Surprise Guest

By Dastardlyd

Published on Apr 5, 2011


From the author to the readers:

This story includes male to male sex. If it is illegal for you to read this because of age or what laws govern your reading material, please do not read this story.

You will note that the characters earlier asked each other before having unprotected sex. It is unwise to have unprotected sex if you can not trust your partner. These characters did trust one another.

Surprise Guest

Chapter Eleven: Starting the Morning Right

Two days later, Ralph sat beside Jean still feeling perplexed. He didn't know what he might have done to upset Bob. Jean cautioned, "Let's let Bob explain when he's ready. Whatever it is, it's something devastating to him."

"All right," Ralph began, "let's get on with some of our problems. What has the insurance company done about your uncle's pickup. It must have been a total wreck from what Bob said."

"It was, according to the insurance man," Jean answered. "It was insured as a special, classic car, and seems to have been worth at least $50,000. I'll know more about that, probably next week.

"When Carlos tells us about the remodeling, I'll get him to estimate what repairing the garage should cost so I can present it to the insurance company. There were tools in there, but I have no idea what they were worth. Like the pickup, my uncle liked to keep things around that he felt comfortable with. Thus, the tools were probably old. Knowing him, they were probably wiped clean every night, sharpened regularly, and treated with great care."

"That's the hard thing about losing things and trying to let insurance proceeds substitute. Lost things may have an emotional attachment that you can't put a value on," Ralph reflected.

"This is fun, but I'd better get started on dinner. Bob may regain his appetite, and you and I have worked hard enough to enjoy a good dinner. I thought we could have some of those pork chops we bought in Salinas, and broccoli, and summer squash, and a tossed salad. Would you mind making the salad? There are tomatoes, lettuce, avocados, mushrooms and dressing in the refrigerator. We should keep the salad undressed until we serve it."

"Yes, sir. I shall be glad to make the salad. Should I undress while preparing it? Or, would you like to undress me?" Ralph joked. Jean laughed and patted Ralph on the back.

Dinner preparations went on, with the two men chatting amiably. Bob walked into the kitchen, red-eyed, and looking very sad. He sat down at the table. Jean offered him some coffee, but Bob just shook his head no.

Jean and Ralph continued their dinner preparations until Bob began to speak, "I owe you an explanation for why I ran out of the room the other night. You see, Roy and I were never married, nor had a Domestic Partnership. When he died, I had no right to claim his body, nor plan a funeral. His parents claimed his body and arranged a quick, private funeral. I wasn't invited. I never had a chance to say goodbye," his voice broke and he began to cry.

Both Jean and Ralph came to Bob, put their arms around him, taking turns rubbing his back and caressing his hair. In a short while, he began to speak again, "You see, though Roy came to live with me after his parents threw him out of the house, I didn't count when it came to the last things."

Ralph handed Bob a box of tissues. He blew his nose, wiped his eyes, and continued, "I heard they blame me for him being into drugs and going around with the wrong sort of people. That was the reason they kicked him out of the house in the first place. They think that anything he did was my fault. Heck, I didn't even know him when he started using illegal drugs, but they claim it's my fault. There's nothing I can do to convince them otherwise. They won't talk to me. They had the church service in their pentecostal church, and probably all the people there knew what had caused him to leave home. There's nothing I can do." He lowered his head to his hands which were together on the table.

Jean said to Bob, "You're right. There's nothing you can do, and I'll bet nothing you could say to his family to make them change their warped minds.

"I have a nice dinner started. Some pork chops, broccoli and summer squash, and Ralph made a tossed salad. Do you think you could eat some dinner?"

Bob raised his head, inhaled some tantalizing odors coming from the stove, and said, "That smells good, and I haven't been eating too well lately. since Roy moved out, except what you've fed me. I'm sure I can eat something after you worked hard to cook it."

Ralph, deep in thought, began to set the table for dinner, bringing the salad from the refrigerator, along with several bottles of salad dressing. Jean dished up the plates of food for each of them, then brought them to the table.

Jean asked Bob and Ralph to join hands with him, then he began, "God of all that is good, I ask you to bless Bob and lead him to the assurance that Roy will no longer have to deal with his hurts and rejections through escape, but is now full and complete in your love. And, God, bless the food which we have prepared, bless us and use us. In your holy name. Amen."

Bob and Ralph repeated the "Amen."

All three men began to eat. Ralph said, "Jean, as always, your cooking is great. I like the pork chops and the vegetables.

"Bob, I'm sorry you couldn't attend the funeral, but, there's nothing to keep you from going to the grave site, and I know Jean and I would gladly visit the grave site with you."

" Yes, think it over, Bob. Ralph and I could go there with you, if you wish....Now, on a lighter mood, I'm going to serve the salad at the end of the meal, as my uncle and good French men and women do. No rich desserts to end the meal. That will have to wait until we all get back into regular exercising."

"Dictator!" Ralph said, with a big smile.

"That's probably best," Bob agreed. "I haven't been doing any heavy labor lately, except for clearing the apartment and storing things that day."

"I'll load the dishwasher," said Ralph. "Who ever cooks doesn't do the dishes. You two go take a shower. I'll be in shortly." Ralph rapidly rinsed and loaded the dinner dishes into the dishwasher, then joined the other two in the shower. The three found the shower stall plenty big for three men. They enjoyed a little caressing and manipulation, then took turns washing and drying each other,.

Jean led the way to bed. Bob got in the middle, with Jean and Ralph on either side, caressing and kissing Bob. Bob relaxed and shortly fell asleep. Ralph leaned over sleeping Bob and kissed Jean, told him he loved him, and wished him good night, then lay back to fall asleep soon. So did Jean.

The next morning, all three men awoke at about the same time, keeping still, enjoying the feel of good bodies sharing the bed. Jean looked at Ralph and asked, "How horny are you this morning, Love?"

Ralph brightened and replied, "Let me show you." Then he climbed out of bed, came to Jean's side and picked him up, kissed him, and while his hard cock was rubbing against Jean, said, "Here's the evidence. Will that convict me of being a horny fucker?"

"It feels good to me. Let's see what it can do." Ralph put Jean face down in bed, climbed over him to straddle his body, and rubbed his cock against Jean's ass. Jean cried for more, and Ralph gave it to him. His cock was leaking pre-cum furiously. He rubbed it against Jean's hole, and pushed in. Jean sighed in delight. Ralph pushed all the way into Jean's hole, until he was docked and ready to move.

Ralph began to move his cock in a circular fashion, rubbing all sides of Jean's hole, then pushing in and out, driving with such force that Jean wondered if he would be pushed through the mattress to the floor. Very shortly, Ralph cried out in a husky voice, "Here I come." He did, several times, with such force his body shook. Then he lay down upon Jean, being careful to keep most of his weight on his arms.

"Thank you, Love. I needed that."

Jean turned his head, smiled at Ralph, kissed him, and said, "That starts the day well. Let me go make some coffee. Maybe Bob would like a little loving, too." Jean left to make coffee, while Ralph turned to Bob, looked at his stiff cock and asked, "How are you today?"

Bob leaned over and kissed Ralph and asked, "Would you mind giving me a blow job? I've got a pretty stiff one here, and it needs some relief."

Ralph leaned over, kissed the head of Bob's cock, then took it into his mouth. His hands explored Bob's nipples while his mouth engulfed Bob's cock, swallowing all of it. His tongue stroked the underside, where the sperm tube was full. As he moved up and down on Bob's cock, his left hand passed by the damp cock, getting a fair amount of saliva on his middle finger. Then the finger sought out Bob's hole, pushed in, and began to finger fuck Bob. Bob groaned in delight. Soon Bob's cock released several spurts of cum into Ralph's mouth. Ralph eagerly swallowed the first spurts, kept the rest in his mouth, and when Bob was done shooting, moved up and shared the cum in a kiss with Bob.

Ralph suggested they join Jean for coffee.

Once again, my sincere thanks go to Ursuspilosus for his suggestions and proof reading of this chapter. Any errors are mine, and were not presented to him for review.

Comments and suggestions are appreciated by the author,

Next: Chapter 12

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