Surprise Guest

By Dastardlyd

Published on Jun 2, 2011



This story contains male sex activities. The men do not do safe sex. This is unwise. This story is a fantasy, not history. Treat it as such.



Surprise Guest

Chapter Eighteen- A New Playmate

Jean awoke with the sunrise. He checked his ass. It wasn't particularly sore. Albert wasn't as big as Ralph, and he certainly knew how to fuck nicely. Lying in the morning sun was pleasant, but he wanted some coffee, so he crawled out bed, emptied his bladder, gave his cock a shake, then some tentative jerks, and went to the kitchen.

Coffee started, Jean decided he would put on some shorts so he could go to the driveway and get Ralph's newspaper. Outside, looking at Bob's truck, he wondered when Bob would want to go to the cemetery, to see Roy's grave. It should be soon, he thought, or his grief will never end.

Back in the bedroom, Ralph awoke and missed Jean. He had gotten used to cuddling up to Jean in the morning, and now he worried that Jean had felt too used last night by Victor and Albert. He hoped not. Though he had not expected to have all that sex, or to change partners, Jean didn't seem to mind. Ralph really didn't mind. He had enjoyed tasting cum from Victor and Albert. He had just never expected to have sex with one of his teachers.

The more he thought of it, the more he liked thinking about sucking them and fucking Victor. Victor was a hot fuck, moving around in bed like a caged tiger, except no tiger would squeeze his cock like Victor's ass did.

Bob yawned, then sat up, looking at Ralph. "How are you, Bob, after that very long day? Did you all manage to accomplish what you set out to do?"

"Well, it looked like it would be a standard arrest of drug dealers, then one of the officers found a cache of weapons. It appears that some of those murders in the Alisal [a district of Salinas] occurred because of a turf war. We'll know more when we've finished our investigation.

Jean came in with two cups of coffee for his men, handing them to Ralph and Bob. "What time do you have to check in, Bob? Do I remember you saying 9 a.m.?" Bob nodded his head as he took a sip of hot coffee.

"It's still early. Let's have some breakfast. You two can shave and shower while I fix it."

"Bob, why don't you take your shower now? I'll go help Jean."

Bob went into the bathroom and lathered up to shave while Jean and Ralph went to the kitchen. "Ralph, I'm concerned that Bob hasn't been to the cemetery yet, to visit Roy's grave. Do you think it's okay that I bring that up this morning?"

Ralph thought a moment, then replied, "Sure. He really needs to get off the treadmill and finish up his grieving. Let's broach it gently during breakfast."

By the time breakfast was set on the table, Bob appeared in uniform. "I've got quite a bit of paperwork, so I might as well go in early and get started filling out forms. Oh, you might hear it elsewhere, so I'd better tell you that one of the drug dealers decided to resist. He started shooting at us. When that happened, I knew he was going to hurt somebody, so I took aim at him and fired. He was taken to the hospital, but I believe I killed him. I can't say I'm sorry I did, but he turned out to be just a teenager, probably no more than 18. Such a wasted life!"

Both Jean and Ralph rushed to hug him. Both reassured him that they understood his sadness, but were glad he had kept the dealer from killing anyone else.

At the table, as they finished up their breakfasts, Jean asked Bob, "Have you thought about visiting Roy's grave?"

"Yes, I've thought of it, and I think I'll try to go by today. I haven't looked forward to it, but I need to do it."

Jean handed Bob the rose that sat in a vase on the table. "This comes from the garden at the farm. Would you like to take it to the grave? I'll wrap it in some foil to keep it damp, and if you do get a chance to visit, you can leave it from all three of us."

Bob thanked Jean, hugged them both, then left for work.

"That was well said, Love. He wasn't told to go, just encouraged, and I liked the gift of the flower," Ralph smiled at Jean and patted his hand. "I'll get us both some more coffee."

Bob checked in at the sheriff's station and was told to complete his paperwork, then to go home on administrative leave. When the investigation and report on the shooting was completed, he would be called and told to return to duty. Bob completed his paperwork, then went to his truck, wondering what to do for the rest of the day. He knew he wasn't needed at the farm, maybe this was the day for the visit to Roy's grave.

Bob drove to the cemetery, parked his truck, and took Jean's rose with him to the grave. He knelt down and thought how he wished Roy was still here for him to hug, and to smooth down his hair. He began to cry. The more he thought, the stronger his tears. He sobbed and had to put both hands on the ground to steady himself. At last, he stood up and began to turn to the truck. He had heard someone nearby, crying, but he didn't pay any attention to that.

As Bob turned, he turned into someone. He couldn't see because of his tears. His hands went out to steady himself, and to keep from falling. At the same time he felt hands grab him and hold him.

Bob began to apologize, and he heard the other man saying similar words. They both stood there, hugging each other, looked up, and began sobbing. Bob saw through his tears a bench and suggested they sit down before they fell down. He took the other man's hand in his. The other man mutely followed him to the bench where they sat and faced each other.

Bob spoke first, "My name is Bob White. I'm sorry I almost knocked you down." His companion seemed to be about his size, much darker skin, with very short black hair. Bob guessed some of his ancestors were from Africa.

The other man spoke, "I'm Hal Roberts. I'm sorry too. I just couldn't see. I'm too broke up. This is my first visit to my wife and son's grave. I've been in the hospital for over three weeks since the accident that took their lives. I've missed them so much." He began to cry, deep sobs that wracked his body.

Bob put his hand on Hal's shoulder and drew him closer. With both arms he hugged Hal very gently but firmly. They just sat quietly, Hal sobbing, Bob patting his back. Then the lawn sprinklers turned on and both were drenched. They stood up. Bob grabbed Hal's hand and said, "We've got to run for it. My truck's down at the road below."

"I can't run," Hal said, "my leg's not healed from the accident. I've got a brace that keeps me from running."

"Okay. Then let's walk to the truck. We're soaked anyway." He chuckled, "I was thinking of doing my laundry today, but not this way."

At the truck, Bob asked if Hal had a car or truck. Hal shook his head `no." He had come in a taxi cab. He was supposed to call the taxi back on his cell phone. Then he realized he didn't have the cell phone. It must have been lost in the accident. He had been discharged from the hospital, given his possessions, and got the taxi driver to stop at a florist on the way to the cemetery. The flowers he placed at the grave he had bought on the way there.

Bob opened the passenger door of his truck for Hal and asked if Hal needed any help getting up to the seat. Hal pulled himself up into the high seat and closed the door. Bob asked where he could take Hal. Hal thought a moment and said, "I guess home. I can't stay in these wet clothes much longer, and the brace is going to be soaked through and worthless if I don't get out of them pretty soon. I'm sure glad you've got leather seats, otherwise the seats would be ruined."

"Okay. Where's home?" Hal directed Bob to his home, a small house on a quiet road in the country south of Salinas. "Let me help you in. At least I can do that."

Hal opened the door and motioned Bob to follow him. Inside, Hal led him to the kitchen and began to remove his clothes and drop them on the vinyl floor. He looked at Bob and said, "You'd better get out of that uniform and let me dry it, or you're going to get a cold." Bob stripped and gave him his uniform, which Hal gathered up with his wet clothes and put in the clothes dryer. He started the dryer, handed Bob a towel while he began to dry himself, and asked Bob if he would like something to warm him up. Bob looked at Hal's body, a muscular body with a nice uncut cock, just about the size of his cock. "Coffee, black, please. I'm beginning to shiver, and it's a warm day. Not good."

Hal started the coffee brewing, then said, "Coming up, but we might as well get under a blanket while the coffee brews." Bob followed Hal into the bedroom and climbed into the bed.

"You mentioned an accident. What happened?, Bob asked.

"It's a bit of a story. We were on our way here. My wife, Mary, had delivered our son John. I had held him that day. The next day I returned to bring them both home. We were on our way home, as I said, when some hot shot driver hit us at high speed. Mary and my son were in the back seat, and I was in the front seat driving. The other car hit us on the side, in the back. Mary and John were killed. I was trapped in the wreckage, they tell me. When I woke up in the hospital, they told me the surgeons put me back together, sewing up my guts and setting my fractured leg. I had some cuts and bruises, too.

"The following day, when I woke up, I asked for my wife and son and they told me both had died. That pretty much wiped me out for the day. As the days passed, they got me doing physical therapy, and a priest came and talked to me. It helped. By the time I was ready for discharge from the hospital, my C.O., oh, my commanding officer at Ft Ord, had the Army docs check me out. They decided I'd never be fit for duty again, so I'm going to be discharged from the Army soon. It's the only job I've ever had, and I don't know what I'll do. I have no family left." He began to cry, not the deep sobs, just quiet tears.

Bob put his arms around Hal and drew him close. "There. Let it all out. I'm sure you can find some work here. What did you do in the Army?"

"I'm a helicopter mechanic. That's my `m.o.s.,' my job classification, and all I've done since I finished training. I don't know anything else."

"Whoa!," Bob said, "you can still walk, can't you?" Hal nodded agreement. "This is Monterey County, the Lettuce Belt of the country. Every square inch of land that's not buildings and roads is farms. Helicopters are used to spray and seed the crops and vines. They're busy all year `round. With your experience, you're going to be in demand."

Hal turned and faced Bob, "Thanks for your kindness. I've been so beaten down that I didn't know how I'd go on." He pulled Bob to him and kissed Bob. "Thanks, and double thanks. Oh, oh, I hope I didn't disgust you. It's just that my parents and Mary and I hugged and kissed all the time. I forgot that other men don't necessarily know about that, or need it."

Bob kissed Hal and said, "I know I need hugs and kisses. I didn't get a lot of them, but where I live I get them all the time.

"You see, I had a partner, yeah, I'm gay. My partner got killed in an auto accident. He was young, barely out of his teens. I went to the cemetery today for the first visit. I took a rose that one of my friends, one of my hosts I should say, picked in his garden. I laid it on Roy's grave, and I lost it. That's why, when I stood up I didn't see you, and almost knocked you down.

"I live with a gay couple who, out of the goodness of their hearts, took me in, fed me, put up with me as I grieved, and made me a part of their family. You'll be amazed at Ralph and Jean. They're the best people on earth."

"Where do you all live?"

"Right now, at Ralph's house in the village north of Soledad, but Jean inherited a farm, really a vineyard, a working vineyard that produces outstanding grapes. There was a fire at the farm. It damaged the house, and Jean decided to remodel along with repair. He's going to add on several rooms so there will be space for guests, and me. He's already got a hot tub, and he's going to build a patio with outlets for utilities, so he can have friends over for parties. His uncle used to do that, I'm told."

Bob felt Hal's body against his, and both cocks had filled out. Bob tried to pull back, but Hal held tight and said, "Don't move. This is the first time I've felt like a real human being in weeks. I like your hugs, your body, and your cock feels very good against mine. In fact, when you moved a bit, I felt your cock and mine move against each others' bodies, and it felt damn good! Let's try that again."

Bob moved back and forth, and both felt their cocks being pushed in a pleasurable way. Hal laughed and pushed back. Soon their cocks were hard as rocks, and ready to shoot. Hal tried to pull back, but Bob said, "Don't go away. Shoot on me. I'll shoot on you. Then we can rub some more with the cum sliding between us. Here, roll on top of me."

Hal rolled on top of Bob and continued to move, bringing satisfied cries of "Oh, yes" from Bob. Hal kissed Bob, and Bob kissed back, putting his tongue out to enter Hal's mouth. Hal opened his mouth and joined in a duel of tongues with Bob. The breaths got deeper and harder. Together, they shot, bringing big loads to share all over their partner. Hal grabbed Bob and rolled him over on top of Hal.

"I liked that Bob. I never had sex with a man before, but it felt good. It is something I'd like to try again, if it's okay with you."

"Oh, shit yes! I'd like to try some other things with you, but I've shot my wad for now. Let's get cleaned up and have some of that coffee."


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Next: Chapter 19

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