into our relationship."

Albert looked at Victor, took his other arm, and said, "Come on, let's get dressed. We're going home."

Victor pleaded, "But we haven't had our coffee and dessert yet, and I haven't gotten to know Hal and Bob."

"You've gotten to know them both as much as you're going to. We're going home. We'll discuss your hot pursuit of sex wherever and whenever. For us, the party's over." Albert made his apologies to Harold and Carlos, then literally pulled Victor away from the other men, stood over him as they dressed, and pulled him out of the house.

"Sorry about that," Carlos said to his guests. "Victor just doesn't know when to stop grabbing at cocks, bragging about conquests, embarrassing Albert and generally making a fool of himself. I don't think that couple can last unless things change. So, how about some coffee and dessert? I think we can move back to the dining table without worrying if somebody is going paw an unwilling neighbor. Jean, I could tell that Victor was pawing you. You seemed to handle it well."

Jean laughed and said, "Victor is such a clod. He thinks he's God's gift to the Salinas Valley. He doesn't compare to my Ralph, or to the rest of you. I feel sorry for Albert. I agree that they probably won't stay together. Albert doesn't have to put up with all that. It's his house and his money. Victor wanted a sugar daddy, and I'll bet that Albert enjoyed the attention Victor gave him. Victor can be fun in bed when he wants to, but he doesn't know the word monogamy, or even honesty with his partner. I'll bet Albert hadn't even heard the latest story. Victor just told it to become the center of attention. That he was, but it was pity we felt, no admiration."

After all had finished the coffee and the special citrus cookies Harold had made, Carlos invited them out to the big hot tub in the back yard. They all trooped out, climbed in, and soon couples were kissing, caressing, cuddling, then the water moved rapidly showing that some hands were on cocks. Ralph had put Jean on his lap and was fucking him while running his hand up and down Jean's cock. Hal and Bob were kissing, rubbing their chests and crotches against each other, getting harder and harder. Carlos and Harold were kissing and beating each other off. Soon all came, and Jean bounced off Ralph's lap.

The conversations were softly spoken, the kisses gentle, and all began to relax. In a few minutes, Ralph said, "I guess we ought to be going. Bob has to work tomorrow, and Jean is still taking care of the vineyard with the help of Sean and Juan, and what little help I can give."

The hugs and thanks were genuine and the guests left feeling they had a good start on a long friendship. On the way home, each couple was quiet, and apart from some gentle pats and caresses, quite satisfied with their partners.

At home, all got ready for bed, climbed into bed with partners, kissed, caressed and cuddled as sleep overtook them.

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Next: Chapter 23

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