Surprise Guest

By Dastardlyd

Published on May 3, 2011


Once again, I offer another chapter in the "Surprise Guest" story, for posting in Gay/ Beginnings. Chapter 13 was posted on April 16.

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Dick Merrill


This story includes male to male sex. If you are too young, or you are not allowed to read this in your country, please leave the site now.

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Surprise Guest

Chapter Fourteen

When the three men awoke from their nap, they cuddled together, Ralph and Jean had their arms over Bob's chest and crotch, while leaning across Bob to kiss.

Bob said, "This is the loving family I always wished I had. I don't know how to thank you for all you've done for me."

Ralph began, "Bob, we just showed our love and respect for you.
Jean interjected, "Remember that we enjoyed your love making, too. I have enjoyed sucking your cock, having you fuck me, and now being able to cum again. In fact, without your participation, Ralph might never have known the pleasure of being fucked. So, we're all happy to have become the best of friends....with benefits." All laughed.

Jean mused, "I wonder if I shouldn't tell Carlos about the ideas to beef up the new master bath, and to pour cement in the back, along with bringing utilities out to the site for barbecues."

Shortly thereafter, the phone rang. Ralph answered it and told Jean, "It's for you. Carlos."

Jean greeted Carlos and told him that the three of them had some additional ideas for the remodeling of the farm house. Carlos wanted to come later today to the house in town to discuss the plans. Jean welcomed him, and invited him to dinner. Carlos replied that he appreciated the invitation, but he wouldn't be able to come tonight. He arranged to meet them in 30 minutes.

Jean told Ralph and Bob that Carlos was on his way, and if they didn't want to invite him into the bedroom to chat, they had better get dressed while Jean made coffee. All three hurriedly dressed.

While Jean made coffee, Ralph and Bob straightened up the living room, picking up the newspaper, and putting all of it together, except for the sports section and news of Ralph's beloved Giants.

Soon the door bell rang. Jean shouted out, "I'll get it." When he opened the door, there stood that handsome, red-haired man Carlos. Jean invited him in, noticing that Carlos held a rolled-up paper. He said, "Carlos, maybe we better go into the kitchen where we can roll out your drawings."

Jean led Carlos to the kitchen, where Ralph and Bob had cleared the table. Carlos spread his rolled up paper out on the table, and asked for something to hold its curled-up corners down. Ralph grabbed the salt and pepper shakers that had just been placed on the counter. Bob collected the sugar bowl and cream pitcher. Together they flattened the paper for use.

Carlos said, "I had some ideas we hadn't mentioned, but I think you may want them included in the remodel. First, the mud room is going to be near the clothes washer and dryer, so it would be easy to instal an outdoor shower so that you could wash off before coming into the house. Seeing how you seem to use the back yard, with the hot tub and all, it wouldn't be too difficult to bring utilities out to the area between the shower and the hot tub, so you could have a sink, electric power, and, if you'd like, natural gas for barbecuing. Many people like to barbecue with gas, rather than propane."

Ralph and Jean smiled at each other, recognizing that Carlos was the contractor they needed for the project.

"We hadn't talked much about the master bathroom, but I've sketched in a very large shower, with room for two big men, or more, and three shower heads. There would be room enough for a bench or stool if you ever wanted that, so you could sit down while washing your feet, or attend to the man who was sharing the shower with you."

Bob laughed. "I knew Carlos wouldn't be fooled by all this `straight acting.' He'd know a bunch of gays, no matter how straight they pretended to be."

Now Carlos laughed. "I am family, too. You'll get to know my partner, Harold, soon enough. He works with me. He's supervising the job we're finishing up."

"I think we need a big hot water tank, so we can take long showers," Ralph added. Carlos smiled.

"Now, the existing bath and the existing bed rooms ought, I think, to be enlarged. If Bob is going to stay with you, he needs a big closet and some extra room for a computer set up, or just a desk with room to handle his affairs. The other existing bedroom ought to have some more space, so there can be a couple of chairs, along with the existing bedroom furniture.

"Now, your quarters: first, your bedroom needs to have two big closets, room for a few of chairs for TV watching, if you want to do it away from the living room, and a separate room for the office.

"For the office, I figure two good-sized computer desks, each with an "L" for paper work, and a file cabinet. You probably ought to have some file cabinets to handle the records you keep.

"I've thought about having a sliding glass door to the outside, so that you could get to the hot tub easily."

Carlos paused, "Well, men, any thoughts?"

Jean looked at the paper, then turned to Carlos, "Can you give me a ball park figure on all this?"

Carlos smiled and said, "I believe we can do this for less than $100,000, if materials don't jump in prices, or something unforeseen arises, like some underground tank we didn't know about and have to move, or some utility line which is buried. I don't expect that, but in the Salinas Valley, you can't be sure of what's beneath the surface until you dig.

"I'm going to leave this sketch with you, ask you to think about it, and call me when you're ready to discuss the project. I'd like for you to be clear on what you want before we bring in the architect.

"Anything you want to say before I leave you?"

"No, I'm pleased with what you've suggested. We'll go over the sketch and see if we have any other ideas," Jean replied.

They all shook hands and Carlos left. The three men gathered around the sketch, examining the plan for the house.

"I wonder if there shouldn't be more outside doors, say for my room, and from the front of the house into the mud room or the kitchen, so you don't have to walk through the living room to get to the mud room, or go around to the back yard," Bob suggested.

"That's a good idea," Jean responded. "That way we can keep the tracking of mud into the house limited to the garage and the mud room. And, of course, you need to be able to get to the back yard without going through the garage. We'll even make it easier for someone who wants to get to a bedroom for some play, like Sean used to do."

Bob and Ralph laughed, Bob saying, "I hadn't intended making my room into the local "bath house," but you never know what's going to happen when a group of guys come for a party. Maybe the other guest room ought to have the sliding glass door, so it can be used for play, and my bedroom would be off limits, unless I wanted to play with someone privately."

Jean and Ralph both laughed, Jean saying, "So now, you're going to have your harem visiting your room during parties, but you'll be a little more selective than Sean?"

"Look," Ralph said, "Carlos has put sliding glass doors in each of the existing bedrooms, and has enlarged both, putting a big closet in Bob's room, and space for some `activities.' I'll bet he has a pretty good idea of how this house will be used.

"Clarence told me about your uncle's parties, Jean, and how a bedroom was available to those who wanted to play. I learned that that was where Sean used to hold court,' attracting party goers who wanted to fuck him. I just thought, unless we want to rent a port-a-potty,' we need to think about the bathroom being easily reached by the guests. Let's talk to Carlos about that.

" Jean, it seems to me that you've been doing a lot of cooking, and we're taking advantage of you. What say we go to Fisherman's Wharf in Monterey for some seafood? On me, of course," Ralph asked.

"No," Bob said. "It's only fair that I pay for this dinner. Jean has been cooking, while you have shared your house with me...No problems? Let's grab a jacket. You know how windy Monterey can be. We might just enjoy a walk along Cannery Row after dinner. Okay. Let's go."

As they walked along the pier at Fishermen's Wharf," Jean remembered how his uncle would talk about the old days, days when the cheapest entree at Pop Ernst, at the far end of the pier, was abalone. "Things have certainly changed; that's the most expensive sea food on the menu now...if they have any."

All three men settled for some cioppino, a fish stew with sea food created in San Francisco. The French bread was San Francisco-style also, sour dough. all agreed that merlot was the best choice of wine with the cioppino.

They finished off their meal with coffee. Ralph reminisced, "In the old days, I would have had a cigarette now. I really don't miss them, but it was what we all did then, before we learned that cigarettes can give us cancer and emphysema, restrict the blood flow and lead to strokes, and do bad things to the heart. Sometimes I almost wish I didn't know about all the physical risks that come with living in our world."

Bob insisted on paying for the meal, but Ralph and Jean paid the tip. As they drove back to Ralph's home, Jean asked Bob, "Have you checked in with the sheriff's office since you started your vacation?"

"No, I haven't, but I ought to tomorrow. My week's almost up."

At home, the bedtime preparations were relaxed, but careful, Ralph carefully washing under this foreskin in case any precum had leaked out while he was with his men. Jean carefully washed Bob's ass, Ralph's, and his own. Ralph reminded Jean that he was going to have a blow job while Bob fucked him, a complete three-in-one.

At last, they all got into bed, Bob in the middle. "I've got to get to the outside if I'm going to fuck Jean, and Ralph blows Jean. This is a little complex for so late in the day, but let's see what fun we can have."

Positions were changed and Bob lubed his cock and Jean's ass while Ralph positioned Jean's cock in front of himself.

First, Ralph kissed Jean while caressing his nipples, then he moved down his body to lick down to his pubic hair and across, from side to side. As Ralph had kissed, caressed and licked Jean, Bob slowly pushed his hard cock into Jean's ass. When Jean moaned, Ralph opened his mouth and began to lick Jean's cock. First, Ralph licked the nice mushroom head, then he began to swallow it while running his tongue around the underside of the head. Bringing his lips down to Jean's bush, then back again, he noticed that he and Bob seemed to fall into the same rhythm.

Jean noticed also. He moaned and ran his hands up and down Ralph's hairy back while the other two pleasured him. It didn't take long with the two at work for Jean to feel he was close to cumming. He told Ralph just in time for Ralph to hold Jean's cock in his mouth and feel the pulses. Bob felt Jean's sphincter close tight on his cock, and it pushed him over the edge, filling Jean's ass with cum that kept on coming.

The three paused to recover normal breathing, then Jean spoke, "Fellas, that was great. I really enjoyed the joint effort. It's been a long, long time since I came at the time I was being fucked, and I loved it."

Ralph and Bob agreed that it was great to be able to give Jean such pleasure, particularly when he had always been the one to offer pleasure to others and ask none in return.

Ralph went to the bathroom, partially wet two towels, brought them back to the bed to clean up Jean and Bob. He rinsed the towels out in the bathroom, then returned to bed, climbed in next to Jean and said, "I believe we need some sleep if tomorrow's going to be a busy day." The other two agreed, and soon were asleep.

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Next: Chapter 15

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