Surprise Guest

By Dastardlyd

Published on Feb 4, 2011


From the author to the readers:

This story includes male to male sex. If it is illegal for you to read this because of age or what laws govern your reading material, please do not read this story.

You will note that the characters ask each other before having unprotected sex. It is unwise to have unprotected sex if you can not trust your partner. These characters did trust one another.

Surprise Guest

Chapter Two

Jean's slender frame seemed made to cuddle close to Ralph's bigger body. They sat, looking at the fire, not saying anything until Jean began to speak.

"It is certainly kind of you to take me in while I see what I can salvage from my uncle's home. I don't know what would have become of me if you hadn't taken charge, brought me home, cleaned me up and warmed me up.

Ralph began to speak, "It was nothing. Anyone would have done it." Admittedly, he was surprised he had made the offer for Jean to stay with him, but he didn't want to lose this new friend.

Jean quickly interrupted, "No, nobody else jumped forward as you did, and I'll be eternally grateful. You see, as I walked from Gomez's Garage to the coffee shop, I saw that the town I once knew is mainly empty and decrepit buildings. I didn't see any other business open on my walk to the coffee shop. Not a soul passed me on the sidewalk. The few cars that passed me didn't slow down. I don't think anybody saw me."

Ralph spoke, "Since the highway passed by the town, we have lost almost all our businesses. Mary's Coffee Shop hangs on because people have been going there for many years. People come from miles around for the food and the service.

"When the highway passed us by, and the businesses began to close, we lost most of our residents. I was a school principal at the town school. We saw our student population dwindle, and finally, the county closed the school and now buses the children 15 miles to a bigger school up north. That's when I retired, and I chose to stay here."

"My uncle taught at the school here. His name was Jean Pierre Roualt. maybe you remember him."

Ralph though for a moment, then answered, "He had already retired by the time I came to town. I met him once, when the school was ordered closed, and we had a final ceremony. All the former teachers and students were invited to join the existing faculty, administration and students. As I remember, he was about your height, and now, looking at you, I can see a family resemblance."

"Ah, that family resemblance." Jean laughed "Oh, yes, how my father hated that. Father was in the Army, a colonel of Infantry. He was all man, big, buff, muscular, tough-minded and acting. He hated my uncle. He used to call him `that sick little pervert'. Oh," he paused, regretting his revelation, "I shouldn't have said that, but I think everyone knew my uncle was gay. My father wouldn't have a thing to do with him. He was my mother's brother. After my mother died, when I was ten years old, my uncle was the only one who cared for me. To my father, I was just a burden."

He paused and began to speak again slowly, "After my mother died, father enrolled me in a military academy. He said it would make a man of me. I hated it. I was not good at sports, too small to play football in the line, and too used to being able to go to my room and read when my father became angry at my mother or me. At the academy, there wasn't any place to be alone. And for the weekends and holidays, when other boys went home, I was stuck at the academy. My father was overseas, and there was no home to go to."

"What happened to you?" Ralph asked, shocked.

"My first Christmas holiday at the academy, the staff at the academy all left. Before he left, the commander said I couldn't stay there because everything would be locked up. I was asked if there wasn't some relative I could go to. I remembered my uncle, but I didn't know where he lived, just some place in California. Luckily, my school records showed my uncle's name and phone number. They called him, explained the need, and he offered to take me in. I sat alone outside for three hours, on my suitcase, waiting for him to collect me. When he arrived, he told me his name, gave me a big hug, and told me to get into his pickup.

"After we started to his home, he asked all about me, what I liked to do, what I was studying at the academy, and what I wanted to do with my life. At age ten, you don't have your life all planned out, but I knew I didn't want to go into the Army and be an officer like my father. My mother died, there was a funeral, and I was at the academy in a couple of days. I still hadn't gotten over her death. I guess I began to cry. I remember my uncle pulling the car to the side of the road, shutting off the engine, then wrapping his arms around me while I sobbed out my grief.

"I remember how he stroked my hair, just like my mother did. He spoke softly, told me I wasn't alone any more, and that I always had a place to stay with him."

Ralph sat up and asked, "How did your father handle that?"

"Of course, my father was very angry when he learned I'd spent Christmas with my uncle, but there wasn't much he could do. The academy wasn't prepared to keep cadets over the Christmas or Easter holidays, or summer vacation. He finally gave his permission for me to spend those times with my uncle. Those were the only happy times in my school days after my mother died."

Ralph asked, "Didn't you have any other relatives? I don't mean to say anything against your uncle, but didn't your father plan for your safety in an emergency?"

"No, I had no family that I ever heard of. And, he just wanted to be rid of me. That's why he put me in the military academy, instead of taking me with him overseas. I think he went to Germany after he sent me to the academy. When he would finish an assignment some place, come to the states on a new assignment, I would see him for a quick meal at some restaurant, then he'd be gone again.

"Frankly, I didn't miss him at all. All he ever did was lecture me about what I should do and be. He didn't get to know me at all. I wasn't big and strong, as he expected his son to be. I was small, like my mother, and my uncle, the one he hated.

"When graduation was a few days away, I was told that my father had been killed in an accident. His body was brought back to the Presidio of San Francisco, where he had been stationed. The commander took me to the funeral there. Afterwards, he drove me back to the academy. My uncle came to my graduation, then took me home with him."

Jean paused, then continued, "I didn't miss my father. I didn't really know him. I thought I ought to be sad, but he was just some shouting disciplinarian who happened to be related to me. I was glad to be my uncle's nephew, and to live with him.

"Each holiday, and during the summer, we would care for his vineyard and his garden. My uncle may have been an educated English and French teacher, but at heart he was a gardener. He loved to put his hands into the soil, let it fall between his fingers, and to talk about how important it was to keep the soil healthy, loose, not too dry, and not too wet. he would feed it carefully, tenderly. His grapes were his pride and joy. His harvest was always bountiful and sought after. Because of his success as a farmer, he could pay my college expenses and give me a car. I came home every weekend and holiday. He took me to France and most of the continent. I was always glad to return, for I loved my home and my uncle. He adopted me after my father died. That's how our names are the same.

"I'll never forget him. He was kind, encouraging, generous, a loving man. I can remember when we'd sit before the fireplace, just like this, and he would have his arm around me, like you do. Then he's reach over, turn my face to his and kiss me."

Jean started to lean forward, towards Ralph, then he seemed to think twice, and rapidly pulled back.

"Oh, oh, I shouldn't have said that. Well, ... he loved me, and he showed it. I loved him and I showed it, too."

"No, don't stop," said Ralph. "Show me how he kissed you."

Jean gently turned Ralph's face to him, leaned forward, and kissed Ralph gently. He began to lean back, but Ralph put his hand out and drew Jean back for another kiss, this time longer and firmer. Ralph knew what he wanted. He wanted to be loved as Jean had been loved, and he knew that Jean knew how to show his love.

Ralph's big hands encircled Jean's body and lifted him onto Ralph's lap. Ralph brought his lips to Jean's and said, "Jean, you are such a sweet man. I find myself wanting to hold you, caress you, and kiss you. I admit I liked the feeling of your body next to mine when we were in the bed. I'd like to do it again. Would you mind?"

Jean didn't answer. He scooted off Ralph's lap, took Ralph's hand in his, and led him back to the bedroom.

Ralph stated to remove his clothes, but Jean stopped him, "No, let me. I want the pleasure of revealing that nice body slowly." As the shirt was unbuttoned, Jean said, "My, my what a beautiful furry chest you have." He gently rubbed it, particularly the nipples. Ralph felt something stir down below.

Jean unbuckled Ralph's belt, lowered his zipper, and unbuttoned the waist button. Ralph's pants fell to the floor. An engorged cock tumbled out.

Jean was surprised that Ralph wore no underwear. Ralph was surprised, delighted and somewhat embarrassed to have to admit, "I don't like underwear. I haven't worn it since I retired. I don't even wear clothes around the house. Nobody comes here, and I'm more comfortable without clothes. If I ever had any modesty, I lost it long ago."

Jean reached out and gently touched Ralph's penis, "Nice cock you've got there, Ralph." Then he, too, disrobed, and led Ralph to bed.

Once in bed, Jean and Ralph turned to face each other, and leaned forward to kiss. When they moved closer together, each of the two penises pressed against the other's body, though Ralph's was below Jean's by several inches, and it kept trying to punch between his legs and come up behind Jean's legs. Jean moved his legs so as to rub that beautiful cock, which grew harder.

Ralph's arms encircled Jean, his big hands gently caressed Jean's slender body, and drew him close. Jean stroked Ralph's furry chest, rubbing against his nipples, with each caress feeling the big penis jump between his legs. With each caress, Jean felt Ralph drawing him closer and closer. Jean pulled back from a kiss and asked, "Ralph, I'd like to suck your cock. Do you mind?"

Ralph admitted, "No man has ever touched my cock, let alone sucked it. I don't mind, but I don't know what I should be doing."

"Don't do a thing, just enjoy it. Now, roll onto your back, spread your legs apart, so I can get between them, and relax. I'll do the rest. You tell me if you don't like something I do, and if you're close to cumming."

Ralph rolled onto his back, spread his legs, and felt the slender body of Jean in place, his hands moving up Ralph's legs, touching his scrotum, then rubbing back down to his ankles. Again, the hands moved up to the scrotum, this time holding one testicle while the other hand moved gently back and forth along the underside of the penis.

"Beautiful equipment you've got, Ralph. Such a nice cock and balls. And you have taken care of your body. You have nice definition of your chest, flat tummy, strong legs. All in all, you're a sight for sore eyes."

Jean leaned forward, replaced the hand with his tongue, licking the underside of the penis. After three or four trips up and down the penis, Jean's tongue touched the slit in the penis, where a drop of precum had appeared. "Ummmmm. Sweet precum, Ralph, I can't wait to take your full load."

The tongue circled the ridge of the penis three or four times, pushed into the slit once or twice, then Jean's mouth slowly swallowed the penis. A few trips up and down the penis, and Ralph cried out, "I'm going to come. Uh, uh, here I come!" And come he did, shooting six times, a big load, and Jean took every bit of it, keeping the penis in his mouth, gently circling it until all the cum had been emptied into his mouth. Then he raised up, crawled over Ralph's body to his open mouth and shared the beautiful cum which was on his tongue.

"That was `awesome', as the youngsters say. Do you always shoot so much cum?"

Ralph thought a moment, then replied, "I don't think so. I don't know. I haven't cum that much since I was a teenager. Something came over me. I think it was a handsome man who swept me off my feet...and out of my clothes. Now come here and let me hold you in my arms." Jean did just that, feeling the warmth of Ralph's body, the gentle way he caressed Jean's body, and the kisses he showered on him. Jean relaxed, put his head on Ralph's chest, and soon was asleep.

Ralph held Jean loosely, enjoying the closeness, the afterglow following his first blow job. He wondered how he, a widower, could have gone through life without knowing the lovemaking of a man. He shook his head and realized that this was his first lovemaking since before Louise's cancer surgery. It may have been a man, but he liked it, and what a man! In his gentle way, Jean had become a special person in Ralph's life. Ralph mulled that over for a while, then he, too, fell asleep.

To the readers:

The next chapter will be posted in a week. If you have any comments, please write me at

Next: Chapter 3

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