Surprise Guest

By Dastardlyd

Published on Mar 29, 2011




________________________________________________________________________ Surprise Guest

Chapter Ten

The next morning everyone was awake by 6 a.m. Jean had already started coffee. Everyone wanted to get an early start, so they settled on coffee, orange juice and toast.

Jean looked to Ralph and suggested he and Bob come to the farm, listen to the contractor, make suggestions, then go start Bob's move. Jean was going to meet Juan and Sean, and get started cleaning up the vineyard. Ralph suggested he leave the pickup for Jean at the farm, and go in Bob's pickup to Bob's apartment. That way Jean would have a way to get home after he finished at the vineyard.

Bob excused himself to call the sheriff's office and ask for a week's leave. He also gave Ralph's telephone number if he needed to be contacted during that week off. He explained to Ralph and Jean that it wouldn't cause any problems, because several deputies were due back from vacation today. The shift supervisor told him that would be okay.

Ralph rode with Jean in Ralph's pickup. Jean had driven stick shifts for many years, and had no trouble driving the big pickup. He led the way to the farm, Bob following.

At the farm, Jean led Bob and Ralph into the house. He apologized for the dust and dirt, but Bob told him that he understood, the house had sat empty since Jean's uncle had died. As they walked around the house, showing Bob the floor plan, both Jean and Ralph became aware that they ought to plan for a bedroom for Bob. Keeping one bedroom for him, one for a guest room. They communicated silently, agreeing that Bob should have his own room. Later they would agree that Bob could stay with them, share their bed as long as he needed.

They needed to add two rooms, a master bedroom-and-bath suite for them, and an office big enough for their desks, computers, printer, file cabinets for each man, and a couple of chairs for guests, if any.

Bob asked about rebuilding of the garage. Jean said, "I guess we'll just rebuild what was destroyed, though making the laundry room a little bigger, so it can be used as a mud room, a place to strip out of work clothes."

Bob suggested, "You may want to add another bay for a car. You two will each have some kind of car, and you may want to have another bay for a tractor, some other equipment, or for a guest to park his car."

"That's an excellent idea," Jean agreed. "We hadn't thought of that before, but you're absolutely right. At this time, adding another bay to the garage won't cost much. It would if we had to do it later."

While the three men were looking at the ruin of the garage, a big pickup pulled up, and a tall good-looking man with red hair walked toward them. "Jean Roualt?" he asked. "I am Carlos Ramirez. I'm here to look over your house and talk about repairing the damage."

Jean shook Carlos' hand, then introduced Ralph and Bob. Carlos remembered meeting Bob at a community meeting where Bob spoke on safety and safeguarding property.

"Let's have a look at the damage to the garage first," Carlos said. "What are your thoughts about rebuilding it?"

Jean spoke, "Bob suggested we add a third bay when we rebuild the garage. That would provide shelter and security for a tractor, if we get one, or a car of a guest. We thought it wouldn't cost a lot more than rebuilding the garage as it was, a two-car garage. I would like to have extra space for a work bench and tool storage." Carlos agreed that those changes wouldn't cost a great deal.

Jean led them on a tour of the outside of the house, which Carlos agreed was in generally good condition. When Jean led them inside the house, he began to speak of turning the laundry into a mud room, then of the additions that he and Ralph had discussed. Carlos replied that the additions would raise the cost of rebuilding substantially, but would cost a lot less if the work was scheduled when the garage was being rebuilt.

Carlos told them, "It will take me a while to lay out the work you want done, then we need to talk about the design, the overall cost, and hiring an architect to do the plans."

Jean asked, "Do we need to bring in an architect just to draw what we talked about?"

Carlos assured him, "Without an architect's drawings, you won't get this much work through the county building department. A good architect will save you more than his fee in how he works to design what you want, then comes to the site if the building inspector has any questions. And, in this county, the building inspectors are very particular about following the codes. If someone tries to get by, not following the codes, they can require you to tear out what you have done, or to tear down a whole building. This many additions will mean you have to meet the current codes for the parts of the house which are not being remodeled. Sorry, it's just better to work with them than against them."

"That makes sense," Jean said. " Would you like a deposit now?"

"Not today, but when I come back with some estimates," Carlos said as he walked to his pickup. "I have your phone number. You aren't going out of town, are you?"

Jean said, "We're going to stay in town, but I'll work in the vineyard during the day. Juan and Sean will be with me. I guess I'd better get a cell phone. Oh, may I have your phone number?'

Carlos reached into his wallet, gave both Jean and Ralph business cards, and said, "Sorry. I should have done this earlier. I am finishing up a job nearby, and could start in about two weeks. Dismantling the ruins of the garage will take some time. By the time that's done, the architect can have submitted his plans to the building inspection department, and gotten the permit. I'd better get going now. I still have a job to finish."

Carlos left. Ralph looked at Jean and asked, "How do you feel about this? Should we talk some more now, or after we get home?"

"It's starting out well," Jean answered. "Juan and Sean should be here any minute, so why don't you go to Bob's apartment and get the move started?" He hugged Ralph, pulled Ralph's head down and kissed him. "I love you, you big handsome man." Ralph kissed Jean again, then got into Bob's pickup and left for Bob's apartment.

Shortly after Ralph and Bob drove away, Juan and Sean came around the house and greeted Jean, "Good morning, and it's going to be a good day. Are you ready to get started? Your uncle's tools were all in the garage, and are probably not worth much since the fire. We brought our own."

Jean said, "That's certainly thoughtful of you. I hadn't thought about needing tools, but I'd better get some soon. Let's get started."

The three men surveyed the vineyard, began to talk of what needed to be done first, then parceled out the work among the three of them. Jean worked alongside the other two men, sharing equally in the heavy work. In an hour or so, they stopped so Juan could have a cigarette, and Sean and Jean could sit down.

"I keep nagging Juan to quit, but I know it's not easy to quit. It wasn't for me. I was working in the Sierra, where it gets darned cold in the Winter. I got walking pneumonia, and had to quit. When I got over the pneumonia, I tried to smoke again, but I coughed so hard I thought I'd cough up my lungs. I don't wish that on Juan, but I don't want him to risk cancer like my uncle did, and he died of it. His wife got emphysema from being around his cigarette smoke, and she died of that. It's bad stuff."

"I'm cutting down on the number of cigarettes I smoke, I'm down to half a pack a day," Juan proclaimed, but he knew that Sean wouldn't buy that. `It's totally quitting, or it's just as bad as smoking like he used to,' Sean would remind him.

Jean asked Juan and Sean to figure the number of hours they had put in taking care around the house since his uncle died, and the work they did on the vineyard, for it was in better shape than it would have been had it been left untended.

Four hours work done seemed to make a good start on cleaning up the vineyard, so Jean announced he was going to Ralph's home, but he would like Sean and Juan to meet him at the vineyard at 9 a.m. the next morning.

While Jean drove home, Bob and Ralph were loading Bob's pickup with clothing and things Bob would need each day. The furniture was all sorted out by utility, with the worthless pieces moved to the apartments' dumpster, and the pieces Bob wanted to keep waiting to be taken to storage. There weren't many pieces to be moved to storage. Bob and Ralph together could take everything in two pickup loads each. Bob cleaned up the apartment, though it was looking good already.

When they arrived at Ralph's home, Jean had already arrived, and was making a list of tools needed for the vineyard and garden.

After Bob's pickup was unloaded at Ralph's home, both pickups were driven to Bob's apartment, loaded with furniture, then driven to the local storage lockers. Bob rented a small locker, and they unloaded the first batch of furniture, drove back to the apartment, loaded up the last of the furniture, and took it to the storage lockers.

Back at the apartment, Bob gave the landlord a quick tour of the cleaned apartment, the keys to the changed locks of his apartment, and thanked the landlord for a pleasant stay. The landlord promised to return the security deposit, taking Ralph's address. Ralph called home to tell Jean they were on their way home.

When Ralph and Bob arrived at Ralph's house, Jean had already laid out the makings for sandwiches, made a fresh pot of coffee, and set the table for hungry men.

Around the table, Ralph and Jean talked of what all had happened in the past seven days: Jean had found a home, Ralph a partner, they had decided to sell Ralph's house and move to the remodeled farm house, and, not least, Bob would be living with them as long as he wished.

After lunch, Jean suggested a nap, which sounded good to the other two. They stripped, climbed into bed with Bob in the middle, and Jean and Ralph cuddled up to Bob, caressed him, and soon heard him sigh and fall asleep. When he started to snore, they carefully got out of bed and went into the kitchen, where Ralph started a pot of coffee.

"Lover, how long do you think Carlos will take to finish the job?" Ralph asked.

"Well, lover, he didn't say. I believe we're talking about months. This is the best time of year to do building, and he should be able to start on our house in a couple of weeks. What say we offer extra money if he finishes within two months of starting the job? That would certainly encourage him to hire extra men, if necessary, and to work some extra time in order to meet a deadline." Ralph nodded his agreement.

Ralph poured the coffee and put his arm around Jean. "What say we take our coffee out to the living room? I want to cuddle with you. We need to do some talking about how Bob fits in, and how we can help him.'

The two men sat down on the couch, coffee cups in front of them on the small table, Ralph put his arm around Jean.

"Ralph, I don't want to jeopardize our relationship. You have brought sunshine back into my life. Yet, we both realize that Bob is going to have to take some time getting through his grief. Losing Roy was probably the biggest shock in his life. I think we ought to give him time, make sure we don't seem to be rushing him to get resettled, nor pushing him to do things he wouldn't do otherwise."

"Agreed, Jean. My, my," he said, stroking Jean's hair. " You certainly know how to handle difficult situations. Here we are, almost married, and faced with helping Bob, and starting remodeling your farm..." Jean cleared his throat. "All right, our farm. That's a lot on our plate, yet I think we can do it."

The two moved even closer together. Ralph picked up Jean and carefully lowered him onto Ralph's lap. "I hope you don't feel I'm trying to demean you because I'm taller than you, but I just love to cuddle up close, to feel you beside me, or on top of me. Just being near you makes me feel good, very good.

"I never knew kissing a man could be so much fun, or caressing him, or feeling his body on mine. In fact, I never felt a man's skin on mine until I met you. I know some of the boys played around in high school, but I never did.

"First, being a football player takes a lot of time for practices and games. Then, my folks insisted that I get good grades, because that was how I could get a scholarship to college, and I had to have that. I didn't have many male friends in high school, except members of the team. So, I didn't do a lot of things other boys did.

"But now I want to make up for that," and began to run his hands gently over Jean's chest, then down to his groin. Jean could feel Ralph's thickening cock as it pushed against his ass, trying to open it up. Skin against skin.

Bob came into the living room as Ralph spoke his last words. "Don't let me interrupt anything."

"No problem," Jean said, "Do you want some coffee?" Bob nodded yes, and Jean went into the kitchen.

"Ralph, I feel I'm pushing you into the gay life awfully fast for a man who seems to have led a totally straight life until recently."
"No problem, Bob. Jean and I seem to have a pretty good grounding for our relationship. We enjoy talking, and we'll move along quite well. Your friendship will give us a chance to learn how we operate together."

Jean returned with Bob's coffee, and they all sat silently, enjoying their coffee and the view over the green Salinas Valley.

Bob said, "What you started you should finish. Why don't you go to the bedroom?"

Ralph immediately responded, "Well, sure, and come along with us. You need to be a part of this."

The three got into bed, again with Bob in the middle. Jean and Ralph began to run their hands over his body. Ralph started by kissing Bob, then licking from his ear down to his neck, and then both nipples. Jean started licking the insides of both legs, starting at the ankles and ending sucking his balls.

Jean opened his mouth further and took in Bob's cock, running his tongue around the head of the cock, carefully circling the underside. Bob smiled and asked Ralph to come up so he could suck his cock. Ralph rapidly moved into position so Bob could pull his cock into position for a good suck. Bob opened his mouth, took a good swipe with his tongue over the head of Ralph's drooling cock, and pulled it all the way into his mouth . Running his tongue around the head of Ralph's cock, Bob sucked in the some of the copious amounts of precum Ralph was sending out.

In a matter of minutes, both Ralph and Bob came. Jean crawled between the two of them, took Ralph's spent cock in his hand, gave it a quick swipe with his tongue, and said, "I'll take sloppy seconds any time when it's your cock, Ralph."

"Lover," Ralph began, "I haven't anything left to give you, but if you wait a bit, I'll be happy to breed you."

"It won't be necessary, Ralph, I'm quite content with sucking a nice cock and lying between two good looking, good fucking men. I think we all need a couple of minutes rest, and I'll happily rest between such sexy men."

A short while later they were back in the living room, drinking coffee, and talking about the remodeling of the farm house. Ralph asked Bob, "How is the unplanned vacation going?"

"Well, I know I've got to make some changes, but I haven't made any decisions. It's probably too soon to make a lot of changes. I know I don't have the same life I once had. I do have a job I like. I have two wonderful friends who have taken me into their home, given me a lot of love, and great sex, and so I can take some time before making any big decisions."

Jean spoke to Bob, "Speaking of decisions, you're a part of the redesign of the farm house, so you should tell me what you would like in your room."

"My room?"

"Sure. You'll have your room. We are going to add on a suite for Ralph and me, but you will have one of the existing bedrooms, so we want to make it comfortable for you."

"I'll have to think about that," said Bob.

"While we're at it," Ralph asked Bob, "You haven't said anything about Roy's funeral. Do you have any plans?"

Again, Bob began to cry, then left the room.

Ralph asked Jean, "Did I do something wrong? I don't want to hurt him."

"Surely, Ralph, you didn't say anything hurtful. I guess we'll have to wait to find out."

And, wait they did. Bob was silent for two days, and Ralph kept asking himself what he had done wrong.

My thanks go out to "ursuspilosus", my editor. He has suffered through many typing errors, confused names, and general chaos, yet he continues to help and encourage me. I recommend you read his stories found in the "Prolific Authors" section. He is one hot author.

This author and "ursuspilosus" both appreciate hearing from our readers.

Next: Chapter 11

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