Surprise Guest

By Dastardlyd

Published on Jun 9, 2011



This chapter continues a story of fictitious people and circumstances. There is sex between adult males. If you are under age, or offended by such sex, please stop reading now. Be aware that the characters are not observing safe sex procedures. Only in fiction should we fail to take adequate protections against sexually-transmitted diseases.

Surprise Guest - A New Guest

Chapter Nineteen

Hal led Bob into the kitchen, poured them coffee and asked Bob, "Do you put anything in your coffee?"

Bob shook his head "no." "Since living with Jean and Ralph, I've gotten to enjoy black coffee if it's good, and theirs is. I don't get coffee at the fancy shops any more because they usually have the burned beans that go with all that whipped cream and stuff."

"Good, `cause I'm sure I don't have any milk in the house that's fit to drink after three weeks of sitting in the refrigerator."

The clothes dryer buzzed, signifying the clothes were dry. Hal handed Bob his uniform, which looked wrinkled. "Don't worry about the wrinkles, I'll have to take my uniform to the cleaners. I can wear it home, then change to shorts and a t-shirt. That's all I wear on my days off when I'm outside. Inside, I don't wear any clothes because that's the rule in Ralph's house.

"You look pretty good. You've got a great smile. What are your plans for today, Hal?"

"Well, I'm going to have to call the insurance agent to find out about replacing my car, and get some food in the house. Right now, I want to eat. What say we go have a late breakfast, or an early lunch?"

"I've got to go home and find some clothes to replace this uniform. I want you to meet Ralph and Jean. I'm sure they'd like to meet you, too. Let's get dressed, then go home."

Hal groaned, "Do we have to put on clothes? I was just enjoying being dry and warm, and not having to wear my uniform. I guess I can put on shorts and a t-shirt, too, but I was really hoping I could lure you back to bed for more lessons."

"Don't worry. You'll be getting lots of lessons. With your body, you'll have to fight men off with a club."

The men dressed, Bob in his wrinkled uniform, and Hal in shorts and a t-shirt. "You know, I look sort of odd wearing shorts with this brace on my leg. I guess I'll have to if this is going to be a warm day."

"You're fine. Nobody's going to look at your leg. The way you fill out that t-shirt, people will be looking at your body...and your package. Now, let's get going. Ralph's house is just a few minutes from here."

Bob and Hal arrived at Ralph's house in a short time. Bob led the way into the house, shouting, "I'm home." Jean and Ralph rushed into the living room to see why Bob was home this time of day. They were both nude, and when they noticed Bob had brought a man with him, they both apologized for not being dressed to greet a guest.

Bob introduced Hal to Ralph and Jean, saying, "I told him the rules of the house, nobody wears clothes."

Hal skinned rapidly out of his clothes, and put his hand out to greet them. Ralph and Jean shook hands, then Jean said, "Would you like some coffee? We almost always have a fresh pot, or I can make some."

Ralph and Jean looked at Bob as he took off his wrinkled uniform. He spoke, "I went into the sheriff's substation to make my report. I was put on administrative leave until the investigation into the shooting is finished. So, I went to the cemetery, to leave the rose Jean gave me at Roy's grave. I lost it at Roy's grave. I cried so hard that I couldn't see when I stood up. I turned and almost knocked Hal down We were both crying, he'll tell you why."

"My wife, newborn son and I were in an accident. A speeding driver wiped out the rear of the car, killing them, and sending me to the hospital for three weeks." He sniffled, but bravely continued, "I've been in the hospital for over three weeks. Today I was discharged, and went to their grave with some flowers.

"Like Bob, I cried so hard I couldn't see. We stumbled into each other. Bob led me to a bench where I could cry. He held me. We talked. Then the cemetery's sprinklers turned on, and we got soaked. He took me to his truck, and gave me a ride home. I don't have a vehicle any more.

Both Ralph and Jean offered their condolences. Hal continued, "We dried our wet clothes, had some coffee, then came here. He was going to change his clothes, then we'd go to lunch."

"No need to go out. I always have something to eat here," Jean said. How about sandwiches and coffee?"

"Sounds fine with me," Hal answered. As Jean and Ralph led them to the kitchen, he whispered to Bob, "May I have some more lessons after lunch?"

Ralph heard some of it, and asked, "What kind of lessons do you need? Jean and I are teachers, and between the two of us, we can probably help you, either by us teaching, or suggest someone else."

Hal chuckled, then said, "It's kind of personal." Then he admitted, "After we got dry, we cuddled in bed, and before you knew it, we were rubbing our bodies together."

"That's Bob," Ralph smiled and said, "Did he take you over the edge?"

"Yeah. I didn't know being with a sexy man could give me such pleasure. I've never been in bed with a man before. Oh, sure, in Iraq I'd beat off with other guys. You get so horny that you have to take some time for yourself, and you don't have much privacy, so you beat off when you have the time and where you have the space.

"Bob kissed me and rubbed his hands over me. It was a first time, but, I hope, not the last time."

"If you want, after lunch, we can show you a few things, too," Ralph volunteered while chuckling.

Jean brought out the makings for sandwiches and said, "Here make the sandwich you want. The coffee will be ready shortly."

"I've never been with nude men before. That is, outside of the barracks or a tent. It feels good not to have a uniform chafing the skin."

"Good. This is the way we dress at home. Now, eat up," Jean said.

As they ate, Ralph asked, "How can we help? Do you have a car to get around? With that leg brace, should you be driving? We can help you with shopping. Has the insurance company arranged to repair or replace your car?"

"I had better call the agent. They know about the accident. While I was in the hospital I reported the accident. My insurance paid part of my hospital bills, I believe."

"When you're finished, how about calling your agent now? Here's a phone. Do you need a telephone book?" Ralph asked.

"No," Hal replied, I have his card in my wallet here." He brought out his wallet as Ralph handed him the cordless phone. He went into the living room to make the call.

"Bob, what's this administrative leave? Are they suspending you, or cutting off your salary?" Jean asked.

"No. It's not punishment. It's just that when an officer kills a perpetrator, he is put on administrative leave till the investigation is finished. When that's done, I'll be back at work."

"Now, let me tell you about Hal."

"Yes. Please do. He looks great. I'm glad you were there to help him," Ralph said. "It's nice you two had some loving together. I'll bet he needed it after losing his wife and child. Does he have any family nearby?"

"No. He told me he's all alone. The Army is going to discharge him. They told him he can't return to full duty, so they are discharging him. He was worried what he could work at. The man's a trained helicopter mechanic. I told him he'll have no trouble getting a job with someone in the Salinas Valley. I'm sure between the three of us, we can help him find a job. But, not yet. He's still recuperating. He had abdominal surgery. He seems to have recovered fairly well, and his leg's in a brace. I guess the fractures required more than just setting the bones."

Hal returned, handed the phone to Ralph and said, "The agent in Salinas said I could come and collect the check. They didn't know where to send it because I wasn't at home. I need to get some groceries. Bob, could you give me a ride, and maybe take me to a car dealer to replace my car?"

"No problem, Hal. I'm probably on administrative leave for a week, and have time on my hands."

"You two come back here after your errands. I'll have a good dinner for you. Hal, if you want to stay here, Ralph has a guest room. You're welcome to stay here for a few days. That way, Bob can take you around the helicopter maintenance people, and you can learn about jobs."

"I didn't know you had a guest room," Bob interjected.

"Of course not, you shouldn't have been alone for those first few days, and we've enjoyed having you sleep with us. Haven't we, Ralph?"

"We sure have, Jean. Sleep and play with us. You're welcome to come play with us, too, Hal. But, we won't hold you up now when you've got to go to Salinas. We've got a big California King bed with lots of room for four men just waiting for your return.
Bob and Hal left to find the insurance agent. In Salinas, the agent had the check ready for Hal. Because his car was almost new, he could pay cash for a pickup to use at work. He chose an almost new Ford F-150, six cylinders, automatic transmission, just a two-door, but with space behind the seats for stowing things. He took immediate delivery, and followed Bob back to Ralph's house.

Bob had told him, "You can go grocery shopping tomorrow. You've had a big day, and you haven't completed your lessons." Hal admitted he was tired and needed some rest.

At Ralph's home, Ralph led them into the guest room, which had a queen-sized bed. "You're the first to use this. When Louise, came home from the hospital we donated all the nursery furniture and diapers and clothes we had collected. I wanted to relieve her of repeatedly seeing a baby's room when she would never have a baby. So, I replaced it, made it into a real guest room for adults. You're welcome to stay as long as you wish."

Both Hal and Bob thanked Ralph, then stripped and climbed into bed. Bob could feel Hal shaking. He put his arms around Hal and asked, "How are you? Let it all out. I'm here for you, and I know what it's like to lose the people you love."

Hal cried in Bob's arms. At length, he said, "I didn't expect to find fine people like you, and Ralph, and Jean. You see, my folks were poor fruit pickers. They worked hard to keep us kids in school. We never had much, but we knew we were loved. My brother was younger than me, and susceptible to people who were trying to lure him into using drugs. He did and died. My older sister got pregnant, tried an abortion at the hands of a man who claimed he knew what he was doing. She died of an infection.

"In Louisiana, a pregnant woman can't get a proper abortion without a lot of hurdles. And, if she's black, they figure out ways to keep her from it. She had the abortion, but she died of an infection. I remember how the white folk said, "Ain`t that just like a nigger? Get knocked up, then try to get rid of it?

"I knew I had to get out of there. The service was the only way. I was in Iraq when the big hurricane hit. My folks died. I guess the town died. I didn't ever want to go back. I met my wife, got married, fathered a child, and she and the baby died. I'm just bad luck."

Bob hugged Hal closer and said, "No. You're not. You've had a string of bad luck, and it's not your fault. You've come from nothing to be able to maintain helicopters. Not a lot of people can do that. I can't. You'll get a darned good paying job here, and you'll make friends. You've already become friends with Ralph and Jean. I don't go around making love with just anybody. You've got to be a friend. See? You've got three friends.

"Now, settle down, close your eyes, and let me hold you. I need you and your hugs." Bob kissed Hal, then turned on his side and pulled Hal to him. Hal's back to Bob's chest, Bob's arm over Hal's chest. Bob's cock swelled, and pushed against Hal's ass. Hal wiggled and it pushed between the cheeks.

"Oh, that feels good," Hal said. Let's try some things after we sleep."

They slept for several hours. When Hal awoke before Bob, he lay there, cuddled up to Bob, enjoying the closeness, the arm across his chest. He thought about how he had been taken in by wonderful men, fed, treated like a member of the family, and now he had Bob in his life. Bob's fingers began to tap his cock, then rub his balls.

"Say, are you going to give me the next lesson, Bob?"

Bob said nothing. He wrapped his fingers around Hal's cock, pulled him onto his back, leaned up and kissed him. "It's time for you to learn what your cock is for. You may think you know, but this is the next lesson."

Bob began to kiss Hal's face, his chin, his cheeks, his forehead, then his ears, his neck, and moved down to his chest. Hal had little hair on his chest, just a little around the nipples. Bob rubbed his face against the nipples, then touched each in order with his tongue. Gently he circled the nipples, then put his lips to them and began to suck.

"Oh, that feels so good, Bob. Don't stop." But Bob did stop sucking the nipples. He moved down the chest, licking back and forth till he got to the belly button. There he put his tongue in, then circled in bigger circles until he was at Hal's cock. One hand rubbed a finger on the under side of Hal's cock, which grew rapidly. The other hand gently held his balls, then reached under to stroke the perineum. Hal was wiggling, saying how good it felt.

Bob's lips touched Hal's cock, the tongue working on the circumcised head, then the underside, and finally swallowing the whole cock in one swallow.

"Oh, shit. That feels so good," Bob sighed. I never knew how good it could be when somebody gives you a blow job."

"I'm not just giving you a blow job, Hal. I'm making love." Bob's mouth returned to Hal's cock, taking it all in, then rushing out, building to a swift climax. Hal shot a big load into Bob's hungry mouth. Bob swallowed the first couple of shots, then held the rest. When Hal was done, and lying quietly, recovering, Bob kissed him on the lips, his tongue carrying Hal's cum into Hal's mouth for a taste. Hal tasted, then held Bob close as he kissed him

"Lordy, how you do it. I've never cum that way before, and your tongue on my body, and your mouth of my cock was wonderful. Let me recover a bit, and I'll try to please you, but I don't think I could ever do it as well."

"You will, Hal, because you're a loving man. Just take your time to enjoy your first lovemaking with a man. You don't have to make love to me now."

Hal pulled Bob on top, held him close, then kissed and caressed him. "Where did you learn to make love like this, Bob?"

"With Jean and Ralph. They taught me all I know. They are two loving guys. I thought I'd had sex before, and I did, but there's a big difference when you make love. Of course, you have to have the right person, one you can love. I hope you don't mind. I may just fall in love with you."

"Bob, why would I mind when a handsome man who gives of himself, who is a gentle, loving man, takes me into new areas of pleasure? And, yes, I could easily fall for you, but let's not talk more, let me give you pleasure."

Hal kissed Bob, moving around his face as Bob had kissed Hal, then attending to his chest, licking his nipples and sucking them. Bob groaned happy groans as Hal moved to his cock. Gentle licks on his balls and cock, then, before he knew it, Hal sucked his cock all the way to the root. Bob cried out, "Oh, yes. Suck it, take it in, go up and down." Bob's cock was hard as a rock. Hal only needed to make a few passes before Bob came. It was a big load. Hal had trouble keeping it all in his mouth. He swallowed some, but some covered Bob's cock. When the fury ended, Hal had some cum on his cheeks, but enough left in his mouth to bring to Bob as he kissed him. Bob cleaned off his cheeks, then pulled Hal on top, and kissed him again.

"Hal, Hal, you're such a quick learner, and good lover. I'm so lucky to have met you. If you hadn't held me when we stumbled together, I wouldn't have had a chance to get to know you." He chuckled, "I also would have fallen to the grass. When the sprinkler turned on, I would have been baptized by immersion. We Methodists don't do that."

"We Catholics don't do it either. Maybe we ought to shower together and try it out. Kiss me first, then we can get cleaned up. I guess we don't need to put on fresh clothes, or any clothes at all." They kissed and went to the bathroom for their shower.

Ralph saw them come out of the guest room and called, "You can use the big shower in the master bedroom. It's much larger. There are plenty of towels."

Bob led Hal into the master bedroom, then into the master bath. As he turned on the water in the shower, Hal said, "Ralph wasn't kidding. This shower is big enough for a squad formation. Just a minute while I take off this brace. I'm allowed to stand without it, but not to walk much."

"I wouldn't know about the capacity of this shower. I've only had three people in it at one time, but there seemed to be room for more. Here, let me wash your back, paying particular attention to your beautiful ass. Then I'll get your chest, and, of course, that beautiful cock and the balls." Bob washed Hal thoroughly, taking particular care to clean the cock and balls, and to run his middle finger through the cleft in the cheeks.

"Ooh, that feels so good," Hal said. "I didn't know my body had so many sensitive areas, and now my ass."

"We'll do more with that later. Here, take the soap and wash me. I want to feel your hands on me. Just don't beat me off. I'm still a bit tender.` Hal complied.

Out of the shower and dried off, they met Ralph and Jean in the living room. Everyone was nude, and they didn't feel self-conscious. Jean brought them coffee.

"Now that you've replaced the car, and Bob has captured you, what do you need to do? Is your house safe? Do you have to do anything?"

"It's a rental house. I don't need that much room if I'm going to live alone. I don't really want to stay there. I guess I'll find an apartment. Only part of the furniture is mine. That would about furnish a small apartment."

"No need. Bob has put his furniture in storage. You can do that, too, and stay with us until you get everything all sorted out," Ralph said.

"Gee. That's awful nice, but I don't want to be a bother."

"You're obviously no bother to Bob, and you certainly aren't to Jean and me. You're a good looking man, and we'll know where to take our business when our helicopters need maintenance." All laughed.

Jean fixed a nice dinner for the four men. They sat in the living room talking until time for bed. Then the four men split, each couple to their own bed.

To the readers:

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Next: Chapter 20

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